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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dang girl!  And it just keeps coming.  I'm so sorry about your SIL this disease really is a b**ch!  Maybe your brother needed your to reassure your SIL even though you yourself needed reassurance.  Suggest BCO to her I'm sure she will find it very helpful.

    It's always scary when we think we are home and hosed only to be sprayed with cold water and informed that there is something suspicious going on that needs to be looked into.  Hopefully it's scar tissue if it's near your previous surgery and if it's not, here's hoping whatever it is, it's B9.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Oh, Chabba, I'm so sorry to hear about all this! Awful for you, awful for your SIL.

    Sending love to you.


  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105


    So sorry to hear this news for both you and your SIL.  Lifting you both up in prayer.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chabba, sweetie! How very. very scary for you!!! I've had two similar scares and each one is like the first time, but we hold so much more knowledge in our minds that we KNOW what those bumps could be!! You are top in my prayers. Please let us know!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chabba, sorry to hear about your challenges...I know the concern and fear you are feeling.  I am just starting this journey which seems never ending.  Sending your prayers and positive energy!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    (((Chabba))) Sending hope and prayers to you and your family!  It sounds as though your MO is right on top of things which is reassuring. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thanks ladies.  I'll admit, this time I'm scared.  I think what frightens me the most is the speed in which they went from not showing on a mamo and a normal blood panel to being laarge enough for me to find two of them myself.  And while I still hope the one is scar tissue, the other two are in the other breast.

    DB and SIL live in Virginia..... She does have supportive sisters who live nearby.  Brother is my only family except for my husband.  DB has called regularly since my DX to check on me.  DH's DB and DS call him regularly but have never even asked how I am when I answer the phone and I know he told them about it.  My support has come from BCO and the men in my DH, the two men I cook with at the Senior Center, the men on my two bowling teams and one client who is also a friend.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195


    We are with you, honey. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    oh, Chabba, I know just the feeling, the same thing happened to me...we already know our journey...sending huge hugs...

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chabba, so sorry to hear about your new information.  This disease is so unpredictable.  Sending prayers and hugs.

    It's raining sideways out there--I'm going to try to shop before the crowds show up and hoping people won't wanna go out in the rain.  DH will help me make pie later.  Suddenly Thanksgiving is starting to sound like a lotta work!  

    This whole cancer experience has brought back my spiritual chaos--I wish I could be certain like so many people are.  I was raised on "heaven and hell," now not so sure.  I hope God isn't as strict as the one I grew up with!  The nuns scared us all to death.  There are a lot of things we don't really know and life is really a leap of faith.  Sorry--no more "deep thoughts!"


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Dragon, don't apologize for your "deep thoughts"!  I suspect most of us here have had a few deep thoughts of our own, because this disease peels back our presumptions like layers off an onion!

    After my BMX + lat flap surgery, when I was cocooned in my sheets with extremely restricted movement, I remember having the distinct feeling for the first time in my life that I do not "have" a soul -- rather I actually AM a soul that just happens to have a body.  (Later, I ran across this exact thought in an old quote, and I had to laugh at myself a little -- I mean, did I really think I was the first person to be overcome with that thought? :-)  Silly me.) 

    I wish I could hand you my bent-up, marked-up copy of Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis -- he dealt with a lot of the things you mention, so beautifully and so rationally.  Lots to think about.  I'm re-reading it now because I have a daughter in college who is going through a time of questioning and confusion, and I'm just trying to give her space and yet love her through it. 

    Well, I'm going on and on here and all I really meant to say is... I wish you peace in your spirit.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Chabba just sending big cyber hugs. We are all with you and you are in our prayers.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    I second lulu's comments to you, Dragon.
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Chabba: i am so sorry for your new praying really hard anything they find will b(. every lumps scares us, but they CAN be b9 also. after once bitten, we always forget that.. i had plenty lumps that were b9 for years.. (i know, im an eternal optismist...) i hope im right, this time...

       As far as yoursIL goes, depends on what ex they do , and how much, and how long shes had it, what drugs she's taken... in other words, it has a lot of ariables.. have her talk to her onco; if in fact, she's doing chemo... we don't do well with dense dose ; with ms... feel free to give her my email, if ya want, pm me; and i'll give it to ya...

      put us in your pocket, gal... we're right there with ya...

       Dragon, since this walk, my views have changed considerably. i  also was bought up with the strictness with nuns.. signed up for more when i married.. (long story) NOW; i subscribe to the "Gospel of Grace" which is just arrivng in the states.. same belief system but a real "right" on the emphasis... if you're interested, let me know. i'll PM you. im getting the 1st bit of peace i've had in a while from the shift...3jays 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{Chabba}} Prayers going up.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chabba...thinking of you, and hoping for a good outcome. This damned disease, it's so psychological...TRY not to worry too hard.

    Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving....we do not keep this holiday here in UK...Christmas is more than enough for me nowadays, don't know how you all cope with 2 holidays so close together.

    3jays, pleased you are starting to get a bit of peace at long last, you certainly deserve it. ((((( Hugs))))) I hope it'll continue thru' the holiday for you.

    Been out hunting for material...not that I don't have about a million pieces stashed away...but I suddenly decided I wanted to make a new blind for my landing window. I love to go to the material shops, we have 2 really big , really good ones here. Years ago the area a few miles from me had many great big mills and were churning out woollens and carpets. Now the machinery has all gone, and the mills have been stripped and taken over, and made into chic little shopping centres, art galleries, and furniture stores. There is one in particular that I go to, it was taken over by an interior design firm, the whole big mill, 3 floors of most unusual furniture, textiles and fancy goods. They make up lots of soft furnishings, for big contracts, with the most beautiful fabrics, fabrics that you couldn't normally afford, if buying yards and yards. But, they always have small lengths of leftover materials, about 3 or 4 yards, and I sometimes go mad and buy 2 or 3 while I am there. Like I said, I have loads of small pieces stashed in boxes, but went today to look for something different....and couldn't find exactly what I wanted !!! So, tomorrows job is ...go thru' my boxes and see what I have stashed, I will probably find that I already have something that will work ! I have a sewing 'bug' bad at the moment !!!

    Didn't waste my trip altogether tho' got a couple of nice throws and a pair of some unusual Christmas cards. I was wondering why the girls on the till seemed to be looking at my jacket, when I got back to my car I saw why. I had on a button thru' cardigan, one I hadn't worn before, and the middle 3 buttons had popped open, showing off my bra....just was lucky I hadn't gone commando...and not put my boobs on at all !! Now it's a bit colder I quite often intentionally leave my boobs at home, using my jacket to pull round myself to hide my flatness !! One day I will get caught out. I am becoming increasingly fed up of hoisting on my boobs before I go out, especially in summer.

    My G/Daughter came to see me on Sunday, she spent a whole hour sat with me trying to get thru' to me HOW to use my DVD recorder ( or whatever it is called ) And I think I have actually cracked it, I have used it twice now, and things have recorded...yes !!!! GD wrote it all down on an A4, step by step, just what to do. She made it simple, and I only had to ring her once, and I SEEM to be understanding what I am doing. I have only had the machine sat there 9 weeks, totally unable to understand it !!!  Just going to let it go for a few weeks then asking her to come again and sort me out putting some pictures on here ! Daren't ask too much of her all at once...don't want to become a nattering old bird. I know she is very busy making Christmas cards, calendars and prints for all the family, so don't want to ask for help when she is busy herself. ( I call her my GD, but actually she's my G/sons GF, but to me she is a grandchild....acts more like a GD than my 'proper' GD does ) She and GS have been together for 8 years, and she's become a very much loved member of the family.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    (((Chabba)))  Sending thoughts and prayers your way for both you and SIL.  Pins and needles now, I'm sure.  We're here for you.


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Thanks ladies. 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    You are in my thoughts, chabba.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella: im so glad you got your G/daughter to help you sort out the recorder!!! i 've decided to order the dvr from the cable company; so i can record shows that aren't the premium channels.. TV has become very imp to me, stuck in the house, as i am.. its only 5 a month to rent; don't know why i've hesitated so long....

       i also have a notebook i write "how to " do anything on the comouter, phones, cameras

     etc... its' the only way i can remember.. my short term memory was bad enough before, but the hypo has sent such a "brain fog" with it.. its not even some timers  anymore aaarrrggghhh... we just have to find a way around it, is all...

       i, for one, will get down and kiss her feet, if she "learns" you to post pictures!!!tell her thats' what you need for christmas!!!!!

     I oull that on my kids, all the time! they don't have $$; at least my middle one doean't.. so, he fixes stuff for me, and bakes for me.. thats worth more than all the trinkets he can give me!!!

       i did figure out how my scanner works, so im scanning all the old pictures i have, onto the computer.. its nice to look back.. so far, no flash drive has worked to save them, but im gonna try a cd to burn this wk...

       im not sure yet, but it looks like my middle Jay (Jared) will be able to leave the 1/2 way house he's in, and visit for 2 or 3 days over thanksgiving... it'll be a real treat for me...

       the oldest is a thorn in my side, as usual, but, im really trying to find that peaceful place, where what he does, won't upset me....

       im not willing to have a big row, the last one, he didn't talk to me for over a year; and i don't want to become estranged with my grands, if i can help it.....

       im so sorry your son is such a jerk to you over the holidays.. i DO know, from experience, how painful it is...

     Maya suggested we go to the movies, and i think we're going to spend christmas this year that way...

       if jared comes over thanks; we're tsking all the stuff down in my liv. rm; which i just got under control!!!and we're donating most of it... we don't see the kids, nor grands, so who needs ita?? too much work, for so little enjoyment....

       Chabba; i sent you a pm, gaql...ValJean, its' so good to see you.. im sure im missing some, but can't go back to see... CRS.................3jaysi hope you're feeling better, and your new dog is happy...


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Adelle and welcome to BCO and the thread.  Please join in any where you like and do tell us a little about yourself.  Come here often to vent, cry, chat, learn and make friends.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  •   Am off to my Dad's to prepare for Thanksgiving.....I overbaked the apple pie last night so may have to do another one.....fell asleep and had I not smelled it, it would be burned....think I am losing my touch.   I am saying prayers for you, Chabba as well as everyone else.  Happy Thanksgiving. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, leave the pie for Tim with a happy face note telling him to enjoy it! He won't know the diff.

    We got a PVR last year. It hooks into our TV and will record shows when we aren't even home! We got it for 3 years for FREE because we had just moved in and needed to find which service provider we were going to use for our new home. All the companies wanted us so I made them work for it!

    We LOVE the pvr!! We can zip through commercials, pause the show at any time to go pee and even back it up when you don't agree on what the dude just said. I find myself trying to do those things on live TV and it works!!! There is a minute or so delay, so we can still back up a bit, and if we need to pee we just stop it the same way. So if the phone rings, we're okay! Just pause the live show (or pvr'd one) and then continue when you dump the dude on the phone. We can record 2 shows at at time! Even when we're asleep. We used to miss so much as we went to bed early. This way we don't miss part 2 of anything!! We have recorded a ton of Discover Channel and History Channel shows and I just LOVE it!! Also, shows in parts can be picked up by a pvr even when we don't know when part 2 is going to air!!

    Whew!! I'll get off my soapbox now...all this from a chick who didn't even have a TV until she turned 40!! My Dad gave me a satellite dish for my 40th, so we had to go out and buy a TV. I didn't 'believe' in TV until I started to see some of the amazing shows of places where I'll never get to see. LOVE it now!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    barbe....good on you for understanding how to useyour pvr.........pvr ?? I think that must be what mine is, for it does all these things you are talking about, I THOUGHT I had a DVD recording machine, but maybe not !!!'s just that I have only just learned the basics....I have that 'pause and go pee' function, but it's way beyond me at the moment !!! As long as I can record all my favorites I am happy. I haven't time to watch TV thru' the day, don't like watching on an evening...I just record and watch when I get to bed.

    Welcome Adele, jump in and join us.

    3jays...I hope your kids sort themselves out over the upcoming holidays...but know they probably won't. My son is just the same...and I DO NOT know why ! He is fine until DIL pops up, then she 'sorts him out' and off he goes . quite often making an quick argument with me to chase after her, leaving me wondering what I just did !! We chat away on FB like we have always done, but as soon as he is with her he changes. I have to go along with DILs dictates so I don't lose the g/children altogether....tho' I haven't seen these 2 g/kids for 3 years , so sometimes wonder WHAT I would be missing! I see you are mentioning a scanner....mine has just run out of ink. I have a good supply of spares...but cannot sort out how to take the top off the thing so I can put in new ink. It will be very simple, but I will have to wait for DD to come and do it for me. I heard DD and her eldest son talking about me a couple of weeks ago. I don't know what they were on about but DD said to her son, 'Oh, you KNOW what Grandma is like ' WHAT am I like ?? I wish I'd heard what they were on about, but don't like to ask !! If I ask they will only say I was hearing things !!!!

    Marybe. I had to laugh at your apple pie !! I get my pies from the trouble to me, and nothing gets burned !I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving at your fathers house, are you staying long ? You asked about my trip to see Queen...I never made it. Just could not get tickets, spent ages on computer, then rang theatre, but no, they were all gone. DD didn't believe me, so said she would do it, and had the same luck as I did....just nothing going. She had added 3 of her friends to our trip, which I wasn't too pleased about, I don't often get to go anywhere with DD nowadays without one of her children tagging along, so was looking forwards to a bit of time alone with her....but she asked 3 people I had never met to come, and I wasn't too exited.

    Must go now and referee my doggies. Just had a delivery of nice juicy bones, shared them out all around the various beds and corners where they go, and now they are scrapping like mad. There will be eyes and noses rolling around soon. One little devil, Mouse, has collected about 5/6 bones, dragged them behind the woodburning stove ( which is on full blast ) and is threatening anyone who looks her way. I don't think she intends eating them, just out to cause a riot. Another one, Plum, a sausage dog, has managed to drag her bone thru' the child safety gate I have up to stop any dogs bothering me while I am sat at my pc. She is sat half on my feet chomping away on her bone ! I am about to round them all up, and get them off to their night kennels now, without bones. Which'll be much easier said than done !!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Happy cooking for Thanksgiving day everyone!  I'm busy at it right now...getting all the side dishes prepared and cooked because DD called and she can't do the turkey as promised, so I ran to the store at 7:00 AM to pick up a fresh turkey and an extra breast to feed the crowd coming here.  I will need all of the oven tomorrow to cook turkey and dressing.  I would  prefer to do it myself anyway so I know it all gets done on time.  Right now the house smells so good!!  We've been eating a mostly raw food diet and juicing...not much smell to that!  I'm going to treat myself over the next couple of days and just enjoy eating whatever I want.  

    Enjoy your day ladies! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Just popped in to say happy Thanksgiving to all you US folk. It is not celebrated hereexcept by people from there.  DD and SiL celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving  a few weeks ago. Christmas is enough - if the weather decides its actually summer. Keep saying that I want one white Christmas - its on my bucket list.

    Must get dressed and get some things dones towards Christmas - I really want to get shopping done by the end of next week.

    Big hugs


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Thanks, Alyson.

    Isabella, be careful in that pack whist they are wanting bones.

    Well, gals, off to make an apple and a cherry pie. Will post pix when done.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    just finished up our manicotti, Barbara, yummy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I am spending Thanksgiving with my DD#1 at her home with her DH & his family. I am making apple crisp tomorrow morning & have already put three of the ingredients together for my Strawberry Salad & will add the Cool Whip just before serving. She is doing the turkey, her very first time. Last year I went down & prepped it for her & she wanted to do it all by herself this year using my recipe. She did call me whilst she was rinsing it off & said, "I want my mommy!" Really, she just had a couple of refresher questions. She'll do just fine, she is a wonderful cook. My DD#2 is still in FL for a vaca with DH's Aunt & Uncle. They will pass through here Friday, stay the night & head home Saturday A.M. We leave here next week Thursday for our "Christmas" with them. Hope there is not too much snow as we head north seven hours!

    I am very grateful for all of you. I would not be the survivor I am without your caring & support.

    I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families & loved ones.

    Welcome Adelle (lovely name, by the way) ~ I am sorry you have to be here, but very happy you have found us. We welcome you with open arms and loving hearts.

    Isabella & barbe ~ I love my DVR, I would miss so many shows if I didn't have it. They are a marvel.  

    Love & hugs to all,


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    for all of you!!!3jays