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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kathy, thinking about you and wishing you the best on the stereotactic BX.  I had one and was really scared but it wasn't that bad.  After BMX, won't have to do another!  

    I guess I'm supposed to feel all terrible about the BMX but the truth is I'm really happy I had it.  I like the reconstruction also and enjoy the way it looks under clothes.  Last night I dreamed I got bigger implants--that is definitely not gonna happen.

    Going to see my PS this week and hoping that will be the last appt.  He doesn't recommend the yearly MRI for the implants which is good as I wouldn't do it anyway.  

    My best friend and I were always going to move into an airstream when we got old and stop paying taxes.  If the IRS came to our door we would greet them with a rifle!  We were planning on getting two huge dogs also.  Well, she just got the dogs!  This tiny little woman with two huge shepherd mixes--it makes a hilarious sight!  They're rescue dogs and don't even bark when somebody comes to the door.  So much for watchdog duty.

    Groan--off to shop.  Love to all,


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Kathy..I am thinking of you, worrying for you, and hoping this gets sorted quickly. I am like Dragon, had a BMX. I don't know if I'd have coped without, with the constant worry. I know 'it' can pop up all over the place, but I reckoned I'd take the 2 biggest problems out of the equation. I had a very good surgeon, who saw I was adamant I wanted this, so instead of a lumpectomy or a single MX, and I was able to go ahead without a big fuss. Lots of ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) to you.

    I went to meet my new GP yesterday, my previous one retired in September. I was assigned to her replacement, with the option to be able to move to someone else if I didn't like her. Well, I was pleasantly surprised...she was a young girl !!!!... about 33-35 and very sympathetic. She took about a half hour to get to know me, went thru' my medications, and we both asked questions, and she asked what was bothering me right now. I said p-a-i-n....I am sick of pain in every joint, at the moment from a Fibromyalgia flare, my post op. neuropathy where the big bunch of lymph nodes had been taken...and most of all the pain from my 3 slipped discs, making my walking pretty difficult. She reviewed my pain medication, and asked if pain patches had been offered to me. My previous GP would never change or increase my pain medication, so I was pleased she was prescribing patches. I also got a supply of anti sickness tablets, and was told to arrange for at least 3 days cover where I didn't have to drive, and had someone in and out, to keep an eye on me. Then when I got home I read up on Dr Google, and there were some pretty strong warnings about the sickness, and drowsiness. (One person had been using them as a weight loss tool ! )  Apparently the sickness can be pretty bad 'til the patches start to bite. Then I am thinking I have 2 b/day parties coming up in the next 10 days, 2 trips out arranged...and am booked to go out Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day, so I am delaying starting until Dec 26th !! Then again I am thinking I crazy ?? I get offered a chance to try stronger pain relief, and am dithering !!! I did see where these patches are quite expensive, which is very unusual for our Doctors to prescribe, as they are being instructed to STOP handing out expensive meds. I did see these patches, in boxes of 4s (each to last for 7 days) for $ 300 at a Canadian online pharmacy, so that is pretty expensive as drugs go. Luckily all drugs are free here for seniors, pregnant mothers, those out of work, and children. (That doesn't leave a lot of people who actually pay for their drugs !! Then the prescriptions are very heavily subsidised. No wonder we are almost bankrupt !!)

    I nipped out this afternoon, to my favorite dress shop. They had sent me an invite to say their sale was starting on Wednesday, and would I like to go to the preview ...didn't need asking twice.... so shot along and rooted thru the a few things, as I have the few events I mentioned to go to this month....a perfect excuse. Had a reasonable month, last month, and so I think why not !! I shall only spend my earnings on heating oil or extra dog food, so much nicer to visit the dress shop ! I am so glad DH is no longer around, as he used to get very ratty about my trips to the dress shop !! I am doing very well at the moment with the sale of free range eggs. Just got another health food shop come to me for their eggs, and a pretty good order each week as well. Plus a small cafe, and a lady who bakes specialist cakes, have started to buy eggs from me this last month. Not bad for someone who does NOT like hens !!! I don't actually do the work anymore myself, just couldn't keep up with it. I will muck in at w/ends if I really have to, but now leave the hard stuff to others.

    Off for a shower right now, and my nice warm bed.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks so much to everyone for your support.  You all are really a lifeline.  Trying not to worry too much and I keep telling myself this was the breast that had full radiation and I've been on arimidex for a year, etc, etc, but also hard not to worry.  One good thing is that DH's sister has offered to keep GS so DH can go with me to the biopsy, so that's a relief.

    DIL is a little better today (much less pain) so GS is spending the night at his own house, thank goodness.  It was rough going last night since 2-year-olds just can't understand why they're not in their own little bed, in their own house, but we got through it, even though up and down all night.  Unless her cyst has ruptured, though, it could still flare up so we remain on call. 

    I've decided that if this is cancer again after a little over one year, it'll be a BMX for me.  I feel like you, Isabella, and wish I'd done it in the first place.  But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

    Chrissy, I'm so glad you heard from AmyJo!  I do hope you'll have some relief from the injection very, very soon, too.

    All of you are so special to me!  Lots of times I don't post since I'm trying to get things done that I can't do when GS is here, but I do read every day.  Love to everybody.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, my FM flare has FINALLY ended!! It has lasted about 7 months...the longest flare yet. They are getting longer and longer, to the point I didn't think I was going to come out of this one. Finally I can sit still and not be in pain. Movement still causes pain but that's to be expected (I have 3 herniated discs that 2 surgeons refuse to operate on as they can't guarantee I'll be pain-free!). At least I don't wake up in pain now. The funny thing is that now I get insomnia. I have to watch it, if I don't get enough sleep, I'm right back into a flare! I feel kind of guilty to be off work, but then all I have to do is dust furniture and I'm crippled again!

    I am getting 2 biopsies in my neck in the next 10 days. One tomorrow and one next Friday. An ENT wants to biopsy my thyroid but I'm still going tomorrow to get the nodes in my neck biopsied again. Last time it was a sub-optimal sample and I was told to get it redone.

    Don't know what we're looking at, just like you Kathy, so we can hold each other's hands through this...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Barbe, holding your hand and can feel you holding mine, too.  All of us need each other, all the time.

    So glad your FM has eased, especially now since you've got the biopsies coming.  Thinking of you for tomorrow.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i'm praying for you both gals, barbe, and kathy... i guess you'll join the bmx gals if its up again, Kathy,, but praying its just " a  b 9 bother" hugs.... 3jays...

       good to "see" you too, isabella... the sickness wasn't the worst i had, when i tried the patches. i can't use them here, with the heat, they "dump" too fast... but Amy Jo swears by them.. plz, don't wait!take the damned pills!!!glad you had funshopping!....3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Ah Isabella I am one to wait in pain for this reason or that. I think I am finally learning my lesson as I took lorazipan last night to sleep instead of waiting four hours and then telling myself it was too late to take them and all my usual b.s. around medicine.

    It turns out my husband has bhronchitis and walking pneumonia in one lung. He is coughing so bad at night when he lays down. I can hardly believe the Doc didnt give him somethiung to stop the cough so he could sleep. He only got a Z pak of antib's!  

    Wave, I too had a bunch of calcifications and the radiologist did literally 25 exrays on that breast trying to get the uppermost edge of my breast fully shown. I was sore after surgery, a lumpectomy because the Dr had poked around in that area so much to be sure because that area never did show a tumor. The tumors were side by side and lower near the nipple. In my reading I understand that calcifications can signal the presence of a cancer. I never got much more understanding than that. Like several of the ladies here I wish I had gotten bi lateral Mastectomy at the time.    

    Wave the stereotactic biopsy is where I laughed the most in all of my treatments. If you can see the silliness as I did it will make it simpler. The position is different than the other tests and thus what I took for silliness. I was super nervous in that stage of dignosis and couldn't stop cracking jokes. 

    I send you hugs and good thoughts for your day. 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, there has been a number of times in my narcotic use that I had to have my DH drive me to work as I knew the drugs were too much in my system. Once your body gets used to them, you won't even know you've taken anything except you get pain relief - hopefully!! When pain uses up all the narcotic you don't get 'high'. But the patches come in set doses so you might have a bit excess in your system, or not. When I get nauseous when I take my narcotics, I know I can cut back. Good luck, sweetie!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Big hugs to all you folk having biopsies and tests at present.

    Barbe pleased the FM has settled a bit - have complete sympathy about that and I think you are right about the drugs and the body getting used to them.

    In a couple of weeks I have to have several 'lesions ' removed to check for melanoma. Two are on my toes so I am trying to get all my shopping done for Chritmas before then as I suspect walking could be difficult - those two are the most worrying spots, another is a bcc and the one on my face is'unusual'. In this part of the world such things are extremely common because of the sun's intensity and the missing ulta violet shield in the atmosphere.

    Doing a workshop at a local high school this morning which should be fun so had better get moving.

    Hope all tests prove B9


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    allyson: i've just had a few squemous cell cancers removed recently. my dr. just had her 1st baby, so now, i get a new one, for some of the remaining spots.. in so fla we have to worry, but im full of freckles, and "wisdon" spots.. so who knows what!!!i go by if they itch, they're turning cancerous.. i haven't been wrong. not once.. i do worry  if im missing some though... good luck getting your shopping done early!!its; already crazy down here, for christmas.....3jays
  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Alyson, good luck with the lesions.  They seem to get more frequent as we age.

    Today, seeing my PS for the last time!  Happy Day!!  My relationship with this guy has been a little strained and am anxious for it to end.  Then home to try and do some sewing.  Wish I was on Mt. Hood sitting in the ski lodge with some hot coco.  Fortunately we have snow very close by and may get there soon.

    Love and hugs to all,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

     must be going around, they zapped three from my face yesterday...darn old sun

  • brooke
    brooke Member Posts: 2
    I just found this thread and guess I qualify.  I'm 60 but not sure about the "sense" part. I was dx in Oct in 2007 with stage 3B. I went thru chemo, rad and reconstruction. I'm back to running half  marathons and  am looking a full marathon for next spring or fall.  My doctors not to sure about that, but I have to be "me" again.Haven't come across any bickering  but who needs that in their life.I'm running a 5K Friday night with wine and beer and of course food. Wish me luck.
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Way to go Brooke and Good luck

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Welcome Brooke...glad to have you join the group.  Good luck on the 5K!  Exercise is good for you!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Good luck, Brooke and prayers going up for Barbe and Kathy!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Good Luck, brooke, you put me to shame !  Welcome to this corner of our world.

    Had a bit of a bump with my car today, the first I have had in 28 years, and it was my own fault. I was off to do some Christmas shopping miles away, and  wasn't altogether familiar with the route. Suddenly little workmen, dressed in bright yellow oilskins, were all over the road, waving and shouting at about half a dozen cars, to turn round.... OK OK... turn round I did, then the road behind me was swiftly blocked, leaving 1 way only to go. I was the front car in our little convoy of lost sheep, and goodness knows where I was leading everybody...I had no idea. Kept ending up in cul-de-sacs, and housing estates, then suddenly we were in a VERY busy little village, going down a very busy main street. There was a big waggon unloading, I pulled over to let oncoming traffic come forward, then took off, forgetting the waggon had his back door open.... BANG....there went my mirror. Just lucky that was all the damage done. I should have stopped. I didn't. Traffic all over the place, nowhere to pull in and park, I would have stopped all the traffic in this very busy little village, and caused untold congestion, so I put my foot down, and roared off. !!!  I COULD have stopped safely about 100yds past the bump, but could not have walked back that far ( unless of course there happenned to be a shopping cart sat on the roadside waiting for me to come past and borrow to lean on ) I just melted off into the traffic.....I am now waiting for the knock at the door !!!!!  Looks as if it is going to cost an arm and a leg for a little old mirror, but still will be cheaper than claiming on my insurance...and anyway I had NO IDEA where I was when it all happened, and if I couldn't supply insurance company with full details it is VERY unlikely they'll pay up. Just hoping no-one took my licence number !!! All I was trying to do was go and collect an animal print gilet for one of my G/daughters, for Christmas. She is animal print mad, I'd seen one advertised at this particular shop miles away, so thought a quick trip out, nice afternoon, off we go.....oh well's back to ordering on the internet now !!


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    The mirrors on my car fold themselves in when I bump them either coming or going. This is a most useful feature as I go in and out of my garage which is about one foot wider than the car with both mirrors out.  It was a bit costly to get a mirror replaced on the previous car.

    Isabella - they offered me a used mirror (for my well used car) and it was much cheaper than a new one. I hope that's a possibility for you too.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 do I !!!!  Not heard of folding mirors...good idea.               


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Brooke and welcome!  Wow!  Running half marathons.....really?  double WÖW!!!!  I'm lucky if I can wald to the corner store.   Good luck with your certainly have my admiration!

    All you girls having nasties removed ........I really feel for you............good luck and I hope they are not melanomas.

    Isabelle I can just see you at the head of the line litterally leading everyone else all around the countryside........forgive me, but I laughed.  Sure hope that knock on the door doesn't come.

    DD2 rang the other day and announced that she and partner are coming up on Sunday to take both DH and I out to celebrate my birthday (which is Monday) so we are going to go to the little Italian restaurant that we have in town.......should be very nice.  Then the following Saturday we are having a picnic in a park in the city and my brothers and sisters and a few friends will be joining us.  I'm really looking forward to catching up with a lot of them as I haven't seen some of them for quite a while.  The girls are fussing as it's my 60th so I guess it is a bit special and every birthday that passes as a stage IV is definitely a bonus.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Brooke, welcome!  You sound like an inspiration.

    Found out today I'm having another small surgery in January--just another stitch to keep one implant from lowering any further down.  I wouldn't do it but with all the changes being discussed for M-Care I'm afraid if I wait the coverage might not be there. He's also going to do some fat grafting.  

    Isabella, what's a gilet?  I could easily visualize your Odyssey--have to admit it was a bit funny!  

    My sciatica is so much better; I'm thrilled with the results of my cortisone injection.  Finally can walk without pain.  I'm a very lucky person.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Dragon, wonderful news about your cortisone injection---walking without pain, no less.  I'm happy you got some relief.  And good thoughts in advance re the January "stitch" surgery, too.

    Isabella, how I wish I could've been a fly on the wall seeing you lead the caravan!  The tales of your adventures bring joy to my life.  You have such a gift for such descriptive writing that it's almost as if I'm watching it happen.  Hope nobody has knocked at your door yet.

    Welcome Brooke.  You'll find this a congenial group and a great support as well, and we're glad to have you.  

    I'm still hanging in there,  but the waiting is getting bad.  One minute I believe it's nothing to worry about, and the next I'm consumed with fear, and I think it's the not knowing that's the worst.  Once I know what I'm dealing with here, I can cope (I hope).  This is reminiscent of last year when we went on our family vacation just a few days after diagnosis, and prior to my appt with the breast surgeon.  

    It's a good thing being so busy now.  DH is our church's resident set designer/maker, so he's been working at the church building the set for a Christmas play, which along with a dinner, is tomorrow night. I've kept GS by myself most of the time this week.   Saturday we're going to a surprise 40th anniversary party for some friends, and then all I have to do is get through Sunday.

    Chrissy, it sounds as if you'll have a lovely birthday celebration!  Happy birthday in advance, too!

    Love to everyone.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Dragon it's really good new that the cortizone injection has worked for you....YAY!!!  walking with no pain is the ultimate.

    Kathy I sure hope having your GS is not wearing you out too much..........two year olds can be exhausting!  Thanks for the birthday wishes, they are much appreciated.

    Well here I am day 4 since the Vit K injection and knee and shoulder pain has subsided........ a lot.  It's not completely gone but has bought it down to a very managable level and the swelling in my knees has also subsided a bit as well so it is obviously woring on the inflamation.........yay!!!!  who would have thought that a simple vitamin could do so much!   I for one am not complaining.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Chrissy, that vitamin K injection must be a real miracle.  I too would never have imagined it could work like that.  Hope there's even more improvement in the coming days.  What foods have vitamin K?  Is it greens, like kale?  I like to make those kale chips where you sprinkle a little olive oil over the leaves, a little salt, and bake them for a bit.  They come out as crisp as potato chips and are delicious.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kathy, the highest containing foods of Vit K are all the leafy greens so your Kale chips are just perfect.  According to my doc, I will need to be topped up about every three weeks with a jab but if that's all it takes for the pain level to be kept at a managable level and allow me to do things again.....well, I'm all for it.

    I have done some research for myself thanks to Dr Google and there is a whole lot that Vit K does other that be given to new borns for their clotting ability.......check it's really interesting.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals... im def. talking to my ortho, about the shot, chrissy. i just have to be careful with clots, with the # of strokes i've had. i know years ago, they had to give me vit k to stop heavy periods. i seem to remember him telling me i couldn't bc of clotting.. i always need more greens, though, so am gonna google that....

       congrats, on your birthday, early. Im so glad thy're making a bit of a fuuss for your 60th. we ended up doing sinner w/ Jason and grands, but I had to be behind it. i was planning on just taking fischer and going with him...

      im envious, but not jealous, that all your family are so close!!!!

       Isabella, im just happy that you didn't get hurt, will be even happier if theres no knock on your door!!!

       weel, im out for the night...cheers all.....3jays

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Well it's nearly 3 am here and I'm up with a pain in my right side, just under my ribs.  I've had it on ignore for several months, but don't think I can ignore it any longer.  Last blood work in Oct my tumor markers were down to about 10, so I really didn't think that my "odds" were bad  .... except I keep losing weight. I had lost some at the Oct doc and I rationalized that I just mostly ate veggies last summer... but have since been consciously trying to eat everything in sight and am still losing weight... I so want to make it through these holidays without bc hassle or fear. crap.  I haven't mentioned the pain to DH or to any docs; just kept it to myself... but now it's starting to keep me up at night.  crap. If it's in my liver, I just don't know what I'll do.  I have a very rare autoimmune disease which makes me terrified of what chemo would do to me... Sorry to vent here ladies, but there's nowhere else to go right now. I keep trying to think of what else would be bothering my liver area and can't come up with any other thoughts than mets.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    L_C I'm so sorry to hear that you have this pain and are loosing weight so readily which is not a good sign.  If you have been putting up with this for several months and not siad anything, well my dear, it's now time to say something.  It's very important that you do and sooner rather than later.  I know your mind is going straight to mets, but it could also be gall bladder but you are not going to know for sure unless you get it checked.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thanks Chrissy, I appreciate you.

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    I'm off to have bone scan and CT scans today. I know they don't hurt, I'm just nervous about drinking that contrast junk and, of course, about the scans coming out clean. Send any spare good vibes my way!