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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    YAY Barbe!!!!  That is great news!!!!!   I'm so happy that all is well and you will be able to enjoy your Christmas without that worry hanging over your head.

    3jays, sure hope you are improving.........sit back and relax and Mur pamper you as I know he will.

    Take care all.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    GREAT NEWS, Barbe!  Happy dance!!!  I know what a weight has been lifted and I'm so thankful.

    Kaara, good luck wishes to you for Monday.  Will be thinking of you.

    Thinking of you too, Lisa, this week.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey gals.. IST yeah !!barbe; our favorite words.. B9!!!!

      oksy, so i;ve missed a few days, really feeling crummy.. cannot move my head, now.. went to the ent.. my ears' bleeding wth!!!he sent me to the blood lab the ins covers, and they had NO butterfly needles!!agsin, WTH!!!

     so, tommorrow, off to have blood drawn, and then thurs back to that dr.. the ONLYY one who's listening!!!

       anyway, i have some weird  blood serums, consistent with something rare, but NOT after chemo.. a auutoimmune disease.. called sub acute thryoiditis... AND, the thyroid meds don't have any effect on it.. HELLO.. welcome to my world!so, will get blood drawn, back to this dr. on thursday, then to convince the endo.. ent doesn't want to "tread " on the endos toes.. i say tromp on them, if that makes him listen!!!

       Really, i told muR and seriously, today.. am i gonna die before this guy finally thinks its' serious?? gonna call for an asap appt.. the last one they said he had last  time i waited for 2 months. i won't wait this time... either the ent gives  me the steroids i seem to need, or i'll be in the er, and they can call him to see me bedside..

      its gotten to the point, my glands are so swollen, i can't turn my head; my groin muscles aren't working.. im getting treally sick, really worried, and have seen the best doctors.. im at a loss as where to go next!!!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    3jays, so sorry you're feeling so bad.  Barbe, B9 is wonderful news.  Spent today at our annual quilt party with a lot of food and sewing going on and much fun.  My back still starts hurting around 1pm every day and it's pretty frustrating.  It's now diagnosed as fluid build up and referred pain.  I'm going to ask the Dr. about tramadol, which seems to work for many.  Meanwhile, things are good anyway. Finally finished the quilt I started before I was diagnosed and it's now at the quilter.  It goes to my DH, who definitely deserves it and likes it a lot.  

    3jays, I'm praying you get some relief for these symptoms--it's been such a long haul.  

    The best thing about this week?  Sun in Oregon!!!  Last Sun. we went downtown to hear "Tuba Christmas."  It's basically about 100 tuba players doing carols in the town square in Portland.  It was a lot of fun and the grands liked it also.  I'm so lucky to live in such a fabulous town!

    Sittin' and knittin'  Cancer I hate you.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    glad you're still plugging along, Dragon.. your toen sounds great.. i've never heard of tramado; for that pain.. do you wear compression? ive forgotten.. watchh out for brain fartz!!!.......3jays
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Barbe:  Contratulations!!  What great news!  Now you can relax and celebrate the holidays!

    My surgery went surprises.  Waiting for path report on SN, and clear margins...hoping for the best! 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kaara, glad you surg. went well.  Hang in there!  Dragon

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    how are you doing now, Kaara?? resting, i hope.. no reaching or lifting for you, christmastime or not... be well all of you!!!

       off to get my blood drawn.. see ya on the flip side.........3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Thanks for your prayers and support everyone!  I came home and slept for rest for the weary in the hospital!  Oh...they lost my clothes that I wore there...reallly!  They are nowhere to be found, and my boyfriend had to bring me more to come home in.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Kaara...glad surgery is behind you. Take it easy, look after yourself, and DO NOT forget to take a'll know if you don't !! Have you got a good support system? If so, let 'em run their little cotton sox off for you ! How did the hospital manage to lose your clothes then ??

    3jays, hope you got your bloods done OK. I WILL NOT have mine done unless I have a butterfly needle. How are you today ?

    Just wondering how Marybe has gone on with her 2nd treatment today ?? Any news yet ?

    The wind here is absolutely howling round my chimneypots..everything is rattling and banging. Just had to go and close a window DH managed to leave open ! I had 2 washers, and 1 dryer all churning away at the same time this morning....I don't open windows when it's so windy....DH was here...AGAIN... he just mentioned I'd got a bit of steam up in the utility room. I said 'I know, it's OK, will soon be finished, DON'T open the window'  but he must have done it when I wasn't looking....I didn't notice 'til the wind got up, and now there's allsorts of muck blown in, all old leaves and grit.....all waiting there for me to clean up. My patience is very quickly running out on DH. Todays excuse for coming up ? 'I've got a cold and sore throat, have you got anything I could take? '  He was spluttering and blowing his nose like a demented elephant all over the house, and complaining he was cold because I 'hadn't lit the fire yet' To find out if I had 'anything for him' he had had to drive right past the chemist, and the supermarket !  He refused paracetamol, and asprin, plus some cold and 'flu remedy tablets I had, and will almost certainly have passed his cold on to me! As he was going I remembered I had some sore throat tablets in the depths of one of my bags, went to get them for him, and he flipping well refused these as well. I have no idea at all what other 'miracle cure' he thought I had here, and had come for. Should have given him a shot of calf penicillin ! I told him to go home and stay in bed , and under my breath, not to come back here for a long time , and sent him on his way with half a dozen fresh eggs !!!

    2" of snow is forecast later on tonight, it was just starting to 'twinkle' slowly down when I came back from fetching my papers, and a magazine to read tonight.....I haven't poked my nose out of the door since 5pm, so I could be snowed in when I do look !


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Isabella!!!you SHOULD have shot him in the arse with the calf penicillin!!!!!he might not come back soon, that way> Hope you don't get that cold.. he just wanted some attention.. don't ENCOURAGE him!!!!
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, he's like the Littlest Hobo, sniffing around your bum to see if he's gonna get him some!! Spray him with bear repellent, that'll keep him away for a while!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Maybe what he really wanted was the eggs?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Took GD to see Santa at the local mall - well she wouldn't go near. We had coffee and that was enough for my foot. Have my feet up now.

    Sam is now trying to pull himself up on me so had better go  before he gets atmy laptop

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Kaara, so glad you're at home and doing well.  You rest, now.  Honestly, losing your clothes is just insult to injury.

    Alyson, I hope things will improve for you soon from your ordeal.  Neither of my children would ever have a thing to do with Santa at the mall, either.  I knew DD "knew" about Santa when she stopped sleeping with her little brother on Christmas Eve!

    I agree with 3jays, Isabella.   Maybe you should have shot him with the calf penicillin.  Do you have any of those darts they use for wild animals?  Anyhow, hope you don't get his cold and also hope you're not snowed in.

    3jays, I'm so sorry you're having such a terrible time now, and hope the blood draw went okay, at least.  Hugs and prayers for you.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls! 

    Kaara so glad that you are okay and now healing.  I sometimes wonder at the way some institutions 'look after' our seems weird that they misplace a lot of things.  We are always told mot to bring or wear anything that is good and valuable so I leave my rings and watch with my DD and she also takes my clothes and brings them back when it's time for me to leave.

    3jays, I sure hope they get to the bottom of whats going on soon and find a med that you can take and one that is effective.  Keeping you in my thought and prayers to that end.

    Isabella sounds like that exDH was hoping that you'd tell him to stay so you could look after'm sure that was going to happen........when hell freezes  Sure hope he didn't infect you with his germs!  Keeping my fingers crossed that your back op is early in the new year!

    Dragon please post a pic of your quilt..........isn't it a nice feeling when you finally complete somethng that you have put so many hours into!

    BarbA so happy that your rib pain is not anything to worry about but sure hope the pain disapates soon.

    Barbe....YAY!!!!  B9,B9,B9!!!!  That's got to make you feel better....yeah I know you still need surgery but at least you won't be dealing with more cancer.  Enjoy your holidays!

    Alyson...your poor feet!  Keep off them for a few days, they will be very sore.   ((((hugs)))))  Maybe next year GD will be more than willing to tell Santa what she wants for Christmas.

    Kathy, hope you are feeling better now that your results are in.

    Off to the city again this weekend to celebrate youngest GS's birthday on Saturday and then see the orthopedic doc on Monday about the knees.........keep your finges crossed that he agrees to schedule the replacement of at least one of them early in the new year.  I'm not looking forward to the op itself but I sure will appreciate the results.  The kids and grand kids all arrive for Christmas in just a little over a week and I have so much cooking to do but most can't be done until a day or so before. I will do the big shop for the food on my way back from the city next Monday but now I need to plan the menu as DD2 goodness I have a big stove and a very big oven!

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    This is my DGD meeting Santa for the first time. She was actually crying because she didn't want to be away from Mommy.  She is 15 mo old in this photo.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmm, I'm not seeing a picture Ginger.....

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    How strange because I can see it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My computer sometimes rejects downloads and doesn't even give me the dreaded 'X'!! But maybe it will show up soon.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Me either, Ginger, can't see it.  My DGD didn't like Santa at all!  The entire family had to get in the photo in order for her to be willing to sit in his lap.  She's 2.  I didn't like him either when I was that age.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ginger, me too , I can't see your pic.


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I will have Dh take a look when he can. Sorry I thought I had done well


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Sorry, I also can't see the pic.

    When my daughter was 2 we were in the U.S. for a visit around Thanksgiving time. I took her to the mall on errands one day and all of a sudden all  the little kids in the area were getting all excited - Santa was coming! He was walking right there! My Jewish daughter who lived in Israel saw the excited kids and kept looking around to see what was happening. She looked right at Santa and looked away, still wondering what the fuss was. Santa was a guy with a long white beard. We have lots of guys with long white beards in Israel. She never did figure out what the kids were looking at.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Can't see it either Ginger...

    Leah, that is so funny about your DD!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Can't remember if I told y'all here, but my DD has two BIG Bouvier dogs. She was in the mall weeks ago and as she turned the corner, there was Santa up in his chair. Zach (15 months) gasped "DOG" while my daughter quickly strolled him away laughing.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    That's hilarious Barbe!    Out of the mouth of babes............

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101's Thursday morning and I've already put a call in to my BS's office about my final pathology report.  He told me to remind him because he didn't want it to go over the either!!  He's in surgery, but I told the nurse that I want my file on top when he comes in.

     This waiting is beginning to wear me down.  I'm feeling better each day, but couldn't sleep well last night...kept waking up and thinking about all the options if I didn't get clear margins and/or nodes.  My mind was spinning like a top...something it does when I'm not taking hormone therapy which I was taken off of when I received the dx.  This will now become my new normal unless I can find a substitute other than sleeping meds, which I refuse to take.

    Supposed to have visits from grancchildren today...that will keep me busy, but no picking them up which, of course, they won't understand at all!

    Have a spectacular day everyone! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kaara, if you don't like sleeping meds, have you tried Melatonin?  It's naturally produced in our body but with menopause the productions get less and we have sleeping problems.  It is available at Walmart and Walgreens is the USA.  Just a thought.........

    Love n hugs.  Chirssy