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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I think I will try that myself Chrissy. I have used Lorazapam but I found that I was sort of sleepy the next day. I am not sure if it was linked or I was just still tired?   I want to be on a normal sleep schedule.

    Kaara I am thinking about you this morming as you wait. Be sure to ask the doc to email the complete report to you, or snail mail it. Even if you write it down you won't get it all.  It took me some time to really take it all in. 

    Hugs GInger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    ginger.. see if you can use photobucket, to get that picture up..

       we went last wkend, some of you know, it was a disaster!i haven't got a poc yet, bFinley was scraming her head off!!(its her fav thing right now) terrible two.. Fischer brought his letter for santa, the first one!!!!

     top of the list: a Dog! that's one thing i told him, santa can't bring a dog, till daddy says yes... (and he'd better not hold his brathe for that!!!)3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  I tried the Melatonin and it seemed to be working fine, but then one morning I woke up with a bad case of vertigo and was afraid it was caused by the Melatonin so I stopped taking it.  I may cautiously try it again...maybe just a coincidence.

    Gingerbrew:  Good tip on the e mail....sometimes I can't read my own writing so that will help!

    3jays:  Sounds like you're up and around, so hopefully you're feeling better.   

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kaara, please excuse my memory, but are you taking an AI?  Vertigo can be caused by them and if you can get by for awhile, it does pass.  I has that also, it lasted about two to three weeks with varying degrees of severity and nuisance value and then one day it just stopped and I haven't had it since.

    Ginger, that sleepy, groggy feeling that you get from Lorazapam is the reason I don't like them and chose to do the melatonin as I get no hang over at all.  Hope it works for you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey  gals.. chrissy: i loved all the pictures from your at the paark!!!even the visiting pooch was cute, and your grandsons, what a blessing!!!!

      Kaara: i hoe you're feeling well, and enjoying your grands WITHOUT picking them up...

       so, i went to the good dr. today.. and he decided, since we dont know what a good baseline for my thyroid is we are.." , cautiosly   moving in a slighter direction.. he said he'll think over the next few days, call him when ive increased the thyroid med to 25, 2 xa a week just barely in the range.. thank God, he's not one of them that goes by TSH only!!

        Interestingly, i don't have the anti bodies i would if it was sub acute thryoiditis; but; he's going to follow the guuidelines, as if i did... stiill use thhe t4; but added a prednisone daily, with it.. he hopes he can "trick" the thyroid and hide any allergic reaction to it... he said, "he loves a mystery, and my bodys reaction certain  is.. so, he said 13.6mg (which im taking now) add 10mg of prednisone with that for a week.. if myy symptoms are better, spec. the fatigue, and hoarseness get better, we'll add to 25 mg a wk, then 2 xs 25 a week.. then, a ck back.. that will take me thru the holidays, (and i hope will give me more stamina) then, we'll take the prednisone down, when i see him in January... of course, he's stumped..

      He said if this doesn't work, he's going to call some dr he knows, i'll have to go inatient, (robably) and get full body work up...

       Here's hoping i have " atypical thyroiditis.. which DOES straighten out, in a few months, and we'll keep an eye on my "baseline #s, which will be when i start feeling better.. He increased my vit d.. im taking 4,00 a day, so, he wants 6,00. not too  much at once. He said vit d def wouldn't CAUSE the TSH problems, but can confuse, we'll try this.. he is amazing!!!he just keeps trying, till he gets my body to get better.. i can't say enough about him!!!(and strictly speaking, he's ONLY an ent.. has done ear surgery, throat surgery, and hopefufingers crossed, prayers said........3jayslly will get this, also...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:   That's wonderful.  I'm so glad you've found a doctor that can work with your symptoms and try to find a balance that will work for you.  Heaven knows, they are hard to find these days!  Most just tell you it's in your head and send you on your way...totally frustrating!

    Chrissyb:  I'm not taking Al's or any kind of treatments yet.  I'm still waiting for my final pathology after my surgery on Monday.  As of today I am officially pissed that I haven't received a call back, and am going on a mission to get my results before the weekend sets in.

     I have already called the "Breast Health Navigator" as she was introduced to me the day I went to the breast clinic and met all these people that were "there to help me".  So far, no call back.  I called the nurse yesterday who assured me she would put the file on the dr's call back from him either!  I really hate getting into the bitchy mode, but since they have taken me off all my HRT, it won't be too difficult to pull off!  I was in business for so many years, and I know that when someone wants an answer, all they need to hear is that someone is working on it.  A simple call to tell me that they don't have the information but they are working on getting it would be nice.  Gurrrrrrr! 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Kaara,

    You might give them another call and ask for an explanation for the delay. Tell them you want the information now before the weekend. Maybe it will get you somewhere.  

    Hugs Ginger

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Ginger...I did what you suggested, and they called pathology, got the report faxed over and it was good news!  Clear margins and nodes..YEA!

    Now I can relax for the weekend...thanks for the help and prayers everyone! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Great news Kaara. That's how I got my results after 10 days. I called and left a message that I wanted to know if my biopsy (thyroid) was cancer, because if not, I'd like to get on with the rest of my life. Merry Christmas!

    I got an answer within the hour. Why do we have to push them?????????

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kaara, that is great news. I am so happy for you, now have a peaceful weekend!

    I am pretty good at getting info over the phone. I think it was the years of experience as a case manager and needing info to get help for homeless families. 

    Hugs GInger

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    Kaara, great news on the clear nodes & margins!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    yeah Kaara!!!so glad its done, and correctly!!!....3jays
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Thanks again everyone!

     We celebrated last evening by going out to an italian restaurant (not exactly on our diet...hehe) and having something other than rabbit food!  We refused the garlic rolls that they usually bring to the table, but wouldn't you know, the waiters kept trying to bring them to us...they just couldn't believe that we were turning them away....they are soooooo good!  It got to be a joke!

    When we returned home, we were still in a festive mood, so we went online and booked a cruise to the Caribbean that leaves on New Year's Eve!  It's easy to do that when you live in the cruise capital of the world....Ft. Lauderdale/Miami.  You just drive to the port on the appointed day and get on the hassel with airlines!  Seven days of relaxation...good entertainment....healthy(?) food....and some good books to read.  We're's our Xmas present to each other.  Sorry kids, but we're spending your inheritance!

    I'm going to quote something from thats-life's of her tips for living with Stage IV bc.

     "Remember, you always have this moment in time....and the next....and the next"  I want to enjoy those moments!  Thank you that's life for putting it in perspective.

    Have a spectacular day everyone! 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kaara, good news!  Congratulations!  We had a celebration last night as my husband's bladder biopsy came back negative.  He's had bladder cancer and is now on follow-up.  We had Ahi tostadas that were great but they were out of guacamole!  

    Making hi-fat cookies today and decorating with grands tomorrow--a busy week ahead.  Wish I could just skip it all!



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Great News Kaara!!!! And a good celebration too!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Kaara, Dragon and L-C - happy dancing!!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Dragon:  That's great news!  This "C" thing is a pain in the a$$ never give it a thought until you, someone in your family, or a friend gets it, and then it is on your mind constantly!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Kaara, that's true.  I keep forgetting that other people don't want to hear about it--it just scares them to death!  I think they're all wusses.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    It's funny how what we see as normal is quite frightening to others. I had to call the auto service on account of a flat tire on the way to my last radiation appointment a couple of years ago. It was an hour's drive each way. When I told the woman on the other end of the phone about my appointment, she almost freaked. I was trying to emphasize that it was the last appointment and what a good thing that was. A service truck got to me really really quickly!  When I tried to call the clinic to tell them I'd be late, I somehow got the wrong department in the hospital. Even that person sounded worried and quickly transferred me to the right number rather than telling it to me so I could call back. I just wanted to get going so I could get back home in time to play bridge that afternoon - made it but didn't play very good bridge.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    lassie11....  LOL....that puts it in perspective!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    I am so happy for you! Have a great time on that trip, relax and regroup! We' re having ocean effect snow here, makes the holiday seem more real.

    I'm having trouble telling my relatives about my diagnosis because of what my sister went though, they all tend to swing to a sad place and I end up comforting them.

    So on to a Christmas party tonight and just enjoying this moment in time.

    What BC doesn't make us better card players? What's it good for?

  •   Congratulations to all of you who have recieved good news.  Now you will really have a happy holiday.  The cruise sounds wonderful Kaara.....except for the healthy eating ( she says as she wipes cookie icing off the beater and takes a big lick) 

    Mac, tell your relatives that there are new treatments being developed every day and that not everyone has a bad time with it. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    L_C, Kaara, and Dragon, I'm so happy for all of you.  Now, enjoy this Christmas season!!

    Marybe, wish I had some of your cookie icing.  I haven't made cookies yet and may, against my better judgment, attempt to make them with my GS tomorrow or Tuesday.  

    Mac, hope you have a great time tonight! 

    AmyJo, hope you are well.  Miss you on here.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    So pleased to hear of good results.

    Today we made Christmas truffles about 100 of them. Now I have to deliver them to some of the older folk at church and will probably make more before Christmas to give as gifts on Christmas day. Both DDs were hereand of course the grandchildren so another hectic day.

    Have been to physio today as I have torn the rotator cuff in my shoulder something I must have done about 6 weeks ago when I fell whilst holding GS. It has been extremely painful but at least I didn't break anything. Have a friend in Denver who slipped on the ice and has shattered the head of the humerus. Hope she gets it sorted quickly.

    Must go and change as we are off out for dinner with friends tonight.

    Big hugs.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Just popping in to let you all know I am fine.  Have my next Aredia tx on Tuesday and it will be interesting to see what my blood counts are now.  I have been feeling better since my last surgery and I am still sewing away and loving every minute of it.  Getting through a lot of projects that I have had to do for years.  Got all of the Christmas presents for children and grandchildren finished!  Now I am working on things I just want to make for other special people in my life.  Glad to hear all the good news lately.  Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Off to bed before it is time to get up again.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    im also glad to hear all the good news.. Kaara: enjoy the cruise!!!what a wonderful way to start the new year!!!! enjoy all you can, ladies, whikke you can!!!wring the crap outta your life, no matter where it is now........3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Yay Kaara!!!  that's great news!!!  Have a whole heap of fun on that cruise.

    Amyjo, you have to pop in more often!!!  We miss you!!!

    Oooo Alyson!  A torn rotor cuff is very painful!  Sure hope the PT helps.

    Had my appointment with the ortho this morning and I will be lining up for left knee replacement sometime either March or April 2012.  I have to wait confirmation date until his secretary rings me possibly Tuesday or Wednesday.  Once that one is healed he will do the right one.

    While sitting in his waiting room I had a text from my niece announcing that my grandniece was born at 5.30am this morning and mom and bub are both doing well.  I was so excited and I texted her straight back and asked if she was up for a visit.........needless to say I got to cuddle a very new little bundle of joy and rain kisses upon her sweet little head.  I got some very funny faces pulled by her while all this was going on but she was content enought to to sleep in my arms

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays...I love that statement..."wring the crap out of your life"'s what I've always strived to do, and heaven knows, there's been enough of it!  You have some fun too over the holidays!

    Alyson:  I hear you on the rotator cuff...I've had both messed up.  One from taking levoquin and the other from falling over a little step in the doorway.  They take about a year to heal, so now I'm two years out from playing any golf, which I don't mind so much, but my boyfriend hates.

    Chrissy....those babies are special aren't they....I love to see them just after they're fresh and innocent.  Good for you...getting those knees done.  My DA had every joint in her body replaced...we called her the bionic woman!  She lived to be 89.

    Have a great day everyone! 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Mazal Tov Chrissy! Enjoy your new grandneice!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sending out my cards today...