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For Older People with Sense



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Today I should be really happy as it is five years since 'that mammo' which found a tumour no one could feel. However this morning the front page of our paper had story about a young mother who died yesterday of breast cancer. This disease is so unfair.

    Must get moving as it is the church playgroup Christmas party this morning and I have to pop into the $2 Dollar shop to get a couple of things in case we get extra children today.  I certainly don't want anyone not getting a present.

    Shoulder is sore this morning but whatever I am alive and enjoying life. Get my stitches out of my face this afternoon- the ones in my back and toes have to stay in another week.

    My sister and I are going to take GD into the city this afternoon to a department store which has a beautiful Christmas display. Not sure that we will get her near Santa though.

    Big hugs to all

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Eli, thanks for the thought ! Leah, Happy Hanukkah!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    happy chanukah, Leah.. its the 1th here.. is it there, or tommorrow>> anyway, enjoy.. my GS told me his friend in school told him "you have O... BIG day; but we have EIGHT nights!!!/ so, of couse, then he wanted to know why his Zeyda didn't give HIM eight presents.. he told him, no,  Im jewish, you're not.. so, then, my GS said we have to go get zatda more presents!!!

      He learned a chanukah song at school, he promised to video it tommorrow night. DH said that would count for 7 presents!!! we all had a laugh..

       congrats , on the new grandneice, chrissy.. anew baby smells different, sweeter than any other smell in the earth!!i hope your shoulder gets better, allyson, rotators are no fun!....night....3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I got the call from the ortho's secretary and a date has been organised for the knee replacement.  I can't believe the length of time for the wait!  I'm scheduled for May 23, 2012 and that's going private which is a heap quicker than going public and, that's his first available spot!  I really feel sorry for those people needing this op and having to wait even longer for a surgery date!

    3jays, so glad you got to spen time with the grands!  That's got to make you feel better.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Waits for knee/hip replacements have been 6-24 months all around the world for so long it begs to ask "Why aren't there more orthopaedic surgeons"?????? You'd think they'd be very high in demand at the teaching hospitals.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, good thing you got in now,  think what the wait could have been if you started the whole

    process again...

    my friend had both done at the same time..she said it was a wonderful choice..

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all.

    Leah, Happy Hanukkah! Hope you and your family have a joyous occasion and a lot of fun.

    Well didn't get near Santa yesterday, there was a two hour queue to get into the enchanted forest, luckily we had not said where we were going so Bea had a great time looking at the wonderful windows, having a drink, looking at the decorations and playing with the large 'Thomas" railway. He mother worked in this shop whie at university and enjoyed setting up the trains for the little ones to play with.

    Physio this morning for my shoulder. Had stiitches out of my face and was told all OK with the bits removed, skincancers but not melanoma thank goodness. Get the rest of the stitches out next week.

    Big hugs to all

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks for the idea Lisa about getting them both done together.............I should ask the question......thinking about it, it would be a harder recovery but it would be a once only recovery and that sounds good to me.  I must admit, this has already been in the pipeline for 18months as it was that long ago that I had the last arthroscope and was told they needed replacement so by the time its done, it will indeed be close to 24 months as you say Barbe.

    Alyson so glad that the spots weren't melanoma!  Now you can breathe again!  I just love watching the faces of the little ones when they see all the sparkly decorations and colored lights.  Glad Bea had a good time even though you didn't get near Santa!

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Well, it's that time of year -- meaning time for my biannual PET scan, which is early tomorrow morning.  So far I'm doing pretty well with keeping the anxiety manageable -- Christmas is a good distraction, I guess!  Still, I would appreciate your prayers, both for good results, and for me to be able to keep it all out of my thoughts through the coming holiday week and just enjoy my family.  

    I keep telling myself, "it is what it is," which is oddly helpful somehow or another.  Nobody except DH knows I'm having scans this week so this is the only place I can go to ask for prayer and support -- I just didn't want to hamper the holiday spirit for my friends and family.

    Hope you all have a peaceful and joyous week! 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    lulubee:  Praying for your scans to be clear!  Enjoy your holidays.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lulubee, good thoughts and prayers coming your way.  Hoping all is good.  Have a lovely holiday season!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Luubee, you're in my prayers.  Hoping everything is okay.

    Re:  the knee replacements--they do seem to go better if you do both at once.  I have a friend who had it done last year.  

    My DH now has a bladder infection and is unable to do much.  Also had two grandkids today. Boy I'm dead tired!  Hope he's better tomorrow.  We're getting new carpet on Fri. and have to move a piano before then.  I really think this is as much home improvement as I want to do from here on out.  I'm just too darn old to be moving furniture, and guess what, I don't care!  This is the first time in my life I've ever been able to get out of doing anything!  

    I clearly remember, at age 14, a nun telling me that "The purpose of a woman is to give."  It sounded like a lot of work but I did it anyway.  40 years of nursing, advocating for patients and their families in the face of a complex, difficult medical establishment.  Raising 3 kids, helping out my parents, managing the family money and running interference between my DH and his evil mother.  Can anyone spell exhausted? 

    Pardon me while I turn into a lazy, glutinous, cranky, difficult old lady!  I deserve to take the rest of my life off.  As soon as I get through Christmas eve, Christmas day and my SILs birthday. Then I'll take a rest.  Or maybe not yet.  There's an election coming up and I want to volunteer!

    Love to all,


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lulube, I'm sending prayers and good thoughts also.  Hope all is clear.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    me too, lulubee; i've just jumped into your pocket..!

      thanks, chrissy, i did so enjoy the time. maybe my eldest is catching on a bit!middle one will be home for christmas day, and will see the grands in the am. don't know if i'll make that visit, but asm hoping to be " up" to it..

       good thing you got started now, since the appts are so long to wait!!

       christmas is really here!!!Wishing all my good wishes for a Happy chanuka, and a Merry Christmas.. a happy, happy, and presperous New Year!.. 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    happy holiday gals!!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    love 3jays
  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Hi.  This looks like a nice group.  Mind if I lurk a bit?  I'm starting my treatment on Jan 5th.  It is called "Dose Dense" and looks scary.  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Peggy welcome!  Pull up a chair and hang with us........cup of tea or coffee?  what's your pleasure?  Got where you are comíng from with the 'Dose Dense' even the name is scary but believe me, it's nasty but doable and with the support of all here (not just this thread) you will be able to get through.

    Have you checked to see if there is a Jan 1012 chemo thread started yet?  It's good to join in there also as you will all be doing the same thing and gain strength and support from each other.  Oh if there isn't one feel free to start one as I'm sure there will be more girls joining you.

    Come and let it all hang out here when you need and even if you don't pop in often we would love to see you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Lulubee, I am in your pocket today!

    Welcome, Kitchenella!

    So today will be getting the dining room setup for company. My table only hold 5 so out comes the card tables. There will be 8 of us. I will take a pic of the tables when they are set and will post on Christmas Eve! Dinner I cheated on...Honey Baked Ham along with sides of mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, mashed sweet potatoes, asparagus and salad. But for Christmas, it will be the traditional turkey with all the sides. Yum, love eating but I am paying for it. I now weigh what I weighed before the cancer journey began 18 months ago. Diet time in January (and my 60th BDAY).

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    BarbaraA:  Sounds yummy!  I miss doing the dinner this year...I opted out because of my surgery, but actually I feel so good I could have done it.  It is going to be at DD's and she does a great job as well, but it's so hard on her with everything she has to do, and she gets so stressed out.

    I've been on an anti cancer diet and have lost over 12 pounds.  Haven't weighed in the 120's for twenty years, so if I cheat during the holidays, no biggie.  After the holidays and our vacation cruise on New Year's eve, it's back to rabbit food! 

  • Kitchenella
    Kitchenella Member Posts: 88

    Chrissy I have joined that group.  Slowly learning the ropes as to how these groups work.  

    I'm a tea person. BTW.

    I'm hosting my daughters family for this Sabbath Hannuka. (8 of the grands). I made a chicken soup (new recipe that has every vegetable known to mankind), Chicken Marabella baked together with potato chunks,  sweet potato latkes, broccoli orange salad,and chick pea w/sun dried tomato salad. We will have dark meat turkey "cholent' for the main course on Saturday.  I made a new recipe apple cake that I'm not sure turned out so good so I'll have hubby pick up some holiday 'sufganiot' (jelly doughnuts) also.  When they go home Sunday I'll start disinfecting the house.

    Thanks for the nice welcome.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I am not cooking this Christmas. First time (feels like ever) in lots of years. I am having my lump and SND tomorrow. Such good timing?! Anyway my kids (24 & 26) said they would take care of dinner. we might be having macaroni and cheese. I don't really care since we will all be together. I have all the presents wrapped and the tree is set and then last night my 26 year old son says what about the stockings? Sorry kid that is up to Santa this year! I know he is just concerned and everything feels different this year. It is the first holiday without my father, so that is different too.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Thinking of you today Lulubee; hope all's easy.

    Welcome Kitchenella - sorry you had to join us and hope your treatment goes well.  Your meal sounds delicious!

    Macatacmv, good luck with your surgery tomorrow! Glad your kids are taking care of dinner. 

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Welcome Kitchella.

    Lulubee I hope all goes well for you.

    Macatacmv being together is the best of it all isn't it? 

    Hugs all Ginger

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Welcome to our little haven, Kitchenella.

    lulubee. I will be thinking of you. Hope all went well for you today.

    Macataccmv, welcome to you also, you sound as if you've got two kids who will 'do' Christmas, all you need to do is to sit back and let them ! Tell your son he's Santa this year, so he has 4 days to organise stockings.

    Dragon, you took the words right outa my mouth ( oh, how I love that song !) about being a cranky old woman. I'm turning into one too !

    Chrissy...pleased you've got a date for your knee replacement, not too long to wait now you have the date. Are you off to the city again, or do you get it done locally ?

    Barb, waiting to see your Christmas table !

    I was feeling decidedly un Christmassy, with not putting any decorations up, so have had a visit to the garden centre, and come home with 2 red poinsettias, and 1 cream one. They, plus the big bouquet of flowers I got yesterday have made the place look red and green and Christmassy !!  I am going to get a few twinkly things out tomorrow. I thought I could live without decorating the house, but it feels odd, now Christmas is here ! I had a call from an old friend, and she wants to come and see me the day after Boxing Day, so she will be going home and reporting Isabella is going senile, she's forgotten it's Christmas ! so better sparkle the place up a bit.

    I THINK I have all things done now, still waiting for 1 parcel to be delivered, it was supposed to be arriving today, and it never came, some Xbox thingy for my grandson...I have no idea what.... I am just buying on the direction of DD ! 15 year old kids are NOT like we were at 15 !! All I know about Xboxes is they are a damn*d nuisance, I had 1 Christmas Day ruined by the things. An older grandson brought one he had just received, walked over to the best TV, plugged it in at 11am, and it was still going sometime towards midnight when they were all ready to go home. We could not watch things we wanted to that day (that was the days before we had repeats !!) and couldn't concentrate on conversation with the racket from the Xbox games on all the time. I asked him 2 or 3 times to go set up somewhere else, and the little devil just smirked at me, and DD sat there and let him ! If he had been my son he would have been banished to the kitchen, after an hour, when we had all seen it, if he wanted it on constantly,so not disturbing everyone else. 

    DD is in a frenzy of parties, pub visits and crazy clothes, she is posting daily on FB, pics of her clothes and hair on the previous nights antics ! I fell out with her this morning. I hope we sort it out before Christmas Day or I shall be sat on my own with the dogs, eating a tin of dog food ! I smashed my mirror on my car. I asked DD to order me a replacement, she was here visiting me, and took my plate number. She messaged the very next day for my plate number AGAIN, she had lost it , and told me it would be here in 2 days. That was 2 weeks ago. Since then she has asked AGAIN for my plate number, then contacted me AGAIN to ask which side of the car I needed it for...this was after I had told her in a message, AND face to face which side I wanted. I lost it this morning, and asked her to get the  mirror pretty damned quick, or forget it and I would go elsewhere. ...I also, in passing, and with steam coming out of my ears, happened to mention that if this was the way she was treating her customers at the garage then she would end up going bankrupt !!!!! SIL happened to hear me going at DD, (DD had me on speaker 'phone ) he took the phone from DD, apologised to me profusely, and called DD out right there and then! I can almost bet SIL will be down here tomorrow to fit the mirror ! I think I have been more than patient, but will probably have to back down for the sake of peace ! Goodness knows where my blood pressure is at the moment !!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I LOVE the surgeon who is going to take out my thyroid!!! He was WONDERFUL!!! Was VERY concerned about my Fibromyalgia so I know I will be well-medicated!! He is also going to check out my para-thyroid glands, thank God!!! I will be in 2-4 days so it won't be until the new year. He is off anyways. He even had my DH touch the mass so he could feel it too!! I will definitely be going on thyroid medicaiton FINALLY!!! Probably Synthroid. Maybe then I'll finally be able to lose some weight.

    Thank God!!! I will be able to make it a couple more weeks, I can still breathe through the passage that is still open. He can see it is bulging over towards my breathing parts. He was just so gentle and kind. He touched me a number of times and I really believe in the "hands on" approach. I trust him now. My DH was impressed too!! He is a thyroid cancer specialist even though my mass is presently classified as benign. He will make sure there is no cancer lurking within the mass. What a relief!!

    I think knees should ALWAYS be done together but I don't think they allow that in Canada yet. Why not??? Makes perfect sense!! One surgery, one recovery! Keep that date, Chrissy!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lulabee...saying prayers for you!

    Barbe1958:  Good that you have someone that you can trust and feel confident about.  Soon you will have that thing out and replaced by thyroid meds that will make you feel much better.  I'm now on synthroid, but my new integrative doctor said he prefers the natural thyroid hormone...I think it's called naturepath or something like that. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kaara, our bodies run on chemicals and electrical impulses. I just can't take a chance that a natural replacement would give me the strength I would need with NO thryoid anymore.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome to Peggy and Macatacmv (who I'll probably call Mac!).  This is a wonderful thread to get and give support, and you'll like it here.

    Glad your house is looking a little Christmasy, Isabella.  We didn't decorate a lot this year (just the tree and a few other things) since we didn't want to be constantly on GS about touching and holding things.  I could now, I suppose, since he won't be here again until Christmas day, but then I'd have to take it all down, now wouldn't I?  I shall leave well enough alone!

    Chrissy, I'm glad you've got a date set, even if it is a good while away.  From what I understand, going private would be nevertheless faster, and honestly, as I've gotten older time seems to pass more and more quickly!  Why is that?

    Barbe, it's great that you like your surgeon!   Having a doctor who sincerely cares about you and takes time with you makes so much difference, doesn't it?


  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Barbe - a friend of mine had both knees replaced at the same time in Canada several years ago.