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For Older People with Sense



  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kathy congrats on Bnign.

    Barb I hope you get a soultion to your pain and get it treated and gone! 

    Isabella, maybe the callers were thinking of putting the pill up you know where? Could happen! Tell us what doors where flapping about? I hope not ones letting your pupppies get cold! You asked once about my embroidery. Currently it is on an embroidery machine that I am learning to use. I did crewel embroidery a while back and while I liked it I just never developed the skills that the ladies at the local society had. One woman did a tiny english garden on the top of what was to be a tiny pin cushion. She swore she didn't use any magnification in her work. It was simply amazingly fine and precise. I think she must be very nearsighted because no normal human could embroider that finely and achieve such results without help. What do you do? When I was in London I wanted to go to the Victoria and Albert museum to see all the fine work there. My husband was consulting for a company up in Hitchin where he was working until midnight. He had me squirelled away in a hotel in an old Abby where they didn't believe in heat except at night. I was, honest to God, sitting in bed with two towels on my head trying to stay warm. I was freezing so I just went off on Air Lingus and went to see a friend in Dublin. They believed in central heat at their house and I got to see my friend. So you see, it is my own fault I didn't get to the museum.

    My vacation from Arimidex has caused my head to clear. Apparently that has caused my ability to write run on sentences, ignore punctuation and the use of paragraphs to return in full force.I suppose there are trade offs in everything. Laughing

    Love to all GInger

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    lurk away 3jays, we'll all talk to you.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ginger...I had 2 stable doors bashing about, in the farmyard, all for the want of somebody just using the bolts and shutting them !

    My puppies are all in a building off my kitchen, I had a big kennel block built all along the back of the house, with access straight from my kitchen, with 12 pens of varying sizes...all for my own dogs ( don't put boarding dogs in there at all ) I don't need to go outside to look after them, and in summer I can open another door in their block, and give them access to the garden. I also have radiators running around the whole place, and each kennel also has a pig lamp above the bed, so heat is blasting down on them . They keep warmer than I do ! Must admit tho' I am having to cut down on the central heating. I just put an order in today for a tank fill, and it's going to cost me £1,100. ($1,720) This should last me 6 weeks, but at this price I am starting, when this lot is delivered, to switch it on only from late afternoon 'til bedtime. ( This is about two thirds of what the proper cost should be, I have filled up with tractor diesel, we're not supposed to use this for domestic heating, but all the farmers I know do ! ) I have 3 log burners going for most of the day, in the downstairs rooms....they are very warm but I sometimes get sick of cleaning them out and re-lighting each day ...but...the dogs love I can't leave them without their favourite form of heat. 

    The embroidery I do is tapestry, pretty basic when you see some of the beautiful stuff some people turn out. Used to do counted thread work and smocking on little dresses for DD, years ago. I'm not a mad keen embroiderer, do it in fits and starts...when I have an afternoon to spare, and the weather is miserable I will have a go for a few hours. I wouldn't mind getting a machine to embroider, but I don't suppose I would get my money back...that is IF I ever learnt to use it. I try and go to sewing exhibitions now and then.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi guys, im here.. have to wear my compression gloves, for sure now..

      i am really down and out, ladies, just about ready to give in .. i know from the websites that hypothryoid is hard to dx and tx.. but , none of these drs seem to care.. the fight with my son continues, but, without me saying a word..WTH he's MAD bc im using my wheelchair now, I can't walk right now, i don't know what he expects!!!

      my neice called yesterday, she's had a period of her hypo again.. she CAN take the synthyroid, thank goodness.. she said using normal salt, bc its iodized, helps her pick upo.. that'll set my le off badly, but i've started  trying it.. id like to make christmas out of the hospital.. i have to watch my heart, now, but if not chest pains, im staying home.. i catch too much in the hospital...

       so, the season has come to a screeching halt, at least for a bit, for me.. i'll be lurking, for the most part, but wanted you all to have info on me.. Happy Christmas to you all!!!....3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Ah 3Jays, I am sorry things are rough for you just now. I want to tell you that when my mom who was 84 (I think) had several fall injuries, broken hips and complications and small strokes that I felt angry with her. We were able to find peace before she passed away and it wasn't until then that I realized my anger was fear of losing her. When my DD became snippy and snappy with me about a myriad of little things after I got my BC diagnosis I told her about how I felt when my mom was sick and my later revelation. I think it helped her some because I saw the recognition on her face. Our relationships with our children can be so difficult and complicated that I know I will never get it all correct. I hope to resolve bits here and there and can only hope it builds up over time. I think my kids are doing better with their kids than I did with them, and my parents with me, so maybe there is hope. 

    Love and hugs


  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    QCA, I posted on several threads but I guess I forgot to on this one. My Oncotype score was low -- an 8. My MO gave me 3 choices for treatment: chemo; no chemo; or participate in a clinical trial designed to see whether or not chemo really helped women in my particular situation -- low Onco but 1-3 positive nodes. After a sleepless night, I decided to go ahead with the chemo. My rationale: If cancer were to come back, I wanted to know that I had done everything possible to prevent it, that I had given it my best shot and used every medical treatment available at this time.

    Marybe, tell me about "Devil and the Deep Blue Sea." As my reply to QCA shows, I'm posting on 4 or 5 relevant threads, and I forget what I've said where, so often I have to repeat myself. And I find this site's search function a bit frustrating. Any advice? 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Oh sorry you aren't feeling well, and here I was ranting away on my PM to you!  Yes, the thyroid can really give us problems when it's out of whack.  After years of synthroid without much luck, I was put on an additional pill of cytomel which is the stimulating hormone and it seemed to make a difference, as my symptoms got better.  A low functioning thyroid can cause problems with your heart as causes my heartbeat to be slower than normal, and sometimes skip beats.  Are you seeing a thyroid specialist (although mine didn't pick up on the fact that I needed bioidentical hormone doctor did that).  You are right...dr's just do the minimum and make you think it's all in your head if you complain about symptoms.  That's why I do my own research now and pretty much know what I need before I go to the dr.  I think our kids hate to see us sick and down and out...your son is acting like he's mad because he doesn't want you to see that he is upset.  You just have to accept that in him and let it go.  It is what it is.  I have one son that hasn't even acknowledged my bc since I told him.  The other three have been ok with it. 

    QCA:  That's a really low oncotype score, which is good!  If you are comfortable with the treatment plan you have chosen, then it is the right decision.  All the best to you!  

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    no, you'r pms were very helpful to me, Kaara. i've added a few supllements, as a result of them!!!! i also tried cytomel, and i think we were in the a'right church wrong pew; it robbed me of my brath!so, im gonna talk to him about a peds dose, and then i'll do my asthma txs with it.. i think that very well be whats missing!!

      the endo is worried more about my blood sugar.. jerk!its 3 points above "non diabetivc" levels.. my ent has seen me thru so much, and he's the one i'll see next week. he ordered tsh, and some special kinda test, which will show if my ms is attacking the thyroid. if it ids, he dsays it has to be txed differently.. so, we'll see. if you ever need an ent; i got a great, big mench for you. he is a lifesavrr, for me!!! Dr. Lee Mandell, in Plantation, or Hollywood. he's helped me with my ms side effects, all the bacterial infections, and the BEST with my thyroid problems.. he recently found me a do that is right next door, who may be able to help mer with alt. remedies... fingers crossed, prayers said...

       Good luck on Monday, and i hope you can go home, after...3jays

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    A special ~ gentle hug for you, 3jays.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{3jays}} Still praying for you, pal.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3jays:  Thanks for the tip on the endo.  I may very well go to him after I get through this surgery, because the thyroid function is very important and I have been dx with hashimoto's.  I also learned from research that my slow heartbeat could be tied to the thyroid problem.

    If you want to get that blood sugar under control just go on the gluten free diet.  It removes all the starch which converts to sugar, and your glucose levels drop to well within the normal range.  Patrick had the same problem and he is doing quite well now.  He thinks this new dr. is a miracle worker, because he was having so much trouble with constipation, and now with this probiotic he's on, he's going three times a day!  He's so happy you'd think he was having sex three x's a day:)

    Kids are coming by to visit today (Patrick's) which is nice of them.  Sometimes I think they appreciate me more than my own kids do.  I just try to be their friend.

    Wish I could fast forward to Monday eve and be done with this surgery!  Hugs to everyone! 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Kaara, sending hugs and best thoughts your way. 

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Barbe1958, I have a sewing question - sorry I didn't post on the stitches thread, but I know you here... anyway, the Bernina has a small 'chisel' among its attachments.  It's about 3.5 inches long counting the handle. The chisel is about 1 inch by 1/2 inch.  What is its purpose?

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    QCA, you once asked about swags of greenery; sorry I didn't respond -- but I did in my mind if that counts..... Anyway, when you have a big batch of greenery cut, I just use a heavy twine as base, and some florists' wire to attach the greenery.  Just start adding greenery, wrapping some wire around it to attach it to your "base", adding more greenery, until you reach the desired length.  When you get your length, you can add "decorations".

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Lost Creek, it is a button hole cutter. It will cut through the fabric after the stitching is complete.

    It was me who asked about the greenery. I am surrounded by evergreen trees here so many I can't count so I thought maybe I could cut off some branches and make something.  Thanks for responding.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Ginger - sorry ! funny thing is that I started the response to you, then second-guessed myself!

    Thanks so much for the info about the buttonhole cutter - that makes perfect sense! It'll make that tricky job easier.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow, my job is done, I'm no longer needed here! heheheheehehhe

    Kaara, I'd LOVE to know what probiotic works that well!!! Do tell!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all, just passing throuogh as we are away from home. DD1 was the soprano soloist in the Messiah here in Napier and we decided to visit friends and DD organised a meeting for this morning. The Messiah was great. Now for some shopping this morning.

    Big hugs to all. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe1958:  The probiotic is called Therbiotic and it's in powder form which is a formulation that this doctor has made for his patients.  Then he takes one Cascara tablet and one other tablet called Scrubber.  Together they are working to rid him of years of toxin build up in his intestines.  Eventually he will only need to take the probiotic daily.  I get the same result when I take a Super Cleanse tablet that you can buy in the health food store, but they did nothing for him, so this combination must be more potent.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kaara, goodluck for Monday!  I'll be thinking of you.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Kaara, best of luck for your surgery.

    Barbe, when will you hear an answer about your biopsy? I'm still praying for B9.

    3jays, I'm so sorry you feel so bad. Take care of yourself, let others take care of you (and I know Mur is doing that).

    Well, we are almost at the end of the bathroom renovation. We started a few weeks ago. We ended up redoing all the plumbing also since it wasn't in such great shape - figured while we're tearing everything up is the time to do it instead of waiting for trouble and having to tear up the new bathroom. The plumbing, installation of fixtures, and tiling was finished last week and the carpenter brought the vanity yesterday. It's been installed so all that's left to do is hook up the sink there and put in the lightbridge (the carpenter installs the vanity and mirror unit then measures for the lightbridge). It's absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't be more pleased.

    There was one part of the renovation that was difficult. You know how people always advise that during an MRI you imagine yourself elsewhere to help deal with it? Well, I never had a big problem with MRIs since I'm not claustophobic and the noise sounded like the jackhammers I would hear when I was growing up (not an infrequent thing in NYC) so I handled it well. When the workers were tearing up the bathroom floor and taking out the tub and sink the noise sounded like - an MRI! That bothered me and I ended up leaving the house during that part. Go figure.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Leah, I can relate!! I had floors done in September and the hammering of the laying part stressed me out so much that I had to go as far away as possible, put in ear plugs and hum while I tried to read!! Funny, but I think it's because the hammering wasn't in a pattern, so it was jarring.

    Thanks for all the good wishes, I'm STILL waiting!! I SHOULD hear this week.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Barbe, good luck! I hope you hear soon that wonderful word b9.

    Barbe, oh no, you are still needed.  I have a trunk full of my best material that I bought and saved for something special... always the material was "too good to cut"....Well, I've decided that it's time, and I'm special.  So, out comes the wool from Ireland, the silk from DH's grandma's stash, and any and everything I've been saving -- a box of old, often handmade, lace from DH's gma and all the good stuff -- including I just ordered some velvet and silk.... and I am hoping to pick your brain from time to time.... Like, this 3 yd piece of pongee silk from the 50s (tag says 3yds/$2.75) -- what's the best way to shrink it first?  I'm expecting some dupioni silk as well -- what about it?  Don't say dry cleaner that's out of the question.  I figure material is older than dry cleaners, and in the old days they just washed... but how????

     SoCalLisa, don't you have an MRI this week, or was that last week?   

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    LC you have made me think I must explore my material stash though DDs have raided it from time to time.

    Must get showered and moving as I am having several skin nasties removed this morning - not looking forward to this - face back and toes, all incision removal  yuck.

    Had great weekend away staying with friends.

    Big hugs

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    B9!!! It said "suggestive of benign thyroid nodule with no malignacies found"!! Woo hoot! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!

    Lost, don't prewash, I never do. Would you REALLY run a quilt through the washing machine once it was finished???? Make a wall art quilt. You could do a crazy quilt (google the look) or even "frame" the hankies with the fine fabrics you've got and put 4 together for a larger tapestry. Hang it off a curtain rod with nice finials. Ta da!! A perfect gift!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Yay! Barb! Hugs coming at 'cha!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Wonderful news Barb.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Yay, Barbe!!  Merry Christmas to YOU, babe!  And to all of us who were waiting with you!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Barbe, I'm so delighted!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good news Barbe!

    Yep, I throw my own quilts in the washer - I made them to be used as blankets. And I made a number for famiily & friends as well.  The wall hangings I made are for wall hanging & decoration and I have plenty of decorations.

     Mom's and grandma's quilts (including grandma's signed & dated silk and velvet and embroidery crazy quilt) are saved for show.  If they ever get dirty, they'll go to the cleaners I guess.  Mostly they're in acid-free paper, being saved, along with the handmade laces and homespun linens from the 1800s and 1900s handed down in my family.  All the women in my family sewed/embroidered/lace-made/crocheted, or etc.  DH's gma was an extraordinary needlewoman, and we have quite a bit from her too. 

     My silks & woolens & "good stuff" that I'm planning to use:  I spent a lot of my life making and either selling or gifting sewn items, but kept back these goodies, thinking I'd want them someday -- in the same way some ladies will go buy a new dress, well, I'm going to make clothes for me out of this finery.  I'm torn between making a soft suit with my Ireland wool, or a new summer dress with that old silk pongee.  DH has helped me the past couple days, and my sewing nook has now taken over the whole 2nd bedroom.  If we have company, they now get the rollaway because we stored the double bed outside in the shed.  All of a sudden I have two sewing machines, 2 utility tables, a cutting table, the ironing board,  a chest, & half a closet full of my sewing stuff.  He repurposed a little glass spice cabinet he'd made me 35 yrs ago into a thread cabinet with spindles -- looks so good inside the glass... AND he washed the skylight in that room.  I have 2 doc appts this week, plus an overnight to his co. Christmas party in Marin Co., and so am grabbing every minute I can to go into my girl-cave.... 

    Oh, the hankies, well the best ones are already stored for future generations -- next nicer ones will get repurposed or pieced into something dainty.  I've spent too long as the storer and saver, and not enough time as the enjoyer.

    3jays, hang in there - I've been keeping up with your posts a bit.  I hope you make it through the holidays at home, and improving!

    Best to all. 

    Marybe, where is your thread? Which forum?