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For Older People with Sense



  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Kaara, I hope your DDs new friend is the one! 

    Merry Christmas, all -- we had our day yesterday with DB & his family - just 6 of us.  Good thing I cleared the fridge beforehand because it's filled with the leftovers today, and there are a LOT of leftovers!  

    I did get DH 3 music albums and he got to open one of them yesterday.  I tell you all, if you ever get a chance to go to see Tommy Emmanuel play guitar, buy the tickets!  He will make you feel good about everything - he has a gift... (ChrissyB, I think he's from Oz).... anyway, that's one of the albums DH will be opening today and I'm looking forward to listening....

    Happy Day to all, and all best wishes for 2012. Health, happiness, peace, joy...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well Christmas is over for another year!  and I am pooped like every other!  The kids and the grands have just left after squeezing into my little house since Friday.  It gets a little bit cosy at times but it's great fun to have them here.  The grands are definitely becoming young adults and join in with the conversation and laughter.....really wonderful!!!   We were joined by DD2's partner and they announced that they will be getting married, no date set but notice has been given.  He is such a character and had us in fits of laughter the whole time they were here.......a really good addition to the family.

    I think for the next few days I will be on strike in the kitchen as there is so much food left that I won't need to cook! poor refrigerator has been groaning under the stress of having to keep so much cool!  The longer I sit the more relaxed I get and the eyes are getting heavy so I just might need to have a nap.

    Welcome Dragonfrog1, pull up a chair, grab a cuppa and sit a spell!  We're not a bad bunch.

    L_C, yes you are right,Tommy Emmanuel is an Aussie boy and very talented!

    Love n hugs all!   Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Happy day after Christmas everyone!  Whew...holidays are great, but when you've just had surgery they can be tiring!  Grands did not understand that they couldn't just jump up in my lap and give me big hugs, and that goes for the dogs as well!  I'm feeling it today!

    Chrissyb:  So glad to hear about your DD and her partner.  Don't you just love it when kids find someone they can be happy with.  It makes our lives so much better!  I don't think my DD will ever get married again, but her new boyfriend is a breath of fresh air!  I said a silent prayer for him coming into her life.  If he survived yesterday, he'll be around for a while.  He seemed to fit right in with our wild and crazy family!

    Lost_Creek:  Glad you had a nice day with family!  Barbe, 3jays and too! 

    I'm by myself today (YEA) with boyfriend off playing golf with his son.  Time to clean up a little and begin sorting clothes for our upcoming cruise.  Getting ready to practice the art of doing absolutely nothing for seven days!  Well....nothing but R & R. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Kaara, my son is going on a cruise to Jamica leaving New Year's Eve day...........he is so looking forward to it............wanted me to go, and said "Mom, no excuse about walking, the ship is only so big"..............but I am scared to death of being on a ship in the middle of the ocean...............I hide under the bed in a "summer thunder storm", and let them say "tornado", I'm the first one in the closet under the stairs...................well that makes sense, considering I live alone......thank God, there wouldn't be room for anyone else in there...................large Ranch, but everything has its place.

    So glad all the ladies had a great xmas, but it is funny how they all said the same ting, "TIRED".......................glad it wasn't  just me............................have a great "after xmas rest", and take care...........your very important to me............Smile

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    ducky:   These ships are so large that you don't even know you are on a ship.  This time of year the weather is beautiful.  Jamica is a great island and the people are so friendly.  You do have to stay in the tourist areas and whatever you do...don't let them braid your will never get those small braids loose without damage!  You should put it on your bucket list!  I want to sail around the Pacific Islands someday, but it won't happen unless I win the lottery! I can always dream tho!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    ducky: I've been on a huge ship in January. There are rough seas then, too!!! In fact, as we set out and were about to leave the harbour in Puerto Rico, the Captain APOLOGIZED for the rough seas he was about to take us into!!!!! I slept only because of Gravol as I hugged my life vest like a toilet bowl....

    Also, all the floors are ramped on a ship for water to flow off of and the doors, of which there are many (to block water, I'm sure) are very, very heavy!!! Even my DH had to buy a cane while we were away and he's never used one before, or after that trip!!! I won't do a cruise again.

    Of course, that's only my crippled image of the whole thing. I was only 44 at the time!! I'm MUCH more crippled now!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I guess I should add, we used to travel at least 60 days of the year so we are used to being up and about. The cruise put us down. We had taken all the kids with us as we figured that would be the last time we'd have them all together for a holiday without spouses or boy/girl friends. THEY loved it!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Our last cruise to Canada/New England in September we hit hurricane Maria and had 27 ft. seas!  The ship was rocking, but nothing like a smaller ship I was on out of Puerto Rico one year in October that hit a hurricane, and that one only had 14 ft. seas.  As long as I have my seasick patch which I cut in quarters and use (one per cruise) I'm just fine.  I sleep better when the boat is a baby!

    We like to get on the ship, unpack our bags, and have a floating hotel where we can eat, be entertained, and never have to worry about finding a restaurant or where to go for a show.  They have movies, dancing, a spa, gym, pools etc.  A week of chilling out.  It's not the only kind of vacation we like, but it's one of the top five on our list, and the best overall value for what you get.  We traded our skiing time share week this year so we will get two extra weeks of vacation somewhere else.  After bc surgery and possible rads, I thought skiing in February might be a bit too much!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Don't get me wrong...our ship was HUGE. It was the innaugural trip of the Princess Dawn.

    Kaara, I'm glad you can post 'happy, happy, joy, joy' moments on a cruise. I just like to warn people about the heavy doors and ramped hallways. We went to art auctions and came back with 30 pieces of art!! My DH did the kitchen and wine tour and we loved having afternoon tea. There are more pros than cons, I just wished someone had warned me. When standing in line for the dinner doors to be opened one night, my son said "Mom, why are you mad?" I had to tell him I wasn't mad, I was in pain!! He saw my face as anger and that really made me feel bad. The kids really had a blast!!!!

    The motion of the ship is really, truly not felt once you are under way. We got the cabins that the tour place recommended for sea sickness, low and centre so we didn't get the swing up or down.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    I just can't make myself do, if I could get on the ship, and enjoy all the ammenties while it is sitting in "dock", I would love it....................I love to party, as most of you know.....I would bring my RED SOLO CUP, and have a ball...................only condition is, THE FRIGGING SHIP DOES NOT LEAVE THE I also said "when they build a bridge to Hawaii, I will go their too, don't like to fly either.............have never been on a plane......................I panic when my kids, and grandkids fly..........................I k'now, I'm a woose........................

  • cheryl1946
    cheryl1946 Member Posts: 62


       I'm with you. I'm 65 and have never been on a plane,or any kind of boat or ship.

    I say,if God wanted me to fly,I'd have wings. I'm afraid of drowning too.

    Just a big ole wimp ! 


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Ducky:  We got to do that once too (tour the ship in port I mean)  My marketing director's husband worked for the Crystal Cruise Lines, and they were giving tours and dinner to friends and family of staff, so she invited us down.  Wow!  That is as close as I'll get to a ultra luxury cruise!  Charlton Heston and Richard Dreyfus were on board that night, waiting to sail the next evening.  The cocktail party before dinner was something else...everyone dressed to kill!  The suites were as large as a small apartment and there was champagne and a fruit basket for everyone!  Also chocolate dipped strawberries, and butler service to help you unpack and see to your every need!  The dinner was as gourmet as I've ever had.

    As elegant as it was, I'm just as happy with my little value really go to the same ports and the food and entertainment are just fine for me.  The butler would make me uncomfortable!  I'm not used to being waited on. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Kaara, I have to say I loved our butler. Our suite was 1020 square feet. I must say, I used to do value cruises but I am totally spoiled now. The smaller size and superb service won me over. Silversea rocks!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We had 3 units when we sailed. None on the outside with a balcony. It was pricey enough as it was. Anyway, the first day on the ship as we got to our room for the first time, there was a blinking red light on our phone!! We had a message from the purser to see him. We had purchased the only tour we wanted to do for the six of us as soon as we got on the ship so we thought there was a problem with that. Anyway, we get to the purser and he said our credit card wouldn't take the TIP they put on automatically when you board!!!!! We had them take it off and said we'd tip on our own thank-you very much!!!!!! They were charging $9 per person per day, that was $54 x 7 days!!!!! We had no intention of using that credit card again during the cruise so hadn't cleared it off. Thank God it wouldn't accept the almost $400 charge!! We left CASH for the cabin boys. We wondered how many people didn't realize the charges were put on and then left cash anyway!! We wanted to make sure the tips went directly to the people we wanted to; like our dinner guy, the cabin guys, the lunch guy, etc....

    My Mom and her husband would have a balcony suite for their 90 day cruises!!! They got all sorts of awards every time they sailed as they used the line so much.The award went by miles sailed. Last one I remember them getting was 200,000 miles.(She has since passed. He is remarried and they have a cruise company!)

    My son and his wife had the same thing for their honeymoon, but that was special.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Wow all this talk of going on a cruise is making me envious. Never been on a cruise ship, but I live on a resort island (in the Northeast, so it is cold). We have to either take a ferry boat or a plane to get on or off the island. I asked my doc when could I plan my next vacation and she said I could plan it but don't buy any tickets yet. sigh! I am awaiting my path report from last weeks lump. A nurse called this morning to see how I was doing. She said we might not get results until Tuesday next week cause of the holidays. Waiting is not my strong suit. So glad I have you gals.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{macatac}} I know how the waiting thing goes!

    How cool to live on an island. I live on one, too, but we have bridges (drawbridges).

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    When we moved out here last year I tried to get my husband to agree to living on Whidbey Island. Where if everything went perfectly he could have been at work in Bellevue in about 40 minutes. Living on the island involves taking a ferry to the mainland and therein is the problem. If you miss the ferry you will wait from 20 minutes to a few hours on weekends. Although I knew just a few days later. I didn't know I had BC at that point. I can't imagine treatment involving taking a ferry everyday as being realisitic. Still it was a lovely dream involving western views and surf and sunsets. We can visit.

    I have never gone on a cruise but I have used most other forms of transportation. I know that air transportation is very safe as to crashes but seriously that many people all crammed into a space better suited for half the number just cannot be healthy.  It is both physically uncomfortable and psychologically stressful. I really have come to detest being crammed into airplanes. I used to travel a lot and since moving out west I haven't flown even one time.

    Laters Ginger 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We took a wonderful cruise to Alaska with something to see everyday...we loved it so much we did it again a couple of years later..loved it a second time

    We did a 7 day Mexican cruise to northern Pacific Mexico and was just OK and I probably won't do that again...but Alaska still beckons..

    We did a river cruise for Tulip time in Holland and Belgium..I loved it..

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lisa, I've taken one cruise to Alaska and loved it.  Would go again.....and again!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    One more...I don't know where all my pix are, not on this puter

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow Lisa, so beautiful!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    The glaciers are beautiful and the fjords spectacular.  When I saw the fjords I wondered yet again how my Grandfather could have left the fjords of Norway for the prairies of North Dakota.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    And Chabba, he didn't get much warmer either...

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I am always amazed at just how beautiful our world truly is if we just take the time to look.  You Lisa, as usual, have captured such beauty with your lens...........thank you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Wow - breathtaking photos Lisa.  It's lovely to imagine being there.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, beautiful as always!  I love your photos.  

    We've never gone on a cruise either, but I'd love to do one to Alaska.  My sister in law and her husband went on one to Alaska last summer and brought back great photos, one of which they had framed for us for Christmas.  Loved that gift!

    I do adore flying.  We drove to NYC the first time we went and DH's driving in the city so horrified me that we've flown every time since.  Before we met, he used to teach at a college on Long Island so he had experience with driving in NYC, and we did get where we needed to go, but I was relieved when we parked it at the hotel and used subways, buses, and cabs until we headed home.  I was really "country gone to town" on that trip.

    Mac, we're with you while you wait.  Waiting is so hard since your imagination just goes into overdrive, and we've all been there.  Hugs to you.


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    I get my 12/21 PET scan results tomorrow afternoon. I was able to keep it from clouding my thoughts during Christmas week, thankfully.  Now that the appointment time has come, though, it's all sort of hovering over me and I'm just hoping I can sleep tonight.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    sending good thoughts to you, lulubee.. am headed for bed myself soon.. sleep tight.....3jays