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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    WOW...Lisa that is beautiful.  We went to Alaska in 2004, the year before I retired.  It was the seven day inside passage tour.  I wish I had taken the extended tour that goes to Denali, but with work I just couldn't spare the time.  Now I have all the time in the world.  We are trying to put together a "girlfriends" cruise to Alaska in May....I think it might be cold and rainy then...not the best time of year, now that I think about it.  Better dig out the long underwear!

    We're driving over to Naples, Fl today to meet my boyfriend's brother and family for lunch.  They come to Fl from Wisc. every holiday, and this year we are headed out for our cruise so this is our only opportunity to see them until summer.  It's a waterfront restaurant but it got cold last night (50 degrees) so it's going to be nippy sitting outside.  For them it's summer weather...temp is 26 in Milwaukee! 

    Mac & lulubee:  Good luck on your outcomes! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kaara, 50 degrees means I'd have a sweater on!!! hehehehehehehe

    My son's honeymoon was the inside passage. They enjoyed it tremendously!!

  •    The thing I could not get over when we did an Alaskan cruise, was all of those jewelry stores...I never associated Alaska with jewelry.  I thought the scenery was beautiful and in many areas actually looked like Switzerland.   A girl's cruise in May sounds like a lot of fun.

    I am posting a few pics of Xmas at my Dad's......I am smiling to myself that a few of you thought I was gutting the place when I was always talking about doing things there. 

              2nd floor bathroom

          Living room.....Tim taking pic of me taking pic of him

    This is what we called the sewing room which will be a computer room one of these days

        The place is heated with radiators. 

    Hope everyone gets good scan reports.  I am going for my 4th adriamycin this far no hair loss and this has me worried.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Great pics Marybe, I only wish they were bigger so we could see detail!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Sigh. Marybe, I can't see your pictures on this thread, either.


  • Ok Barbe, Here you go.  Xmas 2011
  • Sorry to take up a whole page, but you asked for larger and you got it.  The cracked up woodwork in the sewing room, I am just going to put a thin coat of color on....I do faux finishing that looks cracked up like that, but this one is the real thing, what happens after years and years I guess. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Marybe:  The home looks lovely and comfy!   Thanks for sharing!

    Barbe:  My son did his honeymoon there as well! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Fabulous Marybe!!! The bigger pics just bring the rooms to life. LOVE all the woodwork, nice to see it painted white as it looks so fresh. So many people are afraid to paint wood. Loving the rad cover too. Did you have it made? Gives a nice hall table surface.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hey ladies.....................great stories, great pictures, butler and all....................................I would need a iron clad guarantee that I was coming back, and  not going to experience the Posidan Adventure, or landing with more then my feet on the ground.

    Can't do it........................

    However, I would not want the "Butler", unpacking my underwear....................the last thing we would need is a "blind butler" on board, after viewing my underwear............................

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The only place in the whole world where our stuff was unpacked was in our second hotel on Rhodes. The maid would take one of my nighties and make a "display" on the freshly made bed by tweaking the nightly to a slim waste and sprinkling bath salts, roses and chocolates. Cute the first time, annoying the second time!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Barbe, that is funny................annoying the second your sense of humor......I would probably have thought the same thing..................ok, enough already with the picking bath salts, roses, and chocolates off the bed..............................and slimming the that is going to if she could slim me the same way.........I'd be the first in line for the "trimming"......................

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, the pictures are just beautiful!  They really made my day.  Dragon

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Marybe, the pics of the rooms are great.  You certainly have done a great job with the renovating...........I've never been on a large ocean cruise liner but I have flown.......heaps!!!   lol

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Ducky I was thinking much the same about the nightie. Barbe yours must be more glamorous than mine which are either large teeshirt types or white cotton - bit difficult to enhance!!!

    Marybe, loved the pictures and Lisa's what can I say. An Alaskan cruise is something I would love to do or one to the Antarctic (but not sure if DH can as he has a pacemaker.) Beginning to think about where we might go next year, not sure yet. I am wondering about Canada.

    Moving slowly today RA flare not great but do feel brighter now just have to get pain down so that I can start to move.

    Must get lunch, then I will do some knitting. Have cardigan for GD and then will look at doing something for great niece due to arrive in May.

    Big hugs to all.

    PS meant to say need prayer for BF's little grandaughter who had neuroblastomostage 4 two years ago, she was stable but it looks as if it has returned.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  Sending prayers for your BF's GD.  That is so sad.  

    Barbe:  They used to do that with the nighties on the cruise ships but I guess someone complained because they stopped it.  Now they take the towels and make them into cute little animals!  It's fun to come back to your room each night and see what awaits't take much to make me happy I guess! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I am with you Kaara, I think the towel animals are sooo cute..

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Alyson, adding my best thoughts for your friend's GD. 

    All the talk about cruises:  I've never been on one, just on the troop transport ship in '54 Seattle to Japan, which was almost two weeks of great fun for a 7 year old....

    But as an adult (20 years ago, filling one of DHs grandest & wildest dreams), we spent a year cruising the west coast & to Mexico on our 30' sailboat -- which is the most expensive way to travel third class there is... But what memories, ahh the memories.... before we left I just figured I was going out in a teacup into the middle of all of G*d's will, and it would be what it was.  And it was fine -- many adventures, but fine. DH has never forgotten that I did it willingly and was an active partner. He is very indulgent with me to this day.

    When we were young - in our 20s - some of the best advice we ever got was "if you have something you really want to do, do it while you're young and healthy, then recover financially and careerwise - you just never know what will happen by the time you 'retire'."  We took that advice in our 40s... Now in our 60s, it remains a highlight, and we did pretty well "recover".

    Isabella & 3jays you talked about taking creatures with you when you go somewhere if need arises.... we once had a charismatic cockatiel who was such a part of the entire extended family that we took him along on the flight to family reunion.  One of the flight attendants, a prissy gal, was yuckked by the thought of a 'nasty' bird as carryon. (I'd paid the fees, and gotten the all-important health certificate)... she got a bit miffed about germs/or bugs or whatever, and I told her I was pretty sure my bird was the only one aboard with a health certificate.... Later, at a layover, the pilot came back & was intrigued by my bird's curiosity & personality... Such a little creature, so much going on behind those beady eyes...

    Chabba, I loved your geese story.  

    I'm sewing -- velvet -- learning patience all over again.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks so much for the oictures, Marybe.. now, we can SEE what you've been up to, at Daddys...

       sorry your RA is still flaring, and will be sure to pray for that little gitl Alyson, such a shame.. it always sets me off with the little ones, especially..

      yup!  I stole the turkey thay made on Barbaras' cruise, well, the icture, darn, i wasn't really there to steal it!!!at disney, they make dogs, and put sunglasses on them for my grands..comes home with a new pair, everytime. they're there now.. wonder if theyll be christmas ones.. Nate berkus had a pair of chanuacha sunglasses on, last week, for most of the show. they were a riot, with the 8 candles on the top rim!!!..........3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We had swans made out of the beach towels when we were in Punta Cana for my DD's wedding. They were BIG swans!!! That's about as good as it ever got on the towels......

    I USED to have beautiful lingerie. My DH LOVED buying it. A lot of Olga with the deep rich colours. I have a pic of me throwing them out the night before my bilat mast. No one to pass them on to. Now I still wear pretty nighties, just not as sexy....sigh.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We were stationed in Madrid Spain 1972-1976 in our thirties and people said don't save any money, take the time while you are  in Europe to see it...we did even though we had two little boys and I had the third one there...We got a pretty good idea where we wanted to return in our later years...good advise..

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I too loved the Olga gowns with the built in bras. Now I am most likely to be found in pink flannel Tinkerbell PJ's. if I get any creakier I will need to change to all slippery fabrics as I am currently finding myself velcroed to the sheets. 

    When we traveled with the kids Disney did cute towel creatures at the resorts.  We also found our stuffed animals in cute tableaus. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    HAHAHA!!! Love the idea of the stuffed animals "doing things"...!! My Olga's didn't have or need the built in bra. I miss them...sigh. I had to laugh at your comment about slippery fabrics as that is what I am sitting in right now!!!

    Lisa, you've worked hard in your life, but have been blessed with great memories!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Happy early New Year to everyone!  Today we put away the tree (with the help of the grands).  Then pizza.  Yesterday, got a new oven on sale.  I'm still riding high on the money I saved.  One more surgery in January on the 4th to correct a flaw in one implant.  I'm ready for the down time with knitting projects and old movies.  Maybe a Bogart film festival.  

    Lisa, wish I'd done more when I was younger.  Now it's more difficult.  But I refuse to be morose.  I guess we do what we can.  Still, I did love Europe and always wanted to go back.  Now it seems like a lot of work.

    Love to all,


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Marybe is getting her tumor markers soon. We were sort of joking around and BarbE suggested we have a lottery, I chimed in a raffle with the prize being the satisfaction of winning. I wagered that Marybe's numbers would be under 6000. Then I just decided to go make a BCO donation regardless and now, so I did. It is easy the link is right at the top of the page on the right side, just scroll up. So, as at any board meeting where one is absent, Marybe named me in charge of spreading the word about this so we might get a nice pool of donations going for BCO which has done so much for so many of us.

    It is tax dedutible too and I did donate in honor of Marybe but didn't request she be notified, she might get a big head ya know. Haha

    Here is what Marybe wrote on her thread.

    "Just thought of this....maybe you can spread the word of the contest to some of the other threads, I don't know about honoring me so much because believe me, I am really no one special, BUT wouldn't it be great to raise a bunch of money for BCO since it has given so much to us!? Also, I think you can use it as a tax deduction."

    I hope you consider joining us and thanks for reading this.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Happy New Year Everyone!!...We're off on our cruise in a few hours, so will see everyone when I return in about 7 days.  Have fun on New Year's Eve and don't do anything I wouldn't!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Have a great cruise Kaara!