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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy New Year all from Australia! 🎉🎈🎆

    Love n hugs for a new and better year. Chrissy

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 son just called and he was on his way to Miami from Ft. Lauderdale to board the ship..............would it be funny if you were both on the same ship.................he is going to I belive Jamaica.....................Have a wonderful  time.................hugs, and Happy New Year.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    gif-happy New year-2012
  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Happy New Year to you all. Even though its not quite there yet in the west.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Happy New Year to all!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Thanks for starting the thread Joyce. I just went there and left my numbers guess too. 

    I hope we can raise a nice bit for BCO, it is a tax deductible donation which is even nicer. 


  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Happy New Year to us all!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    im suspicious, so wont be donating in Honor of anyone, YET>>> but thats' just me...

       Wishing you all a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year!!!!3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    OMG!  It is already day three of the New Year!!!  If this is any indication on how fast the rest of the year is going to go........well..................hang onto your hats as we are in for a lightening ride!!!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all.

    Firstly. Chrissy why were you up at that time????  Was it too hot. Heard about the fire risks in SA so just checked and saw you would have 38 today. Wish we could have a few degrees over here. Just humid and cloudy here. We want Summer.

    DD and children will be around soon. I was dozing in bed not so long ago and the phone rang, answered it and it was DGD who when I spoke asked; ' Are you a bit sleepy Granny?' So thought it was funny that I was still in bed. So now we have to get organised as we are going to Butterfly Creek to see the animals.

    So big hugs to all hoping your day will be good.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, yes it was HOT!!!!  but the biggest problem was I was so tired I went to bed early but my DH woke me up when he was trying to open the bedroom window to let in the cooler air which didn't happy!   Needless to say, I had had a couple of hours and so couldn't get back to sleep and decided to check the boards.  Thank heavens we are due for a cool change today with a few showers so temps tomorrow should be down to about that's what I call nice.

    Don't you just love it when the little ones, in all innocence, ask the right questions?  It's almost like they are clairvoyant or something.  Hope you enjoy your day at Butterfly Creek with them!

     I have been so slack since the holidays, in fact so slack that the Christmas Tree is still up!  Yeah, I know, you are supposed to take it down on NYday but hey, it was really hot here..........well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking with  Today is the day that it will be taken down and packed away for another year.  Hopefully I will be here to put it up again..........mind you, I have no plans of being anywhere else.

    Here's hoping all you girls who are in active treatment are doing well and the treatment is tollerable, to those who have completed, Yay for you and now it's time for healing.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy, I just can't wrap my brain around Christmas in summer!  It truly is an upside-down world down there! 

    We just took our tree down tonight... plus the house lights, wreath, nutcrackers, caroler dolls, Christmas china, yada yada yada.  It's amusing to me that when we get all that stuff put out in early December I always think our house is prettiest at Christmas, but then when we get it all put away in January it's such a visual relief.  Whew!  To everything there is a season, right?!

    I get my first Xgeva shot tomorrow afternoon.  I'm fully expecting it to make me totally incapable of cooking dinner.  ::WINK::  I should get my MRI report back, too.  Hopefully that won't make me want dinner on the rocks with a twist.

    'Tis what 'tis. 

    Say, y'all go see The Adventures of Tin Tin if you get half a chance.  Saw it today with DH and DS, in 3D.  Hands down, best animation I've ever seen and a great story to boot! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Our tree stays up until the 6th Jan which is 12th night or Epiphany. So its here for a few more days. Will probably start tomorrow getting some things away. Need Dh to get the boxes down so that I can pack things away.

    It was fun seeing the Butterflies and the other animals. Saw them feeding the crocodiles - wouldn't want to get too close to one of those. By midday it was hot and very crowded. Miss GD is a bit of a handful at present but it was fun. They have actually just gone home.

    Lulubee we of course don't think anything of a summer Christmas but it is only recently that we have 'summer carols' and summer images of Christmas but much is still northern hemisphere so as children we all knew of snow and robins and holly but had never seen them. I would love to do a northern Christmas and I do want snow. Here in New Zealand we have a very beautiful tree which flowers late December so it has become a Christmas symbol. It is very large tree that grows around the coast line.


    Must get organised as my sister is going down to visit our brother for a few weeks and so have to get her to the airport soon.

    Big hugs

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Alyson, how beautiful!  Thanks for the show-and-tell lesson!  :-)

    (I wonder if schools still have show-and-tell time anymore... it was my favorite!) 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Alyson, what is the name of that tree, it is beautiful..

    my tree stays up for another week or whenever my DH gets

    the boxes down ..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Good luck Lulu with your first shot!  Sure hope you don't have any SE's!  Still keeping my fingers and everything else crossed for a good report on your MRI.  

    Will the wanting a good report never end?  I once thought that leaving school would put an end to the on edge feeling of waiting for reports..............but sadly, I think, as an adult there are even more reports to worry over! 

    We also have that tree Alyson and yes when it is in full bloom it is gorgeous!!! and the nectar eating birds just love it!!!!

    Has any of you heard of a choir called Libera?  It is a boys choir out of Britain and if you want to hear the voices of angels check them out on utube!  They are amazing!!!  I don't know how to do a link or I would.............I first came across them about two years ago by accident while flicking channels one night.  They were doing a live performance and I was transfixed!  I have adored them ever since.  If my memory serves me correct, they are aged between eight and fourteen with the average being twelve.  I'm not sure if I'm a bit of a softy but every time I hear them my heart soars with every note.....please, do yourself a favour and check them out..............their voices are truly God given.

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooops sorry Lisa, I bumped into  Even though the good intentions are there to get mine down today, it will more than likely be there at least until the time of year I tend to be a bit slack..........but who cares?  I don't!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    im still hoping the grands will make it here.. they haven't seen ours.. but, we've started clearing the rest   wed. a new dr. for the thyroid thursday.. tried to switch back to the synthyroid, its way cheaper.. been sick as a dog.. oops, just have to add the extra$$$to the "meds budget"...

      i don't even care when this comes down this year... as long as the outside gets done, so the neighbors don't comp;ain, im good..

      we're re arranging stuff again, removing the big tv, which made room for my bookcases, etc. etc.. so, it'll be awhile...

       AND, we haven't even taken pictures yet!!!! we spent most of our energy getting it done, and after the choing thing, no enrgy to get it fown...yet... one day at a time.. if its aug, and its still up, i'll get worried then!..........3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe 3jays, hang in there girl, you know we are with you.  How come you are seeing yet another doc about the thyroid?  I thought you had found the right one for you........maybe I misunderstood................anyway, whatever it takes to get you well.  What a pain in the a$$ that you are adversly reacting to the synthroid again...........take it easy and rest as much as you can and need.  Sure hope you get to see those grands soon............I'm amazed that J#1 has been so slack with that particularly after what happened with your choking and all.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, we do NOT have robins around at Christmas in Canada!! They are long gone to warmer climes. Interestingly enough, the plant symbol of Christmas, the Poinsettia is indigenous to Mexico!!! Go figure..... We are just faking the perfect Christmas....

    3jays, if your tree is still up in August, leave it up!!! You will be first at Christmas time to turn on the lights. I finally saw Zach on New Years Day. He'd been sick with croup and an emergency ambulance ride to the hospital to get the diagnosis! He was turning blue as per my DD. I'm glad I missed all that as I couldn't have stood the adrenaline dump. I just try not to shock my system as I await the surgery on my neck.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    I've just now made a decision that has me feeling a little wave of silly joy.  Waves of silly joy must be shared, so read on if you need some.

    Years ago, when my daughters were tiny dolls, we had a treetop angel that was a little Barbie-looking thing in a cheap white lace gown, with a Gibson Girl blonde 'do that I suspect had been frowsed up a bit when I wasn't looking.  The girls thought she was dreamy (my daughter still has her atop a bookshelf).  

    One year I took one look at Angel Barbie and realized the poor little ratty thing just looked tired. I decided that the kingdom of angels deserved a more magnificent representation atop our tree.  So I went on the hunt for a Magnificent Angel.  

    I found her at one of those massive Christmas stores. There she was, up on a high shelf, over a foot tall, a glowing Baroque beauty.  Golden wings, a gown of sparkling bronze with a russet sash billowing around her arms. She looks off to the side as if she has seen something Magnificent... and of course, that is the point: she has. 

    I always imagine her calling out, "Fear not! Fear not!" like the angels in the Bible. 

    Well, last night came the moment to box her up and banish her again to the attic for eleven months... and for life of us we cannot find her special box anywhere. It is just gone. Poof.

    I looked at her on the coffee table, bidding peace and joy to the whole living room while we tried to figure out how to store her magnificence away. Then it hit me: I think I want her to stay. We just might need her this year.

    So as of this morning, she reigneth o'er the foyer table. When you enter our home, there's this glorious, sparkly, winged being beholding your entrance with a beneficent gaze.  Welcome, she says, and Fear Not.  Above her, high on the wall over the doorway into our living room, is a sign that says, simply:  Rejoice.  

    I wonder what angelic being hid her box from me?  I'm just going to claim that as a bona fide Christmas Mystery.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Love it Lulubee! I have a couple of ornaments that I keep out all year as they `talk` to me too...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Awh Barbe, you are destroying my illusions of robins sitting on snow covered mail boxes delivering winer cheer. Hehehe.Didn't realise about the pointsettia but it makes sense. We have them here specially grown so they are red.

    Love your angel story Lulubee. I have some little angels that sit on the matel piece in my bedroom because their box went missing so I understand. They stay all year.

    Must get breakfast then decide what we are going to do for the day. DH has a couple of days off and sister has gone on holiday. 

    Big hugs to all.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    chrissy..Libera have beautiful voices, never heard of the before, but some lovely songs on Youtube.

    Lulu, what a great story about the angel. I like Christmas angels, but keep the grotty little cardboard and sparkly ones my kids made 40 years ago...wouldn't dare do Christmas without these, and the lopsided stars they made me !


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lulubee, I love your angel story.  The foyer table is a great place for her to be, to welcome guests.

    For the past 2 years, we've bought new ornaments when they go on sale for half price the day after Christmas.   I just leave them in the wrappings from the store and by the time they're unwrapped to put on the next tree, it's as if each one is a surprise.  And I'm like you, Isabella---the ornaments the children made still go on the tree, too, along with a few our mothers made.  

    Yesterday, I applied for social security (will be 62 later this month).  Did it online, and it only took about 20 minutes.  If I'd known how easy it would be, I wouldn't have kept putting it off!

    It is suddenly winter in North Carolina---the low tonight is predicted to be 16F and that's COLD!! Time for flannel pj's and socks!


  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Our tree is also covered in childhood crafts and memorabilia.  Those are my favorite ornaments.

    One year company arrived much earlier than expected, and my daughter -- running to the door all flustered in a dirty apron -- tossed the big serving spoon in her hand into the tree.  Well, naturally we tied a red ribbon on the spoon and it became an ornament, with a cute paper tag tied to it explaining why.  We get a laugh out of it every year.

    Another year she cut her hand making ambrosia on Christmas Eve and had to go to ER.  Her ER bracelet is now... of course... a treasured tree ornament.  

    We're silly people. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, are you sure you`re not thinking about Cardinals????

    Oooh, LOVE the ornaments lulubee!!! Has anyone ever packed their New Years resolutions in with their tree so they can see them this December? Great idea, eh? Too bad I don`t do it....

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lulu, love it!  I have angels all over the place.  Just got one that is meant to be an embroidery thread holder.  But I think she looks better on my lampshade!  I so love angels and so hope I get to see one some day!

    Surgery tomorrow--a very minor thing.  Waiting for the anesthetist to call and tell me not to drink water after midnight.  Doesn't he know I go to bed really early?  For Peet's sake CALL!  Let's get it over with so I can go to sleep!

    XOXO,  Dragon 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i love the "barbie doll" story.. we keep most of our angels out all yr round.. its not like we don't need them except in

       i have a redhaired angel, of course   when i had real hair, it was dark auburn...

      the last 2 yrs, we had alittle table top tree. next yr, the big one. Im not willing to give up the hande made kids craft ornaments, or the special ones.. ill post a picture.. the tree is overwhelmed with so many!!!

       I'm doing ok chrissy, the ent is doing the best he can; but im on the dearch for armour thyroid, and its only in cananda. this guys an alt. dr, we wont be able to afford him long term im sure; but he may be able to provide me with the armour.. bovine, not por, i hope we'll see...more will be revealed...
