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For Older People with Sense



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Amosmom, I hear ya. God bless all of us. Hugssss to everyone!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson..sorry to hear your awful news, there just aren't words to express the loss of a child. are right about 'different yet the same'

    Anyone your side of the pond heard of Hayley Mills....Pollyanna in the Disney film...well I have news...BIG news...she has beaten breast cancer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All over our press and magazines about her 'battle'...losing her hair...and, finally her news from her doctor that it has all gone, alleluia .

    I've been shopping today (what a suprise) can't seem to settle to anything at this time of year. I want to be outside...doing...and I can't...the rain and wind are still blasting away, and I can't get up the enthusiasm to sew....not a sitter, so off I went to the shops, and I came back with 6 superb wicker dog beds, large size, oblong shape, and on little legs, and at a fantastic end of sales discount...I cleared all the sale dog baskets !! HOW LONG they'll remain pristine remains to be seen. I have been around all the edges with vanilla essence ( lovely smell, but very bitter and it usually works ! ) My dogs aren't usually destructive, but I have a couple of tearaways who have me in a spin sometimes ! If anyone is going to chew, it'll be these 2. 

    I brought the beds home....had to make 2 trips as no way could I get them in my 2 that drew the exercise out a bit ....and who should follow me on the last trip back in but DH ...just what I needed. I have just nicely got used to not having to justify, or to hide, things I have bought, because of his constant moaning about wasting money....(my money ) ! He had to see 3 beds crammed in my car, and just about fall over another 3 of them I'd just pushed in the back door on the first run...and he was off !!!!! Just like old times ! He told me 'I see you haven't changed one little bit'  I said 'get out ' ( or something like that ) and that was about that. I was actually in the market for new beds anyway, and the ones I have got were the same price as the plastic ones I would have replaced with when I go to the wholesaler later this month, and they look 10 times nicer than plastic. I've got them all out in the kitchen, they do look nice...and they are replacing 6 old, tatty, and fast collapsing 'soft' beds, now I AM on a sewing jag tomorrow making new rugs !! I have 15 dogs live in the house with me, for gawds sake, DH would have me put them in cardboard boxes I'm sure. ( AND I get the tax back, 20%, as part of my business expences !!!! ) After DH had gone I was wondering why exactly he was here...never got time to find out, he was gone as quickly as he came. No doubt he will be telling half the village, in the pub tonight, about my spendthrift ways, I can just imagine him holding court 'she went out and bought SIX dog beds, I'm sure she's going mad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'....omitting to say I have 15 dogs to sleep in the damned beds !!!

    And at the end of the day the dogs are NOT too sure about whicker...yet...looked at me as if I were stealing their bones when I dragged the old smelly beds away...after all my efforts today they WILL like them , or sleep on the floor !!!!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, I'm so very sorry about your BF's granddaughter.  Until I had a grandchild a couple of years ago, I never realized how much they are loved.  Now, I do.  Your BF will really need all the support you can give, and I know you'll give it, too.

    Isabella, honestly!  Wouldn't you just know ol' DH would be behind you?  He's truly a trial and tribulation to you but I'm sure you can put him in his place quite nicely.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    HY, OH WHY isabella, do you let the man come round!!!??? when i got divorced, is aid goodbye, and good riddance.. practice those words, my dear...

      im sure the dogs will eventually love them, they're just brand new.. my babies, and i only have 2; have 5 beds between them.. all cloth, but they love them. they;re in every room, and big enuff for the 2 of them (they're only 5lbs each) but one won't sit in another, they MUST be together!!!

     Wishing you all well, Alyson, so sad for your friend.  "remebering her" thruout the day......3jays

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My poodle puppy is 8 months old now. He is huge and has taken to barking in my little 15 lb dogs face. He also pokes him with his nose, just like an obnoxious brother might do. This is his way of trying to get the little dog to play. What does happen is the  little dog reaches the end of his rope and lunges toward the big puppy's neck. Big puppy has very think hair and little dog never gets to make contact with the big dogs neck.

    Big puppy is acting like a monster teenager just now and I look forward to it passing. 

    I love them both but feel bad for our little dog going through this. 


  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Isabella - kudoes on getting such a good buy on the doggie beds - hope they settle into them.  I love your posts and agree with the many that you should write a book.  Ex-hubby needs to find something more to keep him busy so he won't have so much time to stick his nose where it doesn't belong.  Keep on, keeping on....

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Amosmom, welcome.  Isabella you crack me up!  What kind of dogs are the "tearaways?"  Hope they don't decide to chew!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Isabella, don't t let D-ick H-ead get you riled up. You know he is adept at that to try not to bite. Great buy on the doggie beds. I have tried buying kitty beds biut cats sleep wherever they want. Lucy has been sleeping on the ottoman in the living room for months and last night she came to bed and slept with us. I got up at 5 and she stayed there. And she stayed there after DH got up. ?? Who knows with animals?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Amosmom, welcome!  Pull up a chair and sit a spell.  Grab a cuppa (tea or coffee or anything else you fancy) and just jump in.  You'll soon get to know that we are a pretty good bunch.

    Lulu, that Angel is gorgeous!  I love her colors!  How tall does she stand?

    Isabella, boo to the DH (not the normal meaning).  Can't he get it through his head that he has nothing to do with you anymore?  Here's hoping he's got the message now.  Your doggy beds sound like the bargain of the century but I cannot imagine 15 dogs in the house!  Oh my, I have one and she gets under my feet.

    Ginger, a teenage dog?  Oh dear, I thought the human teenager was a trial let a lone a canine  Here's hoping the behaviour is short lived and he settles to be that lovely calm that you get with adult dogs.

    Barb I hear you on the cat bed bought a lovely cosy one for my 19year old cat thinking she would love the warmth of it but no, she stood in it, looked at me as much as to say what is this and promptly jumped out of it and onto the couch!   Oh well, I guess it's back to old sheets over the couch to catch her hair......not a wonderful decorating look but at least I'm not forever washing the couch covers.

    Well I'm off to the city again on Tuesday as I have my checkup with the BS first thing Wednesday.  There are a few issues that need to be reported but I'm hoping it's just old age and arthritis.   Isn't it funny how we wish for those sorts of things when everyone else wishes for

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Alyson - so sorry about your bff grand daughter, my prayers are with the family and with you as you are there for your friend.

    Isabella- Hope your pups get used to the new beds and not chew them up.   Also hope DH does not give you too much trouble with all his talk.

    lulubee - the angel is beautiful!  And yes, my DH did not want me to use my real name on any website and the only name I could come up with was a misspelling of my sewing machine name.  I have a BabyLock Ellisimo.

    Chrissy - I finally slept for 5 hours stright last nigth!  So maybe I am getting my sleep schedule on the way to getting back to normal. 

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Chrissy, the angel is about a foot tall.  Now that I've decided not to pack her away, I'm having a good time moving her around every morning!  My family has no idea what room they will find her watching over next.  ;-)

    Elisimo, I'm glad your sewing machine has a lyrical name!  If I did that, y'all would be calling me Kenmore.  Haha! 

    Happy Friday night, everyone! 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    My sewing machine name would be "Brother". Or, better yet, "Modern" De Lux, which was my Grandmother's machine which still works. The machine was made in 1953 in Japan & the motor was made in the U.S.A.

    lulubee ~ Your Angel is gorgeous and I love the idea of moving "her" from room to room.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    We bought all sorts of cat beds for our old moggy and he would only use them occassionaly.  About three years ago, I saw this pop-up tent for cats and knew that was the ideal thing for him.  Took it home, popped it up, cat walked in, curled up and went to sleep.  That was his personal space from then on.  It was light coloured fabric with a large round hole in the front for him, something a lot of those cat poles with boxes on top and the like don't have. It had a fluffy floor and in summer I would put it up on a small trampoline dog bed to allow cool air to flow underneath.  In winter I would put a blanket over the top to keep it warm inside.  He only lived about six months after that but I still have the tent for the next kitten.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    What a great idea, Sheila, a tent! On my way to Pet Smart.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    HAHAHAHA tents!!! I bought 3 tents from Ikea for my grands at Christmas!!! (younger one will get it for his first birthday in March). They are 4 feet circular and have a flap door! Zach pulled his chair and some special toys in and then fell asleep in his chair! I wish I could post the pic it is too cute...

    I`ve NEVER had a cat sleep where I expected and hoped it would...sigh.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I'd be Singer if my sewing machine name were used.  Yesterday my grandson (almost 8) noticed the clamp for my old child sized crank Singer. So we took clamp and machine to the dining room table and set it up. He noticed that my sewing scissors said Singer as well.  I got the little machine when I was about his age and it still works! He was thrilled to work that crank and make a draw string bag with it.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Hi Everyone!  Happy New Year!  From what I've read, it looks like everyone survived in good spirits. Alyson, sorry about your BF's grandchild.  I can't imagine how that must feel..they are so precious.  I feel so blessed that mine are all healthy.

    The cruise was delightful...just what we hoped days of pure relaxation!  It was a new ship and the decor was grand.  The entertainment was the best I've ever seen on a cruise ship...Las Vegas quality to be sure!  The buffet was fantastic..lots of fresh vegetables and salad greens, so we could stick to our diets (most of the time).

     The only downer was we had a group of young adults in the room next to ours and they decided to party every night until the wee hours.  After the second night, I'd had it and called down to the front desk.  It didn't do any good...they still talked at the top of their lungs and slammed the doors going in and out at 3:00 in the morning!  There were so many nice bars on the ship I couldn't understand why they would want to stay in their room.  I was afraid someone was going to go over the balcony and into the water!  We had to have a nap each day to recover for the evening events.  On the third or fourth day, after a particularly rough night of partying, I decided that I would turn the tables, so I called their room about 8:00 AM with their "wake up call", then took their "do not disturb" sign off their door when we left the room, so the maid would knock for cleaning.  They finally got the message and settled down.

    Now I have the unpacking awaiting me, as well as taking down all of the Xmas decorations...ugh!  The weather was beautiful when we returned..sunny and cool!  I need to work up some energy and get moving. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Alyson, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's granddaughter. I know the pain must be enormous.

    Peggy (Kitchenella) had her first chemo last Thurs so I went to spend some time with her. What a lovely lady she is! We started talking like old friends right away. I think these boards do that!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Leah that is so cool that you went with her. Yes, meeting in person is like meeting an old ffriend you haven't seen in a long time.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394
    Until recently my sewing machine name would be PFAFF - Foot in mouth, now it would be Bernie or Nina...
  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    AussieSheila, what is a "moggy?"  Is that one of those great Aussie words like "Bluey?"  Each of my sewing machines has a name.  My current favorite is Maxine, my white featherweight.  Went shopping today and bought a bunch of candy.  Also organic carrots.  I do so love Werthers.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Dragon,  a moggy is an ordinary cat. Have a look at this It is British slang.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Until a couple of years ago I would have been called Bernina but now its Oh Brother.........ooops.......that is just

    Leah its good that you were able to go with Peggy for her first chemo, I'm sure it would have made her feel a lot more at ease. 

     We don't have to know each other face to face to form wonderful friendships...... sometimes I think that with out the benefit of body lanuage and facial expression to go along with words, we have to be very precise in what we type so it's truly understood.  It's amazing how you can read a pesons' personality just with the words that are written here but most of all, the thing that draws us all is the fact that we share a disease that cannot be seen with the naked eye but is devistating in it's nature.  Gaining strength and support from people who truly do understand and know just we go through is a wonderful gift that I wish so many more would find.

    Hey Kaara, welcome back!!  I'm glad you loved your cruise it sounds like a wonderful time was had particulaly after you got the next cabin sorted.......good for you!  There is always more than one way to skin a cat and if first you don't succeed, try, try

    Wow Lassie, I haven't seen one of those sewing machine since I don't know when and to have all the bits and pieces to go with it?  yowser!  So glad your GS got to play with it and enjoy creating something.

    Sheila, I looked at the ones with the covering when I bought the one I did and I thought she probably wouldn't like it......wrong!......that's probably the one she would!....Never mind, this one fits the dog and she seems to love it so it's not wasted and I'll but the other while I'm in the city this week.  The thing we do for our fur babies!

    Barbe, if you email or MMS me the pic I can post it for you if you want.  Your GS sounds an absolutely treasure and oh so cute to boot!  I can picture him sleeping in his tent on his

    Dragon, I'm with you on the Werthers!  They are so YUMMMM!!!!!!  Just about every cat I have ever had has been a 'moggy'.   I think you would call them alley cats........born by mix breed many times over so that the original parentage is totaly lost............

    Alyson, how are you feeling?  Hope you enjoyed the time with DH while he was off work.

    Well if I don't go now, I'll nfever get the laundry done!  Take care all!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, were your ears burning?? we were reliving your visit to San Diego at our BCO lunch bunch today..miss you

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    LOL Lisa, I was wondering where that was coming from!  Glad you had a great lunch and I miss everyone!!!!!   I want to do it again!!!!!!  WAAAA!!!!!!!!!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    What a lazy day it's been!  Had a 3 hour nap (and I never do that!) this afternoon and am now wired.

    Leah, I'm glad you got to go with Peggy as I'm sure she was glad to have your support.  Sometimes things shared are so much less of a burden. 

    Dragon, you've made me want a Werthers and of course there aren't any in the house!  But, there will be some tomorrow!  They are sooo good!

    Welcome back from your cruise, Kaara!  It sounds like you had a great time.  Well, after you took care of some things, that is!

    I'm like you, Chrissy, in that every cat I've ever had has been a moggy,  too.  Actually, every dog we've had has been the dog equivalent of a moggy, including our current dog, who's a mix of beagle and bassett.  Looks rather like an extremely long, low-slung beagle, odd, but I tell him he's pretty anyway!

    Hope things are going as well as possible, Alyson.  I can't get your BF and her little granddaughter out of my mind and I'm sure many of us feel the same way.  


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    My sewing machine name is Viking. Sounds strong and bold, neither of which I currently am.

    My DH did the nicest thing today! He went to our DD's and baby sat our DGD for 4 hours so they could install some safety devices and DD could unclutter their bath and other areas that have accumulations. Having a first child really does change a couples lifestyle and they have been so busy being good parents that little time has been available for organizing their house.  My husband was exhausted when he got home, a 16 month old can run you ragged. We usually babysit her together. 

     Kaara, I love your little lesson for your neighbors. Wake up call. LOL

    Leah that was so nice of you to go with for a first chemo. I was terrified because no one had told me it was painless and I wouldn't have a risk of dying during the treatment. It must have been a huge comfort to have you there. 

    I go for my Mammo and Onc visit on thursday. A little nervous and I know my vacation from Anastrozole will be over and I surely don't want all that pain back again. I don't want cancer back either. 


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, I have emailed you the picture of Zach!!! Thanks for posting it for me..I know you're probably asleep now....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe, can you resend in a jpeg file attatchment as I can't open what you sent.  Thanks.........

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Got it!!!  This is Barbe's gorgeous grandbaby Zach in his tent.