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For Older People with Sense



  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    I've often regretted that I never learned to sew.  I tried a few times but  always found things I enjoyed doing more and didn't stick with it.  I do have the little hand crank singer that I was given as a child.  It is complete and still in it's battered old box.  It has only been a few years since I last used it.  I've probably used it more as an adult than I ever did to play with.  It is great for doing a quick mend of an open seam.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all, 

    Cute pic of grandbaby in tent!

    I just got a new sewing machine this summer it is a Durkopp Adler (a name I would not wish on anyone). I love sewing with a machine but don't have much patience for the hand sewing.

    We each have our own gifts. I am trying to be grateful for mine today!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Great photo at the top of the page Chrissy - where is it?  Barbe - maybe we all should have a tent like that as it looks very relaxing!

    My little crank Singer was fun for me, my mother used it when we were on trips for mending, my daughter used it when she was young and now DGS is third generation with it.  I was a bit insulted a few years ago when an appraiser came through my house. He looked at that machine and called it an antique. How could anything be an antique if I can remember getting it new??!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Barbe:  Precious baby...he looks so happy and content in his little tent!

    Trip to PCP was not good news.  Now I have to have heart echo and then app't with cardiologist, plus my liver enzymes were elevated so I have to repeat those tests.  This is starting to wear me down, and I haven't even faced rads yet!  There aren't enough days in the week to fit in all these appt's!  I want to run away! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks Chrissy! Good ole IKEA!! $20 for a 4' high tent!!!! He can stand in it, but no one else can.... That's a "Cars" chair we got for him when he turned one in September. I think all kids should have a place they can go that no one can follow.... My DD said he was in the tent before her DH even got it fully up!! Started decorating it and everything.... wish I'd been there to see that!

    Kaara, I hear you sweetie! I'm dealing with new heart issues too! Getting kind of old, isn't it?

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903


    At least the echo is an easy one... praying it all goes well for you.

    You could run away for a couple of hours by watching a good, distracting movie.  That always helps me, anyway.  I nominate...

    A Good Year, Muppet Treasure Island, The Princess Bride, Julia & Julie, While You Were Sleeping, You've Got Mail, The Sound of Music, The King's Speech, and Elizabethtown.

    Anybody else have nominees? 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    I love all the discussion about sewing machines. My present one is a Bernina. Had a Husqvana for many years, what a great macine. But my real memories are of the old Singer which I learnt on, it was a treadle macine but could sew anything. It was my Grandmother's and she had been a tailoress. I think that it was replaced by a Jemone also a very sturdy machine.

    Barbe I do love the picture.

    My friend is coping reasonably with things and is relieved that funeral arrangements have been made. Unfortunately we are not going to be able to be there as we will be away at a function which is important but our DDs will be there and I feel I have 'been there' this week for the family. I know I will spend time with my friend and the family next week. My DDs are planning a treat for the four year old in the next few weeks. She and her baby brother, naturally, have missed out on much in the last18months as the parents put all their energy into into trying to improve their big sister's health.

    Have some things to do today then have said I will have DGD tonight, she hasn't been here to stay for some time, just the way its been. Isabella I laughed at your comment about the smack because it is illegal here to smack children. DD said that the other day when DGD was playing up in the supermarket a passerby said 'go on do it , I won't tell.' She is a darling but can be very stroppy at times and as I told her mother at least we had the smack weapon.

    Have just made my mammo and check up appointment - it will be 5 years since dx!!!  My BS said she would open some champagne as they thought my outcome was not going to be so positive. Every time I have good results I get huge hugs as she is just so pleased and one day she danced all round the centre telling everyone. Mad but absolutely lovely young woman.

    Big hugs to all

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Alyson, I learned on my grandmother's Singer treadle, too!  I LOVED it.  Such beautiful stitches, and so peacefully quiet.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Alyson, congrats on the five years, is that doc going to share some of the champagne with you?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Love the tent and the darling baby inside!

    Hugs to Kaara and Barbe!

    Congrats to Aly!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Allyson, thanks for that link!  I love stuff like that.  Have you heard of Cockney rhyming slang?

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  Congratulations on the five year mark!  I know you must feel good about that!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson...smacking is also illegal here, but there seems to be leeway, a short slap on the behind pulls them up ! It certainly pulls our little madam into line very quickly....trouble is DD just doesn't discipline her at all. I hardly believed what I was hearing the other night, at the party I was at. One of my grandsons,19, was trying to get his sister in line, and he said to her 'if you don't behave Santa won't be coming' !!!! FIFTY weeks to go before next Christmas, and a naughty child is being threatened with this !!! It was hearing this that spurred me into hauling her back to the dining table without further ado !! That saying is one of my absolute pet hates, but you hear it here for weeks before Christmas.

    DD bought granddaughter an ipad for her main Christmas IPAD for a 2, almost 3 yr old child...I had to keep my mouth tight shut or there would have been a real fallout. I find it very hard to mind my own business !! I have so much to do with granddaughter, I feel I should have some input on her behavior, yet it really isn't my call. At least, so far, she will behave quite well with me, I can take her into any situation with me and know she will behave, it's 'yes please' and 'no thankyou' and 'hand over mouth when you cough' !!  but as soon as DD comes on the scene she more or less sticks her tongue out at me !!!! little devil. She actually can use the ipad, better than me! DD has downloaded lots of apps. cartoons, counting and singing games....she was warbling along with her ipad in the restaurant the other night before she got giddy.

    This afternoon my car wouldn't start. I was only nipping out to get the newspapers. I had to ring for my eldest grandson to come and get me going. Looks like I am needing a new starter motor, so have to use the 4WD for a couple of days, and I absolutely HATE this vehicle. I would sell it in a flash, but I can bet if I do this it'll snow and I'll be blocked in. I am about a mile and a half from where the nearest point is where the roads are snow ploughed. I have the greatest of trouble getting IN to the damned vehicle. I have to haul myself up on the steering wheel, and hope I manage to hit the seat. When I have had to use this vehicle before I have taken a small wooden box, on a long rope with me. I climb up on the box to get in, then pull up the box with the rope !! I just have to try and park away from where anyone can see my antics !!  

    Having an early night. I am really exhausted. I had to make my excuses this evening, and not go to the play gym for my grandaughters birthday. My car not starting gave me the perfect excuse... and it wasn't really an excuse, I was hoping no-one would offer to come fetch me, and luckily, no-one did. I sat by the fire dozing all thru' last night with my latest litter of puppies, the mother has settled down now,  she's left with 4 out of 7 puppies, so tonight I am hoping to sleep right thru', in my bed, without disturbance. I have orders for 3 puppies, but until I am absolutely sure they'll make it I'm not ringing anyone. 


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hugs to all!  Happy dance for Allyson.

    I went to my PCP today, first time since dx, he is very kind. So now I am on an antibiotic. Seems I might have an infection, it is probably why I have been feeling so poorly.

    I have lots of sewing machines. I fix shoes for a living and have a cobbler shop in my basement. I still use a Singer treadle machine that was made in 1899. It is my favorite.

    Needless to say my work is not getting done very quickly.  

    I watched Kung Fu Panda 2 the other night on demand. Found it very entertaining. Seems I really like the animated kids movies lately. It had an adoption angle in the plot.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Macatac, good to see you!  Thanks for joining in!  I love the Kung Fu Panda movies, actually I love all the animated the grands were little I used to say that they would like to see them when in reality it was me!  Perhaps I'm just a big kid at heart.  Wow, a sewing machine from 1899!?  It's amazing that it still works and if it's your favorite, it must work well.

    Sorry to hear that you have an infection and would indeed make you feel ick.  Here's hoping the anti-B's get rid of it quickly.  As a cobbler, do you make shoes as well as repair them?  It is a real dying art as is a whole lot of things but I don't know about in the USA but here in Austalia, there are very few what I call real cobblers left. 

    Yay Alyson!!!   Five years.....yahooo!!!!  Here's hoping that everything is still all clear and we can all hear the champagne corks popping!!!!!  Have fun with DGD tonight!

    Lassie, I took that pic when I was in New Zealand visiting Alyson on my way back from the USA last year.  Alyson can tell you the name of the beach as right at this moment my mind is a do have it written down though.....somewhere.  It is a black sand beach and the day we were there it was absolutely stunning and the light was perfect for getting good sun reflection on the water.

    Barbe and Kaara I sure hope the docs get a handle on what going on with your hearts.........I think heart problems are even scarier that having BC.  Barbe, when is your thyroid op?  I know it's coming up soon .   Good luck with everything you two!

    Lulu, good movies........mmmmmm...........let me think a mo.........ah, Gladiator, As Good As It Gets, Analyse This and Analyse That (both good as often sequels just don't hit the mark), Anger Management.  I could go on but I think I'll leave it open for someone I love my movies!

    Dragon, I love to listen to peole who can roll the cockney rhyming slang of their tongues!  It sounds great!

    Isabella, I wonder what made your little dog kill a couple of her puppies?  I notice that you lost another one as well, was that a just because or mom?  Here's hoping the others survive to be health little dogs......I love puppie and their sweet puppy I'm a bit of a softy but that's okay, I also love little kitties too and little birdies and, and,and.....................  Make sure you get a good rest now all the excitement has passed. 

    Talking of grands and smacking, when mine were little, I smacked them only once each.  I didn't need anymore just the threat of it was more than enough to pull them up.  The main thing was that I never threatened with out carrying through and they new it so I never had problems with them and still don't.  The eldest gave me a bit of lip a couple of years ago and he was called on and told that no matter how big he got I could still give him a whooping!  It really was funny as he was standing at the top of the stairs towering over me and here was me at the bottom looking even smaller than I am giving this lad what for with my tongue.  Ah memories.....aren't they wonderful?

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    chrissy, just wanted to apologize.. asked for an email, and haven't been up to answering. my life is so samll right now, in bed.. but i will..soon.... im glad to just come here.. i just have "enough " to do that lastely.. whoknew id survive (so far) bc, and hyo would knock me flat? makes sense, though.. they dxed it as "chemo induced hypothyroiditis" now, thats' the 3rd dx.. who the H knows?? who cars? JUST FIX IT PLEASE!!!!!.....3jays
  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    3jays, I'm so sorry you're having such a rough go of it.  Just give your body the rest it needs, and persevere in your spirit for better days ahead.

    Keep talking to us. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella you crack me up!  I'm reading that whole thing for the second time.  3 Jays hope you're feeling better.  Alyson congrats!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Barbe, Zach is such a cutie!  I love the bottle, no hands.  Grandchildren just take your breath away, don't they?

    GOOD FOR YOU, Alyson!!  I know you're happy about the 5 year mark (and I'm happy for you).  Here's hoping for the all clear on everything, too.

    So far, I've only had to give DGS a little bottom smack once, and that was for kicking (me) when I was changing him, although I don't think I'd hesitate if it became called for.  Yeah, right.  Bad thing is even though he's only 2 1/2, he's already almost too tall and certainly too heavy for me to pick him up and physically move him.  Both his parents are tall people, and DH and I are little shrimps by comparison.  I'm 5 feet tall, and DH's 29 inch inseam pants have to be shortened!

    Lulebee, as a Southern gal, I like Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias.  Also really enjoyed The Help.  Also liked Mr. Holland's Opus and What About Bob, both Richard Dreyfus films.  

    Isabella, I'm sorry about the puppies, but like some others here, think maybe there must have been something wrong.  Hopefully the other 4 will make it.  Was this her first litter?  Glad you had a less exciting day by missing GD's party, too.  You've had a lot of turmoil lately and you deserve a break!  Peace and quiet.

    Love the picture too Chrissy.  We're so accustomed to our white sand beaches here in NC and in SC that I can't imagine what it would be like to be at a black sand beach.

    3jays, thinking of you and I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time now.  Hope things will improve soon and that you can get the rest you need.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((3jays))) So sorry you just aren't feeling any better. Maybe the new doc will come up with the magic bullet!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    3Jays, I too have great hopes for your new Doctor. I hope you get good rest and feel better really soon.


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    3Jays:  Sorry to hear you aren't feeling any better.  Was hoping your new doc would be able to come up with something.  Did he have any ideas what he could do to get your thyroid under control?  Mine is acting up again too, but not as bad as yours.  I think mine is from being off the's been a couple of months now, just long enough for all the good stuff to leave my body, so I'm struggling.  My body is screaming..."what are you doing to me..I felt so good".  

    Praying that you will feel better soon. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Surgery date of Feb 6th to say goodbye to the last of my thyroid and the tumour itself. Surgeon said he'd keep me in until he was sure my thyroid levels were under control. Now with this heart issue......I wonder what they'll do at the pre-op on the 23rd? Do I wait until they find it or do I mention it in case they go too fast? ECGs are silly. 11.5" of paper holds your whole heart health!!!! My DH had something that only showed up ONCE and he had to be immediately hospitalized!!! THey never did see the event occur again! What if they didn't have him hooked up at that exact second in time??? Fate is scarier than bc anyday!!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe:  I'm not sure what your issue is...mine is bradycardia..a very slow if you know you have something that is going to show up abnormal on the ekg, better to mention it ahead of time so they can be looking for it, or for any change from your last ekg.  I was left running around at the last minute to try and get the clearance for was more stressful than the surgery!  I got the final clearance, but now I have to have an echo done and meet with a cardiologist to be on the safe side.

    Wishing you the best outcome! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kaara, I was just diagnosed with a Long QT Syndrome! VERY dangerous as my heart could stop at any second. The ER doc kept hammering away at me so I knew the seriousness of the syndrome. My heart pauses too long. One day it won't kick back in. Could be as simple as medication induced or I may need a pacemaker!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    barbe:  Yep...I think the pacemaker is the's been mentioned for me as well.  In the long run it is probably better than medication to control the heartbeat and doesn't have the SE's.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903

    Barbe -- bless your heart. So much to deal with at once.  I'm praying your doctors have spot-on wisdom and that you emerge with a happy ticker in time for Valentine's.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, sorry--your hard times don't crack me up, it's the way you say things.  It's delightful.  Barbe love and prayers to you.

    Seeing the PS today to evaluate new surgery.  So far so good.  I'm so glad the holidays went well and are over.  Christmas always seems like a time bomb to me--the whole family in the same room with some drinks on board.  I now have an iPhone and I think DH is jealous of it.  I just can't put it down.  I guess the novelty wears off but so far haven't even begun to realize its potential.  My granddaughter takes it all for granted but for our generation it's a real miracle.

    Love and peace to all of us.  We all earned it.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Isabella...............................I am the grandmother of 18................29 years old, down to 11................I am shocked that you grandaughter at the age of "3", got an Ipad for xmas............I can't say I blame you for wanting to speak up, but I do understand your not saying anything...................

    I have 1 son out of my 6 children, whose kids got every new gadget that came down the 6 my grandaughter had her own.........Razer Cell phone, I Pod, and a Digital Camera........................I was appalled when I saw the stuff................However I did say something..............I asked "is all that stuff really necessary"...............wouldn't it do her better to "read a book", instead of texting, and having those "ear plugs" stuck in her head around the clock...............but this is the same daughter-in-law who when you corrected her kids for doing something she would tell my son, and then he would corner me and say "Mom I don't need you correcting my kids"..........................I said "well if your not gonna do it someone has to".............................

    This is also the same DIL who walked out on my son and her kids on Xmas Night...........2008, and has come and gone, and he is still trying to save the marriage...................finally he is filing for "divorce from her"..............he has 3 of the 4 kids, but she is going to walk away with a bundle............Pa. is a no-fault divorce state, so she gets 50% or more of what he has...

    I got off on the beaten track point is I have seen an example of kids getting all the newest, and parent's thinking they "have to do this", when all they are doing is making  a big problem for themselves down the road...............

    You have a right to open your mouth.............I always said "well if they listen fine", and "if they; don't, guess what, I tried,  but it is harder with a "son, then a daughter" daughters always asked for, and took advice.........................2 other sons always did too, but the 1, just did his own thing............and after 21 years, is heading to divorce, unless she decides to come back again....................and he will take her back..........pathetic.........

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well, I'm just back from the doc and my plan to go home tomorrow is no more......dang it!  He has ordered a bone scan 'just to make sure nothing is creeping up on us'.  Us!!!  you mean me!  All because I said I have some lower back issues........I need to learn to keep my mouth shut.  The only good thing, is that I have managed to snag an appointment first thing in the morning to have it done and then I'll get the results on Friday about lunch time.  I am assuming that the problems are to do with arthritis and nothing else but I guess I shouldn't grumble about his diligence.  I shall let you all know the outcome.

    Love n hugs all.  Chrissy