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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Me too!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I was just checing my FB and came across this.  My GS got bored in Supervised free period at school and decided to do some body art!

      Just thought I'd share with you all as I'm so proud of him!  He is 16.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Chrissy, Pretty talented. Thanks for sharing.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Barbara:  Good luck to you on your presentation!

    Chrissy:  Very talented GS you have!

    Off to the MO today for more prodding and poking and a refill on my tamoxifen (as if I wanted it:(  ).  The hot flashes seem to have stepped up a notch just as I was thinking of increasing my dose, so that won't be happening.  Wish there was something that could be given for them besides an anti depressant which I don't need and won't take.  For me that would make the cure worse than the disease.  I'll ask anyway.  If I ask my ND, he will just say "why are you taking tamoxifen?" 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning, gearing up for another day of travel, rads and OT. The good news is my DS is coming for a (very) short visit to pick up his new (to him) car. We are going to coordinate boat rides so he will be riding home with me and then he can pick me up from OT before getting back on the boat to get back to school for a 6pm class. I will feel so much better with him traveling in a newer vehicle. He is so attached to his "first" car it has taken some convincing that an upgrade is ok. 

    I ran into a fellow BC patient in the Cancer Center yesterday. I had ridden with her in the beginning of my rad experience. She had her completion certificate in hand. I was so happy to see her and so happy that she was finished, that I did a little happy dance for her right in the hallway. Which resulted in me having a 10 minute coughing attack. The techs put someone in before me to give me time to recoup. I could barely breathe enough to get the inhaler sucked in. I scared everyone, so much for the happy dance!

    I am very grateful to have insurance. I live in MA which has state mandatory health insurance. It is very affordable. That said, it is taking a long time to get the tests approved that they want to do. Then the docs down here have to communicate with the big guys in Boston. The wheels are turning very slowly. 

    I too had visits with family this weekend. My brother came to visit on Sat afternoon for a short while. I, of course, was in my pjs on the couch.  Then on Sunday my cousin and his mother came for a visit. She is 97and still saying" if I can do anything to help" as she is going out the door. I found it interesting that my SIL or cousin's wife did not come to visit even tho they were on island. Maybe they thought BC is contagious.

    I am so blessed to have church friends and my NA friends to help me get through. And of course all of you!!!!!!!!!

    Kaara thinking of you.

    Chrissy, so is GS going to be a tattoo artist? LOL 

    Have a great day!

    It is very foggy here, so boat will be blowing it's horn every few minutes. 


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, he's not sure what area of art he want to follow as a proffession but he is talented enough and bright enough to do what ever he desires.  Last year he did graphic art with a business for his work experience weeks and they were so pleased with what he presented that they actually used his work for one of the campaigns they were doing.

    He has always been ahead of his class on the academic side of things so he has many options.  At the moment, he is in his second to last year of high school but only doing two subjects for that year and doing three subjects for his graduation year.  He did the same thing last year as well so he is well ahead.

    So glad your DS gets to ride the ferry with you and I know you will enjoy his company.   LOL at your happy dance antics and the coughing fit they produced but I get where you are coming from.  It's always good to cheer others who have completed treatment as it sure is a milestone!!!

    Don't you just love the olds?  Sometimes they can barely get around themselves but still willing to help any way possible.  God bless you aunt for extending her hand to you.  Take care!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Nancy, when are you getting more answers for your coughing???

    Chrissy, you must be busting up with pride for your GS!! Art is such an emotional talent that he will always have an outlet for his feelings in life. My step-son does graphic art for windows and cars that use plastic wraps (think of the racing cars and the art on them). I am SO glad that he has found his niche in life. He does bartend on the weekends to make ends meet, but he is so much calmer now that he's doing what he loves.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe I couldn't be prouder!!!  I am so glad that he has his art to express himself.  My uncle was an artist and I have always loved art but I use other mediums to express myself but my DD's are not artistic at all.  My son wrote poetry but could not draw.  It's strange how it comes out in some and not others and the different ways the artistic ilk manifests itself.  I'm really pleased that Jackson has inherited the entire artistic nature but at the same time, it has been hard on him as he has been teased alot as he has grown but being an artist is who he is and that cannot be changed.

    From the time he could barely control a pen (yes I mean pen, biro to be exact) he had drawn.  At four he would sit at my dinning table with pen and paper and produce amazing pictures of fungi and logs with bugs on them and they were done single unbroken line from one side of the page to the other.  He would also get a comic and belooking at a picture say of Bart Simpson and again copy it in one continuous line in biro with no errors!  He never used an eraser and still doesn't.  What he sees in his head goes down on paper exactly as he see it.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy - He sounds like an amazing talent.  Any chance you could post pictures of anything else he has done?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Chabba, I have a few and I don't mind posting them at all! little bit of bragging going on

    This one is a self portrait.  Sorry it is so small but I tried to resize but that only made it out of focus.

    This is a portrait of one of his friends.  He did this on the computer.

    This one was a school assignment done two years ago.  It is a pencil scetch.

    I have a few more but I need to put them on the computer.  When I do I will share them as well.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    FABULOUS artist!!! Holy cow, can you imagine what he will be like as his art develops???

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    A versatile talent indeed.  Thanks for posting the pictures.  The pencil sketch done at age 14 amazes.  A mature subject for one so young.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Very talented. Thanks for sharing.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Chrissie, It is wonderful that your DGS has such amazing talent. 


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    No wonder you are so very proud of him as well as you should be.  He is very talented.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Goodness, Chrissy, your DGS is sooo talented.  Of course you're proud of him, as you should be!  I even called DH in here to see the drawings I was so impressed.  DH has a MFA (Master Fine Arts) degree and he was also most impressed.  This young man will go far.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    Kiss bravo
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks girls, I always knew he had a special talent but it's nice to hear it from others as I know grandmothers can be a little biased at  I have watched him draw and his hand just seems to have a life of it's own.......oh!  I should have said, that he is also a  I know that makes no difference but I think it's an unusual trait. 

    He did a pencil sketch as an assignment when he was 13 and it is truly amazing!  The assignment was to draw an animal in human guise............he chose a gorilla dressed as a film know, cap, cigar collar up on the jacket?  It just about blew me away and I will try to get that one onto the computer to share as you can see every hair on that animal.............the most amazing thing of all is the time it took him to do it........just 30 minutes!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, Those are amazing pictures. He will go far esp. since he already has graphic art work experience

    Today was another long day with OT after the rads. But I did get to see DS for about an hour and half. Finally have my PFT scheduled for Friday and another pulmonary test for Tuesday. It will add travel time, but I need to get this issue addressed. I also get to see my PCP again tomorrow and will try to get the CT scan scheduled soon.

    A friend brought her new baby over to see me today. She is so cute. I forget how sweet little babies are. I couldn't hold her but I could watch her try to hold her head in one place. Little bobble head. Her brother (4 or 5) saw my cell phone and had to play a game that I didn't even know was on the phone. These kids are so tech savvy so young it is scary.

    I finally got to take my nap very late.  My kids gave me a pin that says "I'm at the age now that my happy hour is nap time."

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184 your pin..when i was doing chemo, my boys bought me all kinds of baseball caps with crazy stuff on was fun, a cap for every occasion...

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, your GS is a very talented boy! Please post any other things he's done - we'd all love to see them.

    So... finally got in to the PS on Sunday. She wasn't fazed by the Stage IV dx - I'm stable, tumor load is small, so we're OK for surgery. I'm seeing the BS on Tues. PS suggested that he put in the request form for the surgery date (she did that also) since it would be an earlier date. OR scheduling puts prophy mast at a higher priority than recon. So it looks like we're going ahead with this!

    My sister is doing well with what's happening. She had an MRI last week and was supposed to get the answers and a surgery date either last Fri or Mon AM. Since I didn't hear from her on Sun I'm assuming she didn't get the answers Fri. Mon she was going to call the office since she left that day on a cruise. She's not letting this stand in the way of her living her life! Since she can't call Israel from her cell I'll just have to wait until she's back to speak to her again.

    Passover is coming, and the main part of the preparation for it is cleaning any leavened products (and I mean any - down to the size of a crumb) out of our houses. Spring cleaning multiplied many times! Of course, I'd rather be on the computer moaning to you about how much work I have to do than to actually be doing it....


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    mac, I know what you mean about the young kids!! I just got a new phone last week and still can't get my voicemail...sigh. I said I should get my grandson over (18 months) over to teach me..hehehehehehe It took me 2 days to figure out how to turn it on!!! SERIOUSLY.

  • Happy Birthday Alyson.....hope I got the day correct.   

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Barbe I go into electronic gadget brain freeze for at least a week with any new gizmo. When grocery stores first got automated check approval machines I refused to shop there for about 2 years. I was so embarassed because I had no idea how to use such things. I learn faster now but it has taken about 30 years!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Gingerbrew:  I hear you...I still won't use the automatic checkout at the grocery store or Home Depot!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I forgot about that. I don't either. I don't think I am a Ludite but I might walk like one.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Happy Birthday Alyson!!!!  Hope you day is wonderful and you get really spoilt as you deserve it!  ((((hugs)))))

    I love new gadgets!!  I still take a couple of days to work my way around them but I just love discovering just what they can do!!!  Although, those self serve checkouts gave me pause until I had watched a few people go through them and I saw just what was involved.  The first time I went through I was a bit slow but hey!  I was just a learner!  I may be old fashioned in some ways as I still liked to be served when I go train of though on that one?............well they should know the stock in the store and can save me and my poor old legs a lot of running around if I ask if they have such and such and I get the reply no.  If the reply is yes then I ask to be directed to just where I might find that item...........time, energy and my old legs saved all in one swoop!............hahahaha!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    I'd rather buy groceries from a smiling clerk than a pesky machine. Besides, the clerk needs a job. There aren't enough of those to go around here right now.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I don't mind the self check-outs, but find that the scanner sometimes malfunctions and a clerk winds up coming over anyway, so I don't usually use them.  DH, on the other hand, loves them.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i am so far AHEAD of where i was alittle over a year ago. coming here, i've learned sooo much!!!!i didn't knowhow to turn the computer on!and started from there.. ple were surprised that the 1st thing i wanted to know, was about posting pics to websites, and that's bc of your lovely pics here.. thank you, chrissy, who followed me all over these sites, to teach me how, and i've been blessed to help others..

      i found out, we're one of the very few websites that allow ple to post pics, and they really add to the feeling of knowing eavh other!!! 

     im just now, learning to ORGANIZE all the pics i've taken, doing not so good, there.. couldn't figure out the "almighty cloud" and am soon going to be asking for help figuring out picassa.. photobucket is easy: but recently , i found a pic out of a private album on line on new uploads.. and, i also got warned "i just missed a trojan horse" from my spyware.. so i think i gotta get outta there, soon.. got the Private pic taken out, but am angry it even got showed.. im careful NOT to show my grands, anymore, after perverts here, trolling for little girls at the beach were arrested at a beach WE go to with them.. what a world we live in!!!

      im just so surprised that my comouter, this site, and pics of my family have become so very imp to me, since bc, and the progression of ms..

     now, gonna get all my pics backed up. wheni'm gone, theyll have permanent pics of what were my favorites.. chrissy will tell you how many pics i do have.. she told me oct of last yr to clean em up!!!its taken that long for me to figure out how to get them on cds , and find out how to view them on my own computer.. i may be sssllllooooww, but it gets thru eventually!!3jays