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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella:  A DH with his own house to go to?  How did you get so lucky!  I hope your surgery goes well...sending prayers and positive healing energy.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    don't get it, Isabella.. but i hope that the screw up; helps you get surgery SOON!!!!

     D means Damned Husband, as far as i'm concerned, but, he's not mine, so to each his own...

      its a testament to what a heart you have, Isabella.. im so glad he's gone home   ahahhhhhh relief!!!3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lisa, pic didn't show up!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Do you guys have daffodil days where you are? The American Cancer Society sells bunches of daffodils in bud form to be delivered March 20th. I usually buy lots of bunches through my business to pass out to customers, since the shop is closed this year I now have vases of bright yellow flowers all over my house. Very festive!

    I sure need it! I am miserable, sitting here in my greased soaked tank top trying not to let my arm rub on the sore under my arm. I tried to quit rads yesterday. The nurse convinced me to get through the weekend and talk to the RO on Monday.

    Good news. I had the chest ct scan on Thursday afternoon and it is clear. Yipee! I am now working with a pulmonary tech to get my constricted airways opened up. She is very kind and makes me laugh so much I start coughing. Which might be counterproductive? So there is some forward motion and light at the end of the tunnel.

    and bright yellow flowers! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Sorry about the picture, I was just a

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Mac, I am SO happy for you that the chest CT was clear!!! I was afraid we'd hear bad news as you've been coughing for so long!!

    Worth re-posting Lisa...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Good news about the clear scan Mac, but what is causing your airways to be constricted?  Sorry you are having a bad time with the rads.  I would definitely talk to the RO about the sore shouldn't be that bad.  Seems like they could cut back the doseage a little.

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Hi Mac, that's just WONDERFUL that your CT was clear.

    I'm sorry you are having a hard time with rads.  I peeled under my arm and just wanted to give it a good scratch but didn't and I've healed really well.  I hope your RO can offer you some relief.

    My DH and I had our 2 younges grandbabies (girls ages 4 and almost 3) since yesterday afternoon and they just left about an hour ago.  We are so tired....but it's a wonderful kind of tired.  

    It's so much fun being Mamaw instead of Momma.  I've got to rest up since we have about 25 people coming to our home on Wednesday before Easter and leaving Easter morning.  We host our families and friends every Easter and this Easter we have so much to be thankful for!

    I just love, love, love those grandbabies, we have 4 all together the other 2 are a girl age almost 5 and a boy that's 8.  And in case I didn't already feel old (I'm 55), I was on a field trip with my 8 year old grandson and a classmate asked if I was his Momma.  He put his hands on his hips and said to her "That's my you not see that she's old!" Rofl!

    I hope y'all have a good night. (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))) to y'all!


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi LaDonna welcome to our little haven of peace and tranquility!  So glad you have jumped right in!

    When I used to have the grands with me when they were little, I often got told that my kids were cute and I used to love to see the reactions of people when I told them I was their grandmother!   LOL.  It still happens occassionally but they don't go too many places with me now as 'they have their own lives' so I've been told.  They are 16, 15, 14, and 13 and all boys!

    Nancy, I've PM'd you.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    First off, something I keep forgetting to do because I was 'taking a break from the boards' at the time ~ ~ Barbe, I was very happy to hear that your thyroid biopsy was B-9. Pardon the delay in the congrats.

    Alyson ~ the grandbabies are simply beautiful!! Happy Birthday to you, have a beautiful day!

    3jays ~ I love clam chowder but I stay away from any & all shellfish - excruciating migraines. I hope your birthday was wonderful.

    Isabella ~ Whenever the surgery is, I'm sure you can't wait until it's over. Enjoy being "alone" again!! I do love that myself.

    maacatacmv ~ Wonderful news that your CT scan was clear! YAY!

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    FilterLady:  So cute what the DGC can say...they are so honest!  My DGD who is now 19 once proclaimed that she knew how to tell when someone was a grandma.  Of course we all wanted to know her wisdom and she didn't disappoint.  "Well she know when they're a grandma because they all have those frog throats!"  Priceless!  That sent me running right to the plastic surgeon!

    Well, today I'm going to try playing golf for the first time in two years...should be interesting...particularly since I have very little tolerance for heat and it's going to be 86 degrees here in Florida today.  I might last nine holes if I'm lucky.  The boyfriend set this up because he has a client coming up from Miami and bringing his wife, so now I am included.  Hopefully he won't try and critique my game during the play, because if he does, you might read about it in the papers later when I wrap the golf club around his neck!  He has been warned, but sometimes he just can't resist:( 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Good luck with the golf..last time I played it was in Florida 25 years ago now...I wasn't used to alligators..yikes...but I kept my golfball away from any

    Have a great time, just take it leisurely...

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    It's all about having fun...right?  That's what they tell me anyway.  It's the only game I ever played where I could get worse instead of better with practice!

    Lisa:  We played on the W. coast of Fl one time and a big alligator ran right across the tee box just as I was walking up to it.  It unnerved me so much, that I hit my ball right into the water.  I let the alligator have it that day.  No way was I going fishing for that ball! 

  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    Where we are we have tulip festivals that are absolutely magnificent, up in Michigan, love them. 

    Today is my bd and family is coming, making dinner for them bcz that is what I enjoy more than going out.  Huge meatballs and pasta,  brownies w walnuts and violets on top, letting granddaughter decorate them : )

    Please..... will you add to my new topic?   Just started it, noncontroversial but helpful, I hope.

    Please share and pass it forward so we can get a good long list to help others.

    Breast Cancer Symptoms - a comprehensive list by those w bc


    Essa Diane

  • dbla
    dbla Member Posts: 15
    Tranquility- what a lovely word! So here is my question- is there any way to maintain it while awaiting scan results? I am stage 4 and was well-controlled on Abraxane for a year. My markers have started climbing and so the inevitable scan. I can tell myself that the worst thing that will happen is progression and a change in treatment, but I am so terrified that I have started my day with a Xanax. Do any of you have a strategy for coping with these anxious moments? There are so many of them ahead and I'd really like to learn a better strategy than a pill, IF that is possible!
  • dbla
    dbla Member Posts: 15
    Tranquility- what a lovely word! So here is my question- is there any way to maintain it while awaiting scan results? I am stage 4 and was well-controlled on Abraxane for a year. My markers have started climbing and so the inevitable scan. I can tell myself that the worst thing that will happen is progression and a change in treatment, but I am so terrified that I have started my day with a Xanax. Do any of you have a strategy for coping with these anxious moments? There are so many of them ahead and I'd really like to learn a better strategy than a pill, IF that is possible!
  • Bluebird-DE
    Bluebird-DE Member Posts: 1,233

    DBLA - I use flower essences.  Simple to get from natural store, or online.  Rescue Remedy by Bach is easiest to find.  It works for fright, terror, accidents, fainting, injuries, so much, so covers it all.  I also use music now, and play word games on with people who know, helps pass time.  Just had to wait for results on bone scan last month, longest two weeks EVER.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Daine, happy birthday, sweetie!!! Have a glorious family wonderful to be surrounded by those who love you...!!!!

    DBLA, I get anxious BEFORE my scan or test is booked. I do the test or scan with ease and I actually get CALMER. Someone, somewhere knows something about me that I don't know. They hold my future in their hands. They have gone home and continued on with their life, while I wait for them to fax the result to my doc!!! Seriously though, I actually get calmer once my test is done. The works are in motion, I will hear sooner than I want to, really, and then will deal with whatever it is. Nothing so far has been worse than "you have cancer". Hugs to you!!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Boy you girls have been busy. I miss a couple of days and have to read 3 pages to catch up!

    Welcome Camille, and jojococo.  Hope you find that we are a great group to be with.  We have lots of fun sharing and learning together.  Some of us even meet up when we can while traveling around.

    Leah - hope you can get all the leven cleared out of the house without too much extra work this year.  I know it can be a pain to try and find everything that has leven in it. Shalom  

    My DGD#3 said that for Lent she was "going to give up homework" and her Dad told her "we are not Catholic" and she said she knew that but it was worth a shot to try anyway.  She is 6 and hates to do homework, she would much rather be outside playing with her friends.

    Barb - How did your networking go?  Any prospects for a new job?

    Belated Happy Birthday to 3jays and Alyson.

    Alyson, the children are so cute.  You must love to be with them and just be able to give them lost of hugs and kisses. 

    Isabella - hope you really do get your surgery on the 29th so you can finally get some relief.  Glad you ex-DH is finally out of your hair and you can get back to your life your way.  Still waiting to hear the rest of the wedding story.

    Chrissy - so glad everyone else thinks your DGS is as talented as you and I do.  When in Dec is your b-day?  Mine is in Dec too! (10th) althought I am still older than you are. Looking forward to my trip next year to see you. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Welcome to our new girls...nice to have an ever expanding bunch that all get along just fine.

    I have had a lovely peaceful w/end....just me, and me, and me ! Oh, it's so nice to be able to wander around the place and not feel watched, or have to explain what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it !! I have killed myself in the garden all w/'s been the most lovely weather...I couldn't resist. Have had to work in spurts of 20-30 minutes, then zonk out on the garden bench !!! I started the w/end with a very sad job in the garden. One of my oldest dogs died on Friday night...Betty. She was , I think, about 18...very old , very decrepit, and I'd been expecting this for about 6 months, didn't expect she'd get thru' winter. So I set off in the garden on Saturday digging a grave....not as deep as my usual efforts, as it was hard going.

    My gypsy wedding last w/end was a real outing !! I had gone to town a bit more with my outfit...last time I wasn't sure what to wear...this time I was. I wore a long silk dress, bit frilly here and there, pale duckegg blue and cream fine print, with a silk sort of elaborate jacket/ cardi, in a silvery colour, decorated on the front with lots of fancy cutouts and dangly pearls ! I made myself a fascinator in silver fabric, and decorated it with pearls  and feathers.. My hair has just gotten into a good bob shape. I have been growing it all winter, and got it cut a few days ago....a few tweaks with the tongs here and there and it looked OK. I started off at the church, 'My' gypsy, Elvis came bounding up with a buttonhole for me....I protested, and said 'save them for family'...he said 'you ARE family' (OMG I'm a flippin' gypsy now !!!) The bride turned up in a monster stretched Bentley....I've never seen one of these before, and her retinue came in 2 pink stretched Hummers....what a sight! Outside the church the family were drinking away, the church was right in the middle of a town, and they were attracting lots of attention. Being St Patricks Day a lot were dressed in bright green.. uuurrgghh !! The bridegroom wore a white suit, as did his 2 best men .

    The bride had on the most elaborate dress, she had 5 sisters in her car, all dressed as mini brides...great wide dresses and veils. Her mother, Elvis' wife, was dressed as a bride also, but in cream. The service took an hour and a half, and by about 'half time' a lot of the guests were drifting in and out the church, for a swift cig or can of beer !! It was like being in a bus station, a constant pitter patter of feet, up and down the aisles ! Oh. the best bit for me was when the bride and groom had to walk forward with the priest, to be blessed, or something. Two low stools were put behind them, for them to sit back on, and as they went down to sit on them the bride somehow missed, and up she went, dress all over the place, I could see her shoes come up above her head, and her white tights, and I just had to disappear into my handbag spluttering and laughing !!! did most of the congregation !!! Don't know whether it was on the wedding video or not !! Got to the reception, after leaving the church steps littered with empty lager cans, a lot had thrown them over the hedge into someone's garden !! The reception was fantastic...again I had a place of 'honour' up with Elvis, and his relatives..I felt a bit awkward really, but sat it out !  Not for long tho' ...trouble started after we had been sat about an hour. 2 young men started shouting the odds at one another, started to fight, and were pushed outside. There was a field next to the venue, and the fight continued there for a while, with a good half of the guests outside watching. Slowly everyone came back inside, and all was rolling along nicely when off it set again. A man suddenly jumped up, only about 5 or 6 yards from me, and climbed OVER the table to get to someone he didn't like... I saw and heard 4 monster swipes, the second man was out cold, with blood pouring out of the top of his head. With this, just about all the young men were over into the corner where the trouble was, and a real fight started, everyone seemed to be fighting everyone else !!  just mayhem !! The women were up on the tables egging the men on and screeching at anyone and everyone. I tried to melt back into my seat, hoping no-one would come near me....being 'different' , I wasn't sure what would happen.... I was the only non gypsy there !! The buffet table went up in the air, food all over the show, the music was switched off, the shutters came crashing down on the bar, and all the lights went up !! I was really enjoying it ! ( but a bit worried at the same time) I saw a clear way to the one and only exit, and made a dash for it, and luckily got straight outside. Someone called me a taxi, and I was away, and in bed before midnight ! Apparently the police were called just after I was away !! Didn't want mixing up with any police trouble ! Elvis has been down to see me to apologise, he was very embarrassed, but, wasn't his fault !! He brought his brother with him to see me...and he's called just couldn't make this all up !!!

    I think I have nicely got over all the excitement now, back to peace and quiet and being normal again...Elvis' next eligible daughter is only 12, so I don't expect anymore invites for a while !! ( He has 12 children !!) Whatever I did to get mixed up with this family I don't know !! They are really nice people, when all is normal, and no weddings are taking place !

    Going to bed now, every bone in my body is aching with my attempts at gardening !


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella: really had some excitement at that wedding!  It sounds like an episode from some TV citcom drama!  Sorry about your doggie...that is always sad to lose a beloved pet.  My DD buries all of hers in her backyard as well.

    Enjoy your peace and's nice isnt it to have the place all to yourself.  Rest and enjoy. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    must be spring

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Isabella thank you for catching us up your wedding story. It sounds fascinating and you got more into the spirit with your outfit too. Did you get any dinner before the table went over?

    I am sorry about your dogs passing. I hope mine make it a good long time like yours have. They are so specialin my life. 

    Your gardening is inspiring. I am starting to wonder if my bushes haven't budded out a bit early. I hope not, I want to see them in full healthy bloom.  I got my husband to cut back some of the blackberry bushes creeping in on the boundary of the wooded area. We will be like sleeping beauty all covered in brambles if we don't push them back. 

    I hope everything goes well in the rest of the details leading up to your surgery Isabella. We will all be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs GInger

  • dbla
    dbla Member Posts: 15

    What a wonderful way to look at waiting for results! I actually fall asleep during the scans! But the closer it gets to getting results, the more in a knot I am. I like how you think- treatment plan is already being formulated before they even see me tomorrow....and yes, NOTHING is worse than the first scan results, asking where it is and where it isn't! Hugs right back!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Isabella, my word!  Your tale of the 2nd great gypsy wedding was hilarious, just what I needed today!  Glad you were able to make a tidy escape before the police arrived, too.  I'm so sorry about your dear dog.  Even when we've been through it many times, and we know it's coming, it's still  hard.  But, at least DH has gone away and you're free of him for a bit!

    DBLA, I'm happy you got some coping advice.  I fear I'd be of no help since I'm always a wreck myself, but what Barbe said makes sense to me.  Nothing is worse than that initial word.  

    Happy birthday Diane!  Sounds like you're doing exactly what makes you happiest.

    Alyson, your grandchildren are so beautiful!  I know you enjoy them.

    Those grandchildren comments are priceless!  Welcome LaDonna, and despite what your DGS said, you're NOT old!  

    Good luck with the golf, Kaara, and just have fun!  Only a game, as I keep telling myself after my team just lost in the basketball tournament.  

    And Mac, that's wonderful news about your CT.  Happy.

    Hugs to all,


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Isabella - Loved your story of the wedding. My DH and I were invited to one in Houston and it was everything I'd always imagined. At ours, there was no religious ceremony. The couple danced together and that was how the knot was tied. Your outfit sounded perfect! Fighting seems to be a fairly frequent occurrence. The family had police guarding the entrance because they were worried about intrusion from another family. 

    Sorry about your dog. No matter how much you expect it, it's still painful. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa: looks so alive in the photo...I can almost smell the wonderful fragrance.  Thanks for sharing.  I hope my peonies are still in bloom when we get to NC in June.  I just love them.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella: i'm sooo glad you have your house back to yourself, as i know thats' just the way you like it.. when im about here, i imagine you, listening to your radio>>>

      you did have a great show at the wedding.. and i understand the excitement/fear... im glad you were off in a taxi before the cops came...!!!!

      its' so wonderful, that you are "fmaily" to Elvis.. not many get that honour, in a travelers family!!!

     im glad you were satisfied with your outfit, this time.. wish you could post a photo!!!

      i know you were expecting to lose your oldr dog, but it always hurts, no matter how long we've had them.. bless you, putting her in the garden, then "prettying it up... i miss that i had to leave mine where we used to live..

      My little man now, will be in an urn, im afraid.. said id never do it, but won't leave him behind.. but, hes ok for now, and so am i!!

      Thanks for sll the birthday wishes, ladies..

      surprisngly, it turned out well.

      we celebrated, as i told you, mur and i .. but jay @ wanted to come sat nite and spend the night.. he/mur went to a garden store special, and he got the most beautiful plant for me, mur as well.. it a butterfly host vine, gotta get the name of it.. it has purple "spidery" blooms all over it.. and, mur got a hybrid beauganvilla.. they're not my fav, cause they "bite" but the guy said this ones' got smaller thorns, so we're gonna give it a whirl

     then, yesterday, we went for wonderful hamburgers, and fries, with Jay @ and his family, with the grands.. a ball!!so, 2 out of 3 isn't bad...

      i had to rest alot of the time, but we pulled it off, for another year!!!!!

      good seeing the newbies here.. welcome.. my memory serves me poor;ly with names..

      im praying for all the ladies waiting for surgery.. i hope Isabella, yours has been pushed ahead!!! night..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Isabella the wedding sounds like everything you could imagine a travellers wedding to be!  So glad you got to find just the right sound lovely and as 3jays says, I wish you culd post a pic.  Sad about loosing you older fur baby..........we all know it's coming but still hard when it does.  Have you got your surgery sorted?  Is it going to be 27th?  Sure hope so as it's about time you got some relief from your back pain.

    3jays so good that you got to spen time with at least 2 of the 'Jays' and the grands!  I know that would have been the hi light for you.  Your butterfly vine sound spectacular and do tell us the name when you find out.  Take care lovely!

    DBLA welcome to the thread!  Waiting and then getting scans sure puts the blood pressure up and it's not easy to get passed the fact that we may hear what we don't want to hear.  I have learnt to accept whatever happens as I know I cannot control anything just go with the flow.  It is what it is and just because something may have progressed it sure doesn't stop me from living and loving the life I have.  Worrying about it all only deprives me of that joy.

    So many new girls popping in!  Welcome one and all!!!

    Well girls, the ECG is done and I passed with flying colors!.......yay!   I decided to drive over to the place where I needed to go and get the bloods done as well today so all things being equal, it should be a go for Friday.  Just the visit from the community nurse to go and the prep is all done.............just the packing to do and I'm all set!  I'm going to treat myself to a manicure on Wednesday so my nails are all lovely and I won't have to worry about them while I'm in hospital.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

    Love n hugs all!  Chrissy