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For Older People with Sense



  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hi Ladies..........Not having a good night tonight.........thnking a lot about Rads, and the lousy hormone that I am going to have to take............I hate medicine,but I hate BC more...........I have so many things I want to do in the next couple months, and I know all this bulls--t is going to keep me down......I know I'm worrying ahead of time, but I can't help it.  My grandaughter is graduating from college on May 14th, and I will probably be in the middle of Rads then, and I don't know if I'll be well enough to make the trip to D.C.  It is only a 3 hour drive,but I don't want to be the pain in the a-- that holds everyone back.............

    Summer is coming........I want to do all the things at my shore home that I always did,but I know that is going to change too.............Can't go in the you don't get cuts on your fingers................I love crabs.......I buy them alive, and clean them myself.........when your done, you have so many cuts on your fingers you need a box of bandaids, so now I have an arm that looks like a flipper if I get an infection..............Oh and yea, take the hormone, and then you ache so bad you can't do anything,, fun, fun, sitting home while your grandchildren go miniture golfing, to the beach, or the boardwalk.............this sucks, and I'm tired of it................

    Oh well I'm going to bed, sorry ladies for being such a whimp, I guess its all starting to get to me............Guess I better go in the drawer and look for my "big girl panties"............maybe tomorrow will be better............hugs.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, I'm on Femara and the only side effect I have is a bit of fatigue but that's it!  I was on Arimidex and the SE's were bad.  What I'm getting at is, not all the Hormonals will effect everyone the may find you have no SE's or a few........and if you find the SE's you get are unmanagable, there are others out there.  Rads is not too bad either, other than fatigue and some skin burning, which can be managed by applying cremes etc.  they are not that debilitating so you should be good to go you GD's graduation.  Take it easy on yourself girl and as my gran used to always tell me, wait until you get to the bridge before you cross it.

    Big girl panties are usually on the hook behind the  Hope you feel better after a good sleep.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    ducky ~ We can't stop ourselves from worrying, that's for sure. I didn't have a hard time with Rads & maybe you won't either. I hope you will be able to make to your GdD's Graduation. I didn't get tired but I know many of our sisters do.

    I understand about getting cuts on the fingers, tho I don't do crabs. Ha-ha! I do a lot of gardening & I wear gloves now & never used to. I so love the feel of the rich black dirt - I find it harder than h*ll pulling tiny weeds & planting with them on so I end up taking them off & watching where I put my hands. Pain in the butt!! I do wear them when I trim plants.

    I pulled a fingernail down too deep a couple of weeks ago, it tore the skin & bled. Stupid me, I didn't put any Neosporin & band-aid on it & a couple of days later it was infected. Since this was on my bad side, I sorta got freaked out. It was very red & swollen & I ended up (TMI alert) squeezing some puss out of it. Ick! You can bet I was taking care of that pronto & within a few days it was on the mend. So one also has to watch out for something as minor as that.

    As for taking the hormonal, I'm on Aromasin & I have to say I've been very lucky. The SE's are minimal. There are a lot of ladies who manage quite well, I don't think as many post about that when they aren't having a problem. I pray you will have minimal SE's as well.

    You are not a wimp, dear sister/friend! You have a right to be concerned. With your pretty 'big girl panties" on, you will do great. Kiss


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just stopped in to say hi"im here" trying to change my sleep cycle, but so far, its' not working. obviously! i went to bed (and slept) early, but up at 4am.. to early.

       really, not too bad, i had a fight with the 1st Jay, so that i slept at all was good. of course, it was about bc/ and his denial. it was ALL his fight, this time. i excused myself into the bathroom, cried, and THEN came out cheery. so, he couldn't accuse me of being a dram queen this time.. lol   its' no big deal, and i'll get over it. seems to come up at every family time. his b.Day is the 13 of april; so i should have expected it.

       Did, however, tell him i was kidnapping my GS for the pool 2mmorrow, so it was all wortth it!      3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    ((((((hugs)))))) 3jays, family can be the best or the worst depending on their state of mind.  At least you get to spend time with the munchkin!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Ducky, whine away. That is what we are here for.

    Val, I hear you about worrying about infections, cuts and stuff.

     I LOVE Maryland blue crabs! Haven't had any since BC and I know I will cut myself if I do. Have to make sure I cut the good side hand.

    3jays, family is either the best or the worst. Mine is the worst right now.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Chrissy, you've lost the gentle softness of the pale coral centre. Is there a way to blacken the background without touching any other colour? This is why certain programs are free...Wink
  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good morning ladies.  I hope you have a good day.  We are having a crew come to work on our storm-damaged trees.  Lunch is part of the package deal; I'm pretty sure it helps our rates!  Today I'm trying a lemon meringue.  Told my DH it was an upside-down crustless pie.  (the confused look on his face was priceless)  He won't care, if it's sweet.  The meringue looks great, so we'll see. 

    Ducky, I know how you feel about the thought of "losing" your summer.  Rads weren't too bad, just like the other gals are telling you.  Staying out of the sun was the most difficult!   I'm now on generic Arimidex and it's not too bad - really.  I am one of those who have few or no problems with AIs.  My hips hurt a little more, and dry eyes.  Nothing to write home about.  As Chrissy mentioned, if one AI isn't suitable for you, another might be.   Sometimes on the forums it's difficult to remember that most women do fine on AIs -- they just don't write on the boards because they have nothing to complain about. It's certainly your decision whether to take it or not.  If you choose not to, there are lots of threads for boosting your immune system & general health... Best of luck with your decision, and I hope your summer goes well. 


    Families: ditto what BarbA said.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe I'm using the shadow adjustment and of course it also darkens the shadows within the rose itself.  If I adjust the warmth of the color, it still looses it's softness.  I don't usually play with my pics, but I have discovered a whole new world doing this.  You never know, I may end up being an expert at this one

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Hi Ladies...................Well my day started off rather well..............I turned on my computer, went to my favorite site, and there were my best friends giving me the good advice they always give.......You ladies are the best.............I will go forward with a more positive attitude.  I am usually the "figher", the "never let yourself get down", the "SNAP OUT OF IT" type of person, the OK, GET THE SUSPENDERS FOR YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES".  Not sure what happened to me, but for this moment I am thinking only "good thoughts", and will use the information that I get from you gals to get me through...........................Honestly if I have learned anything from dealing with cancer in my lifetime, it is that all the Dr.s no matter how good they are, "put their pants on one leg at a time" just like we do, and they deserve no more respect then we are given by them............I will ask the questions...........I will make them explain the when....why....what benefit is it to me.........until I understand each and every reason for what they are doing........I have been told through the years...............get off the computer..........stop reading so many books..................turn off Dr. Oz......................My feeling is..........until you can answer every question I ask, don't tell me what I can and can't do when it comes to the disease of someone I love................or now my own disease.....................

    A woman I know said to me "you should get off that website your on, and stop listening to other people who had, or have cancer"...................I told her.......and I hope you never have to go on that website I go on".............................haven't heard from her for a while, and don't expect to.

    Well today is a gray day..........Pa. has had some nasty rainstorms, but it is getting warmer.  They said this morning that it was over,  but Lord is it coming down now, but it can't dampen my spirits today..................I had friends who have "lifted me up"............thanks ladies, and to all who will be joining me in the next couple weeks on our journey to make sure the "beast" is gone, good luck, and to all you ladies who have faced the "beast" head on, God Bless are my inspiration.............Hugs to all of you.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, glad to her you are feeling more positive this day at a time my dear, one day at a time.......

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I think some photos just don't lend themselves to using the darken mode of picasa,

    or not everything could use the retouch feature to get rid  of everything

    or not..just let some through. I didn't get rid of all of it in this photo but I could have

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Just saw this

    Kids have all their little BFF, WTF, LOL, WTF,etc.  So here are
    some codes for seniors:

    ATD - At the Doctor's

    BTW - Bring the Wheelchair

    BYOT - Bring Your Own Teeth

    CBM - Covered by Medicare

    CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center

    DWI - Driving While Incontinent

    FWBB - Friend with Beta Blockers

    FWIW - Forgot Where I Was

    FYI - Found Your Insulin

    GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low

    GHA - Got Heartburn Again

    HGBM - Had Good Bowel Movement

    IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?

    LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out

    LOL - Living on Lipitor

    LWO - Lawrence Welk's On

    OMMR - On My Massage Recliner

    OMSG - Oh My! Sorry, Gas

    ROFL...CGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing...Can't get Up!

    TTYL - Talk to You Louder

    WAITT - Who Am I Talking To?

    WTFA - Wet the Furniture Again

    WTP - Where's the Prunes

    WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil

    GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking in!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lisa, I'm ROFL.......CGU while reading your list of abreviations!!!!    I must try some of them out on my grandsons and just see if they can work them out............they are just so cool......have you been sitting quietly in the corner all morning working these out?  Good for you, you have put into abreviation all that often passes my mind.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Chrissy.........I will do this one day at a time...........If I could conquer that "worry about things before they happen", I will have won a huge battle..............So glad I have you ladies, and Chrissy that little baby face is adorable.   I look at it everytime I see your picture and comments.....She makes me "smile".............Here's to better days ahead..

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Me, too! I just stopped for a quick peek before putting on my cook's hat, and am ROFL..CGU too!

    Too funny; THANKS!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lisa, those abbreviations are THE BEST!!!

    Won't try them out on my kids, though. They're too young to have the life experience.....

    But my father will love them.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, my grandsons are 15 and 13 and their sense of humour is very mature.  They will laugh just as hard as I did.

    Ducky, the little one is my adorable niece.  My baby brother (ten years younger) is her daddy and he was a very late bloomer so she has a wealth of old aunts and uncles who adore her and spoil her with love and cuddles.  The good bit is, she just lights ups when she sees us and always gives cuddles back!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Adorable........................My youngest grandaughter is 10. .......................but now we have 6 week old identical twins (great-grandchildren), and I can't wait to see them..................I couldn't go there because of the "radioactive dye" for the sentinel node biopsy..............was told "don't go near any small children till the dye was completely out of my system.............................then got the "shingles vaccine", and was told to stay away from any child who didn't have the chicken pox vaccine, and of course they didn' I did what I was told.........I can't wait to see them.  I'm good to go there now.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, as you already know, there is nothing like the small and feel of a newborn babe and to have two at the same time......girl you gotta be in heaven when you see them!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, my kids range in age from 33 down to 17. When I said they were too young for the abbreviations I meant that they hadn't earned them yet.

    Hey, you gotta be tough to be old.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa - I am in th ROTFL...CGU crowd! You are so funny and I love the abbreviations. My DH will get a kick out of them too.

    Duckyb - So glad you are feeling better today. ((((((HUGS))))))

    3jays - We all have those family members that often drive us crazy! I have a sister and younger brother that I have not told that I have bc yet because I know the drama and problems that will follow. I don't want to deal with them just yet about this so I just don't tell them anything.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Leah, you probably never said a truer

    Well Ladies, as your day gets under way, mine has come to a close and at 1.30am I think it's time for this little bird to put herself to bed.  Have a great day all!

  • radiant
    radiant Member Posts: 24

    Lisa - You abbreviations FAB. good laugh.

    ChrissyB - Don't laugh, but I never knew how amazingly beautiful Australia was until Oprah's recent visit - when she did a show touring Australia. JAW DROPPING beauty! The Barrier Reef is now a bucket list item for me. Honestly, most of Australia, based on that show, looked like paradise. Is that your experience? What parts do you think are must sees for folks?

    Thanks - Kim

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    Love the abbreviations.  My coming week - hair cut friday.  All my teeth out saturday (evil infection).  Start chemo next wednesday.  Lots of wine after hair cut.

    Take care everyone

  • Onetoughwoman47
    Onetoughwoman47 Member Posts: 132
    Duckyb1 - YOU stay positive girl...chin up and here's a gentle hug and a high five for ya!!! yep, we all have THOSE days!Laughing  I'm off to do the please bring warm weather dance!!! High yayaya, High yayaya!!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{bernie ..elen}}}}}}}}}}}what a week!

      thanks ladies. that one son gets to me maybe cause he sees me the most. he tried to step into the father shoes when i got divorced, ive been remarried 20 yrs, and he still thinks he can try to tell me how i should be!

       anyway, its' started strorming, so i think the pool is out today with the wonder boy (GS Fischer) i think the library, and then the all u can eat salad bar is onthe shed... just being with him makes up for asll of it!

       i talked to my DIL just now, she said its' not personal.. he's been in quite a snit, and has no idea what its about.. his BDay? ah well... onward!      3jays

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Okay, been OTL (out to lunch) for a coupla days; catching up.  Ducky, go ahead and whine; we've all been there.  Barbe, what is the pale coral centre?  Lisa, your codes are cracking me up. 

    Went to my last BC support group this AM and there were two women in their early 40's with BRCA 2 who were about to have BMX.  It was so sad.  It's times like this I like being older.  For me the fact that me and all my friends are still here is enough to make me ecstatic.

    Tomorrow, my DH's screening CAT scan to see if his bladder cancer is still there.  He's feeling good so we're not too worried.

    Okay, I'm a nurse--I'll preface with that.  Last night I dreamt there was a lady who came in to have a baby and she had both a vaginal delivery AND a C-section (for only one baby).  The night before I dreamt I was on my way to "James' T#**Y lounge.  There were strippers all over the place, some with pretty good reconstructions.  Does BC make you silly as well as stupid?

    Watching hummingbirds...  Dragon

    PS--IBFW:  I brake for walkers (but there's no brakes on mine...)

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh you guys crack me up and Lisa!!! I was ROFLMAO at your abbreviations.

    Whew...long day at work today and had to drive through a complete downpour into Tampa. Ugh.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Bernie Ellen -  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} and prayers for you.

    Dragon - I'm not sure about BC making you silly, my family says I have always been silly only now it is more extreme.  They also think I have developed ADOB (Attention Deficit - Oh Bubbles)! They are a silly crew too.