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For Older People with Sense



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    wishing you the best Barbe...

    we are heading out to see a theater production.

    I think it is a comedy, I am hoping..I can always

    use a laugh...a friend of mine is also a BC veteran

    and her husband a Opthamolagist have invited

    us..when I first went on tamoxifen ten years ago

    he right away wanted to get a baseline exam on

    me, gratis...then I switched to arimidex a year later

    and he wanted another he has been a really

    nice supporter of us ...

  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842

    Barbe .. fingers and toes crossed for B9.

    Lisa .. Have fun today ... sounds like a good time!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Had a nice afternoon at the pool. The water is only 74 so no way I will go in. Needs to be above 85 for me.

     I got this cool cook book app for my iPhone where you put in what leftover ingredients you have and it comes up with recipes for them. So last night I made a hamburger casserole and it was really good.

    I ordered the iPad2 and can't wait to get it but there is a 21-28 day wait for them. Frown Oh well.

    DH and I sat on our top floor balcony a while ago and watched the boats go by on the intracoastal. Gorgeous day for boating and boat-watching. Weather like today is what makes me love living here.

    Hope everyone has a great week!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - sending prayers your way for good results on your US

    Barb - Sounds like you guys are enjoying life.  Sorry, you have to wait so long for your new gadget! We keep saying we are going to take a trip to FL but so far we have not ever found the time to come your direction.  I have a cousin that live in Jacksonville that keeps asking us to come.  He and I are now the oldest generation of the family.  Someday......

    BernieEllen - be sure to tell you oncologist about any reaction no matter how small you have to your chemo.  He will be able to make adjustments to help.  Sending hugs and prayers your way.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and spending time with family and friends.  Amy Jo 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barb, how I envy you with a pool to use. We have a pool here in our village, but there's never a time that's NOT busy, so I don't try and go anymore. Our pool opens at 7.30, and its full of seniors who can't sleep. Then at 9am we have mothers and babies, followed by swimming lessons for what seem like millions of schoolkids all morning, then again all afternoon. Trying to move in a pool full of kids is like swimming in a pond of frogs. Most evenings are taken by various clubs and classes, and w/ends it is infested with spotty teens. I would pay for just a quiet half hour ALONE in this pool, BUT they 'don't do this' My Dr recommended I go and swim for my Fibromyalgia and spine problems....that's a laugh !!

    I have been right in the middle of trouble here again today. My DD has been having an affair, she told me it had all blown over, and she wasn't leaving her DH. Well, she lied. The little madam had one too many to drink last night, went home , argued with everyone, and then flounced out of the house...AT 2AM, to go talk to her pigs (this is a new one!!!!!!) Her middle son followed her, and caught her just going into her BFs house, which is half a mile or so along her village.  There followed what I have been told was a 'you do NOT want to know Grandma' argument, right on the street, my G/son blew, he has been bottling this all up for months now, and I knew he would go one day. ( this is the G/son who helps me, nearly 19) He eventually got his mother to go back home, but not until he had gone for the BF and bloodied his nose. I cannot believe this is my family acting this way !

    I have had a houseful all day, to be honest I am just sick of the whole thing.G/son is in a real state, he threw out alsorts at his mother, things that had been festering in his head for months, she was pretty much too drunk to care. G/son got her out of bed this morning to repeat all he had said in the night to her, and now she is desperately trying to keep it from her DH. G/son brought his  2 yr old sister to me for the w/end, or for however long it takes to sort things out. My peace is shattered now !!! I really felt for this young lad, he was so shaken up by it all. He left my house on the way to go and fetch his older brother, and they were both going to try and 'sort it out' with their mother. I am so pleased DD does not live in the same village as me !!!!!!!!

    It is our 'Mothers Day' tomorrow. DD HAD arranged a meal in a local pub, but don't think somehow this will go ahead now ! She had invited her MIL and me, plus all the children. I had actually refused the invitation, as I do not believe in Mothers Day...never have. I tell my children NOT to send me cards, and certainly no flowers at all. It is all too commercialised, and false to me. If you can't acknowledge your mother all year round, why make a big fuss once a year. I don't think I have ever had a card, except when the children were small, and made them at school.

    I get asked every year to DDs Mothers Day meal, and have never been yet !!!! Don't intend to start this year . Must fly, G/daughter is moving about upstairs, and I haven't got a baby gate set up at the top of the stairs OMG. She must be upset with all the fuss going on around her, and suddenly being shuffled off to G/mas pretty damned quick. When it all settles down I shall be giving DD a real telling off for upsetting the children, NOT that it will do much, she never listens to anyone, but it'll get it off my chest.


  • Oh, Isabella, I am so sorry you have so much crap to deal with. AS if you don't have enough concerns of your own.  It sounds as if your grandson is involved in something he should not have to be thrown in to....some people would say you are a man at 19, but still I do not think it is right for his mother to put him in a situation like this....from what you have written about him before,he sounds like a really nice boy.  Since it sounds as if the husband does not know what is going on, guess the son felt it was his place to step in.  You have talked about DD before and she sounds like she doesn't deserve to have such a nice boy and know she's been a big concern of yours.  I wonder exactly how she is going to explain to MIL why the party is being cancelled? hubby totally in the dark about what is going on? 

    Maybe one day you can buy yourself a nice hot tub....that would be good for your fibromyalgia....get one big enough for two just in case you feel like entertaining some evening!! 

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Barb, you're in my prayers.

    I'm getting an MRI monday, a PET a week from moday and see the foot doc on the 15th LOL. My big toes hurt like hell. I am hoping the doc will say just remove the toenails cause thats the part causing all the probs. I can t stand anything on top of my toes. I know its weird but thats bothering more than anything cancer related LOL.

    Isabelle, I am so sorry u are going thru all that nonsense. My family has had some pretty bad things too and I know how much stress this causes. I have no adivce for you because we can not control what our grown children do. But when these things happen to me I try to keep my wits as best as I can. I pray for them and for myself to have strength to handle it. The yelling is the part I dont handle well. It seems alot of people do not know how to sit down and have adult discussions anymore. When the yelling starts..I stand up and tell them that I am going outside, or for a ride etc and that I will gladly discuss things when I return if the yelling is done. I hope this all settles down for u soon. Hugs, Mazy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285

    Hi Caerus-Sunflowers, thanks for the reply.  I tend to be more manic but the depression can hit home.  Have good family, friends and doctors so hopefully they will spot the warning signs.  I do have a positive attitude and that helps.  My thoughts with all of you.  Bernie

  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152

    Question for ya ladies ~ Does anyone use a vegetable based or other "natural" no peroxide, no ammonia hair color? Can't seem to find anything of the sort and yet years ago my mum used one. Any helpful info would be appreciated.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Nico, I use Soma organic hair color and product. I love it.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Nico, a semi-permanent hair colour shouldn't have ammonia in it, I thought.

    Isabella, if your life was a TV show, it would have lousy writers but a lot of viewers! You WILL look back on this time and laugh, years from now. Seriously. Keep a journal just like you're typing here and read it even a couple of months from now and it will seem so different. But remember this:

    Whether good OR bad - it will change.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I use Natural Instincts...non permanent for me

    We have a pool but no heat for it so we just use it in the late

    spring-summer and fall...but it was a godsend when the three

    boys were growing up

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabelle, so sorry you have so much family stress!  I hate that kind of thing--much like my own family of origin whom I now don't see.  When I got BC they were mostly interested is whether or not I was terminal--I have a lot of things they want, I guess.

    Good thoughts to all who are facing tests and the "next steps" in treatment.  Bernie, it seemed to me that a lot of depressive history surfaced during my cancer treatment.  Don't know if it's right or not, but I do think a lot of it is chemical--when you're physically sick and inactive it automatically upsets the chemical balance in your brain and for me it led me into a lot of mistrust of my doctors and memories of men I disliked, etc.  I'm over the "I hate all men" phase and they are back in my good graces!  My poor DH had a lot to put up with. 

    This week he goes for CT scan to see if his bladder cancer has returned--hoping for a clean bill of health.  Would love to have a cancer-free summer.  Dragon

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{DRAGON}}} Prayers going up!

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I walked through a rose garden today, what a treat

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lisa, Beautiful.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • Nico1012
    Nico1012 Member Posts: 1,152

    Lisa ~ I want to live in your neighborhood! You see so much beauty everyday, lucky lady. :)

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Bernie Allen.. glad you've gotten the heklp you need in tx.. be very careful after chemo, etc. if they try ALS.. i ended up having a breakdown after trying them, and couldn't stay on any. i think i've not come back fully from it, therapist says i may not. am using the alt. tx for anti estreogen now. the best one is a diet, unfortunately. i started out in tx over 40 lbs overweight, mostly belly fat. since im post meno. i need to lose that particu;lar estrogen, and im just not that motivated, we'll see what the future well. Also, Isabella, im so sorry about the latest fiasco with your DD. She just carries chaos with her wherever she goes! im feeling bad for your GS. my dad cheated always, and i was the one always having to clean up for him. the dilemna of DH finding out or not, is the hardest. not your problem, for sure; but im sure your GS is so torn. Keeping you ALL in my thoughts.       3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    3jays, missed you.

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    SoCalLisa not only is there beauty where you live, you look for it and see it daily -- capture it and share it with us. I think you'd find beauty wherever you lived. That is a magnificent gift.  Thank you!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    thanks Lassie..I do look for it and see lots...but we are lucky here in San Diego!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - good to hear from you again.  You have been missed.

    Isabella - why is your DD husband in the dark about all of her antics?  So sorry your GS feels like he has to carry such a burden and fix his Mom's mess.  You and he are in my prayers.

    Lisa - My DD#1 lives in Monterey and keeps sending me fabulous pictures of the ocean waves and sunsets.  They will only be there until maybe December then the Army will be moving her DH some place new.  Hopefully the next place will be closer to NC. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We lived on Fort Ord when my DH went to Defense language school in 1971-1972

    I had two boys one was a brand new one and one who was 2..had my hands full with

    that but we lived right on the golf course and with a view of the whole Monterey Bay

    from our living room...

    Good place..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604


       bARBARA: CAN YOU EMAIL ME? I THINK YOU HAVE IT.. 3JAYS (sorry for caps!)....

  • Trisha-Anne
    Trisha-Anne Member Posts: 1,661

    Hello ladies!

    Sorry - I've been so busy I haven't had time to look on here much lately.

    What gorgeous roses, Lisa - I'll have to try to work out how to put some of my photos on here :-) 

    It's a lovely sunny day here in Canberra - we are in autumn here but it's been pretty mild, so I still have lots of roses in the garden, and heaps of dahlias too - even the sweet pea is still flowering, and it's almost the time to start planting them again lol the garden is all topsy turvey.  It's starting to cool down a lot at night now though, so things like the tomatoes will soon stop ripening, anyone have a good, easy recipie for tomato soup??

    Hugs to you all and I hope to be able to get on here daily so I can keep up :-)



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    dont know how to do mult.. this is the plumeria out front
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hibiscus next.. the last is the best!!3jays