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For Older People with Sense



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    To all folks----it was unfair to just leave a "thing" hanging out there about Gardisal. What this documentary showed was ---Gardisal was tested on 1200 girls. It then was presented to the FDA for FAST TRACK approval.   It was approved for fast track. Once approved the pharm company stopped research and long term follow up (f/u). It by-passed all usual clinical trials and f/u. Outcome unknown-about the 1200 b/c research stopped.

    The reason this hits me in the brain, gut, wherever is Polio. I had polio in Sept. of 1952, I read Salks Obituary and it described how he gave his kids the vaccine in June of 1952. I was angry, my famlies life was forever changed by 3/4 of us having it. I looked at his Obit and said why? Then there was a documentary on polio. In 1936, a vaccine was given to several thousand children. Most came down with polio. It was hidden from the public. The documentary went on to describe how tighter controls were put on human trials. Yet, Polio was the scurge of summer , with some years being worse than others.  The FDA approved Salks vaccine in 1954. Sabine's sugar cube was approved after. I was required to take it in 1971 to get into nursing school, even though I told them I had polio.They said if I didn't take it I couldn't continue---Duh --dreams of future--threats--no power--dealing with people that followed protocol and didn't pay attention to individuals history.

    I had serious problems.  High fever over several days and neck stiffness and limb weakness. I was naive about reporting them. I was afraid they would kick me out of school. DUH retrospectively stupid. I at the time went to the PDR and found that Sabine's vaccine had a black box warning that it should never be given to someone who had a history of polio.------Today it would be a pure case of malpractice...... 1971, you do what we say. I wanted nursing so bad , I took the damn cube. -------Did it affect my future-----???? Always have had pain of muscles, bones, and joints. Just accepted it. Could it have been different???????

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi Kaara: your DD works right down the street from me!!(small world!)

      i did have my son get 1/2 doses, when he got his immunizations, so when i asked (of course) the dr. said not them.. but, he doesn't get sick much, and he;s 35 now.. his seizures stopped about 3, 4.. it was a long time ago!!!

      our family had problems with chicken pox, though.. i almost lost 2 of my sons from that.. and now, we hold our breath, hoping for no shingles. they're young yet, for that, though.

      have a safe trip to the getaway house.. hope your golf continues to improve!.3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well girls I had my INR done again yesterday and I'm still up sh#t creek without a paddle.....yes. you guessed it, it is still out of wack!!!  I am so over this stupid drug and thank goodness I get the dopler US done on Thursday and see the spec anad if the jolly clot is not gone I'm going to refuse to take anymore coumadin as it does not stabilise in my system and demand that he give me clexane or nothing!  I'd much rather have to give myself a shot everyday and be sure that I'm covered that have the ups and down and continual juggling that I'm getting from the coumadin.      We shall see..........

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Chriissy--I wish I could give you great advice, but coumadin/warfarin, is so dependent on the individual and diet. -------the more that is learned about it, the realization --is the less that is known.......       Why the changes etc. ----a single dietary chnage, may make a change in numbers. Doing a dietary diary might help. Done from last blood draw to the next. Someone that has knowledge may be able to look at your food diary and say_Yahoo-------"found it you shouldn't be eating this".    I did this with mutiple people over the years--either for coumadin therapy or CHF(congestive heart failure). Remember when I said eat consistantly i.e. a salad a day. You have to follow a really consistent diet, based on what you are allowed. It's a pain in the pattuty, but it is what it is. L&H&P's sheila

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Shiela, that is what I have been doing and as you say it is a real pain in the pattuty! I've done every thing that I possibly can to keep everything the same ole same ole to give the meds a chance........both myself and my GP doc have come to the conclusion that this med just doesn't like me no matter what.  That's typical for my's just so damn tetchy!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Lisa, is this a guess where you are now game?

    Chrissy, hope the clot is gone!!!!!

    Hello everyone else! 

    I've been in the pit for a few days. My cough (read wheeze) just keeps hanging on. I get so tired. I went back to the PCP yesterday and I am back taking a low dose of prednesone. Bah!!! Besides the two inhalers. I'm suppose to call him and tell him how I feel tomorrow and then see him again in 2 weeks. What is this a science experiment? He did say the specialist I am seeing on the 27th is the best and he would try to give him a call. I said I hope you get through, all I get is the answering service. 

    I'm feel like I am having a hard time just coping with life lately. My emotions are so close to the surface they just bubble right out. I have found I can laugh, cry and wheeze all at the same time. 

    Congrats for all the parents of graduates, and accomplished children. Times like that are so special.  

    Thinking of you all. Hope you get good rest and happy days. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    maca:  I feel so bad for you that you are having this ongoing problem with your lungs.  Hopefully this specialist can get to the bottom of what is going on.

    We're off to NC today...a 12 hour trip from Florida.  I will relax in the car and listen to books on tape.  My BF will not share the a former pilot he must have complete control, so I just go with the flow!

    Lisa:  Restful looking photo...reminds me of the lake behind our home in Florida.

    I'll check back in after I'm set up in NC...have a good day everyone! 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    It's 12 hours from NC to Florida?!  But it looks so close on the map, the really big map.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Did anyone see the Muppet Movie? They traveled by map a lot. Just watching the line move across the map. Only took minutes to go across country. 


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    This is where my friends play golf and tennis


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    yeah, it takes almost 7 hrs (or more, if you drive like an old fart, like us) to get out of fla.. its a real LONG STATE...

      Mac: have they given you a nebulizer for home? that works on my wheezing asthma attacks much better than the prednisone pills. i use xeponex, in it, now, instead of albuterol. they are calmer to take..

      i have been having the emotions bubbling to the top more and more these days.. i think its the prednisone, so maybe thats' what you're having , too..

      enjoy the ride, Kaara: let us know you get there ok.. i envy you, its so nice this time of year, and its beg to be summer week, Marybe will be here for a few days. i plan on keeping inside, till nightime most days. she's only here a short time.. if we go to butterfly world, i'll make the exception.. we'll send pics, for sure. im so excited.. its to make up for me not getting to Uncle Bills last year.  3JAYS

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Kaara, hope your trip is safe and happy.  Our neighbors visit Florida every few months and they always gripe about how long the drive is.

    Mac, so sorry you're still having such problems.  I would think the prednisone may be having an effect on your emotions, but of course the bc does too, or at least it does with me.   Tears spring to my eyes too frequently now and it makes me mad, but nothing I can do about it.  Anyhow, hope the specialist will have some answers when you see him.

    3jays, I'm so excited for you, getting to see Marybe!  I've missed her coming on here so much, and I look forward to many pics of you gals.  Is Barbara coming too or did I make that up?

    We had a really super day here, toilet training no less.  First day ever for DGS to go all day without any accidents!  Now if his parents don't mess things up over the weekend, just maybe my diaper changing days are over for a bit.  Just for a bit, though, since DD and her fiance want to start a family right away.  And that will be fine too!

    Chrissy, hoping to hear that the clot is no more!


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200


    3jays, have fun with Marybe. How fun to have a visit.

    I am calling my doc tomorrow and will ask about nebulizer. I am pretty discouraged. I am 15th on the cancelation list of pulmonary guy.  

    Hey Lisa, if that is the Woods Hole golf club you are only 8 miles by water away from me. I was thinking that last picture looked a bit like the cape. It is a beautiful area.  Hope you are enjoying yourself.  

    Chrissy hope all is well. 

    Kaara, hope you made it safely.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi, kathy and nancy..thanks for the good wishes.. i am excited that marybe's coming.. she's alone this time, and her and barb a suppossed to come at the end of the month. i hope so, barbara seems really down about the job. we can all need helping standing up at times.. nancy, i hoope you get the nebulizer..let me know.. maybe we can figure something out...

      good news on the potty training, Kathy. are two grands are now diaper free, but finley is still struggling. 2 in dec, so she has time.. the bsitter isn't as careful taking her, as i was with fischer...3jays 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!

    I'm finally home after being in the city for the last two days.....yay!  Got the good new though, the clot is no more.....wooohooo!    so no more coumadin!!!   Now those words were definately music to my   Got the rest of the gene testing results and was confirmed factor V as well as having a link missing in the MTHFR gene wich is the one that controls the usage of folate and it is deficient which I'm told puts me at high risk of developing cancer........ya think?!!!!  Bit late to know that for me but sure does explain some but it's good that my kids and grandkids can be warned and organise getting the same tests done for themselves to check if I've passed it on.

    After getting all that information thrown at me I decided to do a little......we a lot of retail  Bought myself a new printer for the computer, some new connection leads for the new tele my DD2 has given to us as well as a new recliner/raiser chair for my as my other one is ten years old and a little passed it's use by  I can't wait for my DH to go pick it up so I can plant my behind in

    Nancy I sure hope you are getting a handle on that wheezing as it's not good to be like that for too long.

    3jays, little ones come to the potty when they are ready.  Pushing them can sometime just push them in the other direction.

    Lisa, nice garden around that sign.  Is that in San Diego?

    Well it's getting late and I'm a little bushed so I will catch up with you all tomorrow.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Chrissy - I think you get the retail therapy award for your efforts. So glad to hear that you have good news to go with your well deserved shopping.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Morning everyone!  Made it to NC in record time...still 12 hours with a few stops for potty, gas and lunch! 

    3jays is takes a long time to get out of Florida...5 hours for us with my BF driving...I think he's a frustrated race car driver;)  I just listen to books on tape and keep my mouth shut!  We got here in time to have dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant!  This morning I was out before 7:00 pulling weeds and trimming bushes so the place would look presentable.  It must have rained buckets here because the yard was soooo overgrown!  I worked three hours and quit so I will be able to get out of bed! glad your clot is gone and you can get back to normal

    3jays...DARN....I'm so sorry I'll miss Marybe...she's one of my favorite people on this inspirational for us all!  Tell her I said hi!

    Kathy:  It's a real sense of fullfillment to get those babies potty trained.  My DGD finally decided to do it herself practically!  When I was visiting the other day, I went to the potty and she always must go with me, so she grabbed her little seat and put it on the toilet for me thinking I was going to need was so cute!  I'm going to miss my grands..that's the only bad thing about coming to NC for the summer.  My little DGGD had another seizure with high fever last week and was back in the hospital.  They are now going to have her evaluated by a pediatric neurologist which I think is a good idea to be on the safe side. I have to tackle the unpacking which is not nearly so much fun as the yard work! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    glad you got there safely, Kaara: i knew the date wouldn't work for you/marybe.. but we're going to be extra charming to her (not a hard job, for sure..) so she'll come back!hahaha

      your BF does drive fast! we don't so just getting to daytona is a chore, we haven't gone in so long now.. but, when /if i start feeling up to it, maybe xmas??!! i

    'll get to

    Disney.. my G
    S is begging, and i've not been able. probably, too much for me then, but one HAS to have long term gols!.3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey all, I'm having some trouble sleeping so just catching up.

    Chrissy, I am so happy that darn clot is gone. Sorry for the worry over genetics, but now family can be extra vigilant. Yay for retail therapy that works for me too. 

    3jays, just thinking of you.

    Kathy and kaara, I haven't thought about potty training in a long time. No grandkids yet. I enjoy your stories about them, tho. thanks for thinking of me.

    lassie, hello

    sas, you still around or over on other thread?

    I talked to the doc today (well his nurse) and we are upping my dose of the dreaded prednesone. I mentioned nebulizer, but that was kinda pushed aside. They want me to come back next week. She caught me on my cell phone right after I had walked the dog so I was really huffing and puffing.

    We are in the final push for finalizing my father's estate. Signing all these papers and thinking of what a good dad he was to prepare for the future, makes me sad. But I have lots of good memories. He really like helping me in the shop. So we spent lots of time together. Years ago my mom used to come over on Thursdays and do payroll for me. Then the kids would come home from school and we would all be together. It was a real family effort. The cobbler that I am telling people to take their shoes to called me today. He said people are sending work to him and asked if there was anything he could do for me. Made me cry, cause he was so nice and the fact that I feel like I am giving up on the shop. But it is what it is, and because my dad was such a planner, I don't have too many financial worries right now. It is very interesting to me the timing of all this. In one regard I feel blessed and in another everything feels really crummy.  

    Anyway, I threw a tennis ball for the dog at the park the other day, and did not do my shoulder any good, so I have 2 days off of the strength training exercises. Still doing my stretches and icing, icing, icing.

    well, I hope everyone's weekend is  filled with joyful moments.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    mac: sent you a pm.. and remember to throw like a girl..hahaha underhand..3jays
  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    3jays, I shoulda thought of that, throw like a girl. LOL

    got the pm, sending one back.

    by the way, the daisies are all blooming here now. I love them, we have fields and fields of them, especially up island with the stone walls. Can you tell I went by the car wash today and then took a drive. Just feeling that wind in my hair makes me think of younger days.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, the daisies, MAC!!i'd forgotten!!! how wonderful act like a tourist this summer, and enjoy..

     last wk we went to flanigans < (i talk about every sun. nite we go for hambs, ) and my fav waitress was talking about MV..

      she grew up there, a "wild child" (big surprise, huh?) her parents still own there,  and go to Edgartown for the summer..

      maybe next year, when/ if my thyroids straight, i'll take my son up on his offer, and go.. he goes for a few days every year, but staysin Falmouth..3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    3jays, did you notice Socal lisa's pic. was in woods hole? 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I'm glad to hear that the clot dissolved. Even my DD says congratulations!

    Mac, I hope the breathing issues are dealt with soon. I don't understand the reluctance of your doc to give you a nebulizer. When you (finally!) go in to see him you might want to ask why.

    I had the pre-op for my surgery last week. Now I'm just waiting for them to give me the date. I forgot to ask the PS how long to expect to be in the hospital. After my unimx I was in for 2 nights (standard here). I saw the BS and asked him - he seemed to think I'd be in 7-10 days! Boy do I hope he's wrong. I would like to know before I go in, though. I mean, how else could I figure out how many pairs of underwear to pack?


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I'm glad to hear that the clot dissolved. Even my DD says congratulations!

    Mac, I hope the breathing issues are dealt with soon. I don't understand the reluctance of your doc to give you a nebulizer. When you (finally!) go in to see him you might want to ask why.

    I had the pre-op for my surgery last week. Now I'm just waiting for them to give me the date. I forgot to ask the PS how long to expect to be in the hospital. After my unimx I was in for 2 nights (standard here). I saw the BS and asked him - he seemed to think I'd be in 7-10 days! Boy do I hope he's wrong. I would like to know before I go in, though. I mean, how else could I figure out how many pairs of underwear to pack?


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    How'd I do that twice?

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, glad your clot is gone..yipee..

    we are in Maine..not San Diego..long drive..over 4,000 miles so far.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, I'm really loving these pictures you're sending.  Keep 'em coming, too, and we'll look forward to your way back.

    Chrissy, that's wonderful news about the clot being gone.  Hope your coumadin days are over for a bit.  

    Hope you get a date soon Leah, so you can pack all your panties!  7-10 days does seem a bit long to stay in the hospital, especially when you only stayed 2 nights before.

    I'm glad you've arrived safely Kaara, and I imagine you had a lovely day today with cooler temps.  The NC weather has been gorgeous today, not too hot, just perfect.  Wish it would hold for DD's wedding 2 weeks from today.

    Hope everybody's had a good Saturday!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Leah, 7 to 10 days. Maybe you are getting the "Deluxe Rebuild?"  jk

    Lisa, after my husband and I did a 4000 mile drive I had a weird chect pain, acid reflux. When the hospital heard we had beenon that long of a drive they gave me every test they could think of. I now know to get up walk around all that you can. It is just difficult on a car drive. Cartainly can't do the every 16 minutes that is recommended. 15 minutes of course. not 16 Hah

    Love the photos. 
