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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Yes, Kaara, it was. And it was terrific!!!!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    chabba, so all I have to do is find a a male dog to come pee on my roses? LOL I will probably go to the grain store and see what they recomend. I don't remember it being this bad before. 

    Hey Lisa and Kaara, I have been to Silverthorne CO. I was there in Nov visiting my DD. After we did the hot air balloon ride we did this crazy drive back to Avon on a back road that followed the trail the men that built the railroad had used. It was wild. I felt like we were going to fall off the side of the road.

    Lisa as always your picture is amazing!CO railroad

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    WOW!  Lisa and Nancy those pic are just amazing!!!  And bring back wonderful memories of my trip.  Thank you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Nice photo...makes me wish I was skiing...I missed it this year.  

    Maca:  My BF's son lives in Avon and works for Vail Resorts.  We go skiing in Breckenridge every February except this one due to my surgery...ugh! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Well we have multple sheila's and now two schatzi's and I'm both--i guess I must simply be sas

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Never mind SAS, a rose by any other name wouldst smell as are unique and we would all know you anywhere.

    Imagine living here where every female is generically known as a 'Sheila.'

    Hugs from me to you,


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    saw this yesterday

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  Brings back memories...we had a wonderful time on that trip.  Started in Durango..did the train ride, then went to Telluride for a few days and played golf.  After that we took the highway up and around the top to Quray, then back down to Pagosa Springs for the hot pools.  We then went down to Taos and Santa Fe for a few days then home.  Great adventure!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lisa, trains similar to that one were still making scheduled runs in North Dakota at least as late as 1950.  That was the summer Mom, DB and I went back to ND to visit Dad's family about 90 miles south of Bismark.  We took the Empire Builder, a "state of the art" train to Bismark but the only was to go on from there was a steam powered freight train.  It had a couple of old passenger cars with windows that opened for air but also let in the soot and a mail car. 

    I remember it was a hot, hot day and I was leaning out the window trying to cool off and somehow slammed my chin on the top of the window.  I still have the scar where I cut my lower lip.  I suppose if there had been a Dr available I might have gotten stitches but there wasn't so I didn't.  There was no Dr at our destination either.  I can only imagine my Aunt's reaction when I got off the train all sooty and bloody!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lisa, trains similar to that one were still making scheduled runs in North Dakota at least as late as 1950.  That was the summer Mom, DB and I went back to ND to visit Dad's family about 90 miles south of Bismark.  We took the Empire Builder, a "state of the art" train to Bismark but the only was to go on from there was a steam powered freight train.  It had a couple of old passenger cars with windows that opened for air but also let in the soot and a mail car. 

    I remember it was a hot, hot day and I was leaning out the window trying to cool off and somehow slammed my chin on the top of the window.  I still have the scar where I cut my lower lip.  I suppose if there had been a Dr available I might have gotten stitches but there wasn't so I didn't.  There was no Dr at our destination either.  I can only imagine my Aunt's reaction when I got off the train all sooty and bloody!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Ginger, Chabba & Macatacmv - I have goats which are oddly enough very closely related to deer.  I think the male dog pee IS a deterrent.  I also think feed store might have ?fox urine? as a repellent.  'Course any rain will wash it off.  Feed store should know.   Nothing my goats can eat out where they are except grass so I haven't needed any.  Have lots of deer here in north Texas.  Neighbor always have them eating his garden.  I find them sometimes at night eating fallen peaches.  Last year drought was SO bad they were eating anything edible/not poison.  BTW - Rhodo's are very poisonous to goats and thus I would assume deer.  Not something we have here in Hot, HOT Texas (at least I dont' think so) but I have read that.  Maybe the Rhodo's protect your roses some depending on deer hunger.  Know goats LOVE roses and oddly enough poison ivy.  Many get some weed eaters just to clear poison ivy.  Chabba - Don't know about cedars.  I might think the smell would deter them.  Know my goats love oaks, hackberries, elms most any native leafy trees.  Have sweet gum in front (?native prob. not) and they eat that, too.

    Lisa  - Love your Colorado pics.

    Chrissy - I already miss winter.  So ready for fall and it's only mid May.  Converter says 13 degrees Celsius is 55-56 degrees F.  Sounds about perfect if my converter is right.  AC on now and I suspect on all night as well.  Not sure what the high was yesterday.  Accuweather says 89.  LOL weather. com says high of 86 today.  Don't think so.

    Three bolus tx on rads left.  Ready to be done.  Then on to Arimidex I'm pretty sure.  Only saw MO once b4 off to rads.  Have appt. end of May with him.

    Kai - There is a May rads thread going.  You're also welcome to come to the April-May thread (we got started at little late in April).  Some are mid treatment but would love to have you there.  Lots of good advice/hanging out.  I lurk on May, post a little on April-May.  Also lurk on several LX threads still.  Found BCO several weeks after my LX.

    Hope all have a good weekend.  Chrissy - You're prob. on your way to Monday, right?  On to job paperwork, oh joy, shortly.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ooo, all this talk of temperatures and seasons ! We are pretty much still in a very wet late Spring. It has been bucketing down for 24 hours here. Everywhere is squelshy (sp) and cold . It is almost a month to the longest day...... then we shall be going back towards winter. I really hate this stupid climate of ours.

    It is playing havoc with my garden. I have no hanging baskets, nor planters filled up at all. I have all the plants at the ready, covering a good lump of my conservatory floor. Some of my dogs keep taking a quick nip here and a little leaf there, if the weather doesn't alter soon I shall be left with skeleton plants ! Two nights this week we have had frost, only -1 and -2 but FROST in MAY.

    Lisa, your pics are gorgeous, wherever you are ! It looks real old cowboy country to me. Not that I know what cowboy country looks like, but I spent a lot of my growing up at what we called the Saturday matinee...a cheapo cinema hour or two of cowboys and indians !

    Not much going on here , I am not venturing out far in this cold wet weather, unless the place I want to get to has a covered carpark ( yeehaw for Ikea !)

    I have had DD and 2 x granddaughters visit a hair trim...had a spat with DD about her drinking and general misbehavior. She has been quite ill this last 2 weeks with her horseshoe kidney, been to ER twice, but will she give up the demon drink ??? She was flashing her 'boudoir' picture shoot, that she had done about a month ago...suppose it was OK , but NOT for someone her age. She was dressed in a red and black basque, black stockings and suspenders, and a black tutu...fine if you're 20....but 46 ???  I just had to bite my tongue !!! I have decided that all my rantings at her are falling on deaf ears, so am trying to modify what I say to her.....just am so pleased I don't live in the same village as she does ! Her 20 something sons must be curling their toes !


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Isabella, One of the weather forcasters here said we have 3 seasons: Summer (Aug & Sept) Winter (Dec to Feb) and Disappointment (all other months).

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Isabella - I love "squelshy".  Texas will trade grass fire weather for "squelshy".  We haven't had that much rain in so long.  Even spring was fairly dry though we did have 13, yes 13, or maybe 14, can't remember, tornadoes in one afternoon here in the Ft. Worth-Dallas area.  Can't imagine frost.  Temp outside says 88 (4:15 in the afternoon).

    About your dog taking a leaf here and there.  We moved out to the country in Dec. 1998.  Dog at that time was a good one at throwing up.  No green grass so she decided one day to eat a houseplant.  A basil plant!  At least she picked an edible one.

    What kind of farm animals do you have?  I just have the goats.  Miniature ones called Nigerian Dwarf, milkers though I don't milk, no time.  Knee high.  Had one kid Tuesday (the only one I bred this year, gosh guess that was good planning with the BC) with 2 cute bucks but, of course, want does.  Have to ask around to see if someone wants them after they get neutered.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    luvmygoats.  I have a mixed farm, cows, sheep, the occasional litter of pigs, and many free range hens. Also a medium arable enterprise...wheat/barley/oilseed rape/ organic some grassland for the stock, and a boarding kennels.....tho' now I rely on others to do the donkey work ! I just lost my one and only goat, a toggenberg, she was my rough grass lawnmower, things are getting out of hand now she is no longer around to clear up. Looking for another, but the prices over here are just ridiculous, I refuse to pay such prices. Sadly the market is so high because there is a large Pakistani population not too far away, and they buy up anything they can get their hands on, for meat.

     The rain has abated today, and we are told to expect BBQ weather this next few days...I will believe that when I see it. I took advantage of no rain this afternoon, and flew out and filled my outdoor planters up, at least they don't look so bare sat outside the entrance to the I fight cats, who will clamber into the planters and do what cats do !!! I got one of these 'cat do's' inbetween my fingers today, and let out a yell that must have been heard 10 miles away !

    I have the 'noisiest dog on earth' staying with me again, it's owners are sunning it in Cyprus, while I put up with the terrible, almost constant, barking. The damned thing started this morning at 6.15, and its still at it right now, 11pm. Tomorrow, first job, it is on the move. I have had a stable cleared out, at the other end of the farm, and I am pretty certain I shalln't hear it as much down there. Don't like isolating it, but it will drive me mad if it stays so near the house for another two and a half weeks, as well as unsettling all the other boarding dogs, and setting them all off barking back at it. I have had to shut my own dogs up in the house, they run in and out, down to the kennels to see what all the noise is in 'their' garden, each time bringing muddy prints into the house. I seem to have spent a lot of time today shouting at dogs to be quiet, but none of them ever listens to me, unless it's feeding time ....

    Cleaning day tomorrow..I have to get up early to clear away, and clean the worst of the mess !!! Well, it's not bad but I sure don't want to be embarassed by dirty sinks and piles of ironing around. I really must be stupid, I have washed my kitchen floor tonight, because I don't want anyone seeing dog prints in the doorways, yet that's what I pay the cleaner to save my back !! 


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    love my goats: i have a good frien in tex; and i know you've had such terrible drought last year.. and I sabella is drowning!!!what weird weather patterns...

      sonn, it will be hurrican season for us: and for now, it rains every afternoon.. ah well, we get what we get, i guess... i love the 3 seasons thing.. for sure, here, its hot.. even when its cold, it doesn't last long.. plays havoc with my le, but i can't bear cold weather, been in so fla too long...

      Isabella: my last "job" pre bc; was house cleaning.. i always thought its CRAZEE to hire someone to clean, and clean FOR them to come to clean..hahahaha

      i hope the good weather holds for awhile in the uk.. im proud of you for biting your tongue with DD.. trying that, myself with the 2 out 3 jays.... 3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning I'm just catching up after the weekend. My DD left on sat morning :( she is winging her way to CO right now, first she had a wedding shower to attend. That Co esp the mountain areas are where all the young people live, the town she lives in median age is 31. Lots of energy out there. 

    So Lisa you are on a trip? You are passing these pictures on as you take them? 

    Not so much energy at my house this morning. I went to a YMCA workshop for BC patients on Sat morning. It involved core exercises and water therapy. So I cramed my sore foot into a sneaker and went, what was I thinking? I'm glad I did it, but I am also glad the actual class is not going to start until fall. LOL it is the same thing as cleaning before the cleaning person comes, I have to exercise before I can start an exercise  class. They want to see what the participation level will be and sad to say only about 8 of us showed up and only 3 of us got into the pool. I almost couldn't get back out of the pool. The instructor kept saying oh that's the way everyone feels, and I'm looking around and I'm the only one red faced and coughing and not able to stand up. Now I'm sore, but I have PT this afternoon and a chiropractic appt after that.   

    It is only 9:30 here and already have practiced saying no! I was outside in my pjs filling the bird feeder and a lady pulls in and says can't I just leave these shoes? If I thought I was getting ready to go back to work I found out that I am not.  I was down in the shop last week helping my DD make leather belts for her boyfriend. Just trying to pull the strap cutter through the leather, oy! I am still so weak.

    Anyway I love hearing the stories about all the animals and weather in different areas. It is better than watching tv, or reading the newspaper.  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all

    Having been MIA for the last few days. Not able to get on too the computer, mainly because when we had finished our meetings for the day I was ready for bed. I was at a four day church meeting. I am on our Assessment Group which decides if someone should go ahead with training for ordination.

    So I am tired this morning and intend to take things slowly. 

    Now I have to sort myself out and head down country as my aunt died on Saturday. I had just walked out of a meeting and turned my phone on and my cousin rang to say her mother died just minutes before. Feeling realy sad about this but she was so ready to go as she has had a series of strokes and was trapped in a body 

    So I better get myself organised for the day.

    Big hugs

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Alyson, so sorry about your Aunt.  Please accept my condolences.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  So sorry about the passing of your DA.  Mine passed several years ago and I miss her a lot.

    Sending you prayers. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Alyson, I'm so very sorry to hear about your aunt.  May she be at peace now.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson so sorry to hear the news of your Aunt's passing..........not what you needed to hear after being in a meeting all day.  Condolences to both you and your cousin.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Alyson ((((((HUGS)))))

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Alyson, my condolences on the passing of your aunt. I understand the pain you have, and I hope it eases with time.

    I got the results of the breast MRI I did - all clear! YIPPEE! So pre-op at hospital is Thurs (will see PS again at this) and appt with BS is Tues. I'll get the surgery date some time after the pre-op. The hospital gave me a list of blood tests to bring, plus requested chest X-ray and EKG. I did the bloods when I had my Aredia infusion Mon (this way blood was taken through my port) and will get the EKG tomorrow. I'm supposed to have a CT scan next Thurs so I'll tell them to use those images instead of having another chest X-ray. This is starting to feel like it's really going to happen!


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Leah, happy for you that the MRI was clear and you have the go ahead for surgery. 

    Alyson, sorry for your loss. It is hard watching our loved ones suffering but we still suffer when they leave us.


    I am starting to worry that I will be booted from this thread. The more sense part is hard to hang onto some days. Yesterday I drove myself to a chiropractic appt. After being in the office and watching a downpour from the waiting room, I walked back up the hill to where I parked my car. It was parallel parking so I could not see the cars themselves but noticed a car door open. I thought to myself "who is the idiot that left their car door open in a pouring rain?" As I got closer I realized it was my car!!!!  


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Alyson, adding my condolences. Special aunts are one of life's real treasures - so sorry you have to go through this.

    Leah, good news!

    Maca - rads was a long recovery for me.  I'd been warned it can take months and months to feel "myself" again, and it did. Just keep on getting better. Lots of water, lots of good protein, and walk as much as you are able with your breathing problems.

    Chrissy how are you getting on?

    Lovemygoats - I used to keep French Alpines. I sold the surplus milk, and the Greeks came from miles away to buy the wethered milk (& pasture) -fed males.  I guess we had about 50 at the peak. We lived in Oregon in cowboy country, but the cowboys would come to visit at kidding time to play with my babies and they all made me promise not to tell the other cowboys... The babies are cute - I suppose sheep are just the same way.

     All clear on my 2-yr mammo, and the end of time seeing the BS. Smile

    Now I have some herniated muscle or something (big bulge on my left arm) and have to go see an ortho-surgeon. Yikes!

    Lisa, love the pix! You must be on a train adventure.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi from St.Louis

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Lost Creek, so glad you got a clear mammo. That must feel wonderful, but boo hoo about the arm.

    Thanks for the encouragment.  I am in hot flash land tonight. So sweater on, sweater off exercises. It has been raining here lately, but I did get a walk in today. I could get a slip on shoe on my swollen foot and the dog and I were off chasing rain drops. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Lisa, we crossed posts. Are you coming all the way cross country? What a great time of year to be traveling.