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For Older People with Sense



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    Hi all,

    Haven't been on for a few days as we have been to nephew's wedding which was lovely and on the whole my siblings have behaved so it has been quite a good time but feel very tired. Had chance to have great chat to friend's husband, he has only a short time - kidney cancer which is now in the skull- he managed well but was very tired.

    Good news of the day is that DS rang from the Loire Valley to say that he had finally asked his lovely GF to marry him. We didn't get much sense from them at all. I am just so pleased as his GF is lovely

    It is very cold here in the Waiarapa area of the country. This is one of our great wine growing region so have samples some great Pinot Noir. Heading for Wellington tomorrow where DD1 will be singing and then will make our way back up the island home. Have specialist visit the following week . Shoulder is still not good and now have lump on arm. I can feel it when I massage my arm - it will be nothing but does worry me.

    We are still trying to organise our next trip. Dh is just so worried bout a big conference we have at the beginning of September that he doesn't want to go away before then but I am determined to get him away later in October. I was so cross about it, I have to actually get him out of the country before he has a holiday. He has been doing work today!!!

    Have read through the thread quickly but will try to catch up with what people have been doing tomorrow.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  Congratulations on your DS's engagement!  Out of four, I still have one who has not won't happen!  Sometimes I have to prod my BF to get him out of his golf and TV rut to go on an adventure!  At times I have had to threaten to end the relationship if he doesn't broaden his horizons....I like too much variety in my life to just play golf and watch it on TV:(  He always comes around, but why do I have to throw a fit in order for it to happen.  In all other aspects he's a wonderful guy...this is why I put up with him:)  Good luck with your specialist visit.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Folks---I know you have such a cohesive group, I know I am well received here, but I'm active on three other threads and I find it's hard memory wise to keep all straight.  You are all wonderful , so,I will check in time to time. If any of you need a nursing opinion of how things are going or should be--- PM me.   Today is one thing --tomorrow is another

    Namaste sheila

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    of course!!!
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    yes, Mac, of course, i knew that was woodhole!!!
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    We will miss you Shiela. When you feel like it please do chack in again.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Shiela, pop in when you are able as you are always welcome.  You will be missed but se la vie.

    Hope all you girls are doing well and enjoying your warm weather although from what I read you have already had some really hot days.

     Winter has really hit and the fire is lit everyday or the house gets very cold.  The animals spend most of the time laying on the hearth I guess their old bones are feeling a bit creaky as well because I know mine  

    The hands are kept very busy knitting DH his first new pullover for a couple of years.  It's a deep avocado green and should suit him well.  I don't know why I picked the pattern I'm doing maybe I was just kidding myself I was as good as I used to, I know there are two mistakes in the front but I guess someone would have to look very closely to find them.   I realised they were there after I finished and was checking it out..........oh well, it's okay not to do perfect work occasionally and I was not about to pull it out and start that is just plain lazy as once upon a time that's exactly what I would have done!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy, your talk of doing a knitting project makes me shiver and think of cold weather ! I usually start something as the nights draw in.. (but very rarely finish it !!!) We are still waiting for summer to break out. So far have had about 5 days straight of reasonable weather, and then rain, rain rain.

    Today the sun is peeping out, it's a holiday, I am going to take myself out for my lunch, and come back and do some ironing ! It is only about three weeks to the longest day of the year, and it might just as well be winter ! At least the gardens are benefitting  with regular watering.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Raining here too..glad I bought a raincoat...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Sheila, we'll miss you and hope you'll come back every now and then.  Take care, too.

    Alison, best wishes to your DS and his fiance.  Weddings are such exciting times! (But I wish the one I'm dealing with now was over and done already.  Not much longer, though.)

    My neighbor came over yesterday and showed me how to make bows for the hanging baskets we're using at DD's wedding.  We got a lot done but basically doubled our work by deciding to put a blue and an ivory bow together for each one, thus twice as many bows.  DD's almost finished with the wedding program fans she's making, and I told her not to worry about not having one for every single guest.  Really don't think the men will take one.

    Chrissy, I'm sure the sweater is beautiful.  My DH would just love a green sweater since that's his favorite color.   I envy anyone who can knit, or crochet, or sew as I can do none of those things. I can hem pants, but that's it.

    Well girls, I got my wish.  DGS will start day care a week from today, and now I feel a bit guilty, actually, especially since DH is rather bereft about it.  I know we'll both miss having DGS around every day, but every day is so hard and confining.  He just needs to be around other children and be where he doesn't rule the roost, especially now that he's turned three.  Plus, I told DH that we'll babysit some weekends so DS and DIL can have some time for themselves, which will be good for everybody.

    Hope everyone had a good Monday.  Love to all,


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy: Kids need preschool now before they enter school.  They learn so many social skills there and it prepares them with sharing skills and interacting with other children.  I've know children who did not attend any type of preschool and were behind when they entered kindergarten.  I know you will miss him, but it is the best thing for him at his age I think.

    My two year old DGD has been very isolated since she was born and now she is beginning to exhibit shyness around other children...she really doesn't know how to play well with them.  I've told my son that they need to put her in preschool at least a couple of days a week. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    We stopped by to see George and Barbara, but they didn't invite us in for a cup of tea..
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Kathy could your DGS go to preschool three days a week or mornings only? He would have the best of both worlds that way. Our DGD is going to start Montessori in the fall but mornings only. They told our DD that if day care for work was not an issue then half a day can be best since afternoons are mostly naps. 

    As an aside, my three boys went to Montessori from 2 1/2 until kindergarten. Two of the boys were very reluctant to go to kindergarten. Our DD never attended preschool and became HS valedictorian.  I think early childhood learning is all individual and depends on personal situations as well.

    I would also mention that the staffing in some daycare centers is very iffy. I am serious, I had a lot of contact with women who required professional services themselves who then became employed in day care centers.  This was one of the easiest jobs to get for young women. I would be diligent in examing the hiring practices of the day care center.  Something like a certified Montessori School requires certain training programs. Workers able to successfully complete such programs are more likely to be stable.   

    i am trying to say somethng without saying too much. I am sorry if I alarm you. PM me if you have any questions.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lisa:  Yes...the same thing happened to us...imagine not inviting us in.  It was a beautiful drive though and I loved the little town!  My BF said the fried clams were the best he ever had!  Wish I could remember the name of the resaurant, but it was right as you come into town on the right near the water.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    moved a little south


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Lisa, what is the temperature there? It looks cold as heck in the photos. Or maybe I'm just influenced by today's pouring rain in Seattle.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    It is only 53 degrees here....brrr

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    reposted with permission of Dunes:

    An hour ago dunesleeper wrote:

    Here is something for you all to pass around to the various groups you belong to:Please join us on Monday, June 25th or Tuesday, June 26th for an important free webinar: Take Back Our Genes: Ending the Patent on Breast Cancer Genes to learn about how one company's control of the "breast cancer genes" creates barriers to research and testing that could endanger your health and compromise the healthcare of hundreds of thousands of women.

    In 2009, Breast Cancer Action signed on as a plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging Myriad Genetics' patents on our genes. The lawsuit, filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Public Patent Foundation, challenges the legality of the patents that grant Myriad Genetics control over the BRCA1 and BRCA2 (the "breast cancer") genes.

    Myriad's monopoly prevents anyone else from so much as examining the genes, and creates barriers to scientific research and medical care relating to breast and ovarian cancer. It also limits women's ability to get second opinions when they receive ambiguous test results, which happens disproportionately to women from ethnic minorities, including African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans.

    Breast Cancer Action is the only national breast cancer organization named as a plaintiff in the lawsuit. We are able to take this stand because we have no conflicts of interest: we don't take money from companies that profit from or contribute to cancer, and because our work demands that patients must always come before profits.

    The webinar will be presented by BCAction's executive director Karuna Jaggar, Sandra Park, Staff Attorney for the Women's Rights Project at the ACLU and Runi Limary, breast cancer survivor and plaintiff. Topics we'll cover include:

    Why BCAction opposes gene patenting and why the issue is important for women
    The impact of gene patenting on underserved communities
    The current status of the ACLU's lawsuit challenging the legality of patents on human genes
    Real stories of women's experiences with gene patenting
    How you can get involved

    Join us on Monday June 25th 3pm PDT/6pm EDT or Tuesday June 26th 10am PDT/1pm EDT for this free one-hour webinar to hear the real story about the effects of gene patents on women's health and to join us in opposing corporate control over our bodies, our genes, and our health.

    Register for Monday June 25th 3pm Pacific Daylight Time/6pm Eastern Daylight Time:

    Register for Tuesday June 26th 10am Pacific Daylight Time/1pm Eastern Daylight Time:

    For your convenience, we are offering the webinar at two different times. Click on the links above to register for the time and day that works for you.


    Sahru Keiser
    BCAction Program Associate of Education and Mobilization

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Lisa, here too. LOL

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    It is cold and rainy here, too. Dreary like my mood today.

    Lisa you are getting the full Maine treatment, fog and cool rain. Enjoy your experience.

    Kathy, good luck with the wedding plans.

    Wren, good to see you.

    I saw my pcp today. He spoke with the pulmonary doc and has prescribed 2 more meds on top of what I'm already on. I'll post more when I am less cranky. It is what it is. Sometimes ya gotta feel bad to feel good!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Brrr, yourselves, Lisa and Wren.  It's cold here in NC too and I've turned off the a/c tonight.  It'll go back on soon though, since in a couple of days we'll be back to the 90's.

    Thanks Kaara and Ginger, for your comments re day care.  Ginger, I sent you a PM.  

    Lisa, the Bushes obviously know nothing about Southern hospitality, even if they are from Texas.  Imagine, not even offering you a cup of tea!  

    Love to all,


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    The Mods had their reasons ---I haven't a clue--------it's political. See post by dunesleeper on Fuzzy's thread-----------they didn't wipe out her thought ------yet.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i can't imagine what sas couldv'e written.. i think there's too much stuff being said in other threads, and they carry over, sometimes...

      searched on you tube all night tonight, so missed the whole hing.. oh well..

       sas, hope you're ok, that's all that atters!

      marybe will be here , this weekend.. and she wants, we have a resteraunt here, that ships those yummy fried clams here, daily (well, they're not fried, till they get here) they come from bourne, right on the cape.. yummy...

      sorry your winters' here, chrissy, but we're broiling here! in the aft.. rains, then hot hot hot...3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I saw sas's post. From what I understood. It was inviting women to join a discussion on the web about whether one company should hold the patents for bc gene testing or should it be opened up for  research. I haven't looked to see if it has it's own thread. 

    3jays, have fun with marybe. we both know the best clams come from the cape and have bellies. How great to be able to get a taste of "home" down south.

    I know one of the reasons I moved north was to enjoy the different seasons. So now that I am getting "older" I am rethinking this reasoning, but having the cold winters helps me to appreciate the warmth of summer. So wherever each of you are in what ever season, enjoy the day!


  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Very foggy here in the mountains today!  Yesterday turned out to be beautiful and I was able to get a good start on my herb bed and flower planting.  I love working outdoors in the cooler weather, as the bees don't come around as much.  Late yesterday, we played 9 holes of golf and had dinner at our favorite thai restaurant.  All our little problems we found upon arrival have been solved...broken window...plugged toilet.....leaking hot water heater...overgrown only takes labor and $$!  Now I can relax and enjoy!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    Lots of daisies here, in June. My joyful moment for the day!
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy they are stunning! I love to see flowers planted en masse. Thanks for the pic!

    Well by tonight I will have my new comfy chair ...... Yay!!! DH has gone to the city to pick it up and I can't wait till he gets back so I can plant my behind and lift my legs and just do the Ahhhhhh!

    Hope every one is well and enjoying the beginning of summer!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all,

    Have been out of range of internet and cell phones.

    Do hope everyone is well and having fun. It has been cold and/or wet here since nephew's wedding. Will post pictures when we get home. 

    I went around cousin's farm on the back of a quad bike and now am paying for it as I can hardly move today. Must explain it ids a high country run that goes right up to one of our mountain ranges, we got up to 2000ft. (And it was cold) Some people never learn to be sensible.

    Must go and think about tea (dinner for you lot) soon, our friends are out tonight at an official function and so we will enjoy a light meal tonight have had far too much to eat the last week.

    Big hugs to all