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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals: allyson(HUGZZZZ)

    @leah: so glad glad you're moving forward.@nancy: only YOU could kick you off this thread!!!i've done some really air brained things since bc and chemo, too...

      thinking of you all.going to get some milk thistle to see if my liver enzymes straighten themselves out.. maybe, please: my fatigue will get better along with it.

      had 2 wigs styled today, i think i have enough now to start a store.. and, i still have 2 or three on favs YET!!if i can't grow it, i can buy it, right??hahaha3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!!!

    Leah I'm bouncing around the room with happiness for you........Yay!!!!!!!!!   That is indeed wonderful news!  Keep us up to date with all the goings on and good luck with the pre-op on Thursday!

    Nancy there's no booting off have all done some pretty silly things since being dx'd with BC.  I think it comes with the territory and the meds. 

    Lovemygoats I love the little goats as well but unfortunately I live in town and can't by council bylaws house them within town limits.

    LC I'm doing well so far with the knee, it's doing all the right things.  The only problem is still with INR and the coubadin levels.  I am due for another test tomorrow so here's hoping it will be within range and I won't have top fiddle with the dosage.  Thank goodness this only needs to go on for another week and a half as I am due to see the specialist for this on Thursday next week.

    Lisa safe trip on your way home.  Keep posting your pics as I love seeing where you have been. 

    Hoping eveyone else is doing well! 

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Leah:  Glad your MRI turned out well!  All the best to you on upcoming surgery!

    Chrissy:  Good for you as you continue to improve.  Good to have it behind you I know.

    We're got one grand graduation down and one to go...yea!  We might not get to attend this upcoming one because all of a sudden all the relatives flew in from Equador for the event and there are only so many tickets to go around.  I have no problem bowing out to let them attend as they so rarely get to see their DGD and DD.  We will still see them all at the grad party on Saturday. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Chrissy,

    I am happy that your knee is doing well. Those pesky levels still giving you some trouble, eh? So after you see the specialist you won't need to take the med anymore?

    Thanks for letting me know I won't be booted off. I am making fun of myself but I am also feeling like I am losing it. Just another reminder I am not ready to get back to work. It's the little things that I always took for granted, now I have to check myself. This morning I was making my son a sandwich to take to work and he had asked for chicken and half way through making the thing I look down and it is not chicken I'm putting on that bread. My brain just goes on mini vacations. I'm glad I got ya'll to ride through this with me.

    3jays (((hugs for the weekend)))) Have fun with the new hairdos. Milk thistle, what is that? whatever it is I hope it helps your liver, too.

    I started taking Biotin to help with my fingernails that are getting kinda funky. I wonder about all this stuff, what else is in it? I woke up with a charley horse in my leg this morning, woo hoo! that was painful. I was wide awake after that and that is why I was up making a sandwich.

    love to all


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    I took these of the eclipse and after
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Wow...Beautiful Lisa!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Wow!!!! Those pictures are spectacular!!!! It was very overcast and foggy here so thanks for letting me "see" the eclipse.

    Kaara, congratulations on the graduations. happy partying!  

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lovely Lisa.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Lisa, those pictures are gorgeous!


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Great shots Lisa! thanks for sharing.  We had a good view and DH took pix using doubled welding lenses, but our pix show green where yours shows orange.  What's up with that?

  • FilterLady
    FilterLady Member Posts: 74

    Hi y'all:

    I went for my regular 4 month checkup with my RO today and I'm still dancing with NED!

    I am so very blessed to have found this board.  Y'all continue to inspire me.

    God bless y'all!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I don't brother bought some glasses that we used..I think they cost 99 cents each...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lisa, these pictures are simply gorgeous!  So glad it happened in your part of the world so you could share the beauty with us!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
    you never know what you will see
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey gals, some biatching is urder for me, so look down, if ya need to!!

      went to the dermo day bf yesterday.. the mohs is healing well, she tells me. then, i told her my liver enzymes are raised, can we still proceed as we planned.. she tells me its ok, but my rosacea is so uncontrolled, she 'd want to tx that asap..WTH!!!no one has said a WORD about it, as she's my dermatologist!!! i've got these oozing "pimples" all over my face.. (i thought moving the plants in the heat made sweat pimples" no, she says its a very serious case of rose..(sp) and i really should see the rhuemo and have him ck; it also prevents w/ the sjogens, which is probably bad, considering your choking.. ANOTHER dx noone has said a word about!!!

      so, being who I am, i looked sweetly at her, and said " GREAT..and how is YOUR life going!!!

      ok, done grousing, but really?? anyway, tonight was really a nice night. Mur guilted his mom in coming down here (passover wasn't good up there) and celebrate her 82nd bday..

      we gathered Jay #1, and his family, and murs sisters' visiting from philly.. off to Ale House, where i had surf and turf.. a treat for me, and bday brownies..

      i haven't seen the grands for weeks, and had a ball with Fish. i remembered what a good time he is with me..

      i've decided with all that goes on: this is the things i'm going to concentrate on.. whats really imp!!!

         so, here's some pics.............3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oops, later, i gotta load em on photobucket 1st.hahaha 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    thats better. finley made zeyda very happy.
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    HAVEN'T FOUND THE RIGHT SIZING YET.. BUT THE OTHER IS BUBBIE SHIRLEY REAL HAPPY..AND NEXT, IS MY EVERYDAY WIG... no smile don't wanna show my "hillbilly" missing teeth!!!!3jays

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Love that wig 3jays!

    I have just been on my UK Facebook, and had a rant about horses causing accidents on roads.

    DD was busy posting that vehicles should give way for horses, so I let wang at her. I am SICK of horses riding up and down main roads, no wonder there are accidents. I get them coming onto MY farm roads, shouting...well F-ing and blinding at me...waving their arms and riding crops at me, to get to one side on MY road. Just had a 'do' with 2 young girls last night, their language was unprintable, all because they told me to 'shift out of their way' on one of MY roads, where they shouldn't even have been....I am still seething, so let DD have it on FB today!I shall be in hot water again !!


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    3jays, I love love the pics. So happy you had a good time! (((hugs))) about the rest of the stuff.

    Isabella, I know what you mean, not about horses, but it is coming into summer season here and the population multiplies, there is just not enough room for everyone.  I live on a main road and most of the time it is a quiet country road but this time of year there is constant traffic. Makes me want to yell for everyone to just go home. 

    Here is a strange story for ya'll. A kind friend of mine cleans my house (she washed all the dog nose prints off my windows :)) for me every so often. She was here yesterday while I was out running errands. She said a woman came in my house without knocking, sat at my dining table and asked her lots of questions about me and the shop, said she had known my kids when they were small, wouldn't leave a note said she would stop back later. It kinda creeps me out. My friend wants me to lock my doors now. I can't think who it would be. It was probably a customer that "thinks" she knows me, but because it is summer season I have a new batch of customers that haven't been here and need to get the message that the shop is closed. sigh! 

    Oh the price of living in a resort paradise! LOL If I take the summer off I can play tourist and do all the things I never get to do while working. There's a plan! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    Hi ya girls! Well those pesky INR level did not behave them selves......again. It was 1.4 which is way too low so I am back to upping my meds.........again. Thank good ness and hopefully when I see the specialist after a leg ultra sound to make sure the clot is gone I will be able to stop all this nonsense!

    Nancy I was taking biotin regularly for ages and it did wonders for my nails but unfortunately my hair is still falling out.....wah! Do you take magnesium as a supplement? If not, it's really great for controlling those pesky Charlie horses......they do indeed hurt like the dickens and they always come when you are fast asleep......well not for long once they hit....Lol.

    Lisa those pics are truly beautiful! I love the last one you posted in particular....amazing! Also love the Indian dancing and the colors that are in his costume. I have only ever seen one Native American dance perfomed live and that was many years ago when the World Scout Jamboree was held in Adelaide. It was amazing and whetted my appetite to learn more about their different cultures.

    Kaara congrats on the graduations! I just know your chest was puffed up with pride as you watched them receive their diploma.

    LC the greed coloration comes from the welding lens itself where as Lisa's orange coloration would have been the lens in the cheap glasses that were bought. They both did the same thing and that was filter out the harmful rays while still allowing you to take photos tinged with the color of the lens.

    3jays, have those docs been hiding things from you or just failing to tell you.......either way it's certainly not a good thing. Love, love, love the pics you posted. It was nice to see Murs Mom and Dad again. Please say hello to them for me. So glad you had a great lunch with Jay1 and the grands as I know how much you miss not seeing them regularly.

    Isabella I find it hard to believe that people, strangers, disregard the fact that the roads they are on are private roads! I'm afraid I would be posting notices and sitting there for a while with a shot gun to enforce the fact that they are private. I think your DD can handle what you said on FB and if not she needs to grow up a little. Deep breath now and calm yourself a little. Enjoy the better weather that you are having at the moment.

    Wow Nancy! I think I would be locking my door in really don't want anyone just walking into your home and making themselves at home, friend or not. The gall of that person!

    Today had been very cold, maximum temp was 7 degrees so the fire had been burning all day........and two cats and one small dog have been nicely laid out arranged so they all get the direct three animals who usually avoid each other it just goes to prove that when needs must there is no reason they can't get's a shame that some humans don't learn from them.

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Sorry you're still having problems...saying a prayer for you!

    3jays:  Photos are great...darling becomes you!

    Attended the last graduation this morning early (why do they have them at 8:00 AM!) and took everyone to breakfast after.  The restaurant wasn't expecting such a crowd, so by the time we got served it was almost time for lunch, but the food was good and hot!

    The two grad parties are on Saturday, then we start packing for our trip to NC for the summer.  I'm really going to miss my little grands this adorable.  They will probably forget me:( 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kaaba- Where in NC are you headed? I live in Raleigh and would love to meet you sometime, if you are close.

    Chrissy - I agree that our animals can teach us humans a lot if we would only pay attention. Sorry your INR is still out of whack, but hopefully it will all end soon. Sorry I kept you up so late with our chat the other night, but I so enjoyed our visit. You need to post that picture your DGS drew with the crayons at the restaurant. It really was amazing. I know you are so proud of him and his wonderful talent.

    Nancy - I think it is time for some locked doors and a big Store Is CLOSED sign! I cannot believe someone would come in and just make themselves at home while you were gone! Even my best friend does not do that. She calls first and if I am on my way home she will wait outside until I get there and she has a key to the house!!!!

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Very warm night in NC tonight.  Not saying hot, mind you, because I don't want to turn on the a/c this early. 

    Chrissy, I was so hoping your levels were straightened out.  Hope the clot will be gone when you see the specialist and you can relax about that, and your levels will soon right themselves.

    Great news, Leah and L_C!!  I'm happy for you both!

    Nancy, like Chrissy, I've been taking biotin for years, but for thinning hair.  Hasn't helped the hair, unfortunately, but that's a side effect of the blood pressure med I take and arimidex just makes it worse.   And, hey, lock your doors!  I agree with Elisimo, not even my best friend would come in if I weren't home.

    3jays, glad you got to see some grands, and I love the wig!  It's a great color for you!  

    Isabella, these horse-riding folks are trespassing and I don't blame you one bit for speaking your mind to them.  The very idea!  It's your land and they have no business on it.  And re DD, I remember something my dad used to say to me, "you can like it or leave it alone".  Basically   he was telling me to just shut up. 

    Glad the graduations are behind you, Kaara, all but the parties!  I'd like to know where in NC you're heading too.  I'm in Monroe, near Charlotte.

    Love to all,
