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For Older People with Sense



  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy:  We're in Hendersonville, just south of Asheville.  It's beautiful there in the Blue Ridge Mountains.  We have a home there that we go to for summer and fall.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604



      A FEW YEARS AGO, A HORSE NEAR THE SIDE OF THE ROAD "SPOOKED" AND CAME DOWN ON THE FRONT OF A CAR.. IT sorry for the caps, it IS dangerous as well as frustrating for drivers.. they aren't allowed to drive on the side of the road, much less, the road here. and, in US: cars have the roway.. so there!!ig

    f DD is writing on FB; she'sd better be ready for all opinions, not just HERS.. but we both know how our kids can

       im sorry your'e still having trouble, Chrissy. i hope the us will finish the whole inr thing.. clot free!

      i gotta repost shirley , her pic was too big.. somebody let me know.. on photobucket, what size should i set my pics for here???

      yeah, i had a blast with the grands.. some time was spent with teaching Fischer how to use my fb camera.. he took great pics.. the one of me/wig HE TOOK!!!

      hope you all enjoy the mem day wkend, at least those of us that do.. mur has monday off, so we'll have another day to clean, and then i wants  to see Marigold Hotel.. afriend saw it, and said its' great. im gonna try to get up and out this year. it may be too soon, though, i'll see how i feel then  i hope this is readable. i just bought  a new keyboard, the letters are 3xs the size, and bright yellow, glow in the dark. like the ones' on tv adverts.. i love it, but the other keys were closer, so it'll take some getting used am i doin???hahaha .3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays, the best size for here is about 350 x 280 or there abouts.  I think I forgot to say I loved your wig and the way you had it styled!  Not giving your lovely full smile is okay if you are selfconcious about your teeth and the grin was good but I love the way you smile.

    Elisimo I had no trouble staying up that late so we could chat.  Sorry my internet broke the connection just before we said goodbye.  Did you get my message?  I loved chatting and we surely do need to do it more often.

    Nancy, I agree with Elisimo, out a ' Closed till further notice'  sign on your door.  At least then you won't be getting bothered by all the questions and you can relax a little.

    Don't know why but I slept all day today!  I went to bed a little after midnight and just kept on sleeping.  Have no idea why but I will be asking questions when I next see my family doc.

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Once in a while it's ok to sleep all day and play catch up, but if it continues then it's probably something to ask the doctor about.  I've been taking a nap practically every day.  I think mine is from the tamoxifen.  As long as I'm busy I'm ok, but if I sit down to read...lights out!

    3jays:  I know the horse town you're talking DD lives there on a little ranchette and has horses and a riding ring.  The girls used to show their horses, but have long since given that up.  Now DD just pays someone to feed and groom them and clean the stalls.  I told her she should donate the horses to a charity group that uses them for autistic children.  They are well trained and would be very good for that.  She hates parting with any of her pets.  She's still sad over her german shepard tht passed last year.

    I want to see that Marigold Hotel as BF wasn't that enthusiastic, but I went to see The Avengers last week with him...ugh!  I said it was for people with ADD!  Action packed every second.  I almost fell asleep in there...go figure.

    We have two grad parties on Saturday...back to back, then we'll start getting ready to leave for NC for the summer and fall...yea!  A little hot and rainy here right now. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - yes I got your message.

    I went to the PCP on Tuesday and asked about my sleeping so much and he said my body had just hit the wall with not sleeping well for so long it just said "OK now we sleep"  He was surprised the neuro did not give me anything to make me sleep all night.  He reviewed all the test, blood work and scan reports with me that I have had in the last year and answered all my questions and asked me a bunch more and the end result was that I was just sleep deprived so he prescribed Ambien and I had to be sure and text or call him in a couple of days and let him know how I was doing on it.  I texted him this morning and the he answered "Sleep is good!"  I have gotten 2 good nights of all night sleep.  That stuff knocks me out, but I do not wake up feeling drugged or like I have a hangover.

    I got to talk with all my kids and grandchildren today so I am a happy camper tonight.  The will all be here by July 5th so the 4 oldest ones can go to camp.  The 3 younger ones will be here with me and their moms and one dad.  Oldest DSIL has to be at a class in Yuma, AZ for July so we will miss him.  Well it is getting late and I have to go take my pills and go to bed.  Hope everyone here in the US has a wonderful Memorial day. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays are you resizing?  The best size fore the forums is about 350 x 280 pixels.  It will end up about the size of the pic at the top of the page.  When you resize in photobucket you have to save or the pic will go back to the original size.  Hope this helps lovely!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    my computer tech wanted me to show him, another problem tonite.. so, i quickly tried to resize,, oby i didn't get it. shirley is in that pic..gonna delte, and post at the size you said..thanks for the help!!!how are you, btw???
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    ahhh...3jays thanks chrissy...
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm good thanks other than the INR misbehaving the rest is doind just  The knee is getting better each day but I do have to be careful not to do too much on it as then I suffer in all it's probably better than the average.  The was a woman in hospital that had her knee done the same day and she is still having so much trouble it makes me thankful that I am so well.

    Love n hugs girl and I'm glad your resizing worked.   Chrissy 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    c hrissy, im glad you and elisimo(so strange to call her that ) had a good chin does the body good to talk to friends!!

      thanks for your help on the pics tonight, i deletred a bunch..

      Kaara: your DD lives right next to me, then..we're right around the corner from Davie.. lived there for years!!now, we're in an over 55 , on stirling road..!!!

     didel (from another thread is coming in nov for a week or so, to west palm..i'm going to try and meet her, maybe you'll come? will you be back from NC by then?

      im still TRYING  to get used to this keyboard.. my keys on the notebook were TINY (ask chrissy) but, these are huge!!!i get 20-40 vision, when they ck me, but i have to enlarge this webiste to 150% before im comfortable.. maybe sas can do the same for her...

      im "laying low" for now, but want to see that movie somewhere in the next two days...

      i hope you all are doing well.......3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We have driven 3,000 miles so far and we are still in PA...long trip

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Socallisa, I just finished 2400 hundred miles and it just about did me in. You go gal! i have determined that from now on I will fly and rent a car to go minimal distances since that long drive is no fun.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    Lisa: whats your final destination??3jays
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Lisa!  That really is a long way by car no matter how comfortable your car is!  Still loving your pics! 'em coming girl as we never get sick of seeing them.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184 destination is Dartmouth College in New Hampshire for the 50th reunion of my husband,via Maine.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767


    You are in ' the waiting room'! 

      It's truly the worst place to be in this whole BC situation.  We have all been there .  For me, it was agonizing- no way to shut my mind down.  The good news is that each day WILL pass - it just does !

    In the meantime, I wish you the BEST possible results.  Let us know.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    almost above the tree line in Colorado

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lisa these bring back such good memories of my trip.......they are soooo beautiful.   I can hear the sound of the water as it trips over the rocks and rushes to the larger river.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Well, I thought I posted yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. 

    Kaara, I know Hendersonville and have been there several times.  One of my college roommates is from there and some dear friends live there now.  It's a beautiful area!

    Had DGS's 3rd birthday party yesterday (birthday's Tuesday) and the theme was apparently bubbles because so many of his gifts made them.  He loved the bubble mower Papa and I gave him and just mowed their whole yard!  DIL made him a Curious George cake, which was a big hit since that's his hero, and DS artfully cut the cake leaving George's face intact.  Today's been spent recovering from the party for us.

    Elisimo, it sounds like your July will be fantastic with your family, even if the oldest ones will be at camp.  Your house will still be busy with the younger ones and you'll have a wonderful time. I'm so glad you're sleeping again,too.

    Can't tell yet if we'll get any rain from Beryl but it'd help our water bill!  We're watering the garden and flowers, plus desperately trying to keep a gorgeous blue hydrangea in good shape so we can use the blooms in DD's wedding, 3 weeks away.  We've told DS and DIL that we simply cannot keep DGS the week of the wedding and they'll have to make other arrangements, but we're the last ones to know their plans.  They were supposed to already have him in day care by now, but he's still with us everyday.  

    Better not talk about the wedding any more so panic won't set in!  

    Hope all are having a good weekend, and a happy holiday one to US residents.  Love to all,


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Have been meaning to say I was a really proud mother Saturday night. DD1 is an opera singer and is at present doing her doctorate - she teaches voice at University. She gave one of her recitals and it was a real tear jerker oh dear I don't usually get emotional as I have sat through so many concerts etc but this was sublime. She did several pieces of oratorio, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Rosinni and the final one was from Tippet's Child of our time. It was also wonderful that DD2 sang as well, she has a beautiful voice and has music degree as well ( and a PhD in English Lit). Sorry don't usually say too much about my family but I was really proud on Saturday.

    Had such a busy week last week that I have gone splat today - RA and Fibromyalgia don't help - so I am taking it really easy today especially as we are off down country for my nephew's wedding next week end. Looking forward to this but hope my siblings behave. I am the youngest by 9 years and I am the one who speaks to all of them. Have spent the last couple of days trying to organise things between my brothers. Not sure why the can't contact each other at least they do speak. My sister barely speaks to one brother. It will be an interesting time.

    Must go and put my feet up again.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Kathy:  I love hydrangeas...we have the most beautiful ones that bloom in our yard all summer...can't wait to get up there to see them...and the peonys too.  We're leaving this coming Thursday.  You must be very excited about the wedding...they bring so much joy!

    It's been a long weekend...back to back grad parties that went well, but my little DGGD had another seizure from high fever and is back in the hospital.  They say she will grow out of them, but is going to have to be watched very carefully over the next year.  This was her second in less than 3 months.  I felt so sorry for my DGD...she called in to her job to tell them her child was sick and hospitalized and they didn't believe her...thought she was just trying to get memorial weekend off.  She has to bring a note from the doctor if you can believe that! 

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    alyson, sounds like you have every reason to be proud of your daughter. take it easy now.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    kaara: my eldest Jay had the seizures from fevers when he was little, and yes, he DID grow out of them., febrile seizures, they called them , if i remember right.. tell your DD to get a form from his dr. for fmla.. its a fed law, and they can't mess with her, or chastice or dibelieve her, that way.. poor mu had to get mult forms, for me, his mom, and his dad.. his boss is a jerk, but can't sAY a word!!

       Allyson, what a wonderful recital.. for sure, something to be proud of. your DD'S must be talented.. good luck with the family get together.. we were bad, my sister, and i until much later, in life.. thank goodness we grew out of that, too!!!

      hope ya'll had a good holiday here in the states...3jays

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Thanks 3jays...I'll tell her.  She doesn't need to be worried about her job on top of everything else she is going through right now!  She bartends at the Hard Rock in Hollywood, and it pays very well, so she needs to keep the job.

    Hoping for a quiet day today...I'm done with parties and cooking!  Hopefully just the two of us, maybe a movie later, and doing some packing for our upcoming treck to NC for the summer.  I played golf yesterday and did so well (for me) that I had to give all the credit to the new clubs I bought online;)  I can't believe a set of clubs could make that much difference, but they've worked so well every time I've played that there is no other explanation.  Yea for high tech!

    Have a great Memorial Day everyone! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Alyson, congratulations on  DD1 and DD2, you have a right to sing to the mountain tops. Things like this don't happen in a vacuum. Parenting had allot to do with it. Yes, they are wonderfully accomplished---sublimely so, but ya'll guided well, feel the joy, let it reach every part of your being , you deserve it.

    Kaara, how long after immunizations did symptoms start? Not previously in the "this was caused by immunizations " group, but recently saw a 2 hour special that was very compelling. In fact, since I'm a polio survivor from the pre vaccine era---I was in the "if it's available get it " group. Wish I could name the documentary, I was channel surfing. Didn't have a name that was memorable. The message was. I have to work on finding it.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    sas-schatzi:  It never occurred to me that the baby's seizures could be caused from her immunizations.  She had them all at the appointed time...sometime around one month to three months of age.  She didn't begin having her seizures until about 9 months.  My DS would not let the doctors immunize my other DGD and she is two now.  She has never been sick one day!  I do think they weaken the immune system, and feel there is a connection to autism for some children.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    Kaara---I don't want to raise red flags where none should be raised. But an analysis of occurence in relationship to shots could save a liftime of disability. Ask them to hold off on the next set of shots until an analysis of relationship can be evaluated. One of the interesting points of this documentary was that there might be a genetic problem with the components that the viruses or bacteria are in. I so wish I could tell you the name. Try calling Brighthouse cable 888-815-3279(cable problem number expect to get multiple transfers)-----Tell them of your concerned and need to know about one of there programs. They will work with you if you are dilligent. Let me know if you find the name so I can pass it on.

    Kaara----if you see this program, you will question as much as I do right now. Anyone reading this refuse for your daughters to get the Gardisal shot..Hells bells, I was going to get the shot at 61---it's now available for boys/men, I was encouraging my son to get it until I saw this show. I called him right away---and said remember what I said --DON"T do it.