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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Judy and welcome.  I glad to hear your treatments are finished.  Please join us often for friendship and love in a calm environment.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • JudyZK
    JudyZK Member Posts: 4

    Hi duckyb1!

    So many thoughts, I understand.  Just to share with you, I had radiation therapy and felt the tiredness towards the end, it is wise to allow nap-time in your schedule.  Sleepiness came on so suddenly I called it "sudden-nap-syndrome" Smile.  After a short sleep, I was refreshed.  I am now on Tamoxifen.  It leaves with with a mixed feeling, but little symptoms, and a reassured feeling that the estrogen will be reduced if cancer wants to grow again.  Every morning I remember this part. 

    be well 

  • JudyZK
    JudyZK Member Posts: 4

    Thanks Chrissyb,

    you and your grandbaby look great Smile

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Hi all..

    just a peaceful photo to start the day..

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    I haven't come across the "bickering" threads and hope I don't. But I'm all for "peace and tranquility" so will add this thread to my favourites list.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Crissy........not sure which one it will be.........I go back to the BS next week for my 2nd follow-up visit after surgery.................I'm guessing (should have asked) when I will be seeing the other Dr.s............Crissy, my son drove me to the BS.....It was the oldest son.  He said "Mom when he has stuff to tell you have them call me into the room, but not before you get out of that "tissue paper cape", that you put on............He says he still has nightmares about the "paper cape".....He was in the room when I had it on the very first time I saw the BS........I was completely covered, but he told his brothers and sisters "Lord I pulled that curtain between Mommy and me, and for 15 minutes I talked to her feet"............When the Dr. came in and was going to examine me he said to my son "you will have to leave the room for this part"..................My son answered "trust me, that was my plan", and couldn't get out of there fast enough.......... Well anyway on this last visit he didn't get into the room......the Dr. told me a few things, and I forgot most of what he said in the 10 minutes it took my son and I to walk out of the office to the car...........I remembered the part about not getting any cuts on my right hand (the side of the node surgery), but said "there was something else he said, but I can't remember what it was" that point my son called his wife (a nurse), and asked her what it could be...............She said "no blood draws, and no blood pressure done on the right arm".......I said " yea that's it, now I remember"...............So from here on out like previously before surgery I will make sure at least one of them is in the room with me....paper cape or no

    Well ladies I look forward to many more conversation with all of you, and Crissy I will keep you informed about what we do from here on, and what hormone they give me...........Which one (if your on one) do you take, and how is it working for you.....hugs.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Judy, she is my niece and just as cute as can be!  My youngest brother was a very late bloomer and hence that little darling has three old Aunts and one old Uncle.  Because she is the baby of the family, even among grandchildren, she gets a lot of attention.  We say she is very edible!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, it's good that one of your children go to the docs with you so they can remember things that you forget.  When I was first Dx'd, my two daughters came with me but of course they have their own lives to live and so I now go alone.  I would only have to ask and they would be with me once again.  I usually write things down in a sort of short hand so I can understand and then tell them always get the third degree after a doctors visit.  I'm on an Aromatase Inhibitor by the name of Femara.  It's the second one I have been on, the first being Arimadex and I was on that for eighteen months and was changed last October to the Femara due to a small progression and the major side effects.  The change was a good one as the progression is no longer visible and the only SE that I'm getting is hot flashes.  For that, I am very happy.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I am with everyone us. I have CRS also. Sticky notes are my friend but sometimes when I read them, I have no idea what I meant when I wrote them. That is really bad.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438 you need to write a reference book with your short hand in it?  Sometimes I think I

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    Hello all. Just dropping by to say hello. I likely won't post often because I'm not a typical middle-aged women (no children or grandchildren, no husband--and strangely I like to take really LONG walks every year). But I admire you all for just starting over after the other thread got heated and a bit weird. And I enjoy your pretty photos. (I don't have a digital camera either--gasp.) 3jays has been trying to get me to join in with Skype, but I tell her I make faces when I'm on the phone--especially when talking with my CPA.

    Wishing everyone fun and companionship.

  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80

    Hi All!  I guess I am an older woman (62) with more sense, and the sense has come at a price, by making mistakes and learning!  I have 4 sons and 3 wonderful daughter in laws and 6 grandchildren.  After I finished rads my family tricked me into going to Maggianos, a really good italian restaurant chain, and gave me a "mom is finished with rads party" with all my family there, flowers, candy, cards, and a spa certificate.  It was about the nicest thing I could remember.

    For those of you contemplating rads, I found them very easy.  However, I did not have children at home and could go eat at my sons house, and collapse in a chair after dinner.

    I am 3 or 4 years out now, and just on tamox. and have very little noticable side effects.  Still get nervous aroun scan time as I had some other surgeries since the BC diagnosis.


  • imbell
    imbell Member Posts: 61

    Amen to that. Love the forums on quilts, gardens, books, cooking and this one. Want to know how others live and get ideas to carry on. Thank you and hello to everyone.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Welcome to all who are new, newly diagnosed, or just newly arrived here after retreating from stressful bickering.  Haven't had time to read the thread but will catch up after minor surgery today.  One thing this has helped me to do is to live with BC as a kind of "chronic condition."  It stays around after treatment, even if only in the back of your mind.  I'm very impatient and like to "just get it over with," so this has taught me a little patience (not much though!)  The trick is to be patient without being passive, and to keep focusing on beautiful things (see pictures, above!!).  Love to all, Dragon

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70

    Adding this to my favorites!

    I don't know anyone here yet but sounds like a fun far it looks like I am the token Canadian eh!

    A bit about me: dx Jan /09 stage 2. Mx, chemo and tamoxifen. Just turned 50, married for 28 years, I have a son 26 (married), daughter 24. No grandkids yet. Two small dogs. I decided it was time to commit to some physical exercise this year so I joined a Breast Cancer DragonBoat team. We train 3 times a week in the gym with spin classes, circuit and core workouts. Spin class is unbelievable...I didn't think a person could sweat so much. It's like hotflashes x 100 but really exhilirating. We will start on the river in May to learn paddling strokes and then compete in festivals throughout the summer. It is a great group of women from 39-74 years old. So much fun.

    Have a wonderful day and thanks for starting this thread



  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    Does that make me the token French-American? Laughing I do yoga and walk, walk, walk. I began the Camino pilgrimage in Spain last year, but we lost a patient about two weeks in and I returned home. But I usually go walking for about a month every autumn (we get 6 weeks holiday). Sometimes it's a long route like this or I go somewhere and walk shorter trails every day. I've traveled all over the world. I live in a flat with my orange tabby Fromage (cheese in French). I enjoy gardening (we have one on our rooftop), culture, cinema and reading. My husband died shortly after I finished treatment (completely unexpected). I'm a BC navigator and yoga instructor in a cancer treatment centre.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 35

    Hi all:

    I'm 64 and have had BC for 4 1/2 years and going through a difficult time.  I have many great support doc's (family doc, urologist, cardiologist, neurologist, eye doctor) but terrible problems with Onc community - I'm on my third Onc. and chemo center.  I finally threw in the towel today and called MD Anderson so I will be busy getting it all together - traveling to Houston in the motor home.  Good luck to you all and this very soothing topic!  I feel better already.

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    pickle141..I'm Canadian too! What province are you in?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi everyone and welcome to everyone.

    Please don't think I am ignoring you because I don't mention names but would need to write down every name first and I am not quite awake this morning. My body doesn't move very fast in the morning as I have rheumatoid arthritis, so when DD rang at 5.00 - about an hour and a half ago  - to say she needed to get to the hospital I had to move faster than normal.GD is sitting watching TV and I will now get my cup of tea and await the arrival of 2nd grandchild.

     Have had to get up and feed the cats, so have put the jug on and will get some breakfast. It it a beautiful morning with it just starting to get light. The moon wasbeautiful as I drove home.

    Must get my cup of tea

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
    Nurse Ann: Check with a social worker at Anderson and see if there are properties available where you can stay for little or no rent. Many hospitals have these (supported by donors). Unless you just particularly want to take your motor home. Good luck. You sure deserve a break.
  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677

    DuckyB1:  What a fascinating job that must have been. I worked for a wholesale drug company for about 5 years, but I was in telephone sales so not that exciting. However, between phone calls I would read up on the various drugs.

    I am concerned about the SE also with drugs as I have osteoporosis and atrial fibrillation and right now I'm on Warfarin, Metoprolol and Flecainide (as well as Fosamax and Diovan) so not looking forward to another drug. I'll see how it goes - if I can't tolerate the drugs then I'll get the rads. The RO said I must have one or the other.

  • pickle
    pickle Member Posts: 70

    Emily, I am in Alberta

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    I reallylaugh when I read all the posts...........................I thought I was the only one who had post-it-notes all over the house............I take care of 2 of my grandchildren a lot, so when I have time off, and then have to go back I need a post it note to remind me.  It usually says "kids today"...........My daughter usually calls from work and says "Mom did you remember you have to be there for the kids today (when they get off the bus)...........During all this cancer business they told me they were going to start putting post it's on my forehead so I would be sure to remember things I had to do.............Another daughter said "Mom this is serious business now" so "you better start getting your act together and write things down...................yea that is going to happen...............My grandaughter's class was told about my breast cancer, and they all prayed for me, and sent me 26 of the prettiest hand made card I have ever gotten...........My daughter on St. Patty's Day sent them in 2 boxes of Irish Potatoes with a note that read......Sweets for all of you...for being so Sweet to my mother"................Yesterday the class asked my grandaughter if I would come in to the class and be "guest reader" for them.  I said yes (post it notes all over the house that say "guest reader Fri. 9:30.)  I am stopping for Dunkin Munchkins for the whole class.........

    Another son just left..........he came over to take me to lunch, and we spent about 2 1/2 hours together.......He said "Mom you look great"............Tonight I will go to my Line Dancing Class with my daughter...........she said to me last night..........Mom we don't have to go if you don't want to........I said "why would I not go"...........I dance with my feet not with my boob............So I will add another dance to my genre, in addition to Boot Scootin Boogie, and my favorite Waltzing Across Texas................Yahoo............................

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies, im so surprised there are so many of us here!how wonderful!! i went to bed earlier this morning, and you guys got busy whike i slept..

       theres' too many for me to have kept track.. im a vixctim of CRS, also, marybe. but, having ms its' been severe for longer than i've had bc. it is something ya have to get little "tricks " for. when i worked, i used to post a big note on my front door.

       lately, i may not even go out till after 4:000; so that doesn't work

       i laughed when Martha said "her minds so full; things are falling out" that describes me to the t... and JUDY, welcome. i see youre a "newbie" and your very welcome in this group of lovely women..

       chrissy; great thread..3jays

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Sr. Survivor...Yes it was a great job.  I talked with doctors all over the country in every specialty, and nurses, pharmacists, and  patients.  By the wayt I was told by all 3 Dr.s that I would get   both Rads, and hormone, unless something changes when we really get down to the seriousness of the treatment...........This is part of Fox Chase Cancer Center in Phila., so I'm not sure if there protochol is different.  One would be great, and if I had to choose I think it would be Rads, but I think it is going to be both.  I am on metoprolol, lasix, and cardizem, also Provachol.  Now all the other crap they are going to add to it....Oh and 325mg aspirin daily.  The other day my pressure was 104/62....I said "why do I need this medicine", got the dirty look, and no answer from the nurse.........oh well, I tried......At 76 i am not getting Tamox, probably one of the other "killers".....Like I said to my kids..........What doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Love Boot Scoot Boogie!! Alyson,I hope congrats are coming soon for you! Ho to everyone else and Maya, good to see you again!

    On top of post it notes, does anyone else open your eyes in the AM and wonder what isn't going to work right that day? I start out moving my arms a bit then check out the rest, then finally get out of bed slowly to be sure the parts are working. Sheesh.

  • dogsandjogs
    dogsandjogs Member Posts: 677

    DuckyB1:  You might get Aromasin; that's what I'm getting. The Onc  said it is the one that hurts the bones "least"

    By the way, I love your posts, too bad I'm on the other coast it would be fun to go out and spend hours talking!!

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    Do I qualify? How do I know if I have any sense, let alone more sense? I will allow as how I am a peace loving person, even if I do not always have good sense :) so maybe I will fit in here. I've pretty much stopped posting in the threads that I used to follow , except for the word games which are great fun and usually limit the participant to one word responses so it is kind of hard to provoke an argument there :)  The number of posts following my avatar make it look as if I have a lot to say but it isn't usually confrontational!

    I love the global nature of this site. DH does not like to travel much anymore so getting to "talk" to women from all over the world is a great treat. DD married into a very cosmopolitan family and I so admire the way they turn up here, there and anywhere. You all will add to my vicarious travel dreams. 

    Perhaps I can be the token southern-American? I do live in Florida which is really not southern at all anymore, but we are in NE Florida so still hold on to some of the old traditions... pickled peaches for Thanksgiving, collard greens and cornbread anytime, "y'all come" is a serious invitation, and we always wave at strangers we pass on the road. The common greeting in stores or restaurants here has become "hi, you guys," but I am trying to perpetuate the "hi, you all" response. I think I am fighting a losing battle :)

    Maya2, I was fortunate to live in France for 4 years as a child... very happy memories. And I was able to return a few years ago to visit the small town where we had lived. Just love France and I wish I could talk DH into renting a "gite" and spending a summer there but, as I said, he does not care to travel anymore. He suggests I go alone or with a girlfriend (and he really means it) but I know he does not like to be home alone so my time away is limited to visiting DD and her family. I am so sorry for the sudden loss of your husband. Goodness, breast cancer is enough to go through but then to face the loss of your husband must have been a terrible blow.  Your activities must provide a good support system of friends. I know it does not begin to take the place of a dear spouse but it must be fulfilling to be able to help other women through this bad experience.

    Oh, I do love SoCalLisa's photos! I have missed seeing them. My sister lives near San Diego so it is fun to get to see many images of that area. I never understood the lure of southern California until I began to visit there a few years ago. Mild temperatures, gorgeous flowers, and NO mosquitoes! Of course the traffic is a killer and housing prices used to be sky-high. There is not heaven on earth but southern CA comes pretty close. :)

    I must admit I live a pretty quiet life; garden, walk, bike ride, play computer, read  and dote on three grandchildren (2 in Florida, 1 in CA).  It is really the life we worked all those years to have. I look back on those long days of working, commuting in heavy traffic 45 minutes each way, facing the usual problems in the office (I always had a headache!), coping with homework and housework in the evenings and weekends, transporting children to sports and clubs and schools before they could drive, worrying myself to death after they could drive, dealing with aging parents and their health problems while we still had teenagers to raise, getting kids off to college and started off in life, paying off mortgages and student loans and squirreling away money for retirement someday. Well, we made it! Of course breast cancer was not part of the plan but, as they say, Man plans, God laughs.  In this case "woman" plans. 

    I hope BC has been a bump in the road, not a detour. We'll see. I am happy to meet all you wonderful women. You give me courage and strength. 

  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108

    I recently read new guidelines for treatment said women 75 and older, in many cases, could forego radiation following lumpectomy. I am sure this was for node negative patients. You  might ask your doctors if they have considered this. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017
