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For Older People with Sense



  • pj12
    pj12 Member Posts: 18,108


    Thank you for the contribution you are making in the fight against breast cancer. You are really DOING something'1 I had heard about the idea of a vaccine but did not realize real women were being given it. Wishing you great luck in the trial! 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    This being born is just too much.

    Not sure who Samuel Frederick is like.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh what a beautiful little boy!  He really is a chubby bubby for a newborne, just beautiful. Looking at your avatar and looking at him IMO he looks like you!  Thanks for sharing him Alyson.

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208

    Since this is a new page on this thread I don't mean to offend anyone by not replying to their specific posts. And yes, Judie, thank you for being a part of the trial.

    To brief you about myself, I am 63 yo, soon to be 64 on Sunday. I have been married to dh going on 41 years in April. Our daughter is 37 yo and a paramedic. She has 2 kyds by her 1st husband, a girl 13 and boy 11. She got remarried in 2008 to a wonderful man who is also a paramedic. he has 2 children and a stepson. His biological children are a boy 11 and a girl who is 8. The stepson is 14. They have quite a household when both of them have their kyds on their off days. The last 3 grandkyds were a lot easier on me when they came into our family and my dd would agree, I think!!

    In 99 dh was dx'd with prostrate cancer, had the horrible surgery, then a recurrence in 2004. I was dx'd with bc in May 2005 ,mastectomy in June, then six courses of TAC from Aug to Nov, followed by 28 rads, then started on arimidex which I finished this past Feb.Last December I had a stroke that affected my speech and  math abilities and went through speech therapy and am still coming back.

    I worked full time until Dec and am working on getting back to full time bit by bit. I am the exec, dir. of a very small std/hiv clinic about 45 miles from where we live. I have an excellent staff and a few volunteers that kicked in like champions when I was away.

    My onc is working me up for ovarian cancer and I get the results of all the tests I've been going through tomorrow morning, please say a litttle prayer that the blob growing on my ovary isn't another cancer diagnosis.

    Congrats on the new babe, Alysson, what does he look like besides a football player?

    gentle hugs to all you ladies..........

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208

    oh, Alyson, I was posting when you posted the pic of Samuel, he is just wonderful!!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Aww, that is the sweetest baby..I just love that photo..thanks

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Suzie, ((((((((hugs)))))))).   Hope the workup show a simple cyst and not OC.  You certainly have had a lot on your plate over the last few years.  How is your DH now?  I hope he is doing well. 

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • EmilyInOntario
    EmilyInOntario Member Posts: 288

    What a precious baby picture...thanks for sharing that! Adorable...

  • Grayt
    Grayt Member Posts: 32

    Older and sensible.  I'll lay claim to both, though this Arimidex sometimes makes me feel like a maniacal zombie.  I'm physically and emotionally on a roller coaster and never know what I'll find when I wake up each morning.  I guess the fact I do wake up is something Wink   I see some familiar friends here who, I hope, know the real me.

    April 4th I have an appointment with a health professional at a local hospital to begin a program called LifeFit.  This person, specializing in breast cancer and its treatment effects, will help me design a personal nutrition/exercise/etc program.  I hope this will leave me feeling more "cared for" which would go a long way right now.

    Best to all - Grayt/Brenda

    NSWTD Member Posts: 34

    Hello......I have not experienced the back-biting, but on some other boards I am a member of, I know it can happen.  Thank goodness I have not experienced that here.  

    Hello Valjean......I live in Lansing Mi - you are not far and I have been to Owosso many times.    

    I guess I am older....I am 54.   I don't feel old.   

    So nice to be in good company. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Alyson - what a beautiful baby.  Thanks for sharing him with us.  

    I got a call from my onco. office this morning and they want to move my April 8th appointment to March 29th. Not sure why they want to move it up, but it may be because of the last bone scan results or it could be that I will be finished with my rads on the 28th and he want to see how I am doing. Anyway I will see and keep you all posted. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    ((((((((Brenda)))))))  hope your LifeFit appointment goes well for you and you can design a program that suits you so you can feel part of the living again.  There is nothing worse than feeling totally off.

    Amyjo, good luck with your onc appointment!

    NSWTD welcome, glad you could join us!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    GrayT..our hospital had a PT program for BC survivors, it meant the world to me..we had the

    group two mornings a week and I went from having practically all atrophied muscles and inability to get up off  the floor or toilet (you get the picture) to playing tennis again in six was miraculous..

  • Alyson, What a handsome big boy, Samuel is!  Suzi, Hope you get good test results.  Glad to see you here Judie. 

  • Grayt
    Grayt Member Posts: 32

    Thanks, friends, for your encouragement!  I feel better already.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Well ladies this is the end of a great day......I went to the warehouse club with my daughter.. I thought we were there to do "our own thing", and she followed me around liike a little puppy...i said to her............."hey girlfriend, the cord only can stretch so far"....she laughed,  and continued to follow me........All this attention is something I'm not use to.......I am always the one doing for my 6 kids, even though we are very close...............She then carried all my stuff in the house, and made lunch..............After she left I drove to the CVS, got my shingles vaccine (advice from my BS before radiation......and then on to the supermarket and did shopping.....When I got home there was a call "mom where are you".............Then tonight one of my sons came over for no reason, other then to see me.............I'm wondering when I became the child, and they became the parents............

    Tomorrow I go to my grandaughters school to read to her class........The whole class when asked who they wanted to be Guest Reader this week said "Makayla's Nannie"......So I will  go to Dunkin Donuts, pick up munchkins, and then head to school.........Even tried to do that on my own.........Just got a phone call "Hey Mom, I'll be over to pick you up in the morning to take you to the school"............I never felt so loved.............God knows what is going to happen when I start radiaition..........They will probably ask if they can take it for me...........I guess I'm just one very lucky Mom..............All 6 children within 15 minutes of my house...........God is good.

    Prayers to all my sisters...........and a special prayer for the beautiful baby boy.......

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ducky, they are soooo scared of loosing you they are making sure you don't disappear by keeping tabs on you.  The cord will begin to stretch a little the further you get from active treatment and then you can breathe again.   Love the care and love they show.......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Crissy..........They are my life, and my reason for living.  Just got off the phone with my 2 grandsons who live in Chicago............their message.......just called to tell you we love you...........1 is 27 and the other is 24........they are brothers..........2 more reasons to thank God tonight for the blessings in my life......................Prayers to you Crissy, and that beautiful little face your holding............what a charmer.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    That little cutie pie is my gorgeous niece and yes, she is definitely a charmer!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, I'm just jumping in because y'all are posting as fast as I'm reading to catch up!!

    I am 53 in May and have sense, but I am sometimes thought of a brusque. I don't pussy-foot around or blow smoke, but I'm a good soul. Can I call myself that? I wear my heart on my sleeve and take things very personally and am upset when I am ripped apart on some threads, so I'm happy to be here!

    I have two kids Chris (30) who had my 3rd grandson, George last Thursday, Kim (27.5) who had Zachary last September, and two step-children for the past 18 years; Chris (29) no kids, and Cheryl (24) had Fynnigan last September. So 3 grandsons in total.

    I have to work full time as my DH has 3 brain tumours and it's tough but I love him more than life itself. I didn't expect to be working so hard at this point in my life. My health isn't the greatest (I take 13 meds a day) and I don't know how much longer I can hold on, but as I have a great sense of humour, I normally get by. My DH handles my meds, and disperses them for me. He does the laundry and cooking as well. I guess he is my wife.

    We moved in October to a "Lifestyle Community" (read retirement residence) on a golf course and just love the perfect size of our little town house. 2 bedrooms and 3 baths with finished basement. I look forward to the holidays as the house just rocks with everyone here. It's very quiet when we're alone though, but my DH could watch TV all day and be happy. I have a bit of garden I can muck around in and that's perfect. I used to love mowing the lawn as you can SEE the result immediately, unlike vacuuming. But with my very, very bad back it just became impossible. We moved rather than get a new roof on our bungalow (ranch) house. Just like I'd rather redecorate than clean!!

    I am in 100% commission sales (stress anyone?) and am almost getting a new job with a base + bonus. I haven't had a salary for over 15 years! We are just negotiating the contract. If I get this position I would travel to Australia for a week each year. Nice perk, eh? Crap! Caught my Canadian eh, eh? We really do say it!!

    I have Fibromyalgia and don't want anyone to tell me to exercise. I sleep 10-16 hours a day just to be able to get to work. I just had an X-ray on my spine and got a call from the hospital to get in for a bone scan. Can't be too bad, as they booked it for June 3rd, so I'm holding on to that hope.

    That's all for now folks!! Kiss

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Barb, you are very welcome here and I  just love your ascerbic sense of humour!  Glad you can join us.  Wow, you do have your hands full don't you! but the best compensation for anything is those gorgeous grandbabies........don't ya just love 'em?  Oh yeah!

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Member Posts: 254

    Thank you for the warn welcome ladies.

    Alyson, He is precious !!! Theres nothing like a newborn baby.

    Barbe, I do very little exercise because of fibro also. I do not feel better after exercising. I have bone mets also so that doesnt help any. I do take short walks, use a treadmill on the warm up setting LOL and I do light housekeeping. Otherwise I am crocheting or reading etc. Our bodies require a huge amount of energy to move and I try to conserve so I can last all day.So sorry about your hubby.

    I watched 2 of my grandsons tonight, the 5 yr olds. Its still cold and windy here so we were stuck inside. They painted with water paints ( I have a whole new look to my fridge now LOL). Thankfully they luv being read to. 

    Grayt, I take Aromasin which is alot like Arimidex and it makes me a little grumpy sometimes if I dont eat when I take it. It made me gain some weight but its keeping me alive, so I can deal with it. 

    Someone mentioned the quilters and sewing thread. I have been there and do read there. I think most of them are quilters and I'm planning on tackling one pretty soon and will make use of their knowledge LOL. I've never made one before. I'm in the middle of making new kitchen curtains right now. I have 3 afghans to finish also. So it will be a couple months b4 I start it.

    May we all get good results, feel good and live well. Hugs, Mazy

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    Mind if I join as well, don't know if I have much "sense" but today I'm 61 so woohooooo, it's been a party day with lots of cake, all chocolateSmile.  Barbe I love your sense of humor, hope you get the new job, I'm an ex pat Aussie and I've lived in the US for the past 33 years.  Chrissy love the thread photo.
  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    My lumpectomy & node surgery was a week ago yesterday.  Today my daughter & I parked ourselves in the surgeons waiting room until my doctors nurse asked if I'd like to have one of the other surgeons have a "preliminary" talk with me about my path.  Wonders of wonders, if cancer can ever be called "good", my results seemed much better than my nightmares had built it up to be.  It's an entirely new language to me, which is one reason why my 12-year BC survivor daughter came with me, but I understood enough to have high hopes that I won't need chemo nor radiation.  HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE!!  I'm 68 which is close enough to 70 where the benefits of radiation do not outweigh the SE.  I may have to take hormone-blocking meds for 5-years but I should find out Tuesday when I see my surgeon again.  So now I'm looking forward to my belated birthday celebration this Saturday with hope back in my heart. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi hbcheryl you most certainly can join in......welcome and Happy Birthday!!!   Sounds like you had a really great day......mmmmm.....cake.....chocolate cake......oh my!   I'm salivating....can I ask you to have a small piece for me please?   Thanks on the thread photo......I think it is calm and tranquility personified.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164
    Oh Chrissy one cake was a chocolate cake with walnut chocolate icing and the 2nd cake was a chocolate ice cream cake covered in chocolate chips, I know that tonight I'm going to wired up wide awake at 3am but it was well worth it and to even it out went to a healthy taco restaurant for dinnerInnocent
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Just posted and it disappeared oh pooh, now I have to start

    Oooo mostlymom.......doing the Happy Dance for you!!!!!   That is such good news now you really can go out and whoop it up and celebrate both your birthday (Happy Birthday by the way!!!) and an excellent path report.....yay!!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooooo hbcheryl  they sound sooooo scrumptious!  and I do like your healthy dinner as well...tacos?.....well I guess the salad is healthy.

  • hbcheryl
    hbcheryl Member Posts: 4,164

    Fish tacos and you have them wrapped in lettuce and served with brown rice and black beans, and well you know what the beans do!!!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    LOL....oh yeah, I sure do!  The rest is pretty health I must admit......sounds good too!   Never had them made like that. Here, tacos are served with either the crisp corn shell or the soft wrap but wrapped in a lettuce leaf sounds really good as the filling itself it pretty good calorie wise.  I'm learning something new every day......who would have thought!