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For Older People with Sense



  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Thanks Chrissy for starting a new thread where harmony, encouragement and support will reign.  

    I just finished rad #27 and have 3 left to go.  Saw RO today and got information from the bone scan that I had last week and I am a little concerned about the mixed news.  The area in my spine that had some radiation treatments last Nov and Dec. is still showing some cancer.  Some areas are the same and a few appear to be a little better, but there are some areas where there is significant progression.  I will be able to discuss this more with the MO on April 8th when I see him.  I am so tired from the current radiation treatments that I am having trouble processing all of this so I have been either crying or sleeping all afternoon.  As for the peeling and tender skin under my arms the RO said he would block out those areas on the last 3 treatments and he told me to use the warm saline solution 2-3 times a day and be sure to thoroughly dry then use my creams and then let as much air a possible reach the area.  So I am sitting in my big chair with my arms up on the sides. DH says a look like a little girl in Daddy's big chair. Which of course started the tears again.  Considering all of this I don't know how sane I am, but I am glad we now have a safe place to express our thoughts and feelings again.

    Love you all. Amy Jo 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Amy the land of peaceful ladies............Crissy had the right idea when she began this new thread...........It has taken off like wildfire, and I am so happy for us all.....We are here for you hoping and praying that things get better.  I am only out of surgery 9 days ago, and of course there is still the soreness, but when I read a post like yours I think to myself......There but by the grace of God, go I, and then tell myself...........Put on your big girl panties, and stop complaining (if even to just me) about your achy arm.......there are many a lot worse then you are............So tonight when I lay my head on the pillow, my prayers will be for you Amy Jo that good days come to you very take care, and keep us posted....Hugs to you.

  • lbrewer
    lbrewer Member Posts: 96

    I have CRS ( can't remember STUFF) too!  My daughter told me to count my pills out once a week into the little zip plastic bags and write the day ( MON AM, MON PM) on them.  That way if the bag is empty I took them.  IF not, I forgot again.  Stinks when you can't remember if you FORGOT something!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I think CRS is a common ailment. Hey Chrissy, here is a pic from my archive. This was a beach in Virgin Gorda where DH and I passed a few hours only seeing 2-3 people. I need to get a better camera.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Ibrewer........I have a daughter-in-law that is a nurse.....She is a supervisor for a Home health company......She gave me a gizmo that has 7 rectangular shaped boxes that are all removable (take with) if you want.  Now these 7 boxes all have their own compartments that say Morn. Noon. Eve. can't possibly make a mistake if you fill them at the beginning of the week, and take each day out in the morning which would cover your meds for the day.  I ask you........could it get any easier......guess who can even screw that, you say, well that would be the right answer..........My family has given up on me with the medicine.  I don't really forget completely.......I just say "oh I have to take my medicine.............and then go about doing something else..................I know.........I'm hopeless.

  • suzanneinphoenix
    suzanneinphoenix Member Posts: 34

    I think I qualify for this group.....I'm 56 1/2.  I definitely feel "older".   I think this is a great topic.

    As far as not remembering.....I have a calendar in my bathroom (at first it was to remind me of doctor appointments).  But then I couldn't remember if I took my pills, or if I had even gotten them out the night now I put a checkmark on the calendar.  And I take the TAMOX in the morning, before I roll out of far, this system has been workingKiss

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Hey Suzanne, welcome. Checkboxes are good. I just keep forgetting where I put the calendar.

  • suzanneinphoenix
    suzanneinphoenix Member Posts: 34

    Hey, BarbaraA .....can't miss my calendar....stuck it on the wall, right behind the commode.....I see the calendar when I walk into the bathroom.

    Gorgeous shot, by the way!

  • somewhereinbetween
    somewhereinbetween Member Posts: 9

    I must say that I'm a bit stressed by everything that is going on in my house at the moment. At first my thoughts were of peace and serenity. Thank you for opening up another thread that not only takes me seriously but seriously considers my feelings. I try to be drama free but I have teenagers who are constantly challenging my every mood but feel that they are grown. I will be back later to discuss what I previously signed in for. Thanks for being here!

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208

    Chrissy, thank you for the thread...let's keep the peace and be able to emote as we need to without the condescending judgemental comments.

    Oh, AmyJo, am so sorry you didn't get good news, my heart and prayers are with you...sending white light. ((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))

    It is so good to see familiar faces/avatars and so many new ones as well.

    Talk about forgetting stuff, if I remembered to write things on the calendar I'd forget where I put the pencil!!  I'm hopeless.....

    ~gentle hugs

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208
    somewhereinbetween....please come back and dicuss to your heart's content, I hope you are okay....
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Suzie14 - Thanks for the prayers and hugs.  My next concern is if my bone mets are advancing, what are my liver and lung mets doing?  I may call the MO tomorrow and see if I can get in to see him before the 8th.  

    somewhereinbetween - I remember having a couple of teenages that were a challenge, They will eventually out grow their current attitudes and be responsible adults.  My prayers are with you in the mean time. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} 

  • suzie14
    suzie14 Member Posts: 208 call the MO tomorrow and get an earlier appointment.....hugs

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 nice to read your story, sounds like you have a real support gang going on.

    What a busy life you have led, and all those G/children, how lucky are you ? I only have 7, and an 'almost G/daughter'... a half sister to my full G/daughter, not a blood relative, but has been treated the same as the others. Which means Grandma gets to send them ALL birthday and Christmas presents, and ALL of them forget to thank me !!!!!

    This year I have decided to stop doleing out the presents that no-one remembers I have sent, and see how long it is before I get a little 'phone call, 'just to see how you are, Grandma'!!!!!!!!!!!  I love my G/children to bits...but they all take me for granted !! All, apart from 1 G/son who is here to see me just about every day....unbelievable for a nearly 19 year old. He loves the farm, and is crazy about cars, so is a mini me !!

    Absolutely beautiful Spring day here, went out for a ride into Derbyshire, a very pretty county, VERY hilly, but the scenery was stunning. Set out at 11 am, and wasn't back 'til 7pm. I am tired out now, called at a fantastic farm shop, and am just having a slice of blackberry and apple pie, with Jersey cream on top, which I just had to buy. G/son will polish off the rest of the pie for his tea tomorrow, he'd better do, or I will be adding inches to my behind as its so good, but so full of calories.

    Welcome Judy, and any other new girls I am missing,  daren't go back a page, or I will lose all my post.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Big hellos to everybody, those I already know and those I look forward to knowing.  I'll just say welcome to us all and thanks to Chrissyb for getting this going.  It will be nice to come to a thread without the trepidation about what this day would bring (lately, I mean). 

    I'm Kathy, screen name QCA because I was a quality control analyst with state social services for 33 years prior to retirement 2 years ago.  I've been married for nearly 32 years and like several others here, we also had children later than a lot of people.  Our DD is 29 and our son, married, is 25, and we have a 22 month old GS, who is our joy.  I'm 61 and DH is rapidly approaching 65, already has the medicare card!  Know I qualify as older, not sure about the sense part!

    After surgery and radiation, I'm now on arimidex and so far, so good.  The main side effect I have is stiffness when getting up after sitting a long time, but it wears off reasonably fast.  So, that's where I am right now.  I go for the first mammo post diagnosis next month, and we'll see.

    Hope you have some good news for us soon Alyson!  

    Amyjo, I'm so sorry to hear about your result, but I've learned you're a fighter and you and your MO will get a plan together that will bring about the results you need to have. Hope you can get an earlier appointment, too.  We all know about waiting, and we all know about the emotional toll this takes. Please be easy on yourself if you can.   {{{Hugs to you}}}


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    chrissyb - I have seen you on other threads and this is a great idea.  I see lots of familiar names and would also like to join this group.  The picture is beautiful.

    I am 55 years old with no children. I have been married for 37 years.  I was in the Air Force for 20 years and now manage a mobile home/RV resort for people 55+.  We are a seasonal park and the majority of our residents travel to deep South Texas for the warm winter months.

    I started Tamoxifen 2 1/2 months ago and have had minimal side effects.   

    Hi BarbaraA, Chabba, srbreastcancersurvivor - we have met on other threads. 

    I will try and catch up with all the postings later.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Everybody,

    I am Gingerbrew, a screen name that came about because I was, well, drinking a bottle of Ginger Brew when I originally signed up. My other choices at that moment would have been, TV or fireplace, fir tree, so Gingerbrew won out. I rather like the name Ginger and shall name my next dog, Ginger. 

    I am about to begin the 5 year antihormonal pills. I think I already look and feel as though I am berefit of any hormones already, but am told my fat is busy making hormones so I better get with the program. I am praying I don't get too many side effects. Chemo was harsh on me, I still have numb fingers and especially feet.

    I have 4 Grandchildren who I adore.  Two were just here to visit, 3 and 7 and we had fun.

    I am glad to find you all here and hope to see you often. 

    Laters Ginger

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    wanted to say hello to everyone tonite. read Alysons DD went to the hosp her time 5am this morn, so we may hear something tonite, or tommorrow. Maya2; your not the only one here with no kids, or grandkids. and, although my life is pathetic, at the time, and i concentrate WAY too much on my beloveds.. my Gkids.. they're def. not the only thing in extra bonus, if you will..but only to Some of us!hope you stick around here. im in the house, or out to Gkids, and pool, but i love to live vicariousloy through all of your lives..

      im so glad to see so many of us here, and WELCOME to the friends im just meeting.

    Amy Jo, you know i love you girl, and am hoping you'll get a closer appointment, and that all will be slowed down from here. sorry the radiation has been so tough; but monday your done.. ?? right?

       happy to be here, with you guys.. i have something i say to Mur (DH) all the time.. im glad we're who WE are, doing the things W E do.. that goes for all you here, also..    3jays

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    wow....lots of sistas on here....glad to see such positive energy...

    Ginger I think i read somewhere you finished rads....congrats.

    to all my other sistas i wish each and every one of you to post tomorrow NED forever.....God bless all of us fighting this giant monster.we will win this war...please pray for a BC vacine.

    huggggggggggggs K

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    need also to poiint you in the direction of active topics.. Olga becasme an ange today. she was under "leprechaun" and her husband is Yann..   3jays

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I took this picture a  long time ago with one of my first digital cameras

    but to me it has meant peace

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Hi Everybody....Its nice to see so many familiar faces and newcomers.

    Hugs to you all

  • Are we doing bios on here?....guess we should since only some of us are acquainted, but I recognize many names.  I am Marybe and that is my real first name....people are always thinking it is short for MaryBeth or that I am Mary and letters be stand for something, but that is my actual name, which my mother dug up and used because it was her grandmother and great grandmother's name.  She was a Betty and said there were 6 in her lst grade and she wanted to name me something "different" which I did not appreciate at all as a child. I did not get married until I was 58 years old and this has been a very difficult adjustment for me, but what can I say, I needed insurance. I am a dental hygienst and still able to work and I love to cook. I live in Ohio and have been on this board several years now....used to post with the middle-aged women, but moved on to the older ladies after I turned 60.  I am now 61 and happy to be here since I was thinking I might not make it to 50 at one point in my life.  I have been Stage lV since 1998 and has my original BC diagnosis in 1990.  Have been at this a long time, but don't know it all and have learned a lot from the women on these boards.  There are so many who have it much worse than I do and I am thankful I am in as good of shape as I am for the shape I am in.  I look forward to being a part of this thread and hanging out with some "sensible" women.  I tend to babble and don't always make a lot of sense myself these days and sometimes I may be a little overly blunt, but am truly harmless and like peace....Me, The Peaceful LuLu....showing my age there, huh.  I doubt if I am going to be able to go to sleep since it was only when I saw that premed bag going today that I yelled out There aren't steroids in that are there? and the nurse just smiles and me and said it's down to 30.   Yell

     edited to add....that's my dog, Harley with my avitar....I write about him a lot...have two other dogs and a cat also.  

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Thanks Lisa.  I always enjoy seeing your beautiful pictures.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Isabella 4...What a lovely name..........guess what my new 2 week old great-grandaughter's name is Isabella.......She is a twin........her sisters name is Grayson...........It makes me sad when I hear some grandchildren do not keep in touch with their grandparents........Mine range in age from 27 years old, down to 10 years old.........This diagnosis that i received was such a blow to all of them.  They always email me, IM me, text me, or call me for no other reason then to say "hey Nan, how are you........They always come to my home down the Jersey Shore, and we have a ball.......I would pile them in my car, and we would go down and at least 7 of them.....laughing, singing, and just having a good time..   We would go to the beach, swim in the pool at my house, and then go miniture golfing.......When my husband passed away at such a young age, mychildren and those grandchildren 9 at the time helped me get through the horrible loss.......If not for my 6 children, and their spouses I would have never made it through......As I said I now have 18 grandchildren, and the news of this cancer devastated them.  My phone and my doorbell never stopped ringing.........I am truely blessed............2 of them (who I was extremely close to) are brothers...after graduating from college they both moved to Chicago and both work for the same company.......I miss those boys so much.  As little babies I took care of them while my daughter worked.........we are very close....Now I take care of another daughter's 12 and 10 year old after school, and through the summer 3 days a week........I don't know what I would do without them.....I was talking to my daughter today on the phone...she called to see how I was doing......I asked her if her husband was going to get home in time to be there for the 2 kids....She said "yes, Sean will be ok for the 1/2 hour, and his Dad will be home before the little girls gets in.........She laughed and said (it was raining hard) "'I'm sure he's not going to be happy walking from the bus in the rain"....I said "oh, let me go, I'll go right now and get him off the bus"....She said "Mom.....................I hung up on her and got my keys and drove to the bus to get him..............When he got in the car I said to him "what did you think when you saw the rain".....He looked at me with his very grateful eyes, and his big smile, kissed me on the cheek and said "I knew you would be here Nan" could you not love a kid like that.............I am so blessed.........They are the people I am fighting for, and I won't give up........I can't disappoint them...........My older grandson said to me on the phone when he heard from his mother that i had cancer............."Nan you have to fight this, we can't lose you too, like we lost Poppie"..............I will not be happy winning the battle.............I plan on winning the WAR............What say ladies "are you with me".........Lets do it for the ones who love us, and who we love.............Remember we have does not have us............

  • Ducky,  I love your family. When your grandson said to you, I knew you would be here, I actually got a lump in my throat.  My sister is the only one who gave my father grandchildren...two of the most ungrateful girls who ever lived and they NEVER contact their grandfather or me for that matter unless they need help or money.  It is sad.  I have a feeling you are going to do just fine. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I have just come to check out the boards and I was blown away at the many responses.  Wow!  All I can say to everyone is Welcome.  Hope you find a peaceful place to come and put your feet up and let go of the day however it has been. 

    The sun has finally decided to show it's face after about five days of rain.  I was beginning to think that winter had arrived before Autumn had even had a chance to undress the trees.  The breeze is still very chilly but I really don't mind at helps to cool me off when struck by a melting momnent I just stick my face into it and I get that know.....that.....Ahhhhhh feeling.  I'm sure most if not all you girls can relate to that one.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Still waiting for this grandchild to arrive however it will be a caesarian section in about an hour.  So we are still on tenderhooks untill we get the news. So baby will miss my birthday by a few hours.

    Congrats to those finishing rads, another step on the way.

    I had better go and get GD something to eat as she won't last until we have our meal. Will post later.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, you are in my thoughts as is your DD.  I hope all goes well with the caesarian.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh, Alyson, waiting is hard even if it's for something good, isn't it?  I'm sure you're on pins and needles waiting to hear and sending hugs to you.  Happy  birthday, too!

    Ducky, your posts about your family are so interesting.  You have such a gift for writing and I too was almost in tears about what your GS said.  That was such a special gift for you, one that you'll cherish forever.

    My DH is from a big family of 7 kids, although 2 are gone now.  He's next to the youngest and we have many, many nieces and nephews.  But on my side I only have one sister, and she's almost 12 years older than I am, so for my parents I guess it was like raising 2 only children.  Between us we have 3 children and two of those are mine.  So, my family is very small.  Actually, my father was one of 4 and the only one who had children.  So, on my side family gatherings were dismally small and it's nice to have gained a big family by marriage.

    Have appt with MO tomorrow, so off to bed I go!  
