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For Older People with Sense



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    That's great about your scan, Leah!  I'm so happy that it's not mets, and hope you get some help with the vertigo---that is very hard to deal with.

    Marybe, good thoughts and prayers for you tomorrow with your cataract surgery. 
    There's been so much progress in that area in recent years that it's astounding.  About 20 years ago I took my dad for his cataract surgeries, and back then they were done almost a year apart.  Hugs for you tomorrow!  I'll be doing that myself sometime in the future.

    Well, I shan't (ooh, doesn't that sound very British) be staying up late or getting up early for the royal festivities but no doubt will watch a good bit of it tomorrow.  It will be good to see a happy occasion in world news for a change!  


  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    I was at this event and BAM! I meet another survivor. What a fantastic lady! Hope we will be friends.

  • Cyborg
    Cyborg Member Posts: 192

    Yay, Leah

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894

    ducky my husband lived across the street from the Catholic grade school in Drexel Hill backin the 50's. Went to see the old house in the late 70's and the family that bought the house from his parents still lived there. You are so blessed to have so many family memebers around

    I end up in aplace with no family close, after coming from a huge extended family --88or 89 first cousins aunts and uncles.-====Typical irish cath. family. --------now nada----------sucks big time.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    We are in Spain and watching the Wedding on TV with the Spanishj

    translations over the dialog..

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Leah - happy dance!!!

    Marybe holding your hand!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe - holding your hand today as you go through surgery and then home to rest.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Leah- great news! Stable is good. Hope you can find the cause of the vertigo - it's so disconcerting!

    Holding Marybe's hand too, or a foot if there are no hands left....

    QCA, how did 101 Dalmations go? 

    Amyjo thanks for the update on your community - such terrible storms this year in so many places.  And thanks for the lovely flowers.  Our daffys are about done, the lilacs and dogwoods are blooming. Clematis is trying - but I need a better trellis.   The oaks and  cedars are throwing off pollen already and we'll be covered in yellow dust soon... No roses, the deer like them too well for us to bother, but they leave the mums alone (although the rabbits just love the young yellow mums and will strip a plant of every flower, leaving the leaves untouched...)

    Spent yesterday and the day before working outside, raking and burning leaves and tree debris trying to get cleaned up before burn bans and then fire season take effect.  I'm sure I got weeks of weightbearing exercise done in one fell swoop... Today is going to be something more moderate.

    I'd intended to try to watch "the wedding" but fell asleep.  First thing this a.m., I checked to see "the dress" --- now that's what I call a beautiful wedding dress...

    Wishing you all a good day!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank God for our Raleigh sisters! I pray others have been as blessed.

    Isabella, get on the phone Tuesday STAT so you can get 'er done! Enjoy your day as Princess....

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Isabella, I'm looking forward to reading your reactions to the wedding. 

    I've heard a couple of comments on TV expressing disappointment that the dress did not make "more of a statement" like Dianna's dress did. To me Kate's dress was perfect.  When you picture Dianna's wedding you see the dress, not the bride.  When you think of this wedding you will always see Princess Cathryn in a beautiful dress.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Hi All,

    I had promised to let everyone know how my appt. with my onc went yesterday.  He doesn't seem to be worried about my small intestine issue and is happy I've made an appointment with a gastrointestinal dr.

    On the down side, I have to have another echo cardiogram in 3 weeks to determine if I can continue with Herceptin or not.  He said I'm borderline at 50% and if I go below I'm at risk for congestive heart failure.  I was already low when I started from all the damage the adriamiacin did 12 years ago.  Of course, I looked it all up on the internet and am happy that I'm not showing any other signs of heart problems.  Now I'll have to get off that extra weight I've picked up these last few months to help myself along with all this.

    On the up side, I woke up early and watched the wedding.  Never thought I'd enjoy it so much but am happy I made the sacrifice but will now have to take a nap.

    Wishing all of you a great weekend.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Marianne, good news! Hope the echo comes up good, too.

    I agree the wedding was pretty cool. Her dress was perfect, very simple yet elegant. And they looked so happy.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    I just had to reply that I thought the dress was perfect too.  For some reason it reminded me of the wedding dress Julie Andrews wore in the Sound of Music.  I must be really old.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, you are right! I had to go look it up.

    Maria In Her Wedding Dress - the-sound-of-music fan art

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    Marianne, you so are so right!  Definitely similar.  I really liked Catherine's dress.  So elegant.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chabba...I really enjoyed the whole spectacle, in fact, I am sat watching the recording on TV all over again! I see you say there were a couple of adverse comments about The Dress...I am glad about that, because I also wasn't too impressed. I haven't heard a whisper against it over here, infact everyone is raving about it, so pleased that my opinion was shared by some.

    I found the dress a bit bland, elegant, but bland...not enough of a statement !! Always have Diana's dress at the back of our minds here, to compare !! Catherine looked beautiful, elegant and me... bland!  I shall probably get carted off to the Tower of London for coming out and saying that ! The whole event went off very smoothly I thought. I had corns on my backside...I was sitting glued to the TV five and a half hours. I love all the soldiers, bands and carriages, and the beautiful music. I thought Catherines mother looked one of the best dressed women there, but Camilla looked a frump. Sorry, but she is NOT well liked here at all, for the way she and Charles treated Diana....wish she would curl up and wither away ! Most ( mainly women) here were saying she shouldn't have been up at the front after what she did...she tries too hard to push into Dianas boys' lives. 

    I am sat watching the recording because I saw a runaway horse gallop thru' the procession as it was nearing The Mall. No-one else saw it, its not been mentioned on TV or radio, but I saw it !! It was brown, riderless and saddleless !!  DD tells me I am seeing things 'again' !!! If only my dogs could talk they would have backed me up!

    Leah, pleased for you, such a relief.

    Anyone heard from Marybe yet? Hope she has got thru' her second cataract op. OK. How are you feeling, Marybe. Take care.

    3jays...look up on Google the rose Canary Bird, its a very lovely rose, but its opened and over within about 2 weeks. It's a single rose, quite like a 'wild' rose.

    Hope you all are escaping the terrible weather thats going on. we have film at the top of all our news bulletins.Looks awful.

    Turning in early tonight, absolutely tired out, its been a long day. I was up just after 6am...just to give myself time to get my dogs organised before I signed myself off for the day ! I had forgotten that I had a customer coming at teatime to buy 2 puppies, so just when I wanted to relax and finish the day off with a glass off wine I had to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed sorting out paperwork and bathing puppies....never a dull moment here.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Leah, congrats on your scan.  Mazie, sorry you have so many complications going on--hugs from here to you.

    Been off the 'puter for a coupla days as I went to PT and then fabric shopping, and today a pottery show.  My back is unhappy with all that, but the PT girl showed me some exercises that I hope will help.  To all in the path of these tornados, you're in my thoughts.  I grew up in Missouri so know all about tornados.  There seem to be more of them now than ever before, though. 

    Going to rest as my grandkids are on the way (chaos in my future, for sure).  When they come to grandma's they get all the goodies they can't have at home so I'm ready for them--Easter candy, popcorn, cartoons, dress up clothes and, most importantly, play doh.  By the time they leave they'll be so worn out she can just roll them into bed and turn out the light!  And I will do likewise!  Dragon

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, what kind of puppies do you have?  You've probably said it but I forgot.

    Re:  the royal wedding.  I LOVED the simple, beautiful dress.  Very appropriate when there are so many people out of work to keep it simple.  A lovely, down-to-earth couple.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Dragon....I breed Cavalier King Charles Spaniels...beautiful little dogs.


  • webstertoo
    webstertoo Member Posts: 16


    You're not crazy.  I too saw horse break away heading to the side of the street. I kept watching, 

    expecting someone to get it but no more shots of it or mention by the newscasters. 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, I really love Cavaliers--they are so cute.  I have a lhasa apso.  Almost got a Cavalier when my Yorkie died but here they are very expensive, like over a thousand dollars!   My lhasa is my baby, for sure. Dragon

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh my, so much to say today.. 1st things 1st... congrats , LEAH>>> stable is WONDERFUL.. im happy for you.. Mazie, let me know what happens with the GI.. i was dx with "chemo-bloat" and the gi was non plussed. told me it was like a hose in a car gets overheated.. they stretch out, expand from the heat... our intestines do the same thing from some chemo tx... i wasn't totally satisfied without knowing what, if anything, we can do about it. i had gained 4 lbs. in chemo; but 5" on my waist, above the true waist. had all kinda tests, but not really any answers.. so, if you could, let me know what the GI says. pm me, so i don't miss it, if you would....

         now, the wedding.. well, in the states, they showed lots of previous ones. Dianas' included.. all the buzz... if you look up Grace Kellys dress, you'll see its' the exact same dress!! i don't think you can get better than her! and, looking back, Dianas' dress was too fussy, and wrinkled!!! i think Kate (now catherine) got it just right!!! simple, but elegant.. fits the style she's made for herself.....IMHO

         we don't like ol "horseface Camilla " much here, in the states, either, ISABELLA, and she was nothing but frumpy, but Kates mom looked fittingly like a mother of the bride... with class!!

        i heard they called kate katie waitie before, bc they broke up for a short time, and then dated a looonnngggg time. id say he was worth the wait... course, i like Harry better, just cause he's more feisty.   but i do think kate and william made a great couple, as im sure they will.. i don't think (hope) there won't be any scandal with them, as there was with Diana and Charles, and the wicked stepmother/concubine... right,, so, enough for me... have a great night, ladies. may see you later...        3jays

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Yes a horse did bolt after throwing its rider and it just went back to the barracks.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I got tickled when the Queen would not shake Camilla's hand.  The Queen ignored her even after Camilla curtsied to try and safe any dignity she thought she had.  I was so glad Cathrine and William did so much to honor Diana during the ceremony.  I love when they came out in the little sports car all decorated.  Everything seem to be perfectly suited to them.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Sorry Amyjo but the Queen does not shake hands with a woman in that situation - it is not protocol. When my daughter has met the Queen (on a number of occassions) and has only ever curtseyed. You do not touch the Queen. She will shake the hand of one of her Prime Ministers (from UK, Canada, NZ , Australia etc) or male family member.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Alyson, thanks for the etiquette lesson. We Yanks do not understand the whole royalty concept and as such, our ambassadors are tutored in propriety. I can just see the Donald in England. Oh what faux pas he would commit!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Back from a hectic couple of days - my daughter and her family just got back from the States on Thursday and came to stay over the Sabbath - that's her & her dh plus 3 little ones. Fun? Yes. Quiet? You gotta be kidding!

    I just saw the pictures of The Wedding Dress, and I think it's beautiful and elegant. I also thought Diana's dress was too fussy. My favorite royal wedding dress was Princess Anne's.

    Thank you for the good wishes about my scan news, and BarbaraA, thank you for the dancing giraffes! My mother loves giraffes so it's "in the family".


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Leah...did you see Princess Anne's wedding outfit ? What a mess...she always gets it wrong!!   Tho', like you, I DID like her own wedding dress.

    In the press this morning her outfit was described as ' as if she'd just had it made from the curtains from the downstairs lav.' I howled at this !! I THINK it was purple and aqua, a very loud print and T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E.

    I was watching the fashions closely, and only a handful stood out as being really good outfits IMHO.

    Having a very quiet day today...doing what ??? sewing , of course! making some soft furnishings, a  pleated valance and some matching pillowcases, plus trying to cover my headboard in material to match my curtains...sometimes I just cannot get into a project, and this is one of those projects. I long since made my curtains and covered a small bedside chair to match, but I NEED my headboard , but just cannot make a start...I have some sort of block in my head.  My new bedroom is looking well, apart from the fact I STILL have an old door tacked onto a hole in the wall where the window should be. It has NOT arrived yet, despite numerous 'phone calls, so next week I am descending on the firm, they aren't too far away, to see what thay have to say past the silly excuse stage now.... I want my window !!! I could go somewhere else, but this firm do me some leaded windows at a good price, and I want to match up the rest of windows in the house, which this firm make for me. They'll get leaded windows when I get to their showroom !

    I have my gypsy wedding on Tuesday, all ready to go, but still NOT been told where the church is. Its all such a mystery. I ended up buying bedding for 'Rose and Patrick'. I have never met either of them so I was lost, presentwise !!  3 days to go and I have no idea where I am going. OMG. Well, will be an interesting day.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - I am sure you will have a grand time at the wedding. Since you are an invited guest they will treat you like a very respected memeber of the family. It is a true honor to be invited and I am so glad you are going.  It will be filled with laughter and joy, just be willing to "go with the flow" for the day.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh ISABELLA!!!!! tuesday!!! i've been waiting for THAT wedding, as much as the Royal wedding... Finally its' here!!please tell us all when you 're back! im assuming it'll be the next day, because you've had a simply marvelous time that day!!

       i was appalled at princess annes' outfit. told mur she mustv'e been in the stables, earlier, and just threw on the first thing in her closet.   Hope i didnt offen you with my comments on Camilla... i would make a huge gaff daily in the UK im sure. although they are really forthright as a rule, i know you protect your "royals.."

       im always mesmerized with thinking about what a lovely place you must have, and at how hard you work at it.. with the farm, the dogs, and your wardrobe!hahaha... 3jays