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For Older People with Sense



  • Just stopping in here to say Good Morning and will come back this evening....there is just too much to comment on right now, but will get to some of you on this page. .Wow, momoftwo, you certainly do have a lot to think about...all I can say is that chemo has greatly improved over the years.  I am on about my 5th different chemo and I was one who always said I will NEVER do chemo.  Leah, I am going to have to find out where my Israli friend, Avi, lives....he and his significant other, Vaness and little boy I think live in a Kibutz or did at one time. I am glad your hubby is better and that you found somewhere to go. 3jays, you always have too much going on and not fun stuff....and Isabella, you just run yourself ragged, but that seems to keep you going...even if you say you have nothing to do all weekend, just feeding your animals is a big job.  The book Dr. Wiess wrote is actually not new and it is directed at young girls and teens who have questions about BC...she wrote it with her daughter and I bought it because the money went to BC and also it answers questions in a way I can understand them.  I may have been doing this for a long time, but there are still a lot of things I don't understand.  Hope you are having a painfree weekend, AmyJo.  I can understand why people would not have reconstruction, but I just didn't want to have to deal with a prostheses and would have had to since it was unilateral....well, guess I would not have had to, but would have just been too off balance.  

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marianne, you proved me wrong! I had two out of the 3 births induced recently. The girls had to go in early but both of them had to have a run of antibiotics first before the pitocin (or with?), then their water was broken around noon with an expected delivery around 5-6. They both followed that plan until my DD had to have an emergency C-section!  Neither girl wanted us early, we joined my step daughter at about 3 pm and she birthed at 6, but my DD didn't want anyone at the hospital. We were gathered at my sons' house. At 5 o'clock I started to panic and said we had to go!! They kept telling me no, Kim hasn't called yet. I even called the hospital but they wouldn't tell me anything. I know why now of course, the doctors literally RAN her stretcher to the elevators to get her to the OR. I probably would've have had a heart attack if I'd seen that, so just as well I wasn't there. She sent a pic of her and the baby at about 8 pm though he was born just after 5. At first I was very hurt, but then did understand that it was a good thing I wasn't there.

    Good luck on Monday!!! Baby WILL be born May 23rd. That's why they start them so early in the morning so they don't give birth in the middle of the night!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Leah, what a weekend. Hugs and so glad your DH is OK. AJ, glad you had a great cul de sac party. Marybe, how cool that you got to meet Dr Weiss. Momoftwo, this part of the journey is the hardest because you don't yet have a treatment plan in place. HUGS!! Isabella, I so hope you can get that pesky hip taken care of.

    Everyone have a great Sunday!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marianne - Hope the baby comes without any problems.

    Marybe - today has been reasonably pain free since I put on new pain patches this morning so I should be good until I can call the onco tomorrow to see what we can do about the pain that will return by mid-day on Monday.  These patches are supposed to last 72 hours, but they are only lasting about 26-30 hours and the Aleve that is supposed to last 12 hours only lasts about a hour.  I will let you know what he says when I get home.

    Momoftwo - when you get strated on the treatment plan things will fall into place and time will fly by. I know all this waiting is enought to make you crazy.  Treatments have improved so much in even just the last couple of years that whatever your plan turns out to be will let you live a long, long time, and you will get to see those girls grow into fine women.  I am Stage IV with Invasive Mestatic Breast Disease.  Which means that my Breast Cancer (LDC) has metasticised to my lung, liver, and bones.  Anyway, I plan in being around to see my youngest grandchild married and that child will be born the last week of July this year!  Prayers and hugs to you for peace in your heart while you wait.

    BarbA - Hope you are having a great Sunday too!  Get some rest after all the fun with DH's friends the last couple of days. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Lots to catch up on here tonight.  Leah, what an ordeal you had!  I'm so glad you had friends who provided you with a place to stay, etc.  Glad your DH is okay too.

    Marianne, hope DD is in labor, and if not, the baby will come tomorrow for sure.  And happy anniversary to you and DH!

    Momoftwo, it will be better once you can decide the type of treatment and actually start it.  Truly, the worst time for me was the 3 weeks or so when I knew about it but no action had been taken.  Well, so far, that's the worst time.  It's hard to believe that it hasn't even been a year yet for me, and I'm sure time will pass as quickly for you once you get started.  Hugs to you.  

    Barb, so glad you and DH had such a great weekend!  It sure looked like fun!

    Good that you got to meet Dr. Weiss, Marybe.  I'm thinking I might need to get one of the books you mentioned, something written in understandable terms.  Will look for it.  

    Amyjo, hopefully with the new pain patch you're feeling better, at least for now.  Obviously these are no longer having enough, or a long enough, effect, and hope the onc will have answers when you call him tomorrow.  Somehow I'd missed that you'll have a new grandchild in July and I'm so happy for you.  How many will this make?


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Well, gals, I think I will need a week to recover from the weekend with Marty's old friends. Whew. They party like it's 1969. I think that was a song.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Kathy - This will make #6! We have 4 girls and 1 boy. 3 of the girls are wanting a boy and Kaitlyn and Matthew are both wanting a girl. K and M will be the brother and sister to the new baby.

    I am counting the days until we fly to OK to see DD#2 and her family. Then at the end of July we will head to CA to wait the arrival of the new baby.

    Marianne - Let us know as soon as you can about your new grandchild. Aren't grandchildren fun!!!!

    How many do you have now? I know you said before but the brain does not remember much thehse days :-p

    Leah - How are you doing? I miss hearing from you, hope all is well with you.

    BarbA - Get as much rest as you can so you can enjoy spending time with Marty and listening to the band. In case I havenot

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Oops hit submit instead of the space bar?

    BarbA - In case I have not told you I think GreenFlash is really, really good,

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Marianne, do let us know about your new grandbaby!!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352 ya doing ?? Antibiotics starting to work? I hope so. Thinking of you.'s the treatment progressing. I really don't know how you do it.

    Lots of grandchildren imminent ??  How nice, I love babies. A very old friend of mine has just had his first G/child. He is my sons best friend, and about lived with us for many years, well, from about 8 years old until 20, his parents were always busy, never around for him. I even bought bunk beds for my sons bedroom to accommodate the two of them. He always keeps in touch with me, invites me to parties, and best of all tells everyone I am his 'second mum' I made a special trip to town today to buy presents for his new  G/son, went a bit mad, as I love buying baby clothes. Am hoping to get to see this child over the coming w/end. I congratulated him via Facebook yesterday, and said I would call when all the family had been, he messaged me back " You ARE family, get yourself over" Nice. 

    Had one Hell of a storm here today. I had just set off to drive to town when the heavens opened. My wiper blades couldn't keep up with the deluge, it belted down for 45 minutes, then, just as I pulled into town out came the sun, and everything was dry in no time. Thank goodness for that as I was in open sandals, and summer trousers and Tshirt....didn't think to put a coat in the car...and was wondering how on earth I would manoever a walking stick and umbrella, in flappy sandals plus great big bag I am carrying at the moment, across the soaking roads, to get myself leant up against a shopping cart !!!  ( I suddenly decided I wanted a BIG bag 2 weeks ago...WHY I have no idea as I am only 5'1", and it looks kinda stupid, but I bought it.....therefore I will use it!!!) I have everything you could imagine plonked in this bag, it seemed a good idea, but its weighing me down, and I cannot find a thing in the depths of the thing. I just emptied the contents of the two bags I use the most when I go shopping, never looked to see what was being tipped into the new bag, just noticed this awful weight on my arm....I will have to root it all out tomorrow. I will have hairbrushes,scissors, screwdrivers, tapemeasures, fabric the moment I know there are 2 carpet samples in there...oh, and 4 small pots of paint samples I bought last week. Suppose this was the thinking behind a big bag.

    Got up early this morning and went for a wander across to see the sheep, and found one stone cold dead, the second that I have lost in 2 idea what's behind it...but worse was to come. went across to talk to my Rottweiler boys, I have 2, they patrol the garden and dog kennels, and a small paddock next to the house, all thru' the night. The devils had killed a use my shouting at them at that moment, as it had happened hours before, the cat was cold. I cannot see an answer to this problem. The cats very very rarely go anywhere near that side of the house, and in daylight I have never even seen a cat in this area. The Rottweiler boys make such a heck of a noise if a cat even walks slowly by 'their' area, that cats know better than to go there. 

    I put an advert in my local shop last week for a teen to help out with the dogs thru' summer, and so far I have had 35 calls...aarrgghh. What to do now !! I hate telling people 'no'....can just imagine all these kids thinking they are going to get a summer job, and I only want one of them ! I am going to the shop tomorrow to remove the ad. PDQ ! 

    Now I am off to bed PDQ . The wind is howling away outside, sounds like November, more rain is forecast overnight, and I have the dentist in the morning !!  I have not turned up on my last two appointments...scary Mary that I am, AND I had to pay for the 2 missed appointments, so making the effort tomorrow, getting myself psyched up to go anyway...whether or not I will make it remains to be seen !


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!  This thread sure has been busy, busy, busy! Please forgive me if I don't answer personally to everyone.

    Isabella, you asked about Mareike's (DD) post op healing?  She is doing very well and for once is actually doing as she has been told.  She is still restricting her work by not working so many hours and also she's very careful about her own training.  Her first client arrives at 5.30 am and she works steadily, although more verbal instruction and supervision than hands on, until 12.30 pm then she takes a break and lays down for two to three hours before she continues on until 7.00pm.  It sounds a lot but she used to work from 5.30am to 9.30pm with only and hours break at lunch..........don't ask me how she did because I wish I knew then maybe some of the energy would rub off on   All in all though, her recovery this time has been text book so I guess she's doing something right.  I so hope that your visit to the doc who is to do yours is good news and you won't have to put up with the pain for too much longer.  I had three children, but my house seemed to be always overflowing with twice that and more.  There are still friends of my children that contact me regularly just to say hi.  It's such a nice thing to think that you made such a good impression on a youngun that as an adult, you are still important enough to them that they take the time.

    Amyjo, how are you feeling?  Have things improved for you?  I sure hope so as there is nothing worse than uncontrolled pain.  I can hear the excitedment building in your words when you talk about the visit to your DD and I hope the days go quickly until you get there and then slow right down so your stay seems longer.  A grandbaby for you in July?...ooooo....congrats girl that sure is something to look forward to!

    Marianne,Happy Anniversay for the 22nd, sorry I missed the day but better late than never I Any news? OMG, we are all on tenter hooks waiting for this baby to arrive.  There will surely be a collective sigh that will be heard world wide once the little darling is here.  Tell your DD that we are all thinking of her and wish her a speedy and safe delivery from us!

    Marybe, it's so cool that you got to meet Dr. Weis and got her to autograph the book!  How are you going with this new chemo?  I know the nulasta? gave you heaps but hopefully they will be able to reduce the dose a bit for you next time so it won't be so bad.  Other than the hair loss, how is the Halaven treating you?  Girl you get my vote for being tough!  I so admire the stoic way you face all these things and still keep travelling and working and taking care of your dad and just everything......girl, you got it goin' on!

    Momoftwo, (((((hugs))))) to you for tomorrow (Tuesday) and I hope you get a lot more answers so you can decide which way is going to be best for you.  Your Onc sounds like he's on the ball by giving you the last appt. so extra time can be given.  You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Leah, oh my!  What a time for your DH to fall but I sure am glad that the damage he did to himself was not serious.  It was very lucky that you had such good friends living so close to the hospital and that they welcomed you so well but as Dorothy and you say, there definitely no place like home!  Hoping your DH has recovered.

    Joycek, oh yes, Arimidex is the culprit for weight gain!  I was on that for 15months and when the doc was talking about it and writing the script, I asked what the SE's were and the first one he told me was weight gain! And I did, gain weight that is, and even though I'm now on Femara, the weight is still there....ugh! I whish you good luck in the fight to remove what has been gained and I can't wait to see the pics of your garden!

    Barbe, how's the little dove doing?  Any sign of the babies?  How have you been feeling?  I was reading the You know you're a Cancer patient When thread and I laughed myself silly over your ooo's about all the supports you were looking at and I can soooo relate!  How are you grandbabies doing?  I'll bet they seem to be growing like little weeds and doing all sorts of things by now.

    Dragonfly, thanks for your prayers much appreciated.

    Clyn and Liz,  I hope you are feeling a little less stressed, thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Wow, I just realised how long this post was!  Just a quickie from me.  I am at present in the city....again.....and I saw my GP we need to work out why I am so breathless and gasping for air like a fish out of water.  So I have a few things to try over the next week and if things haven't improved, I need to have CT.....again.    Gosh, having all these scans all the time is like getting rads all over again!  Anyway, I'm sure hoping the new meds regime does some good as I have truly had enough of scans for now.  I'm off to the Lymphedema Clinic this afternoon for an assessment and measure for a sleeve and glove/gauntlet.  I'm not sure yet which one....I guess I'll go with what will be recommended.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi all! just a quick note to let you all know i'm still kickin(but not so hard these days) the Auntie Bs don't seem to have made any change, but it'll be another week bf we go back. my temps' still there, and my diabetes is soaring!! a sure sign for me, that an infection is still brewing!!

        there are too many posts to answer all; but am waiting for grandbabies, scans, tests, and answers....

       good Lord, many of us are working harder, just juggly dr. appt when we worked!!

       good luck to you, chrissy, will be waiting to hear it all. hope you get good teaching from the le therapist... night, all......3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Anxiously awaiting baby pix!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, if you just get a sleeve, it will push all the fluid to your hands. That's why you need the hand one too.

    Getting nervous about grandbabies!! Where are they Mariane????

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Barbe, I had read that.  I've been doing research into the different products available and I've come across one made in Italy that looks really quite nice and is, apparently, very light weight but still gives the compression needed so I might just be investing in that one.  The Therapist recommended a sleeve and gauntlet all in one and the brand name was Mediven.  She tried one on me and it felt quite comfortable.....I had it on for about fifteen minutes and believe it or not, whwen it was removed, there was a noticable difference in the wrist area!....Who would have thought such a short time would make such a change?  The only problem is, the part of my body that has the most swelling is not my arm or hand but under, in front of and behind my shoulder and just a sleeve misses the most important part as far as I'm concerned.   Oh well, I guess I'll be making do the best way I know how.

    Marianne, any news?  My goodness. that babe must be just so comfortable where it is!

    Howdy 3jays,  sorry to hear there's not much improvement!  You need to get back to that doc ASAP!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I wear a sleeve and separate gauntlet. I find it more convenient since if I want to wash my hands I just take the gauntlet off. It's easier than if I had to remove the whole thing.

    Mariane, any news? Baby pictures! We want baby pictures!

    Feel better, 3jays.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I just went out in the back yard, and this was hanging over our fence from our back neighbors' yard...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    there, got it out of the commercial..

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Lilies are starting to open up in my front yard. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Morning all. Have just read through quickly, so much happens when you are away.

    I am sitting a a desk in the office. DH is here on business. And luckily there is wireless here so I can play for a while and also must do some work. Lovely photos Lisa.

    Welcome to the newbies. Its a great group here. I had a left radical mastectomy and wear a prosthesis - it doesn't usually worry me. BMX and recons are not as common here, about 34%. I could have one now but wasn't given the choice at the time because BS was concerned about getting clear margins.

    Big big hugs to all.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Thanks for the lilies and roses!!!  We have one day of sun before rain comes back.  I'm going out in it pretty soon.  Catching a cold but so far nothing bad so it's a happy day.  Since I wasn't raptured I have to go back on my low cholesterol diet!



  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Dragon, I wasn't raptured either but at least I am not a zombie.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Since I wasn't raptured I guess I will need to do the laundry tomorrow.  

    This afternoon has been spent praying and watching storms in OK that went right over the top of DD#2 and her family.  Just heard that they are all safe and storms have passed.  Now I can go to bed and get some rest. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Wonderful news Amy.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    chabba - Thanks we are all really relieved this series of storms are over at least for tonight.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Angry weather scares me! There's nothing you can do to change it....

    My tests were all okay simply by the fact they couldn't find any ovaries!! So, I have to consider that no news is good news! I just saw the doc yesterday for results and he gave me a bladder relaxer in case it is my bladder in spasms. I go back in 6 weeks.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Barbe, so sorry they still haven't got to the bottom of the pain! Hugs, pal.

    Prayes going up for all the people in Oklahoma City, Kansas and Arkansas.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    I havent had a chance to read the posts from the last few days.  I think that will take awhile.

    My beautiful grandbaby is finally here!  Her name is Olivia Anne, 9lb 2oz, 21 1/2" long.  She as born Monday the 23rd.  I had a hard time leaving her today and am thinking of going back and sneaking her to my home when they're not looking. 

    Olivia AnneI'm having a devil of a time trying to insert her picture but she is beautiful and perfect.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    congrats mazie..that is a big girl...