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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Barbe, so glad tests are negative so far.  BarbaraA, it's true!  None of us are zombies yet!  I'm still afraid of zombies from a movie I saw as a kid called "I walked with a Zombie."  It scared me to death!  I think those old black and white movies were somehow scarier than the newer scary movies. 

    Lord God does this rain ever stop?  Another week of it in the forecast.  No wonder they have so many coffee shops in Oregon and Washington.  Dragon

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Marianne! So happy for you! She is a big girl!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Mazie, congrats on the new granddaughter!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Barbe..sorry they haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet..maybe the bladder IS the problem (fingers crossed)

    Marianne! congrats your baby grandaughter is finally here YEAH!!! and, hello to all yoo lovely ladies..still in bed, but wanted to read earlier today... missya all! 3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    congrats Marianne... ENJOY!!!     3jays
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marianne congrats!!! Details please!! Were you there for the birth????

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - so sorry they still have not found the source of the pain.

    Marianne - CONGRATULATIONS on the new granddaughter.  Olivia Anne is a beautiful name and she certainly is a big girl.  My second daughter was just about 13oz bigger and everyone thoght she was a toddler! Or at least that is what they teased me about.  I know you are so delighted she is finally here.  We are still waiting for you to figure out how to post pictures.  I use Photobucket and it is pretty easy from there. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Or you can post off Facebook pictures!! They are easy too...

    Olivia will never fit into 'newborn' clothes..I hope she didn't get a lot of them! My DD was 8-13 so I skipped that whole range, even on the diapers! They were made differently in those days, 28 years ago,  just boxy hard disposables. I'm amazed the kids even learned to walk with them on!

  • Teklya
    Teklya Member Posts: 362

    Great news!  Just got off the phone with surgeon's nurse and she said results of mammogram, " no evidence of malignancy"

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!  thanks for all your prayers and support - look at the outcome!

    still breathing. . . 


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marianne, mazel tov on the new granddaughter! My goodness, she's a big girl. None of my kids weighed that much until they were a few months old!

    Teklya - doin' the Happy Dance!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Teklya what a relief, great news.

    And welcome news about Olivia. DS was that size born but didn't put on weight for ages.  DD's friend had an 11lb 11oz baby!!!!!

    Barbe, when my children were babies we didn't have disposables here - well they were just coming in so we used cloth nappies ( that's what we call them here not diapers)

    Leah, how is you DH's face? What an adventure you had.

    Must go and get dressed.

    I often wonder why our wifi doesn't work. If you could see Gus, one ginger cat, its not hard to understand - he is sleeping on the router!!!! 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Marianne, big congratulations on your granddaughters birth...what a weight. Hope you get to spend lots of time with her...

    My 2 children weighed in at 7lbs 8oz...and 8 lbs 4 ozs. I had to have forceps first time around, NOT to be recommended !!! And, like Alyson, I used nappies !! I used to have the washable ones to deal with. Disposables, if you could call them that, were just coming in. I used to buy a roll of 'nappy roll' and cut off required length, and put inside plastic pants. They just fell to the bottom of the pants in a soggy mess, so I usually kept to the cotton squares. The little disposables the young ones use today are a miracle to me ! I'm sure it would have saved me 1 new washer , at least, if I'd not had so much baby washing.

    I just wish now I'd had another 2 children. At the time money was tight, so didn't bother. I did foster children, for about 10 years, newborns to 5 year olds. I gave up tho' as I wanted to be outside working, not ferrying children about. As soon as my two were up and running I was feeling trapped, always unable to leave children and do what I liked best. Now, as I get older, and my son has moved away, it would be nice to have more children around.

    Tomorrow my long lost bedroom window is being delivered. I dropped on the firm 2 weeks ago, got fed-up of their excuses. I got the old story ' staff off sick' which I didn't believe. But I had a moan at them, and after another 2 weeks wait the window should appear tomorrow. Just got to get it fitted and I can move into my bedroom at long last. I have been having a bit of a buying spree this last few weeks. Electrical fittings, new TV, bed, and today a pair of table lamps, and 2 sheepskin rugs. I don't think there is anything else I want now. All the 'stuff' is piled up in the hallway, waiting for the first G/child I can collar to help me shift everything in. I have a delivery of my new bedroom furniture next week....was thrilled today when I could, at last, tell them to deliver. They have been pressing me to give them a delivery date, but, not having a window in the place, I was stalling them. Its like moving house. Don't think I shall ever leave this place now. Last week, out of the blue, DD asked if I had considered moving house, she said the house was 'a big house for one'  Don't quite know what's behind her thinking at the moment, but something will be. Something will casually drop into the conversation before long, that's for sure !! 

    Time to feed my puppies now and get to bed. I sold 2 yesterday, well, at least got deposits on 2. A family came to choose 1 puppy. They had 2 girls 10/11/12 ish, and they could NOT agree on which to order. They both wanted the 1 that the other DEFINITELY did Father jumped in , and solved it, he bought them both !! Suits me ! They have had puppies before from me over the years. I have managed to sell 3 now, and am keeping 2, so only have 3 left for sale. I think things could be slowly on the upturn again....apart from petrol prices, that is. I have talked to one or two people over the last couple of weeks and they are saying they are slowly seeing movement. A few houses that have been on the market for months have suddenly got 'sold' signs up. 


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Tekyla!!! GREAT NEWS!!  I'm doing the happy dance too!

    Congratulations, Marianne, on your new GD!  Beautiful name, too.

    Amyjo, so glad to hear that DD#2 and her family are safe.  Know that's a relief for you.

    Barbe, I so hope the bladder relaxer helps.  Do you think your ovaries have just disappeared??

    Dragon, I loved horror movies as a teenager, especially anything with Vincent Price.  I was an avid reader of Poe, and a lot of the movies were "loosely" based on Poe's stories.  There was one, not a Poe one, that terrified me and I just cannot think of the name of it.  Anyhow, Vincent Price broke into a house by cutting a circle from a glass door and removed the glass with a suction cup, reached in, and unlocked the door.  Of course, our back door was half glass at the time.  

    My word, Isabella, is there anything you haven't done?  I didn't know you'd been a foster mother in addition to all the other things.  You continue to amaze me!  Glad you're finally getting your window in and can at last move into your new bedroom!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Tekyla - Great News!  I am joining in the Happy Dance for you.

    Alyson - Gus probably likes the soft noise and the warmth that comes from the router!  However, fur wrappers are not recommended for routers! hehehehehe

    Isabella - so glad you are finally getting your window in so you can enjoy the new bedroom.  Hope DD does not want to move into your house and push you out. Boy have I got a good image of that ever happening!  NOT!!!

    Dragon - I never went or wanted to see scary movies!  I was so shy and scare of everything all the time as it was.  No, really I was!  I did see a movie with Don Knotts called "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" and it even it scared me!  And it was supposed to be a comedy.  Fortunately, I out grew some of the shyness and not afraid of things so much now.

    When my girls were little the disposable diapers were all make from a wood product paper and my girls would break out everywhere the diaper touched so I use the cloth diapers for both of them.  It was funny when DD#2 ran out of disposable diaper with her first one and did not know what to do so I grabbed a clean flour sack and used it for a diaper.  She was so amazed that I could do that.  I had to show her how to do it, the fun part came when it was time to change DGD#1! DD#2 had no clue how to clean the diaper! I had to laugh and show her how to do that too!

    Well I am off to finish reading the other threads I follow then off to bed.  Hope everyone has a restful night. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

          tekyla!! doin the happy dance for you... marianne, can't wait to see pics.put them in photobucket, you can just cooy and paste them from there to here! a trick chrissy b taught me.. really easy. don't have to use that tree thing, at all..

       Isabella!! i'm so glad you're getting your window, and can get in your new bedroom.. the father of those girls was a saint, to buy one for each of them... and, they get to stay with their litter mates!(the dogs)

       the discussion about "nappies" had me chuckling. for my 1st Jay, i was "gonna be natural" and wash the dirty things! the 2nd and 3rd i wised up, and used pampers... and yes, Isabella, it saved so much washing...    3jays 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    thats; my "kids" doin the happy dance for you. enjoy dancing with "ned" the stable boy...    3jays
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays,, aren't they just the sweetest little things!!!!

    My first mother-in-law was really mad that I used disposables. SHE used nappies, but of course my husband was allergic to the laundry soap so she had to BOIL each nappie!! That'll teach you for trying to go natural!! And then those rubber pants where all the pee sits at the elastic and burns the poor baby's skin!! It's child abuse I tell you!!!!  I had a hard-time with the big pins (yes, I tried cloth first) and looking back it's weird that my arthritis/FM would have started that long ago....Undecided I pride myself on being physically very strong, but when I'm in a flare, I'm like a toddler in strength.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Tek, happy dancing along with everyone else!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Just so everyone doesn't think I'm ignoring Tek, I did congratulate her on another thread...awkward moment!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Congrats on the birth of Olivia Anne.   "My" Olivia Ann (first grand babe) was only 3 pounds, 3 ounces, 2 months early.   However, she is thriving at 15 months of age, walking, trying to talk real words, and best of all, I got to babysit Tuesday night.  Hugs for all, Nancy

  • Marianne

    Congrats on the new addition. Such a lovely name. Wishing all the best to the family

    Tek. What wonderful news!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Tekyla, wonderful news!!  Love the picture of the doggies dancing!  It's raining again, what else is new?  I wanna go to Florida or Aruba or someplace just to dry out.  Just bought some black linen and am determined to start sewing again.  First will make my daughter a table runner then a black linen dress.  Just met a lady who's stage IV and doing really well.  After listening to her I feel guilty complaining about anything so, rain, bring it on!  Love to all, Dragon

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Dragon, come on down!! I live on the west coast of FL and it is lovely here. Never goes above 95 in dead of summer (way better than when I lived in DC). Always a breeze. Jeez Lousie, I sound like the tourist bureau. Come on!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi there,

    Hope you all have a good few days will try to get on but unsure if there will be internet at the retreat place I am going to for a meeting.( I know we can have wine with our dinner though.)

    Had a lovely time with both littlies yesterday. It was the first time DD had left the baby for anytime, he was so good and after a play went to sleep so I had time to spend with Bea.

    I have just finished knitting a jacket for Bea and now will start on one for Sam.

    Have a restful weekend. Big hugs.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson, you show me up ! I started knitting a pig, a cartoon character that all the little ones watch, called Peppa Pig. I was HOPING to finish it for Christmas, guess what? I didn't ! Its only a 10" high pink pig, with a red knitted dress, pretty straightforward....BUT...I just never managed to complete. In fact I only got about 6" of the pigs body done. Just lucky I kept my mouth tight shut, and no-one knew I was knitting. G/daughter has just had her bedroom all 'Peppa Pigged'...the whole shebang, bed, chest of drawers, table chair...even pictures on the wall...she loves it, and drags me off up there whenever I pop in.

    3jays...those 2 dogs are lovely...are they dancing or scrapping !! I had my friend Elvis the gypsy call on me last night. He brought the most tiny chihuahua you ever did see. He had bought it for his wife for £1,500 ($ 2,600)  It was cream, longhaired, a year old, and weighed about 2 pounds I would have guessed. Never ever seen one so tiny. I THOUGHT he had brought it to see if I wanted to buy it, I would have loved her ( but not at that price ) but he was just babysitting it while his wife was in the supermarket. I have said if they ever want to part I would be interested....but I don't think they will.

    Will you girls please stop going on about the weather ??? I am so sick of ours at the moment. We are having cold miserable weather, no sun, lots of howling winds and sideways rain. I have loads of small branches down , all to be collected by G/son when things calm down. I have had the central heating back on the past 2 nights. It is a holiday w/end coming up here, and everyone is complaining that they want to get to somewhere warmer for a few days. All the schools are shut next week, and there is a distinct possibility of all flights out of UK all being cancelled, because of a  ^&&*£*$  cloud of volcanic ash, en route from Iceland, where there has been a major eruption of one of their volcanoes. All the ash is been blown right across our airspace by the Gulf Stream, that has 'slipped' so we are being told ! We got 'shut down' about this time last year, and no-one could fly in or out of UK. Lots were stranded at destinations all over the world, and could not get back home for about a week!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Isabella, That sucks. Having all that crap rain down really stinks. WOW, 2,600 for a dog!!! Sorry maybe it is me but I get my pets from the pound. The weather here is the norm for Fortunately, on the beach we have 10+ MPH wind and it never goes above 94.

    Love you gals!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - love the doggies.

    Isabella - I know what you mean about finishing a knitting project.  I still have to finish the baby blanket for my new grandchild that is due the last week of July!  I am with BarbaraA, I do not think I would ever pay that much for a dog.  I get mine from the animal shelter or in the case of Daisy from my DD#1.

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Well, Tuesday's appointment was actually pretty amazing.  May I say that I feel lucky in a way?  My breast Dr. is the director of the Beaumont Troy (MI) Comprehensiive Breast Care Center.  All of the people on my "team" are amazing.  I spend 2 hours with the Dr. and the oncology nurse going over my diagnosis, what it meant, what all of my options were, what would happen next and so on.  They answered all of my questions.  They have a cancer center across the street that I have access too also which includes a library, a nutrutionist and a complete support center.  They take care of scheduling everything, all I have to is show up for my appts.  They are very thorough.  My options are:  1) additional surgery to remove additional breast tissue around where the tumor was to get a clear margin and to also have a sentinal node biopsy.  This would be followed with 5 to 7 weeks of radiation and then a regime of cancer preventing drugs for 5 years.  2) Right breast mastectomy, sentinal node biopsy, (with or without reconstructive surgery) 5 years or more of cancer preventing drugs.  3) Bilateral breast mastectomy, sentinal node biopsy, (with or without reconstruction), and possibly a regime of cancer preventing drugs. Chemo will depend on results of the sentinal node biopsy.

    Before I make a final decision, I will have an underarm ultrasound, bilateral MRI, blood tests and chest x-rays and meet with the plastic surgeon and the radiation oncologist. These appointments have already been set for June 6 and 7.  I have met with my primary care Dr., and the nurse practitioner at my place of work.  They both think that with my family history, and my personal history, that option 3 is what they would go with.  That is also the direction I am leaning in right now too. 

    The only thing I am upset about right now (other than having cancer in the first place) is that my boss -- well meaning as it was, announced to our entire staff that I had breast cancer and her boss -- our director -- decided to announce it at the extended staff meeting so everyone in the place knows what is going on.  Everyone has an opinion.  I was not ready for this at all.  I figure it is water under the bridge, so there is nothing I can do about it and I believe her intentions were good, but I think it should have been up to me as to when or if to say anything.  I had only told her and the 2 people who overheard me talking on the phone when I got the diagnosis.  I talked to our onsite nurse practitioner and she agreed that this was inappropriate.  She said that once I come back after what ever surgery I have, she will talk to them about my need for as much privacy as possible and with ask them to not ask a lot of questions and so on.  Believe me, every one has an opinion and they don't seem to mind sharing it, and there are even some who kind of brush it off like it is no big deal.

    I want to say that I am happy to have found this group. I have read many of the posts and I think you are an amazing bunch of women. I know you all understand what I am going through and it is an amazing feeling to be able to discuss things with others who have or are going through the same thing I am. This is a life changing event and I know you all get that.

     Thanks! And while my screen name is momoftwo526, I do have a real first name which is Phyllis.  I don't mind being on a first name basis with you all.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow Phyllis, I'm so glad you got to spend the time needed with the BS (Breast Surgeon) and the Onc Nurse and get all your options laid out before you and all your questions answered.  That makes all your decisions so much easier..............good luck with whatever you decide and we are definitely here for you.  I really feel for you re the announcement at work.....yes I would agree, quite an inappropriate thing to be done, but I'm sure it was done purely out of concern for you and where you're at at the moment.  Sometimes well meaning people do really inappropriate things.  We all have been on the receiving end of others opinions and most just smile, say thank you and change the subject or answer them with a banal answer.  My favourite is 'I'm fine" said with a smile and change the subject.  Most, and I only say most people get the message very quickly and stop asking.

    Marianne....Celebrating here!!!! You will sure know you have a babe in arms with that little (big) girl!  I just love her name....soooo pretty!  Congratulations Grandma!!!

    Isabella, I hadn't heard about the eruption but there again, I don't watch the news very often either.  Hope the ash doesn't disrupt things too much.  How exciting to finally be able to move into your new bedroom and with all new furniture too!  It almost makes you feel like you have moved house without all the inconvenience.  That little Chihuahua sounds absolutely darling.  I just love tiny little Tinkerbell used to fit in my pocket but she's a little too big and too old for that sort of thing now.

    Alyson enjoy your retreat and we'll see you when you get back.....we'll miss you!

    Tek, Yay!!!!!!   A bit of happy dancing happening here!!!   Yahooo!!!

    Lisa, I love that yellow rose!   Such soft form.  Unfortunately, my roses are now in hibernation and getting ready for their winter prune so I really get a good showing of flowers next spring.......bring it on!

    Amyjo, your lilies are lovely, thanks.  I'm so glad that the storms passed over and every one was kept safe.  I think I would be terrified of living where those storms hit but I guess each country has it's own bad weather to content's just what we get used to.

    Barbe, hoping the bladder relaxant works for you and gives you some relief.  Don't you just hate it when you are on the hunt for reasons and you just get more questions?

    Dragon never feel guilty about how you feel, we all carry a burden no matter what stage we are.

    3jays loving your ‘kids' doing there little dance!  Are you feeling any better?  Sure hope so.

    I'm home again, thank goodness but, I have to return to the city in two weeks.  The visit to the LE clinic went well and I now know what sleeve I require to help keep things from progressing too fast.  Unfortunately the clinic was out of stock of the one I needed so I have to wait until I return........(sigh)  such is life.

    Love n hugs to all!  Chrissy

  • Phyllis,  So glad you have gotten the wheels turning and have some options and are working with a good team.  I hate making decisions, but at the same time like being given a choice and having some say in the process rather than just being told we HAVE to do this.  I think your boss was way out of line, but as you said it is water under the bridge now.   I have never kept my BC a secret, but still like to pick and choose whom I tell.  There is unfortunately still a huge stigma that goes with the word cancer and I don't like the way I see people's eyes change in the way they look at me after I use the big C word. 

    You will find a lot of support and information from the threads and make a lot of new friends, all of whom know exactly where you are coming from. 

    Mariane,   Where are the proud grandma baby pics? 

    AmyJo, Barbe and 3jays....hope you are all pain free soon.

    Teklya and everyone with good news, congratulations if I have not said it before.

    And Chrissy, did you ever get the passport going?  I am glad you are getting your sleeve.....mine is 21 yrs old and has served me well. 

    Hope you all have a nice holiday weekend for those of you who celebrate's only in the US right?  I get confused on what we celebrate where.  My Dad's 89th birthday is on Monday so we will be celebrating that.  He said when he was a little boy, he always thought the hooplah and parade were for his birthday....that was before they started messing with holidays and making things fall on a Monday so as to get an extra day off...but this year Memorial Day is back to actually being on his birthday and believe me he is getting like a little kid again when it comes to his birthday. 

    I am going to take a pic of the pile of hair that is in my sink this morning....find it amazing how so much can come out and I still look like I have a full head of hair....the dark stuff that was  underneath seems to be coming out more than the gray for some reason.  It is about time to go looking for headgear since I gave all mine away from last time....really don't want to go the wig route again.