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For Older People with Sense



  • Ladies

    Sorry for the post without introducing myself. I have been selective about what threads I am going to read after getting a little disillusioned from some other boards. Marybe suggested this one not sure if i qualify but I have been reading for the past several days and really felt like I know you all so I just hopped on this morning and responded

    My story is in my bio if you are interested

    Have a great day


  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Hi, Liz, sure you qualify. It's for "Older People with more Sense", right? Well, I don't know you chronological age but bc makes us all FEEL old. And you had the sense to come to this thread, so........WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Isabella, oooo I wish I were there!  I just adore kitties and puppies and to have sooo many at one time......I would be in heaven!!!!  Girl, you sure know how to have breakfast and relax!!!  Note to me.....Need to eat breakfast like that's the best news I've heard today!    Celebrating for you and doing the Happy Dance!!!!   Glad I made you laugh!

    Alyson, how's your back pain?  Has it settled down at all?  Sure hope so!

    3jays, is there any news from your sister yet?  I sure do hope thing have gotten better for her....still saying the prayers for her and you......which reminds me, has that doc of yours got a handle on the MRSA yet?

    Marybe, I'm glad your WBC has risen to such a high number!  Even if your hair does disappear, you are still beautiful and we adore you!

    GramE, sounds like the weather is having it's own music show,  thunder rolling in, thunder rolling out.......just love the pictures that paints in my mind.

    Marianne, Happy Birthdays to those family members having one and blessings for the participant of the First Communion.  Your first grandchild is sure taking its time appearing!  We are all on the edge of our seats with anticipation of the event!  Heres hoping it's soon!  Hope the echocardiogram went well for you.

    Hey Liz!   A big welcome to our little family!  Hoping to see you around a lot!   Enjoy you last little bit of time before you return to the working throng.  Hope your son wins the last game of the season!

    Barbe, how are you feeling?  I hope you are doing good!

    BarbA, nice to see you popping in!

    To all those girls doing treatment, I hope it's treating you gently, to all those who have recently finished, I hope you are recovering well and to all those who have already recovered, have a great day!

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I don't normally read the front page of this forum, but the discussion board was down for a bit yesterday afternoon. I went and read an article about ACE inhibitors increasing the risk of recurrence! I've been on ACEs for about 5 years since my blood pressure has been out of control for 12 years before that and beta blockes just didn't work for me. Now yet ANOTHER thing to worry about!!! Sheesh!!!!! It raises the odds by 56% if I read the article correctly. That certainly sucks!

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    barbe - try not to worry and talk to your doctors about your concerns.  Risk of recurrance maybe worth it compared to the risk of a heart attack.  There are so many studies about so many different things and some contridict the findings of others so I personally have chosen not to take any of them too seriously. It only makes me crazy and I have enough on my plate to add that to the worry. Sending you lots of {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.

    3jays - how are you doing?  Any news on your sister?  I am still praying for all of you.  How is the MRSA treatment going?  You have so much to deal with and I am so please to know such a trooper.  You are inspiring!

    Marybe - glad you are finally feeling a bit better and yeah for the elevated WBC numbers.  How are the other numbers doing?  Glad they will half the dosage of the nulasta next time.  Hair or no hair we still love you.  Hope things are much better and we will all still be able to go to Uncle Bill's in September.

    Liz - Welcome to our little family.  We are all about love, encouragement and support.  So feel free to ask or discuss anything that is going on in your life, the good, bad, or ugly.  We will still always be here.

    Well I finally got started on the taxes and found I am missing a bunch of bank statements so I have to call the bank for some and then download the others.  This is turning into a major pain in the drain!  Hope everyone is feeling better and is able to do some normal things that bring you a little joy.  {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all.  Amy Jo 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    For all who need hugs, I send them and a rose or two

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Liz, I'm so sorry, I forgot to welcome you!  This is a wonderful thread for support and I so agree with what Leah said.  We're not all the same age but we all like to think we have more sense most of the time.  Well maybe some of the time.  Oh all right, at least occasionally!


  • Ladies

    Thanks everyone for the welcome

    Barbe try not to take all the research findings to heart. I was in research for many years and while all research is important and the science will move treatments and cures forward it does get confusing at times and the results can conflict. I maybe a little prejudice on the side of researchers but every finding has to be looked at against so many different variables that it is difficult at best. I would however print off the article and take with you to your next visits (it is sad that with so much

    research it is hard for our physicians to keep up) with both your cardiologist and oncologists so you can determine what the risk benefit profile is for you. Just my 2 cents. I just don't want you to worry

    Amyjo. Hugs. I hope the paper work gets a litle less draining for you

    Socallisa. The roses are beautiful. We all need to stop and smell them sometimes

    Kathy. I like to think I have sense most of the time but I know I would at least qualify for occasionally

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Girls!  Can I please ask a favor of you all?  I have just spoken to a BC sister here in Australia that I reached out to a couple of years back and today she has been DX'd with Thyroid Cancer that invloves all the lymph nodes in her neck........obviously, she is beside herself.  The favor I would ask is, she is scheduled for major surgery 5/30 and would you please keep her in your prayers in the hope that she comes through with no complications and a safe surgery.  I don't know if I have worded that right but at the moment I'm a bit scattered and need time to injest the news but I know you girls will all inderstand my feelings for her.  Her name is Junie. 

    Thank you all.    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Chrissy your friend Junie will be in my prayers that she comes through fine.

    Liz, welcome to our group.  I hate to have to be here but this is pretty much the only thread I'm on anymore because of the love and support I always feel from these, my new friends.

    Yesterday was a frustrating day but I'll have to fill you all in later.  This morning, I'm taking my daughter Allison (the most pregnant daughter) to the dr for her latest stress test.  They are saying everything's fine and will induce Monday morning unless she goes into labor.  She's worried now that the baby will be a 10 pounder.  I'll fill all of you in later about treatment day and baby tonight.  I hope you all have a great day.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks Marianne.  I can't believe your daughter is still hanging on!!! OMG.  Sounds to me like the little one is veeeery comfy right where it I'll also bet that mum to be is not!  Good luck with the doc visit and hope the littly decides it's time to arrive before the doc forces the issue.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Chrissy, Consider it done.  Marianne, know you are looking forward to that BIG baby!! 

    Hi Liz,  Nice to be off the campaign thread, huh?  As I told you, you will like these gals.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Prayers going up for Junie. Oh Marianne, you must be so excited. I know your DD will love to have that baby OUT!.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marianne, here's my take for today; your DD will find that she is already dilating and will be put in the hospital to break her water. There, done. Now tell me wrong! hehehehe  I just had 3 grandsons born all with 3 different presentations of birth.

    Thanks for talking me off the ledge on the blood pressure meds ladies. It's true about research and numbers and maybe it all boils down to 1% or something! Sheesh, sorry, I don't normally over-react on the numbers. Embarassed I've always figured it's 50% - you either get a recurrance, or you don't.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    For a serious post, I will say that Junie is in my prayers. She must be reeling with the second diagnosis and my heart goes out to her. God Bless Junie.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Chrissy, I have a friend here in Israel who has been dealing with thyroid cancer for a few years. Her situation is similar to your friend in that it spread to very many nodes in her neck. Do you want me to ask her if she's willing to be in  touch with your friend?


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Thanks girls for your prayers, I know they will help.

    Leah, I will be talking to her again in a couple of days as she is travelling back from the city but I will ask if she is open to the contact and I'll let you know.  Tell your friend, from one friend to another, that her offer is very much appreciated and I will definitely ask the question.

    Barbe, this is actually her third.  Her first was uterine then BC now Thyroid and yes, she is a bit of a mess right now.

    I will keep you all informed as things go along and once again, thank you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Chrissy, Junie will be in my prayers too. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Chrissy, I love the photo of the peaceful

    I have one of a little streamlet..I saw when we were in New Hampshire

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    That is beautiful Lisa as was the one of your rose.  You can almost hear that water bubbling over the rocks...........beautiful!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Clyn, welcome to our peaceful home.  What you say is very true, this journey brings out all the emotions and then some, but what the heading was all about was actually nastiness for nastiness sake and my belief is that we have enough to put up with we don't need more.   So, once again welcome and if we can help in any way all you need do is ask the question and we will be happy to share with you all that we can. 

    You are at the most difficult time in this journey and I send ((((((Hugs)))))).  I know you need a lot more right now but I'm not sure where to start.  Just know that we have been where you are now and we do understand.  Have you your treatment plan in place? 

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I was at the Darmouth's outing club site, called Moosalauk?sp..

    at a class reunion of my DH

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Clyn, I too was one of those who thought I needed to get a PHD in Breast

    Cancer after I was Dx' is a frightening time and I wish you the best. This

    is a great site for info, I was not lucky enough to have this almost 11 years ago now.

    A good friend sent me a card with a cartoon with a mouse helping another up a

    stair, and said "Just take it one step at a time" and that made sense to me.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh my goodness Clyn, you do have a lot of things going on above and beyond the usual for BC.  I can imagine that your mom is absolutely devastated by your Dx and I can't say I can blame her as I know I would be were it one of my daughters.  I don't fully understand your health insurance system, but I'm learning and I know enough to say that having it change on you mid treatment will certainly be adding to your level of stress.  I'm glad to hear that your preliminary treatment plan is in place and I'm assuming you have your surgery date so now it's a matter of waiting for that to roll around.   This is possibly the hardest time for you, as the waiting can seem to go on forever but believe me, it will come around very quickly.

    Always remember, we are here for you whenever you need.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    clyn, hi... welcome .. im hoping you'll continue to let us know as time goes on.. yeah, lots to  esp in the beginning stages. waiting to get going nearly drove me mad!!add that to the new insurance problem AKKK..

       i wanted to BEEN home for 2 days!!!!seems they thought if they called me, id insist on talking to her and she's not up to it.. i told him i understood without breath, she couldn't get on the phone, but it was too much to deal with, not hearing from ANY of them!!! she has 7 ple (MY relatives ) that live in her house, so certainly, he could appoint one of them to be a liason to me..

        and here we go, with dysfunctional family, we agreed i'd deal with him if ever again, and he agreed that he would answer my calls. i don't think its worth the papaer its' written on, but all i can do is try!!!!

         so, they adjusted the meds for her COPD, they increased the oxygen at home for now. the best part of this happening, is medicare is now paying for the nurse to come in, that they "didn't think was neccesary bf this episode. the plus was, they repaired some of the heart damage she had, so more oxygen will get into her blood stream now.

          it was a really SCARY time for me, but thank God, she's home, and made it thru the big part...

       now, i'll chip away at them thinking i don't care... they don't get how sick i really have been, nor how bad it would've been, me there with MRSA... i'm used to it, though... they think since i didn't "fly" to her bedside, i don't care... stupid people... i  have much more understanding going on with my sister, so when we talk, i can get it cleared up...

         thanks agsin, for holding my hand, and praying for/ with me

      i go to the dermatologist today, and am hoping, since the folliculitus has been spreading, she'll give me an rx for kefex that'll stop all the MRSA; not just the stuff on the skin. looking into ways of alkalizing the GI whith problem with me...Chrissy....any clue to supllements?etc...    3jays


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Clyn - Welcome to our little family.  So sorry you have to be here, but so gald you found us.  We are all about love, encouragement and support so feel free to talk about anything that concerns your life or causes you concern.  We will be here to listen and share our thought and experiences with you or just listen if that is what you want.

    Chrissy - I will be praying for Junie until you send us the update after surgery.  You are such a caring sweet friend to so many.  All of us included. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you. 

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marianne - I will still be praying for your duaghter that the baby will come before the doctor has to induce her.  And that you will soon be holding a healthy, happy grandchild.

    3jays - you and I were posting at the same time.  So glad you finally got some news about your sister.  I know how maddening a dysfunctional family can be as we were a dysfunctional family before there was the word dysfunctional! Glad I don't have to deal with my family very often and after we get Mom's estate settled I probably will not ever hear from some of them again unless they want something, ususally money.  Hopeing you can have one of those rare good moments with them until your sister is able to talk with you again. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{3JAYS}}} Hugs to you my sista! I know from dysfunctional. I have it on both sides of the family.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays glad your sister is home. Why don't you send a card with a note about your MRSA? Someone there (surely!) will realize why you didn't 'fly to her bedside' when they read about the infection!!!!! Make is an upbeat note, not a blame game....

    Show me a FUNCTIONAL family! I mean, come ON!!! My family has learned to put some of the fun back into functional as we got older and our parents died off.

    We have a dove that is nesting in a wall flower planter at our front door. She gets really upset when we go in and out. We talk to her and call her mommy and she is getting used to us, but we really don't need the crap every time! What a dumb spot!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Liz and Clyn, welcome but sorry you need to be here of all places.  Liz, I had almost the same diagnosis and treatment as you're having and am now on the other end of it.  Clyn, the diagnostic time is the most difficult I can remember.  I was just mad at everyone and everything and anxious to "get on with it."  It seemed to drag on forever.  Whatever treatment you have there is probably someone on these forums who has had the same and can give suggestions.

    I've been off the computer for a few days but my prayers are with your friend Chrissy, and with all the others who are experiencing bad times.  All you women continue to amaze me.  Finally some sun in Portland and I'm doing some quilting.  Some preacher has announced that the rapture will be tomorrow.  Is that a good excuse for chocolate or what?!!  Would love to have meatballs and spaghetti also, just in case he's right.