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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella, so good to "see" you on again... a big place like yours is a perpetual job; the upkeep alone, and then, you get into the redecorating! did your windows finally come in? the stained glass ones sound lovely.. all your shopping does, also. you ARE a Grand Damne, when it all comes down to it!

       ALyson, im so sorry to hear about your pain. i have to use Your "biggies" most days right now. if you have to; do. you can't stand that kind of pain every day, sweetie.. a cup, and a rest is in order!

        Missing you all, as i've been away for awhile, more or less. my temperment is improving. i just need to stop sweating the "small" stuff, which doesn't seem SO small, to me ..(but, thats' the problem, isn't it? someone reminded me today that i'm doing this all virtually without estrogen now, thank you, menopause  that helped a little to reframe my attitude to myself...   later....      3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    3 jays
  • Thank you ladies for all your support and votes.  I finished at 16 and am very happy with that and know you are happy that I can now move on to other things and stop bugging you to vote....thanks so much BarbA for helping me with the prodding.  It worked!!  I will not get 100,000 miles, but mark my word, I am going somewhere with my new passport !  As they say, it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game and with your help, I did a great job!!!!!

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    Isabella, do not get the step ladder out to water your hanging baskets - put some ice cubes in each one and they will melt and give slow water as they melt.   Eliminate the potential for a nasty fall, please...

    Hugs for all.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    GramE, great idea!  3jays, good to 'see' you.

    Marybe CONGRATS on making it to number 16!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thanks all for the birthday wishesl, I LOVE hearing them!!

    Good for you Marybe, that's an impressive finish!! How do you drink champagne from that glass??

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I am sure I have got sleeping sickness!! I just cannot stay awake long at all on an evening. I went to sit down tonight, took a piece of sewing, as I can't just sit, and was asleep in a flash, no sewing done. It's just around 10pm now, and if I'd remained in the sitting room I'd just have fallen asleep and not woken until morning, I'm sure. I have a car full of shopping to unload frozen I might leave 'til morning...I am just getting lazier and lazier.

    I am surrounded by kittens at the moment, 4 litters. 15 kitties. Blacks, black and whites, tabbies, gingers. Luckily I get enquiries all year round for kittens, so should be able to rehome them in a couple of months. I certainly hope so as I have my full quota of cats ! I HAD 21 before winter, but now the count is 16, plus one or two visiting tomcats who seem to stroll in around breakfast time and help themselves to MY cats food ! I am always chasing the toms away, as they spray all around my back door, and it isn't at all nice when someone new happens to visit, and gets a noseful of cat pee. I am sick for another Persian cat at the moment, but know its not on. My sausage dogs would tear it to pieces in a flash. I really miss a big fat cat padding around the house, but ever since I got sausage dogs its been a no no. I used to breed Persians and Siamese 20/30 years ago, still get enquiries after all that time. Now and then a car will pull in and someone hops out grinning at me. I am frantically racking my brains as to who the visitors are, while they are busy greeting me like a long lost friend! I make such a fool of myself sometimes, as I have NO idea who old customers are...bring me their DOG from out of their car, and I know them in an instant ! 

    Just weaned my latest litter of Cavalier King Charles Spaniels today, all eight of them. Am keeping 2 for myself, and have had 2 more ordered this last week....and another 'long lost' customer of mine, who has had 3 Cavaliers from me over the years rang tonight to say could she come and look at my latest puppies to choose herself another one. I'm hoping they will all go in another month, and not hang on for a few more weeks waiting for new homes. My last litter hung around a while. They tend to get 'clingy' at 12-13-14 weeks and don't want to leave me, whereas an 8 week old pup will go bouncing off into 'it's' new car quite happily.  

    I have 17 dogs boarding at the moment, not bad for someone who 'retired' from boarding dogs 8 years ago !!! We are coming up to the holiday season, and really I am fed up of boarding dogs...NOT the dogs, just the work they create. Time to get an advert draughted out and put in the local shop for a teen for the summer....they finish their main exams here at the end of May so surely somebody, boy or girl, will want a part-time summer job, for 3-4 months. Am limping by now with the help of G/son who swills everything out for me 6 nights out of 7. When I was dx'd 8 years ago I shut everything down within 2 weeks, had to let quite a few customers down, but gradually, as people have seen me around, they've started asking 'would you just have little Kimmy, I wouldn't leave her with anyone else/ we didn't have a holiday last year when you were closed !!' ( I told everyone I had had to have a hysterectomy, no-one was told I had bc) Made me feel bad, so gradually I have let them in again...silly I know...but I actually missed all the lovely dogs I get PAID to look after !! But, with a shock dx of bc on my plate I just shut up shop.

    Right, I am rambling tonight, quick shower, and a warm bed for me. last night I jumped into bed, and it was freezing, I always keep my electric blanket on 24/7 and the thing had fused. I was off to the shops smartish today for a replacement, cannot sleep properly in a cold bed.....and don't trust an electric blanket if it fuses on me. I did replace the fuse last night, but just didn't feel safe, so switched off as soon as my bed was warm and now have a new one on my bed. I also have 3, yes THREE, duvets on my bed, all winter weight. I am a softy ! If we get a bit of warm weather I might push 1 duvet on the floor, but always have the electric blanket on heatwave or no heatwave.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Isabella!!! cats, also.. i missed that part!! you have a regular noahs' Ark, there, but more full( not good english, nor good americsn slang, either, but there you have it).. you are a wonder woman!! i hope soon you find another helper.. there's 5 women out there doing the bit you do now!!! its' so great to hear of all your adventures, from so far away.... im amazed its' still so cold over there.. we're full on into summer heat, so it's gonna be a long one here... the heats' not fun, but it beats tthe cold, anyday... good to "see" you...

        For you ladies that go elsewhere, ive asked for prayers/good thoughts/ candles lit for my sister, who's having a go of it right now. Dxed with COPD, taken to the ER struggling to breath, and they put stint @4&5 into her heart. she woke up with a machine breathing for her, terrified.. the Dr. had said he didn't know if she'd ever get off, if they had to use one again. The good news, so far, is, they've taken her off, and she's doing (just) ok without it, but they don't think she'll have to revisit it again, this time.... im waiting for my neice to text me with an update.. but they're not too communicative, so i'll keep calling. my sister, RAE, doesn't have enough breath to talk on the phone, yet, and has asked for no visitors.. i can't make the trip yet, but hope to be well enough in awhile to make the 5 hr trip....

         Also found out today, the MRSA is now in my eyes, as well, but still, no antibiotic by mouth. they're gonna do some cultures on boils im getting, its def. Mrsa. but till it gets Mucous, they won't treat it stystemically, which is ok. it won't respond if we use clindo too much.. there's just so much going on these days.. im such a carrier, i no way could be near my sister right now, anyway...

       if you pray, please do, or send good thoughts, or light candles, whatever you do; it would be great. a small distance right now seems insurmountable...       thanks.... 3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays that is very kind of you not to bring your MRSA to your sister no matter how much you want to see her! Giving her the infection would probably be too much for her system to handle. She is still in my prayers until I hear she is home safe and sound.

    Isabella, you will THRILL a student to be able to play with the dogs all day and do a bit of a muck-up once a day.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh 3 jays, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister, and I understand your not being able to make the trip for many reasons, not the least of which is the MRSA.  She, and you, are in my prayers.

    Well, this seems sort of mundane after what 3jays is going through, but I'm asking that you remember me tomorrow as I go for the first mammo "since".  Diagnostic mammo this time so I should get the results immediately.  Just hope I don't have another meltdown like I did when I went to the same place for a bone density test.  This is where on surgery day, the radiologist did the dye injections for the sentinel node and inserted the locator wire, and wouldn't listen to me when I kept saying my surgeon was supposed to do that after I was under anesthesia.  My surgeon was furious and apparently caused some heads to roll after this happened.  Anyhow, I just dissolved into tears when I walked in for the bone scan, which took me by surprise totally.  Hope I can at least be calm tomorrow, and get through this.  Please pray for an "all clear".

    Love to all,


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays - I will continue to pray for your sister as well as for you.  Please let us know how she progresses.

    Kathy - you are in my prayers too.  I know how easy it is to lose it unexpectedly when a memory is triggered.  Praying that you will have peace and calmness and that the results will all be good news. 

    I am off to bed to get some much needed rest. 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    kathy, i can TOTALLY understand the meltdown.. im still horrified, i remember the 1st time you told us. and BTW... cancer Beats all other concerns in my book..that includes all tests, etc...    3jays

    thank you ladies, for keeping us in your prayers...and BTW.. in our house, anything to do with cancer, or the fears surrounding that; trumps, i will be praying tommorrow, Kathy. i remember the 1st time you told us that jerk did that!! id drop too, if i had to go back.. you get the gold star for even showing up tommorrow. wether you cry or not, is incidental...3jays 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    there's your star, Kathy...3jays
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    (((((Kathy))))) You will be in my thoughts tomorrow & praying for All Clear news.

    (((((3jays & sister))))) Prayers.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays, prayers and good thoughts wrapped up in big (((HUGS))) are coming your way for you and your sister.  Hope she gets to a breathing level that keeps her comfortable.

    Kathy, we are holding your hand every step of the way....hoping all goes well.  If you feel you are going to break, just think of me pulling faces and blowing rasberries at you.....does that create a funny picture?  I hope so! and I hope it puts a smile on your face.

    Hoping everyone else is having a great day with no hic-ups!

    Don't know why but I've been doing a lot of sleeping lately.....for some reason I'm feeling super tired......oh well, I'll ask the question of my GP when I see him next Monday.  On Tuesday, I'm off to the lymphodema clinic to be assessed and fitted for a sleeve and glove....hopefully that will make my arm  not so sore.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Chrissy, Val jean and all.. thanks for the prayers. no news yet, no ones calling me back. i'll call again tommorrow and make myself the pain in the ar$$ i can be!   make sure she shows you how to wrap, too, chrissy. it comes in handy (for the le)      3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{KATHY}}}} and (((3JAYS))) you are in my prayers!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kathy, you won't have the same effect this time because it's the second time going back and you did it! You went back the FIRST time!!! You've done the hardest part already. Good luck on your mamo.

    {{{{{{{ 3jays}}}}}}}}}}}

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I don't care how many "since" mammos we do, it is always a stressor...thinking of you Kathy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Oops, sorry if I belittled the moment....Embarassed was trying for a pep talk.
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hey Ladies!  I got an ALL CLEAR!!!!  Would've been on earlier to report but our power was off whe I got back and just recently came back on. 

    Thanks to all of you who kept me in your thoughts and prayers, AmyJo, 3jays, Val, Chrissy, Barb, Lisa and Barbe.  If I failed to mention someone (I'm afraid to go back and look as we know what'll happen) thank you too.

    3jays, thanks for the gold star.  I'm saying I get that for showing up, especially when the radiologist who read the mammo was indeed the same little toad who did the deed.  The tech said I could reschedule to hear the results but didn't want to do that.  And, I managed to keep my hands to myself although they were itching to wrap around his plump neck!  I think I could have taken him, too.

    Barbe, you were right in that it wasn't as bad as the first time I went back to that place. The meltdown was a mini one when I heard who was on duty, but I got through it.

    And Chrissy, when I was waiting for the results, I got a mental picture of you making faces and I actually laughed!

    You all were just the medicine I needed to get me through it.  Now I'm going to sit and just breathe a while.  {{{{HUGS}}}} to each of you!  Y'all are the best.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    way to go Kathy...

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Its a great feeling. Hope the rest of your day is as good.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Kathy. I was just posting at the same time, and saying I hoped you'd by now, have the dreaded mammo over, and you posted to say you got the all clear. Yipee. Very pleased to hear this.

    Even after 8 years I still get the awful build up for a couple of weeks before, and just walking thru' the BC Departments doors is enough to upset me for the day. (and I have nothing to mammo...but just to feel those creeping fingers going over every inch of my chest upsets me) I am overdue an appointment, it should have been my 8th at the beginning of this month, but, so far, no letter for me. Suppose all the blasted cutbacks are calling us back at longer intervals than they used to.

    3Jays...sorry about your sister...any new news ?? Better that you don't go and take MRSA in with you, though. Would they let you in if you did go ? Sorry you're having a rough time yourself, I do not know how you cope with all the problems you have. I know you just get on and do what you have to do, but you have more problems than any of us I think. I moan about my Fibro when it flares, but it does pass after a week or two, but, apart from my back I can get around ( in my own time ) if left alone I can do's when the young ones come bouncing in wanting this and that and expect me to fly around at their speed !!

     I actually prefer to be left completely alone, rather than have first one, then another dropping in disturbing the way I work. I hate Saturday mornings most of all. I like to be up a little earlier than my usual 9am, and slowly sort out dogs in the house, and cats on the doorstep, then go outside to see what I can do (not much!!) Then I'd love to go out and fetch the newspapers and sit and enjoy a long breakfast reading them ( I buy 4 or 5 papers on a Saturday) can do...I usually get DD, G/daughter, 2 G/sons, plus G/Fs, sometimes 2 more G/daughters, all want coffee and the G/sons start cooking bacon and eggs, the girls set about toast, the 2 yr old goes round all like a gannet taking what she can...NO WAY to teach a youngster manners, but this is DDs way !!!! I try and sit her at the table, she has her own dishes and cutlery, and when we're alone will sit with me and eat normally, BUT as DD is present she is off her chair, leaving her own food uneaten, and dashing around with greasy fingers all over the place. I try calling her out, she looks at DD and goes her own sweet way !! I end up with table, chairs and dogs covered in anything and everything ! It can take me half an hour to clear everything up after a Saturday morning here.  I called the boys out a few weeks ago, about cooking at full heat, then walking away and forgetting to go back and clean the stove, so now they do manage to clean that for me, but not after squabbles about 'I did it last week, its your turn' Like 2 schoolboys ,not young men 19 and 23 !! I ask them to make me bacon and eggs and put it into the stove to save 'til everyone has gone, then nip out for the papers and spend all of Saturday afternoon eating cold breakfast sandwich and reading in peace and quiet.

    Alyson, sorry you're having back problems again...too much Music and Movement ??? You always seem to be doing something, never a quiet moment at your house.

    We are forecast for a 'mini heatwave', starting Sunday. Not sure when it will finish, Monday, no doubt. It is still cold and miserable here...things are growing...slowly.. but we need some sunshine all day, and some nice warm rain at night....fat chance ! It is 4 weeks to the longest day here already, then we start to go back to winter, that hasn't really gone away !


  •   Kathy, I am so glad you got a good report.  Oh and 3jays, I am so very sorry you have so much crap going on in your life.....I am praying you get a break soon and things head your way.

    I guess the neulasta pain was worth my white count is almost too high if such a thing is possible....39.7...the nurse said they will probably decrease the dosage next I will be armed with my mentioning that tip to my onco, got an eye roll. 

    Hair just started coming out tonight....noticed it on the keyboard and thought Hmmm, doesn't look like the cats to me! 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    I took 2 xtra strength tylenol just before I got stabbed w the Neulasta and had no aches or pains.   

    Hugs for all.  Rain on and off, thunder rolls in, rolls out.   

  • GramE,  Were you having cataract surgery or am I confused? 

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Wow I didn't realize I'd been off the computer for a few days until this morning.  My DH was 62 on Monday (small family party).  Youngest daughter was 24 yesterday (bigger family party).  Had a Communion party on Sunday or I would have just combined the two birthdays. 

    No baby yet.  If she doesn't deliver by Monday, they will induce.  The baby is pretty big but my biggest was 10.7 so it runs in the family.  I will keep everyone posted.  The baby is the first grandchild for in-laws plus us.  I can't wait.

    I'm off to treatment in an hour and will have echocardiagram done this afternoon to see if I can stay on Herceptin since my ejection rate is now down to 50%.  Won't know the results till next week I guess. 


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Marianne, a first grand baby! PICTURES!!!

  • Kathy great news!

    Isabelle your relaxing Saturday mornings sound a little crazy when everyone is the kitchen. I had a little smile on my face when reading though for the joy of family around does give a warm feeling

    Marybe. YEAH on the WBC. I will keep up the prayers that they stay that way. Sorry about the hair

    Marianne. Oh so exciting first grand baby on both sides is going to be oh so spoiled but that is what grandparents are for. Best wishes for a speedy delivery and healthy baby I will be praying

    Barbara could agree more we need pictures

    Have a great day ladies. I am going to be enjoying my last couple of days off from work. I start back on Monday and this last week has been the first that I really feel great and back to my old self but going to pamper crawl up and read my new James Patterson book and enjoy the peace at least until I go to my son's last lacrosse game of the season