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For Older People with Sense



  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Welcome, Clyn.   I'm sorry you have to be here but you can be sure you'll get support, comfort, and encouragement from the women on this thread.  Once you get started with your surgery and further treatment you'll be surprised at how quickly time passes.  I can imagine how hard it is for your mother.  My older sister is a BC survivor and the hardest thing I had to do was to tell her about me.

    Chrissy, prayers for Junie, and for you too.

    3jays, it's shocking how many of us have disfunctional families, although I suppose we all do to some degree.   Anyhow, I'm glad your sister was well enough to go home and am sure  that you and she can get things straightened out soon.  You two are the ones that matter, anyhow.

    Barbe, your story about the dove reminded me of when a bird built a nest in a corner of our garage.  Baby birds learned to fly in the garage, etc.  It was a relief when they all left the nest and we could close the garage door again.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    I lost one post trying to go back and catch up on everyone.  Welcome to the newbies, sorry you have to join our group.   Hugs for everyone and I think Marybe asked if I had cataract surgery.   The answer is yes, May 2 with a bi focal implant.   Final follow up appointment and dr said "enjoy" - all is good.   The other will be done June 20.    it is amazing how improved - almost perfect vision in that eye and not quite 3 weeks later.     

    Peace and Blessings, Nancy 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    Back from dinner with the crazy group of DH's friends. Oh my my. Four pitchers of margaritas. Oh my. But there were nine of us. Tongue out
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    TGIF Barbara

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks for all the prayers ladies. i spoke breifly to my sister today. she answered the phone for me, and they ALL b**her out for it.. what, do they think I'm deAF? anyway, i explained about the MRSA, and she said thank for not coming.. we also agreed her DH will stay in touch w/me from now on!!!

       i went to the dermo . today; Dr. no #4.. she offerred to call my GP and have me hospitalized. said i've had this MRSA for at leat 3 MONTHS!! that's when the folliculitis showed up.. Said she couldn't believe they all said to let it perculate.. said another month of "perculating" would've KILLED me.. no kidding, she really said "how are you walking>"

        i told her they go by no tempuratue, or white blood count... she said get new DRS... they don't understand MS very well.. your body DOESN'

    t fight infections, so, no WBC, or fever..

        i told her i'll just come to you first from now on!!!so, her first question, when i showed her the rash, and told her she'd be my 4th Dr, she said well, what antis' have they tried... when i told her none, she dropped her jaw...! so, now i know why i feel so bad. she ordered the light antis' for 3 days, followed by the big ones, so i might be out of circulation for a few days.. i'll try to ck in, as i can... love to all, esp newbies, and ones waiting...    3jays

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wow 3jays!!  Finally you have some answers at long last!!!!   Glad your sis is on the mend and contact has been made.  We'll miss not seeing you but it's time for you to get well!!!

    Barbe, that little dove sounds beautiful and oh what a privelage that she has decided to share her family with you!  I think that is sooo precious and I would just put up with the mess for a few weeks.  We would love to have a running report on the little family's progress!

    BarbA, how's your head feeling today? and your stomach?   Oh, I can't remember the last time I did something like that, hope it was fun for you!

    Joycek, nice to see you here!  How have you been?

    Amyjo, thanks.  I sure hope you are on the mend now and feeling a whole lot better.  I'm so looking forward to meeting all the girls at Shell Knob in September and as each month passes i get more and more the time I step on the plane I'll bet I won't be able to sit

    Nancy, sooo good to her that the first eye op has gone so well and the vision is really good.  I'll bet you are really looking forward to getting the other one done now and June will be here before we know it!

    Marianne, any news?  I think we are all sitting, holding our breath waiting for news of the event, I can only imagine how you are feeling!  Hope it's soon!

    I just want to say thank you to all for the prayers you are offering for Junie.  I do know that Thyroid Cancer is totally curable, but, it's not the cancer that worries me or her, it's the surgery.  There are so many vital things run through the neck and so many of her nodes are involved one that is sitting on her jugular that is most concerning.  She is litterally trusting her surgeons steady hands and it is more for that that we need the prayers.

    Hoping everyone is enjoying their weekend.

    Love n hugs to all.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hadley, it's a friend of mine who is also a BC sister here in Australia.  This is her third Dx's of cancer and it has really knocked her for a loop.  Prayers will gratefully recieved, thank you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    I am 58 and was just diagnosed with stage 1 invasive cancer.  Original biopsy (core needle biopsy) was negative, but  the said there was some precancerous cells so they did an exisional biopsy on May 9.  Told me that the chance of cancer was less than 5%, so I was very shocked when the said it was cancer.  My mother died of breast cancer at the age of 48 and my sister is a breast cancer survivor.  She had her cancer in 1990 and is now cancer free.  She had bilateral mastectomies, one being prophylatic.

    The rest is a bit of a blur.  My choices are to have more breast tissue removed that was surrounding the original lump (something about there being cancer cells in the area around the lump), a sentinal node biopsy and radiation or a mastectomy.  I know I need to ask more questions, but my head is still spinning.  Has anyone else had a similar diagnosis?  What were your choices?  What did you do?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Momoftwo526 and welcome.   I know your head is really spinning at the moment, hearing those words is devistating.  You say that your sister had a bilateral mastectomy but you did not say what her diagnosis type was.  Was it the same as yours?  There are many women that choose a bi-lat mastectomy and others just the side that is effected and then have recon.  I would suggest if you are thinking the latter, make sure you talk to a PS (Plastic Surgeon) about recon before you make your final descision.  The further excision they are talking about is to make sure they have clear margins around the area that has been excised as that was not achieved at the first excision.  he sentinal node biopsy is done to make sure there has been no travell of the cancer as the sentinal node is usually the first place it will go and this procedure is routine.

    I had a radical mastectomy on the side that was effected by the BC (Breast Cancer) as there was way too much tumor to have the option of lumpectomy only.

    I truly hope you manage to get your head around all that is going on with you at the moment.  You have come to the right place for support and information.  These boards are filled with people who are only too willing to share their experiences and knowledge.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Momoftwo, so sorry you are joining our club. My tumor was small so I had a lumpectomy followed by radiation, As it was early stage and I had a low Oncotype score, no chemo. Ask your onc to do that test for you. It is used to determine of chemo is necessary.

    (((3jays))) I am so happy you are on anti-b's. I can't believe the other docs didn't start you on one!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Joycek,  I had surgery on my right mandibular joint about six years ago to remove an overgrowth of bone that was preventing me from opening my jaw.  It was caused by a blow to the side of my head when I had a bad car accident thirty years before.  At the time the doc suspected cancer but didn't tell me that until the results came back from pathology. The op itself was uncomfortable and of course eating was soft foods only for a few weeks........mind you, I did look like someone had given me a good beating and I really got some funny looks when I went to the supermarket as the face was very bruised for a few weeks.  I now have extensive arthritis to both mandibular joints which as time goes by does make it hard to eat things like a good steak.....but hey,  no-one said I can't mince a steak before I eat it right?  Hoping that you find it just and overgrowth of bone and not BC but please let me know how you get on.

    Your garden sounds like it will be an absolute picture!  When it gets well established, can you take a pic and share with us here?   I would so like to see it.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Right now there are 2 egss in the nest. The container is like a terra cotta wall pocket for planting. It's not big at all and sometimes the mommy dove has her nose pressed into the wall. I did some transplanting the other day and left a couple of dracena strips on the porch and sure enough, she picked them up and they are hanging over the sides of the nest! Too cute!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe, do you think if you took a couple of pics it would disturb her too much?  Sometimes birds nest where there doesn't seem to be enough room but some how they manage just fine.  When I've seen birds nesting in my garden, I often leave bits if short thread from fraying material and it always disappears.  As you say, too cute!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, did the Rapture hit Aus yet?

  • Clyn. So sorry about your dx but welcome to this wonderful group we are here to support offer advice and most of all lots of encouragement and prayers

    Chrissy Junie is in my prayers as are you for strength to help your friend through the latest set back

    3jays. I am so glad your sister is now home. Families are so difficult at times and often bring out the worst in us. I am so glad that you got to talk with your sister. Sounds like you got a new doc that is going to make a difference best wishes on your new course of treatment Hugs and prayers coming your way

    Momo So sorry you have to join us but welcome you are at the best place. I know your head is spinning and you can't even think of all the questions. My recon would be to read as much as you can (this website is full of excellent information and will give you a great back ground). You will also find some very good Info on the discussion boards. Take your time write all your questions down in a notebook make sure you get your sisters dx so that you have all the history you need for your doc. This initial part is hard but as you become more educated on the disease and have a plan in place it will get a little easier. Cyber hugs coming your way.

    Grams. Great news on the eyes. Continued good vision it makes a world of difference

    This board sure moves fast I was off for one night and I feel like I missed the boat. I had an absolutely fabulous date night with my husband. My SIL took my youngest son for the weekend and we are having just a wonderful time being alone. A little too much wine last night but overall just fabulous

    All. Have a great weekend

    PS. Anyone hear about Marianne's grand baby yet. Maybe the arrival is forthcoming today

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    BarbA, I'm still here!!!!   Still waiting!!!!

    Ooops, sorry Liz we word yet on Marianne's grandbaby........I think we'll all give a great big cheer when we do.......Nice to hear you are having such a wonderful quet time with DH,  make the most while you can!

    Have a good one all!  Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Dear Momoftwo, it is very hard to get such a diagnosis after first hearing that you had a low chance of its being cancer.  One thing to do is to find out what kind of tumor you have.  If it is ER, PR positive that will affect treatment.  That means the tumor has receptors for estrogen and progesterone and grows in their presence.  

    My tumor was ER PR pos. and the treatment of choice would have been lumpectomy, radiation and tamoxifen for 5 years.  I didn't want to do radiation and tamoxifen has side effects that I needed to avoid.  I therefore chose bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.  None of  these treatments is easy--I thought the treatment I chose would have me in and out in a few weeks but it has taken longer than that.  Nevertheless, I'm very happy with the outcome now 7 months down the road. 

    The bilateral mast. was a good idea for me as I also had a lot of precancerous cells in the "good" breast.  This whole process is a real shift in your life.  I'm a nurse and wasn't used to being a patient--I had to learn that the hard way!  Get doctors you trust and can talk to, especially the plastic surgeon.  You will end up spending a lot of time with the plastic sugeon and you want someone who you feel comfortable with.  Let us know how you're doing and no matter what you choose, you have our love and support.  Dragonflymary

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Another option is to not have recon at all. That's the route I took 2 1/2 years ago and haven't regretted it for a second! The arthritis in my neck is much better from not having to lug around my 42Ds, my clothes fit better and I look slimmer. No more bras!!!!

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    So far I have chosen no reconstruction with a single mastectomy. My daughter knit me some darned fine prostheses and I'd rather use one of them than have more surgery.

  • This is from the program I went to this morning where Marisa Wiess spoke. I went up and told her I was more excited about meeting her than the President (not that I have any desire to meet him) or any movie star and she asked Why is that? and I said because I spend half my life on the message boards.  I bought her new book which was there and had her autograph it for me.  There were several speakers and most of the discussion was on environmental issues and diet and exercise.  We have generation of fat kids now who are headed for health issues big time.   As you can see my hair is still there.... coming out, but I have a long way to go.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    4 minutes ago sas-schatzi wrote:

    I just declared an end of the world party on OMG if ya"ll want to pop by apparently we have to be done by six, cuz that's when the Rapture suppose to happen. But whom ever started this rapturing  nonsense , they didn't say whose 6pm. WE know the nz'ers aren't getting raptured because they already checked in. So. if you have any nonsense you want to bring our way come on over. Can't be sure of turn out, because it's Sat afternoon. But would love to have you drop by and offer up some nonsenses during this serious event. BYOB and Tin Hat.-------sas

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Maybe, good for you...thanks for the note about Marissa, the two of you are looking well...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Awesome pic, Marybe. Well we are all still here. What morons.

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    My goodness, what a time we've had!

    My dh took a bad fall Fri late afternoon (he's OK now). Hit his head and cut the side of his face near his eye pretty badly. We are literally down the block from the ambulance station so the paramedics were in the house in less than 5 minutes from calling them. They took him to the on-duty doc in the area who said we should go to the ER since a PS had to do the stitching ASAP and the head should be checked, too. Here's where the fun complications came in. We're Orthodox Jews and our Sabbath starts at sunset Fri evening, which was about 7:15 this week. We don't ride, we don't cook, we don't use the phone. Now, going to the hospital was not a problem (you are allowed to ride for a serious medical reason like this, and I'm allowed to ride with him) but - then we were there. Things went pretty quickly in the hospital. The head was OK, the PS stitched him up (that took time but it was a nasty bunch of cuts) and the ortho guy checked his arms and hands since he tried to break his fall with them. All is OK now, just need to heal. BUT - as I said, we were at the hospital in Jerusalem and we live outside the city. Can't walk home! As with most of the hospitals in Israel, there are provisions for people in this situation, a room for the women and a room for the men to sleep and meals available, but just try to imagine spending a day in hospital waiting rooms when you're not even waiting  your turn. We have friends who live about 1/2 hour walk away from the hospital so - we walked. Remember - no phone. So we knocked on their door at 10:45 and said - you have company! These are wonderful people and they took us in and immediately gave us dinner and then a room to sleep in. We spent a relaxing day with them before going home when the Sabbath ended at nightfall. Such terrific friends! Remember - no cooking but they managed to have plenty for all of us with what they'd prepared. They made us feel like we'd done them a terrific favor coming to them.

    But I will tell you this, Dorothy was right - there's no place like home.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    (((((3jays))))...sorry about the mix-up with your sister...most of my rellies are morons..hardly any have any contact with me,, MOST ... have still to ring and ask how my bmx went EIGHT years ago  (this is brothers, and nieces, for goodness sakes, not some long lost, ten times removed cousins )  and sometimes, when I am feeling sorry for myself, I wonder just what I did to them all, and what the h*ll they think of me !  B/day cards?.. haha. Christmas cards ?.. haha again...BUT, I make sure I keep on sending to them, and to all their kiddos....but I think this will be the last year. I think, after 8 years, it's time to draw a line under the lot of them. It actually gets to me tho' when I know they're having family celebrations, and don't ask my nephew, and godson, getting married and not letting me know, and my niece having a baby (18 years ago) and no word to me.  ( actually the card thing has been going on about 20 years now !!) Listen to Barbe and send that on earth did they expect you to go tramping all that way with the problems you have at the moment ? I just hope you get the MRSA sorted soon, its something that should have been done ages ago. Hope the drugs will kick in and destroy it. (((((Hugs again)))))

    Marybe , how great to meet Marissa Weiss, you were so lucky, your hair doesn't look any different in the latest pic...but it does sound as if you'll lose the lot. Didn't know Marissa had written another book, what's the title ? Is it any good ? I'll wait your verdict before I order from Amazon.....I have to stop ordering from Amazon, its too darn easy as they sell so much ! Even my post guy passed a comment the other day !

    joycek....I look around my own garden and most of my plants seem to be either pink, white or blue, with a strong bias towards pink. Just the way its happened, I don't particularly like yellow plants, so just never buy any, so my garden is a pastel delight !!! I do have one big clump of yellow day lilies, and threaten them every year 'this will be your last year' but they make such a long show, for about 3 months, that I don't suppose I shall throw them out ! Just saw this plant was almost ready to start flowering, yesterday.

    Momof two, welcome,  I too had about the same stats as you, and opted for bilateral mastectomy (BMX) no recon., just had bc ( breast cancer) in right hand side, had the left one removed for symmetry. I am quite happy with this, never regretted it, don't feel lopsided (that was my worry, looking uneven if I popped out without my prosthesis on ) Now I just put on a baggy shirt when nipping to my local shops, and its not noticeable. I'm on Arimidex, its one of those 'damned if you do, and damned if you don't' drugs . I don't have an easy time with the se's (side effects) but live with it. I always put on my prosthesis when I get dressed up , tho' I hate them with a vengeance when its hot weather...should have put warm weather there!! we don't get much of the hot stuff.

    Chrissy. How is your DD ? How is her back going on ? Is she still on 'careful exercise, and lots of rest?? I have an appointment with my surgeon . AT LONG LAST, after only 20 months wait ! on June 30th to discuss, I PRESUME, my upcoming op. Can't think of any other reason he would want to see me, other than to tell me that, because of all the cutbacks, he has decided against doing the op !!! Now they think I have 'pseodo gout' in the same hip where all my pain is from the slipped discs maybe he will want to discuss this with me. Whatever he wants I just wish he would get on with it, and do the bl**dy op. !!!!! I can see fireworks when I do get to see him.

    Barbe, how nice you have a dove nesting so near to you. I throw out all the dog hair from when I am grooming the dogs (not too oftem tho') I just throw it all into the borders in my garden, and its gone in a couple of days. I have lots of sparrows, 2 pigeons, a dove and a magpie nesting in trees and bushes in the garden, and lots more of the same all over the farm. Also swallows, who fly in from Africa each year to make little mud nests in open buildings...they are great collectors of the doghair.

    Have a lovely weekend one and all...I am doing pretty much nothing for the next 2 days !


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Leah...we were posting at the same time. Sorry about DH,  that was a fascinating insight into your world !!  Hope all turns out OK for DH.


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Leah - The Lord provides in our times of need.  What a blessing to have friends that lived close to the hospital.  Shalom dear friend.

    3jays - so glad you finally have a doctor that has some sense and is really treating you to get you well again.  Hope you are feeling better again soon.

    BarbA - hope you are having a fun time with all of DH's friends there for the weekend.  Take care of yourself dear sista.

    Barbe - enjoy the dove while she and her little family are there.  They are so interesting to watch.

    Isabella - get an iPad girlfriend.  I have a ton of books on mine and can download a wide selection of others when I want to read something different.  No postman to make comments. ;-)

    I am headed to bed since the rapture did not happen today, I might as well get some sleep. 

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    First, thanks everyone for the welcoming words, even though, this is a club we wouldn't join by choice. :)  However, it is good to have such good company in this time of stress.

    I talked to my sister today and she couldn't remember everything, but hers was also stage 1 invasive cancer.  Her tumor was a "spider" tumor.  She said that her surgeon did not give her any other choice than to have a bilateral mastectomy because of our family risk factors.  She did not have to have any radiation or chemo and has been cancer free for 20 years. 

    As for me, I do have other concern besides this diagnosis.  I have always been treated as high risk.  I have fibrosistic breasts, so it makes it very difficult to feel any lumps as my breast are lumpy anyway.  I was taking tamoxifen, but because I had issues with uterine tissue, they felt the risk was too high for uterine cancer and took me off of it.  I have had 2 other breast biopsies in the other breast previously.  Fortunately, they turned out to be benign calcifications. I have had and continue to have drainage leaking out of the other breast too. At the time of the last biopsy, the Dr. suggested that I think about prophylactic breast removal because I was such high risk. In addition to my mother's and sister's breast cancer, 3 of my father's 5 sisters had breast or ovarian cancer and at least 3 of their daughter's have had breast cancer.

     I also just had a cervical biopsy.  While it was negative, I tested positive for HPV (human papillova virus) and will need another biopsy in August.  I have also had a long history of endometriosis, however, due to menopause, I no longer take any medications for that, but I now worry about some of the long term side effects of all of the hormones I took for that.

    I have 2 young daughters (age 15 and 11).  I adopted them from China as a single parent.  I am all that they have.  My biggest concern is that I am around to see them become adults.  I really don't care that much about preserving my breasts.  I hate wearing a bra anyway!  I don't think I have the stomach for radiation either after hearing some of the possible side effects.  I had another sister who died of leukemia when she was 24.

    I guess I am tired of the worry and the wait. Everytime I turn a round, it seems as if it is something else. In addition to the breast cancer, I also have a heart arithmea and have atrial fibrulation. I take ace inhibitors for high blood pressure, which I now hear adds another risk factor for breast cancer to return.

     If I can avoid chemo, I will do that even if it means removing both of my breasts.  I saw what chemo did to my mother and my sister with the leukemia and I don't think I have the stomach to do that. 

    Some of you have mentioned other factors such as hormone resistance and HER2 and ONX testing to see if chemo is possible. I have added thost things to the list of questions to ask my dr. My appt with him is on Tuesday afternoon and he made it the last appointment of the day so that he could spend more time discussing my options. Thanks for everyone's support!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    I just finished reading your post and my heart goes out to you.  I know that what you have already learned on this board will help when you visit your onc on Tuesday.  Please let us know the outcome.

    For all my other dear friends:  I am so glad the rapture didn't happen since we are still waiting for this baby to be born.  Today is my 35th wedding anniversary so I'm convinced she's going into labor today but, if that doesn't happen, she is scheduled to go the the hospital at 5:30am tomorrow to be induced.  Both she and her husband have asked us parents to be there and wait with them.  We are meeting at their house at 6:30 to feed and walk their dog then going to breakfast then onto the hospital.  Having gone through childbirth we figure nothing much will happen in the first 2 hours anyway (watch me be wrong).  I'll fill everyone in as soon as I can although I know I'll be really tired tomorrw since I have to leave my house at 5:30am.
