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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I sell those kind of appliances to people and love to sell to the ones who actually appreciate them!!! I find that about 70-80% of the cooking is done my the males!!! They don't do the clean-up though...they've learned which job is more fun!!

    Why do you need gas bottles? No direct gas line? You will have a blast Chrissy, my DH would be very jealous if I showed him the pic. And a VERY good price too! What brand is it though, I don't recognize it (Glem?) How the heck did you stand having it but not being able to use it? I'd have nagged someone to death by now if I knew I was that close to even getting to use one!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lol Barbe, we have no direct gas as I live in a small country town, population 1500 so bottles are all that are available.  I do so  love to cook with gas as it's so controlable!  The old stove that I'm using came out of the arc I has those nasty solid hot plates that take ages to heat up and then ages to cool down so actually quite dangerous.  Thank goodness there are no little ones living here as I would always be afraid that they may touch the jolly things and burn themselves.  I paid a very good price for it as I was on line earlier and they are now a thousand dollars dearer.  Glem is the brand, it's Australian design and Italian has both fan forced gas and fan forced electric oven so I can choose what I use.  There are some things like cakes and roasts that are better cooked with gas as it is a moist heat and cookies and pastries are better done with electric as its a drier heat......oooo I'm going to have so much fun playing with it........oh, by the way.......I'm a very patient person and I really needed to bide my time over this as it was a bit of a bone of contention.   I work on the premise that all good things come to those who

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dual fuel too!!!?? My isn't that fancy!! I didn't know you could have BOTH gas and electric in the oven though. Are you sure???? I thought once you chose electric, you couldn't use gas in the oven part...hmmm. Very sophisticated. At least you understand the advantage of gas/electric in the oven. I was selling to a couple and I said you'd need electric in the oven only if you cook a lot of pastry. He said "I'm a pastry chef". Sold!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    He also new the difference!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Thank you for posting that, Chabba.

    And thank you to all of our veterans. My father is one.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chrissy, I love your stove.  This really inspires me to get a new cooktop in my kitchen.  Lynda

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all. A very tired me here. Four days of meetings is not so relaxing and it was very intense.

    Great stove Chrissy but I am not jealoous as I got a new one last November. Chrissy does it have a grill plate for the side burners? I find it is wonderful.

    Yes  Barbe, dual fuel is possible and very common in this part of the world. My old stove had both and it so good to have gas hobs for the quickness and the more constant heat of the electric oven.Would love one of my ovens to be gas.

    I am slowly turning green as you talk about the trip. Would love to be there. You gals had better take a laptop with you and get on skype.

    I had better go and get ready to go to playgroup. Miss GD will not be happy if I am not there today. Have missed two music and one plagraoup being away over the last week.

    Big hugs to all.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi all.. im getting excited just hearing about the trip!!! im just hoping i MAKE it , with my health in the crapper right now... im gonna email ya chrissy... btw next time we talk, Mur says hook up on skyoe, hang up and talk forcheaper, neither one of us thought of that!!!

       Marybe, thank you for the reminder on the gypsy show on TLC.. i watched in awe last night. even over and over again.., for all of you... it WAS just LIKE isabella said it was. i cried when thewy took down their mobile homes.. racism at its' best!

       if i make it to uncle bills' alyson, im planning on getting a ubc for "on the go" so i can skyoe, and post pics.. when barbe and them sent pix from obx last year, it helped with the grren eyed monster for me...lol3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - I am so jelous about the new stove!  I have been looking and dreaming of replacing this builders grade stove that is in our house since we moved in to this house 11 years ago.  I know I could not wait 2 years to have one installed if I ever find the one I want.

    Hope everyone had a good day today and gets a good nitghts rest. 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Chrissy - can't wait to hear how you like cooking on the new stove! It's a beauty!

    Marybe - hope you father had a great 89th birthday! mmmm.....German Potato Salad! Did you say once you thought about becoming a chef? You would have made a good one! 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Love the stove, Chrissy!  DH wanted a gas one when we replaced ours 2 years ago, but I've always used electric and here, we'd have to get a propane tank put outside due to no gas lines.  I can really see the advantages of gas though, like instant on!

    Alyson, I'm so envious about those going to uncle Bill's too. If we weren't keeping our GS every day I swear I'd go, but GS is two years old and I just can't do that to DH!. It takes both of us and then some, some days!  Even though GS is a pleasure most of the time, there are plenty of those "terrible twos" episodes. I hope they'll post lots of pictures so we can be there vicariously at least.

    That Gypsy wedding show was really something!  


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe, I got the book for the stove out today to double check and yes I have both gas and electric in the same oven and I can choose to use either or as well as fan forced or not on both.  I checked the grill as well and it is electric with a double booster and a fan also........this just keeps getting better and had actually forgotten that part.  The booklet was touting the stove as being the first in the world to offer both in the same oven.

    Alyson. I do have a grill plate to use on the side burners and I can't wait to use it makes the best steaks and kabobs!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Wow your stove sounds amazing. I was wondering what all the knobs were for, now I see.   Because our Illinois house didn't sell we are renting for a couple years until we get it all straightened out. Our stove there was nice gas cooktop and electric oven. Here I have an electric cooktop that must be original to the house, very primitive. The oven is in the wall but no where near the size of newer ovens.  Chrissy your stove looks really professional. I bet it has great gas output for when you want it.

    Hope you all had a good weekend. The mosquitos are out here.  I have several bites itching like crazy. We had the backdoor open for a few minutes, big mistake. 

    Our weekend was otherwise very nice. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Wow Chrissy, you and I have great taste................I had the Emilia version of that stove installed in my kitchen in January!  It does cook to perfection but I am not an adventurous cook these days so I don't ask too much of it.

    Happy baking,


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Sheila, I'm starting to get antzy waiting for it    So close yet so far.........this is worse than waiting for scan results!!!  Guess what's happening in my kitchen this weekend?!!!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, dual fuel normally means gas cooktop and electric oven. What Chrissy has (confirmed!!!) is gas cooktop and electric OR gas oven. That is what is so new and different (well...2 years new!). Glad you checked out the manual Chrissy, I always tell my customers to keep the manual in the bathroom to find out things they didn't even think about for their appliances!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe, I'm a  bit of a hoarder when it comes to paper work of any kind......that's what I was doing today, sorting through old reciepts and throwing them out.....some were from 2008!....don't really think I need to keep them any more and boy did I have a bag full of wasted paper!.  I even found booklets for old appliances that I haven't had for a couple of years....mmmm....maybe I need to sort through this sort of stuff more often!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Doesn't it feel good to throw that crap out!! That's one of the reasons I used to love moving so much. Then I reached the point where I was just moving the bags of crap....sigh. We have a garage full of boxes still that we have to go through before I'll bring anything in to the 'new' place (October 7th!).

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh yeah!  I can't believe how much room that stuff takes up!  I keep all receipts and booklets in small boxes like file boxes and now I have almost a whole empty shelf with what I got rid of today.  One shelf down, one to go.........and then comes the cleaning of the closet in the spare room so I can fit all my craft gear and fabric stash.....which at the moment lives in other boxes!    Will it never end!!!!....LOL.  I have lately had the itch to do a whole lot more projects so all this sorting is so I can find my stuff!!!   Good luck to you Barbe in getting through your boxes in the garage.....just remember, don't look at the whole just one box at a time.....LOL

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    when we had our kitchen redone, I had a special shelf with door to put my stuff for my appliances. I never see them unless I need them...(I did clean out alot of them from years ago)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Chrissy - I am still looking for my stove which probably won't be a fancy as yours since I don't do a lot of cooking or baking anymore.  I just want something that works consistantly.  My DH is in charge of keeping up with all the booklets for everything from appliances, computers, musical instruments, and everything else that has a booklet.  He went through them a few months ago and through out ones for things we no longer had and some of the things we had not had since 1999 when we moved to North Carolina!

    I just got back from the onco office and long story short. Pain issue is being resolved and I will only see my onco and not his NP and all my appointment are to be scheduled when he is in the office.  The one nurse that did not follow through on my call for a new script and questions about increasing dosage is in big trouble with not only my onco, but with all the other chemo nurses and their supervisor.  2 of my favorite chemo nurses gave me their extensions so I do not have to use the general line again.  I am to let my onco know if the pain is not better in 48 hours and he will get me an additional script no matter where I am.  After looking at my leg, ankles, and feet and asking a ton of questions, he thinks the swelling is from too much caffine so I need to lay off Starbucks and Mt Dew for a little while. He did say I could still have my green tea, but just 1 a day until the swelling is under control again.  He also told me to get some rest and enjoy my trip to see the grandchildren and he would see me again when I get back, before I have my next treatment.  I feel better now.  Off to take a nap. 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    amyjo - great news!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AJ, great!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Amyjo, I'm so glad things are resolved with your onc's office!  And doubly glad that not only were your pain issues resolved now, but you have a way of dealing with them should you need to in the future.

    Chrissy, enjoy your new stove.

    We spent the last Sabbath with one of my daughters and her family. My granddaughters are so delightful! This daughter has 2 girls, one just over 3 years old and the other 20 months. The older girl had lots to tell me, and the younger one thought she did. When she can talk instead of babble it will probably be more interesting!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    oh Leah, they are so sweet at that age (when they aren't getting into everything).

    AJ so glad your onc is getting you sorted.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I agree Leah..they are just so cute at this age..

    I remember when I had my three sons all five and under, I couldn't wait

    for them to grow up...wish I could have that wish back...

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62
    <a href=";current=familypicturesMay2011016.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Olivia Anne"></a>Olivia Anne" mce_src="" alt="Olivia Anne" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />
  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    I need help.  I finally put the baby's picture on Photobucket but can't seem to get it onto here without taking up an entire page.

    I've tried to resize it.  I'd love to show you Olivia.  Can someone help please?
