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For Older People with Sense



  •    I was there a little over two hours today and the nurse who was taking care of me, told me the problem is that they are so understaffed and I asked if it is because of the computer system that made them all quit and she said oh no, it's because they cut down on the staff and want the ones there to be really busy , rather than having four working which would possibly allow them a break or time to actually chat with each other or the it's zoom zoom here and there...hook up one, access another, de-access another.   She said they hate it for themselves and the patients and don't blame us for complaining one bit.....she gave me a card with the email of the  one in charge of the business office and told me I should complain and I am going to ....and I know several others will also.  I saw one of my buddies and I went over and tapped her on the shoulder and she was sooo happy to see me....jumped up and hugged me and said she was so sorry she just couldn't stay yesterday and she thought that was probably my day and she had wanted to see me and ask me about treatments, but got fed up and left after two hours and not even having been accessed and I said me too, I left and went to work so we had a good laugh over that.  This is the perkiest little lady....she in about 68 and really petite and she wears these cut little wispy blond wigs and she is usually going off to play tennis when she leaves the onco's and she is quite the chatter.  She gets herceptin and faslodex.  Tomorrow I go back and get my neulasta.

    Isabella, You crack me up....I can just imagine you sitting there watching those movies of people getting stuck....but in my visual you are strapped to a chair with your head made so you have to look directly at the screen......Really, it sounds like torture.  And then the DH or ex or estranged or whatever he is using the power hose on the plants.   You made my day!  These men just don't get me, my plants are living things and I love them. 

    Well, I am sort of tired.  Had to drive way over to the other side of town to look at wigs tonight and that sort of stressed my brain.  I am going to go play with the headwraps AmyJo sent and see how I look in those and then I am going to go read. 

    PS Isabella,  I just thought of something....Go to the hospital next week and on the first blood draw, jump up, let out a big blood curdling scream and go running up and down the hall screaming.  ooops, guess you can't run, but just go as fast as you can Then maybe she will give up on you. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Oh Phyllis, I so wish I'd read this post before I answered your PM.  You're having such a terrible time now, but it will get better once you get the preliminary things done and get the surgery over with.  Your daughters are so afraid of losing you, I'm sure, that they're saying things they will later come to regret (I regret things I said to my mother to this day, and she's been gone 28 years) but when they see you carrying on with your life, they'll be more accomodating.  They're scared now, and like with you, the rug's been pulled out from under them.  You're in the worst place now, but once you get going with your actual treatment things will move quickly and you will start getting your life back.  And I know I had my share of sleepless nights and too early awakenings, still do sometimes, as I imagine we all do.  I think the actual diagnosis is so shattering that we simply cannot absorb it completely and it is overwhelming.  I couldn't even talk about it without crying and honestly, I still have trouble with that.  It's hard when you're the family caretaker for everyone and now the tables are turned.

    Diana, welcome even though you'd rather not be here!  Like everybody has said, talk to 3jays.  She'll be a wealth of information on the MS part, and you can rant anytime.  We've all done it, and we'll all do it again.  As Chrissy said so beautifully, here you've found a family who will always support you, no holds barred!

    Yay for you Chrissy!  Did you christen it by cooking tonight?  That's one awesome stove and I can just imagine you cooking away on it!

    Marybe, complain and complain, girl!  What you went through was ridiculous.  We all realize the economy is is deplorable shape, but cutting staff in areas like where your treatment is done, where people need the efficiency and the personal relationship with caregivers, is inexcusable.  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow with your neulasta, and hope the claritin will help make it easier than last time.  

    My goodness, Isabella, the man is totally nuts!  How on earth could he think that watering hanging baskets with a power washer wouldn't completely destroy them?  And your"immersion therapy" with the needles.  Got to be a better way to do this, although I really like what Marybe said!

    I'm going out of town for the weekend so won't be back on until Sunday night, not taking the laptop. Hope all of us have a nice weekend.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well all, the plumber has just left and my stove is working!!!!!!  I've got the oven going burning off the horrible smell you always get with a new oven so I will be set for the take off tonight!!!!  This weekend is going to be a bake fest, cakes, cookies and even a pie or that's just the sweet stuff.....I'll have to put my thinking cap on and work out what I'll do as far as savoury goes.....mmm......may be a roast of pork?   That'll test the mettle of any back later girls, got to go shopping for all the

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies.. wanted to stop and say Hi! and im glad i heard isabellas' story... my life is a mess right now, and im so happy to feel the laughter with you girls!!

       Isabella... i'd apy BIG BUCKS to see you "push HIM IN again!!!" im still laughing at that one.. and MAKE SURE he pays for new flowers, and washes at HIS OWN house from now on!!!

       i'm so glad i didn't have 1 day of my ex at MY door.. it wouldn't have been pretty!!!

        Diana, i sent you a PM and PM me anytime, sweetie.. special circumstances are just that.. special. the hospital will have to figure it out. i was at one much smaller, with less knowledge than Dana Faber, and im still here, so they didn't  muck it up too bad...

        chrissy yahooon the new stove..

        i got a sample to be cultured today, so in a few days i'll have the right antibiotics, and maybe start feeling better. i've got that shell knob clock ticking...

       the grief is going to be a "wave" kind of thing. i want to curl up, and just not deal..but i did that when me dad died, and i ended up having a stoke. right, i won't do that again... learned better when my mom died... so, i'll muddle through this one now... its' a hard thing, though, i won't kind about that... so close, but still too far away to travel to the family there...

       phone calls' did well with Rae, so they'll have to do with the rest of them for now. i'm just concentrating on getting through yet another day...

      im so grateful to have you there, my frineds....     3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i don't know HOW i got those big letters, id like to do it again... Isabella; we have dentists in the states that do sedation therapy.. it's just the needle in your arm, gives you  veresed.. and its' twilight from there on; ya don't remember a thing.. i found it easier than the needles in my mouth. can't afford it now, though, so its' hang on to my seat...

       they've removed 3 teeth, one shows whenever i talk. i said i look like a hillbilly; fischer said, no nana, you look like a hobo.. you need a stick, and a scarf.. can i borrow a scarf marybe?? haha    3jays

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Just stopped by to say goodnight.  Off to bed since I keep falling asleep.  The granddaughters wore me out this evening at the pool so I am glad that we are in a hotel so that we can run them off home and then we can get some rest.  Night all.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Night Amyjo, sleep well!

    Well girls, this is what my excitedment has been about........the new stove and range hood in

  •   BEAUTIFUL,CHRISSY!! ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!  People who are not into cooking and appliances cannot understand the thrill of this, but believe me, I do.  I looked at stoves and dreamt about them for years, have a big folder of the original one, I looked at Corneau (sp), then as it got more and more expensive I went down a bit and started looking at AGA, which also went up and I think now probably just as high now as the lst mentioned, then I found this one called Fratelli that was an Italian brand and was salivating over it and found a place here that I could actually go in and look at the floor models, but did I get one....NO.....and I am still kicking myself in the ass for not sticking to my guns and getting what I wanted. I want the cast iron emamel....either a cream color or this georgous bronze I saw a few years ago.  It seems like you gals down under really know what it important in the the kitchen....I know Alyson has her nice stove and who else has one, is it Shiela?, and now you.   And I am sure it was worth the wait.  I am pea green with envy. Maybe I will put that back on my bucket list.

    I am up because my shoulder is killing me.....this has been getting progressively worse and I dont like it since I know I have bone mets there.  Right now I have one of those freezable icebags tied to my shoulder with a scarf....NOT one of yours AmyJo....those I will use only on my head!  As I do this I am thinking about those women who use those penquin cold caps to save their hair and am wondering if I would find doing that worth it....wearing them for three or four hours post treatment?!!  Maybe early on I may have, but at this stage of the game and knowing what a lot of SEs are other than losing hair, I don't really think so,in fact I know so,  but more power to them if that is what they want to do.  I HATE cold, hate being cold....if it gets rid of pain I am willing to do it, but just don't think I would do it just to save my hair which I did find grew back quite fast. 

    Kathy, Sometimes it is nice to be away from the computer and everything.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend

    DFM,   I hope you have a nice weekend sis who is out there was telling me how summer is just really slow on coming, but she did say her wysteria did great.

    3jays....good to see you posting....we are all with you.

    Amyjo, Continue to enjoy sleeping, your family and the pool.   Phyllis, I agree with the others....your gals are also scared for you and of losing you, I forgot to say this when I wrote....but I still feel you should talk with them and reassure them that cancer is not an automatic death sentence and that this is not something you chose, just something that happened and something you have to deal with and maybe if you make them feel like they can be a part of helping you, that will help them.....and tell them believe it or not, there will still be a lot of fun time ahead.  Everyone else, I think of you all am am so glad we got to know each other....nice to see all you, Ls....Lassie, Lisa, Liz.   Now I am going to go see if any insomniacs are up before trying to go back to sleep...I think this is the shoulder and not the steroids.    I will be back this weekend to let you know if the claritin worked.   . 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe, isn't it the concept that your shoulder hurts because the mets are being killed off? Don't ice for too long or you start to kill off the skin!

    GORGEOUS, inspiring picture Chrissy!!! I can't show my DH or he'll move to Australia. Marybe, check out Bertazoni ranges - Italain made, but not so well known that their price has rocketed....yet.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope you have managed to get some rest Marybe. I must get away to bed as it is getting late here. Spent the morning shopping with DB and SiL which was a bit trying as SiL spends so long looking in every shop. then DD arrived with the little ones which was great. I managed to have some time with Sam when she took Bea up the road.He laughed and smiles and made those lovely noises little ones make.

    Must find a cake recipe for DH as it is his birthday on Tuesday. I do enjoy my stove - its cream enamel on cast iron and its cooks brilliantly. There are no elements in the ovens as the heat come in from the back via a fan. It has taken me a while to get used to this as its a much more moist heat in the baking oven and hotter and drier in the roasting oven. It works like an AGA. (Well it is a baby Aga).

    It is a holiday weekend for us in NZ - it the Queen's Birthday. Well it's when we celebrate it even though her birthday is April. And at present it looks as if it not going to be very fine. The weather has turned very quickly to quite cold after a wonderful autumn.

     Hope you all have had a good day.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, you gals were gabbing up a storm last evening. Chrissy, LOVe the stove! 3jays, hugs pal. MB, sorry you are losing hair. You do look very cute bald however.

    Everyone else, have a great weekend.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    I absolutely love the stove!  I think I now have stove envy.

    I have to run downstairs and find out why my washing machine is beeping but will be back on later to fill everyone in on my latest issues.

    I'm also getting ready for a baby shower I'm throwing for daughter #2 that's having a little girl.  Sure glad I was able to finally figure out how to post pictures but this one isn't due till 8/2.  Such excitement all around!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh, Marianne, another grand baby!!!! Lucky you!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Woohoo Marianne, grandbaby #2 in a couple of months!  You may have stove envy but I think I have baby there such a thing?  Just loooove babies!!!   Baby anything I go all gooie over......may be I'm just a big

    The stove cooks like a dream....did a full on roast of pork for tea with all the trimmings and it was delicious and the crackling....mmm.....mmmm.....perfect!  I'm going to have a go a cake and cookies be continued.................

  • Barbe,   If it's  killing the cancer cells where the bone mets are, that's a good thing....guess I tend to think the negative, but I will tell you one thing my body is a very good indicative tool.  I complained about my sternum for years and that bad onco I was with kept telling me cancer doesn't hurt.....then I had that chronic nagging little cough and they kept blaming it on allergies.....and then it was not my onco, but my orthopedic dr who ordered a MRI just like than when I pointed out to him where I was having this deep stabbing pain in by lower back, and the MRI showed a tumor in my sacrum.  Sometimes I feel a bit like a hypocondriac and like I am looking for trouble, but I do know what I feel and when it isn't normal.  I always use the ice over something like a shirt or a towel, never directly on the skin.  It does seem to help. 

    Alyson.....Baby AGA or big's an AGA.  I use box mixes and spiff them up,,, bake a chocolate mix, usually German chocolate since it is not as sweet and then torte it into four layers so it will take three layers of filling and then I make chocolate silk pie filling and use that between the layers and ice the cake with butter cream icing....sometimes I add some sliced strawberries on top of the middle filled layer.....people go Wow, and they never know it's a box.   I have a wonderful carrot cake recipe from scratch....I think what makes it is the chopped pineapple and's really moist.....on that cake I use the cream cheese icing as filling and then ice it with butter cream.   My cakes always have a bit of a surprise element because they look like regular cakes, but when you cut into them, there are layers of yummy filling.  Very low cal of course.  I took a cake class a long time ago and the guy who taught and made wedding cakes, would recommend Duncan Hines, said it was just as good as scratch.  

      I do know that brand of stove, Barbe....saw it at the Cincinnati Home Show and there was a store that carried is.....then BAM, they went out of business.  I know I am never going to get "the stove", but it is fun to dream and I like looking at pics of everyone else's.  

    Marianne, I know I have asked before, but how is the aromasin treating you....that was by far my favorite hormonal and it really worked wonders for me. 

    Thanks, Barb, but I didn't think I looked too cute that time I didn't lose my eyebrows until it was all over....this time I don't have as many of them to lose. 

    Almost time to take my claritin.  I am reading the second Larsen book....The Girl Who Played with Fire.....I really like these I am just going over there and taking my book and they can call me back whenever. 

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62


    Well, the washing machine looks to be breaking.  It's only 7 or 8 but I'm learning that most appliances are built to last only until it's the worst possible time for it to break.  I think it has little senses in it that tells it "Hey, her wall oven just broke so since she already had one repairman out we'll break down a week later"

    The wall oven is too expensive to fix v getting a new one.  DH and I kept discussing black or stainless steel.  We have to use our Sears charge and they were having a great Memorial Day sale but since we took so long arguing, we missed the sale.  The lady at the store said they are having a special sale on 6/12 from 6pm to 9pm and she figured out our price for that sale and it wll actually be $25.00 cheaper. Yahoo!  I don't cook to much anyway in the oven this time of year so it's no big deal. 

    Now, onto the washer.  It's having a hard time spinning.  I already had the "one time only under warranty" drum replaced 2 years ago so this will probably have to be replaced also.  Of the "everything happens in 3's) theory, I'm hoping that since I had to have my rotars replaced in my car yesterday that I've hit my 3.

    I have to concentrate on getting everything finished for the baby shower on Sunday so I'm putting all appliances out of my head until Monday.

    I can't wait to hear her reaction to our family, aunts, cousins, sisters and Tom and I getting her all of the baby furniture she wanted.  She found out about the shower but doesn't know her DH is setting up the furniture in the baby room while we are at the shower.  She's hard to get one over on.

    Anyway, that's my story for today.  Other grandbaby is doing great and will be making an appearance at the shower so all is good.  I'm not going to think of health issues until next week.  I am going to pretend they don't exist.


  • Marianne.....I got black at my dad's in the kitchen, mainly because the LG refrigerator which was a wonderful deal was only available in black ....the stove looks great when it is clean, but since he doesn't I always have to do that when I go visit so black stove top has not worked out that well.  SS is bad for fingerprints, but the brushed stainless is nice....also they have a platinum finish that is nice.  I have always wanted a front loading washer....just like the looks of them but the one we did get for my dad's which is not a front loading is really's a GE which I think Sears has and it is one of those without the post in the middle of the tub and is energy efficient and really does a nice job and is also very quiet.  I love 6 months same as cash! 

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Thanks Marybe,

    I just ran vinegar through the washing machine hoping to clean out the hoses/pipes to see if that helps.  When the towels were in it it wouldn't spin but without anything except the vinegar is did spin so I'm going to keep my eye on it and hope it can last a little longer.  Mine is a front loader and I have always loved it.  It's also on a stand and is great on the back.  I bought it when they first started coming out with them so I have had it a long time but don't want to part with it. 

    I'm the one who wants stainless so I will win the argument.  Before I stopped working to concentrace on BC I sold real estate and told my DH that it would help re-sale.  Of course, I'll still have to replace the bisque stove top, black dishwasher and formica countertops but the stove top is now pushing 20 and the diswasher 10 so they will end up picking a holiday and breaking. 

    Take care,  I also just noticed that I had forgotten to crochet a pink baby hat to match the blanket so will have to get busy and get that done tonight.  Thank goodness they're easy to do.


  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234

    The joys of home ownership...   How happy I am to be in an apartment and a phone call away from any maintenance issues.    There is no perfect place to live, but I sold the house after 33 years and this is my second apartment - downsized to a one bedrm w/sunroom.   And I have 2 large boxes of discards that will be donated to the American Legion flea market.  Being alone makes it easier to decide if I "need" something.   No one will run over and take the item out of the donation box...

    It finally cooled off a bit and more like normal temps for this time of year.   It was beginning to look like we would have at least 100 degrees for the rest of the summer months.  

    I have a black stove, fridge and dishwasher.   Dust is my biggest problem with the stove, as I do not cook all that much on it.   SS is great in my opinion and less likely to scratch or chip.    Do you have a "scratch and dent" store near you?    When we needed a new fridge, there was one with a scratch on the side, which ended up being next to the wall where no one ever knew it was there.    If I remember, Sears had a section of their warehouse with them.    No harm in asking.  

    Enjoy the weekend.   Hugs and Blessings, Nancy 

  • DPrestinRI
    DPrestinRI Member Posts: 6

    Hello Ladies:

    I wanted to drop you all a line and tell you that I have been in touch with 3jays. You are correct she is a fountain of knowledge!

    To Chrissy who posted the picture of a new stove -- How absolutely beautiful! To the person who posted a picture of a beautiful baby girl -- What an inspiration! And, to the person who shared a very funny story about a person watering her plants with a pressure washer -- Laughter is just what the doctor ordered in (although I hope your plants recover!).

    To the person who asked me about chemotherapy, -- although I am a bit of a naturalist, I realize with this diagnosis, everything is game! So, when I went to Dana-Farber, I really tried hard to be open-minded about the chemotherapy. Unfortunately, I was told that the breast cancer I have is from the chemotherapy I had before for the aggressive MS that I have.

    Therefore, the first line of chemotherapy agents that they would use for my breast Cancer is not an option because of this. The second line of chemotherapy agents that they would use for my breast cancer is not an option because it causes slight neurological damage, which I cannot have because of my severe MS. The third line chemotherapy agents that they would use for my breast cancer is not an option because this means that I would never again in my lifetime be able to treat my MS with an immunosuppressant because my heart couldn't handle it. So, it looks like they are just recommending radiation for me after the surgery. However, the jury is still out on all of this as it looks like I may have to go to rehab for two weeks after the surgery. And, even then, they cannot guarantee that I will come home ever. I am almost a quadriplegic at this point and if I do not get partial use back of my hands, I may have to go to a nursing home. The kicker of the whole thing is that I still work from home over the Internet with a voice recognition program as a legal assistant. Again, if I do not get partial use back of my hands, I may not be a to do this. Oh, the joy!

    Lastly, to the person who is having struggles with their children, I would like to share this last story. When I first got sick in 2000 with MS, I was not healing from the spinal tap. I had to lay in bed flat for six days. My daughter was 11 and my husband was not used to "manning the ship." My house was in chaos and I was fighting depression. Each night, I heard my daughter and husband fighting. One night, my daughter stormed into our bedroom crying and begged me to get better, telling me that she had lost popularity at school because I no longer picked her up daily and gave her friends rides home and that she did not look good for school anymore, etc., etc. My husband then stormed in and yelled that he was not ironing athletic pants and that that was where he was drawing the line! My daughter then whispered to me, "mom, you've got to get better, he's cooking again. He's frying a paper thin steak, making instant mashed potatoes and opening a can of slimy green beans!"

     I was so busy laughing at this point, there were tears coming from my eyes. My daughter accused me of not taking her seriously. My husband called her a spoiled brat. I decided at that point they were both spoiled and there was no one to blame but me!

    I am happy to say that after 10 years (and it has been a long road), my family has stepped up to the plate. My husband now cooks fresh vegetables, cleans house, does laundry and pays bills. My daughter, who is now 21, works full time, goes to college full time nights, rents upstairs from us with her boyfriend and runs her own house. Somehow, it all worked out.

    My sincerest best wishes to all... Diana 

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Marianne - you are so right about appliances knowing when to break. My stove gave up a week before my daughter's wedding which was held here. A few years later, same daughter had moved back to town and was staying here with her husband and new baby during their home renovations, my younger son was still home and the washing machine gave up. I preempted the old old dishwasher and replaced it a few weeks ago. Looks like the dryer will be next - but it's summer, the clothesline works and only my clothes to clean, so that won't be quite such an emergency.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I love the stove Chrissy, I know you will too

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Marianne, I hear you on bad stuff coming in threes.

    Diana, you have such a great outlook despite your trials. God bless you!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Marybe, it's so funny that you just posted about using cake mixes as a base for fancier desserts. I just finished making a Boston cream pie using - you guessed it, Duncan Hines yellow cake. Yum.

    Chrissy, the stove looks wonderful! Enjoy it for many years.

    Our Sabbath starts in less than an hour so will just write some more tomorrow night.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, I'm so glad you are going to complain about your medical service.  I used to do quality improvement in a hospital and believe me, they have committees that meet to discuss all complaints.  There are many times when a patient complaint leads to a new policy and I hope it does in this case. 

    Chrissy, I'm drooling over that new stove.  I hope I can do some upgrades to my kitchen this summer.  So far no $$ but may get some kind of loan. 

    Hugs to all!  This is my "quiet day" (except for the internet) and I'm supposed to be quietly sewing but I think instead I'll just sit in the sun.  Not going to worry about sun screen.  What can happen?  Cancer?



  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy, that stove is a beaut, and that from someone who has NO interest in cooking ! It looks really well now you have it installed. I bet if you like to cook you'll find lots of use for it.

    Diana, you certainly have some problems, bc seems to be incidental after everything else. 3jays will be the biggest help you can get. She has it rough, but manages to smile thru' everything that hits her. are you..are you going to attempt a long road trip to your sisters funeral ? Think about yourself, and what effect it will have on your immediate problems. Thinking of you.

    Marybe, sorry about the hair loss. I didn't do chemo, so have no idea how it must affect you...must be awful. Easier in winter with woolly hats . I have great big issues with foobs right now, so hot here all of a sudden, and have had to put them on twice lately...but come racing in and strip off , and straight into the shower, hate to be sweaty.

    Well, today has been a mixed bag. One horrible incident, and one side splitting, pmsl, happenning !

    One of my neighbours fields comes right up to within 10 yards of my garden at one side, and for the last 3 days he has been out from 6.30am cutting and turning hay. Today he pulled up, I could see him from an upstairs window, got out of his tractor, and went and picked up a dead cat. I was outside like a shot. He had run over, and killed, one of my cats. Chopped all its legs off, mercifully it was a very quick incident. No-ones fault. The cat must have been either moving thru' the grass, or asleep. Neighbour and I are always at daggers drawn, so that didn't help. We had an initial spat, but neither of us could do anything about it, couldn't bring the cat back, so he leaned over the fence, apologised profusely, and handed me a legless cat...crikey, I was almost sick on the spot ! I hadn't expected it and I was shocked. I was trying hard to not let him see how upset I was, and trying to get back into my house holding myself together. Hope never to repeat that incident.

    Later on in the day, the man who is here doing a bit of joiner work for me , suddenly went quiet. I was upstairs sewing, and suddenly thought 'I haven't heard him bobbing in and out of the house to have a cigarette'. He can't seem to go for more than half an hour without a ciggie, I keep bawling him out for opening and shutting doors, always bothered he will let my dogs outside, as he isn't a 'dog person'. Then, suddenly there was an exagerated door banging, and he shouted upstairs at me 'didn't you hear me shouting for you?'  Well, I hadn't heard a thing. He had gone outside to use the outside toilet, which is in a changing room, off the back door....the changing room door will open as easy as pie, but if you shut yourself in the door cannot be opened from the inside !!! Something to do with a short spindle... (don't ask me, I don't know !!  ) Well, silly man HAD been warned, it was on his list of jobs to do for me...but he had forgotten ! He had had to climb up high, in the toilet, and get thru' a very small window, about 18"x 24", then drop 6' into the farmyard. A big fat man couldn't have done this, but joiner was a very small weed !! so he managed it. He was very indignant, and red hot from banging and shouting and climbing, and I couldn't keep a straight face. I had to wait 'til he had gone back to his work before I rolled about laughing !! well, almost !

    I am just so please it is night again, and I am alone and quiet at last. G/son came screeching in tonight, went round his jobs at the speed of light, and vanished without any tea. He was going all night fishing ( Why!!) so asked for sandwiches to take with him instead of stopping for tea. I hope he doesn't get fed up in the early hours, and come crashing in waking me up, as he's only about a mile from me at the fishing lake he goes to ! If it gets cold in the middle of the night he is likely to do just that, rather than drive 12 miles home !

    If I had 3 wishes they would be Peace, Peace and fed up of not being able to live a nice quiet life ! DD is bombarding me with messages about her mini music festival / birthday party. She has applied for, and GOT, an entertainment licence to hold an 'event' in her fields. She seems to be inviting everyone she speaks to to attend. She annoyed her neighbours last year holding an 18th b/day this year she's gone one better, and made it official, so the neighbours can't stop her, calling the police on her, and getting the music turned down !!! I am in 2 minds about attending.....7 weeks to go yet !


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Isabella. Your bucolic life is very lively! Sorry about your cat, that must have been awful! LmAO about DD. Go. Should be fun!

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Hello Ladies!

    I am feeling much better tonight.  Thank you for all of your words of support.  About my daughters  -- they are both adopted from China.  The oldest, Alyssa (age 15), was left in a basket outside the gates of her orphanage the day after she was born.  They said they knew this because her umbilical cord was still "wet".  She was just under 8 mos old when I got her.  Hannah (she is 11) was with birth mom until she was 1 month old.  She was left in tall grass in the median of a busy street.   I got her when she was 14 mos old.  Hannah had some subconscious memory of being abandoned.  When Hannah was 5 and Alyssa 9 (Christmas of 2005) on Christmas Eve, I was going up and downstairs getting their gifts set up and started having severe chest pains and became very lightheaded and could not breath well.  I called 911 and paremedics showed up very quickly.  They stablized me and put me in the ambulance.  The girls were upstairs sleeping so I had them call an old neighbor to come be with them.  Because of my situation, they needed to transport me immediately to the hospital.  One of the paramedics remained at the house until my friend came. Unfortunately, Hannah woke up and came downstairs before my friend arrived.  She completely freaked out!  She did not know if I was alive, dead or had abandoned her.  While in the hospital, I had a ventricular tachycardia event, so they kept me there for a week. While in the hospital, they let the kids come and visit me, but while they were there, I went into afib (my heart rate was over 200 beats per min) and they made them leave.  I know it was very scary for both of them, but Hannah thought I was going to die and she has always been clingy after that.  I have had a heart cath since then and I take meds now to regulate my heart rate and blood pressure and have been doing well, but she will never forget the Christmas of 2005.  And now with the cancer, she is again afraid even though I do my best to reassure her that I will be ok.  I do understand how she is feeling.  I was about her age when my mom was diagnosed with BC.  And Alyssa's age when she died. 

    OK!  Crissy -- love, love, love the stove!  You must be an amazing cook! 

    Diana, what  a tough life you have had -- makes you wonder when the treatment for one ailment causes another.  You will  be in my prayers.  And thanks for the encouraging words about your daughter  -- I am sure they will be much stronger for having gone thru all of this.

    Isabella, OMG, the cat!  How horrible! But the other story about the handyman had me holding my sides laughing. 

    Who was it that needed the cake?  If I lived closer, I would make you one!  I make really artistic cakes for my kids birthdays.  I will have to post some pics some time! 

    Valjean, I love the idea about the friend in your pocket!  You like in Owosso, MI?  I am in Clarkston, MI.  Maybe we can meet some day!

    What a great bunch of very strong women here.  You have helped me immensly already!


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184
  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    just a peaceful rose for all who need a little time to stop and smell the roses...