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For Older People with Sense



  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey ladies... on the 19th we'll discuss surgery.. i want to do it asap: here's my concerns.. i m praying hard it doesn't affect my vocal cords, or voice box.. i've fsmily it affected, but they just peak in a whisper..

        since im not going for anything sexy anymore, the Lauren Becall voice isn't doing a thing round here... and of course, the worst case scenrio would be if itss bc mets. then, surgery still, but followup will change, for sure. synthyroid will be an everyday thing, no matter what..

       so, FIL, DR.; says if its "just thyroid" and iffff its just thryoid cancer; surgery, a pill for radiation and synthyroid will be the tx.. bc mets oops all different.. since i have slight liver problems with filtering, and beg of renal failure.. i hope to God, pray to God, its just thyroid, cancer or not. they can be improved, perhaps reversed in case of thyroid.. not such good stats; if its bc of thyroid.. and noone will kniow till surgery is done.. so, although im scared, there's nothing to do; till it comes, and thne we'll see... at least, we have it dxed, and can make a plan, now....

       i hope your  washers and dryers

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    3jays - I'm praying for just thyroid, then just pills, and then everything gets better! (((3jays)))

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    3jays: If it helps any, one of my mother-in-laws (there's been so many) had thyroid surgery. We were told prior to the surgery by her doc that it could get "rugged" so we didn't know quite what to expect. However, she came through it great, was sitting up talking in bed that same day. No problems with her voice whatever.

    It's going to be alright, it's just those cancer goblins trying to scare you. I'm working on a spell right now to send them packing--and of course, there are always more candles.

    Sending hugs, Maya

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    3jays, keeping a steady stream of prayers going for you!

    Aly, a new bathroom! How cool.

    Hi all!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    3jays, when my huge tumour/mass was removed, I did have trouble hitting certain notes when talking or singing. I didn't have to sing, but that was the way I was able to track my improvement. There was a song I'd sing every couple of weeks and each time I could hit more notes. I guess my practicing was a good thing, because, though I still can't sing for shit, I can hit the range of notes I'm supposed to have. It took at least a year. My speaking only took weeks. But remember, my mass was HUGE (size and thickness of the surgeons' hand - that's how he showed me) and it was B9!!! When it was removed with my thyroid, I didn't even need thyroid meds!! Go figure.

    So I wish you all the best. I hope who you see on the 19th doesn't say "let's watch this", because you HAVE been watching it!!! I had to literally STAMP my foot in my surgeons office to make him take mine out. They thought it was only about 3/4 of an inch, but because it was behind my sternum, the x-ray didn't pick up the whole thing!!! He actually apologized to me.

    New bathroom!! Cool!! Get a higher toilet Alyson, they are SO much easier to get on and off!!!!!! Also consider a higher counter/sink so you don't have to bend over so far.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Yesterday laundry, today, clean my office.  Never thought it could get so bad.  Every once in a while I watch a TV program called "Hoarders," and then I get motivated to organize the house.  The motivation lasts about a day.  Awake in the night with hip pain--my hip has been bothering me for some reason.  Of course I'm sure it's bone mets but logically that isn't very likely.  It's probably just old-age-body-deterioration.  That should be an official diagnosis with some kind of pill to treat it.  Maybe chocolate-covered Vicodin?

    3jays, praying this surgery goes well.  Give those doctors and nurses a lot of trouble for me.  The older I get the less guff I take--think I'll be one of those "problem" seniors!! 

    Well, putting off cleaning the office is not going to get it done.  Would rather sit here and write a book or something but here I go...


  • Rosieo
    Rosieo Member Posts: 200

    Hi all

    I am new here but not new to this internet searching.  I have searched and searched as to whether or not to take Arimidex.  Everything I read is bad.  I had an Oncotype DX test and my number was only 1, also I am 75 years old.  When I read your post that Arimidex may only help one in one hundred women I wonder why I have given in and started to take it.  (I had the prescription for two months before I got it filled.  Only on it about 5 days) So glad to have found this website to be able to talk to others in the same boat.   

    Anyone decided to not take the Arimidex.


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    A quick g'morning & best wishes to all - then my rant for the day.

    DH's sis + her GS have managed to hijack my birthday party with a huge drama whereby the mother of the GS (SIL's dau., not dear) decided the kid couldn't come - well, SIL is doing a whole family manipulation for her own ends, gets DH involved - phone calls, tears, a whole bunch of ballyhoo; and I didn't invite the kid anyway - she asked could she bring him, and how do you say no?  I'm sure it will turn out better than it feels today, but when they arrive this evening, I'm going to tell her to check the drama at the door...


    edited to add, naturally the kid is coming.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    L_C, so sorry about that. Relatives are a real pain some times.

    Hi Rosieo, I am not taking arimidex due to osteoporosis and stroke in my family. I take DIM, myomin, grape seed extract and turmeric to help to metabolize my little bit of estogen to the 'good' estrogen. I had my PCP order an estrogen metabolite test to measure how I was metabolizing estrogen. So far, I am doing great.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    rosieo..welcome..I sounds like you have done your "homework" on the plusses and minuses of Arimidex. I took it for five years and finshed up five years ago now...but I had more serious it is a quality of life thing for you it seems...sending hugs...

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Rosieo - I think that one in a hundred number was what one person's doctor said and was reported here as an example of the foolishness that some people say - not as fact. I don't remember the numbers, but am sure there are studies to show that there are good results from the drugs. I figure that the side effects are much better than the possibility of recurrance so continue to take Femara as recommended. You are a few years older than me, just a few.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    3jays....I am thinking about you...barbe seems to be offering good advice. I shall be watching on 19th to see what the outcome is.

    Barbe... do you enjoy singing ?? I love to sing, but my voice is abysmal !! I have a block of 4 kennels that is the most fantastic place for me to sing....I'm big on opera arias, and Queen songs, but sound just like an old ginger tom cat !! The poor dogs that happen to be occupying the kennels always look worried ! This kennel block is just plain old breeze block, wooden and tile roof, but no insulation. It always sounds really BIG , but it isn't, its quite a small space. Reminds me , I haven't had a 'sing' for ages now, must take myself off in the near future and have a go.  Luckily no neighbours for a mile !!

    Rosieo...welcome...I am from UK, and was just saying what utter tripe some of our Dr's feed us. I have been taking Arimidex almost 8 years now, and intend to keep on longer if possible. I do have trouble with side effects, but I'd rather put up with them than not take my little white pill. I was upset and resentful that the Dr I saw was inferring that he was only going on prescribing the drug 'if I thought it was making me feel better' in placebo effect. I could easily have rung his neck. I had never met him in the oncology department before....but this seems to be the way we have come to expect treatment here, I have been told repeatedly NOT to go on the Internet, and NOT to join breast cancer forums. It can be very frightening living here and knowing you are getting the minimum of treatment (if they can get away with it ) and if you don't speak up and, more importantly, question them all the time, things could get very dire indeed. I would certainly have a go with Arimidex, if thats what your dr's are advising, you can always change to another aromatase inhibitor if Arimidex isn't agreeing with you. There is a forum here specifically dealing with the ins and outs of AIs..(.top left, forum index ... if I go myself and look for the exact name of the forum I will lose all my post !! )

    Early night for me tonight, it is market day tomorrow. I have managed to persuade G/son to ride shotgun with me...for the price of his lunch out ! I have the most beautiful all white cow to sell, she is one of the best I have ever bred, and will make a fantastic show cow for somebody wanting an animal for the Christmas Show. I HAVE to start and cut down. I knew this was coming up, so have tried to keep my distance from her, so it won't be too bad for me ( selfish ??) It's quite likely I will try to back out and not be able to take her, but have given G/son instructions NOT to take any notice of me, kick me out into the cattle truck with the cow, and just drive hell for leather to market   IF I start to play up.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 the same boat as you, but I am dealing with Femara............I still have not taken it, and I finished Rads on June 15h.................I am 75, and my oncotype was 8......I just had a estrogen/progesterone level done.  Got a copy, but not sure how to read the damn thing..........I will take it to my Dr. or call my Gyn, and see what he says........................I had a mild heart attack (small artery) in 2007, have ostopenia, and I'm on cholesterol, and BP medicine even though they are way within normal range now........................I know what these damn drugs can do, and I don't need the crap..............I think its a matter of quality of life, so I still am contimplating what to do.............good luck to you.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Rosieo, Welcome to the site.  Hope we can be of help and comfort.  I'm 65 and had already had a mild stroke when I was diagnosed with BC--opted for bilateral mastectomy to avoid Tamoxifen.  The thing is, I really just didn't want to take anything as I already took Premarin, which contributed to the BC.  It's a difficult decision, and if I couldn't have opted for the surgical cure I would have chosen at least the aromatase inhibitor.  I seem to be susceptible to side effects so I try to keep down the number of drugs I take on all levels.  The thing is, it's your decision, not anyone else's.  The Dr. tried to talk me out of bilateral mastectomy, but then the post-op path report showed a lot of things that didn't show up on mammogram so I was glad I had it.  Please feel free to make the decision that feel right to you--that's the most important thing!


    Lynda (Dragonflymary)

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Wow, I miss 1 day and have to read 3 pages to catch up!  You ladies have been busy. rosieo, welcome to the group.

    Lynda - I also opted for the bilateral mastectomy and they found more in the right breast than in the left one and the left one is the only one that showed anything.  It was a wise choice for me since most of my cancer did not show up on the mammograms of the ultra sounds for 8 - 10 years.  Whih is how long they said i had probably had my cancer after the surgery. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls and welcome to you Rosieo.  Having to decide to do an AI or not is your decision when you get to the bottom line and that comment of 1/100 was made by me in answer to a post from Isabella.  It was her onc that quoted those figures, which by the way are wrong, worng, wrong and I was posing a very facitous question that she could have asked him.   We are all different Rosieo and because of those differences we tend to react differently to the meds that are prescribed for us.  I was allergic to Tamoxifen, had terrible SE's with Arimidex and now I'm on Femara and have virtually no SE's at all.........what I'm getting at is you nevver know how you are going to react until you try it.....there is nothing in stone that says you can't stop if you find it too difficult.  You never know, after the initial getting used to it you may not even know you are taking it.  Good luck with what ever way you decide to go and remember that no matter what, we are all here to support you.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey glals, welcome Roserio.. ive had to read to catch up.. isabella; i'm proud of you, re the cow: think of the lucky person who's gonna show it.. you do need to cut down, and slow down.. i had a lovely surprise your pm or FB...

       chrissy; i never heard of 1/2 the stuff for food you Aussies use.. we'll have fun dicussing... im afraid im still boringly chicken, rice, red meat, and salads.. i just added the salads, since chemo...

      the weight gain is getting bad; so i guess when they sort me out, it'll be tuna, ckn and salad.. but not till after Sept!!!   be well, ladies... 3jays

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, does this picture bother anyone else, or is it just me?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I mean, look at that cat's tail!!! He is very concerned and his tail is all puffed up! He's also not exactly relaxed in the racoons arms.....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe that has to have been photo shopped as the cat and the racoon are not true proportionally. 

  • I think the picture has been doctored up. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I figured that, but just the photo itself creeps me out!! It looks like an alien invasion or something.

    The cat could be a kitten, then they'd be in proportion....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe if you look at the cats face it looks too mature for a kitten but yes it is a bit creepy....where on earth did you find it?

    Hey Marybe how are you doing?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Chrissy, if I said it appeared on my computer this morning, would that freak you out more?

    Yes, Marybe, we need to know how the appointment went yesterday. Your ears should have been burning because I was thinking about you ALL day!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Barbe did someone send it to you? It can't just appear unless someone has been having a fiddle.

  • Apt yesterday was a big fat nothing as I anticipated.  He did not even look at my xray from the ortho doc until I asked Aren't you even going to look at it so he did,but he said there is not another xray to compare to and we will see more with the bone scan and can compare it to the last one.  Also I asked for tumor markers and hope I am not sorry.  Had  his feel this place that was like a pea when I first felt in right under rib cage back when the PA said it was a lipoma and he said it was not, but not to worry about it.....well, it is bigger and at lst he said No, I don't think it is and I said it IS so then he said well it is hard now moves around when you shove on it....palpable? right....I think was was saying palatable, meaning good tasting...LOL....too many terms.   Anyway again he says we will see it in the scans.....lot riding on those things I tell you.  I am not losing hope, but I just sometimes get disgusted with this whole deal and think why bother going in to see the onco, I am just a 15 min patient visit.   And the bad thing is even though I can go get these scan reports, next week is my week off so I just get to read a report and as much as I want to know, I hate ruining my week.   I know positive thinking....I just want to be Ok so I can get my SS disability and enjoy it by traveling.....sort of an idiom there, huh.....want to be disabled so I can do things.  Ah well, thanks for caring....I will keep you posted.  Nuelast shot it on my lunch hour today Go in at 9:30 today for work....had a nice visit with my cousin's daughter and friend last night on their trip to NY....we went out to eat and then went to an old fashioned ice cream parlor.....looked at clock and thought OMG they are probably pooped having driven all day..  They just left and I packed them a nice lunch for the road....just like my grandmother used to do....some people turn into their mothers, I jumped right to grandma.   We had our pic taken in front of my Xmas tree which is staying put. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Well crap Marybe! That WAS a whole lot of nothin'!!!! I've had lipomas and they are larger squishy masses, not hard little peas. As they are fat deposits, it makes sense for them to be squishy. I think your doc is a dink.

    As to not having a previous x-ray to compare??? What, we should all get base line x-rays when we're all growed up to have as "proof" that something isn't right??? Another dink comment.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Marybe I'm keeping everything crossed for good news on your scans.  Have you applied for the disability yet and if so how long do you have to wait to find out if it's been approved? 

  • My appt is July 25, but I am doing some of it on line....the big question is When did disablity begin...when things progressed, when I started cutting down (still work to much).   He is actually a good guy, but yeh, a dink also.  Just don't want to change horses right now, BUT if this halaven is not working, I am going to consider looking elsewhere....wish MDA was not so far away, I really liked the guy there and we still stay in touch via email, but I have reports sent to him.  Have a good day ladies. 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Good luck with evernthing Marybe and do let us know how you get on.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy