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For Older People with Sense



  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Good morning all

    Just having a quick read because as GD says I have to go to playgloop. Playgloop we say. No Granny PLAYGLOOP. She is sure she is saying playgroup but it is fun teasing her.

    She was so sweet yesterday  when she told the BS very seriously that Granny had a broken boob but that was all right. BS had had a conversation with he about what her baby brother eats. Bea said he doesn't eat he gets milk from Mummy's boob then she told BS about mine. BS just loved as did a very anxious woman waiting to see BS.

    Must get moving.

    Big hugs.

  • mcbird
    mcbird Member Posts: 138

    Thanks Barb, I haven't had any chemo and unless my boys force me into it, I hadn't planned on any but then again; considering the alternative......

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    mcbird - please don't consider yourself deligated to any corner, much less the not gonna make it corner.  You need a different onco!  Mine is committed to helping me make it to the youngest grandchilds wedding and my youngest is due in Jan 2012!  Do get in touch with Marybe, she has been doing this for 13 years and is still going strong.  {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}

  • McBird!!  Barb is correct, ask me anything about chemo and liver tumors.  I haven't seen any posts from you and have wondered what you have been up to.  So very sorry about your recent test results.  I was one who was never going to do chemo, No way, never ever....but when the hormonal treatments stop working, we have to do least I felt that way.  I was actually anxious to get the chemo started once I decided I was going to do it....just could not stand the thought that cancer was taking over my body.  I just got a new passport last month so for sure I am not going to allow cancer to keep me from going to these places I want to see.  But maybe there are some other hormonal treatments that will work for you...ask him...have you done faslodex yet?  But by all means don't think you are one of the ones who isn't going to make it....I have been Stage lV for 13  years!! Alyson love your story about Bea who is becoming very knowledgeable about boobs at at early age.  Maya, they used to have a Bastille Day celebration at one of the local they have fireworks for it, special food?  I think I would rather be in France doing that than going to find a place to park our chairs to watch fireworks I don't want to go to with my father.  Lassie, Wow 96... maybe my father isn't so far off talking about 10 yrs from  thing for sure, he's healthier than I am, but even with chemo, my memory is better.  All this talk about beets is making me want some.  My dad has some 33 mm movies of fat baby Marybe with beets smeared all over my face and hands....I think I liked everything they fed me and the habit has hung on. I am sitting here now trying to think of something I actually do not like....I did not used to like sushi, but I tried it and now I love it....I used to not even like pizza because I thought the cheese smelled like dirty feet, and now I like blue cheese even and could eat pizza every day...I used to not eat garbanzos because I didn't like the texture and I now adore hummus....Oh wait, I have it, I do NOT like mince meat pie.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Alyson...congratulations on your infection ! What a funny lot we are !! Seriously, just pleased it's all turned out OK for you.

     I laughed at Bea and her playgloop... they are sooo funny at this age. My G/daughter, Alexia, is running scared of the  'helimopter ' at the moment !! She will NOT change what she says ! DD was trying to get her into the house for bed, the little monkey was NOT coming out of her paddling pool, so DD took advantage of the police helicopter coming in to its hangar nearby, and told G/daughter the helicopter was looking for little girls, running around with no clothes on, and refusing to come in to bed. Alexia couldn't get in quick enough !!  I had her here Saturday last, the helicopter came over quite low, and Alexia ran behind the garden shed !! I think I shall always look at helicopters now and think helimopter ! need to do a rethink about you say ..... the alternative !!! And stop this thinking about the 'not going to make it corner '   you WILL.

    Feeling a lot better this week, so did my hair, which was hanging down in rats tails, last night, plus my nails which were a disgrace. When my polish begins to chip, which is pretty quickly here, I always remove 'til I get round to sorting it. I have left it chipped and messy now for a fortnight ! Anyway, looking a lot tidier, I ventured into town today...and managed quite a few 'bits and bobs' I needed to do. Came back with a couple of shirts, a pair of sandals and some perfume. quite a girly day ! Then walked straight into a fine old mess in my kitchen. The floor was in a real state, one of the dogs had had sickness and diarrhea all over the place, and of course it looked as if every other dog here had trotted back and forth thru' wasn't feeling quite so girly when I'd finished clearing that lot up. Was straight into the shower.

    Am in for a very long night tonight..probably shalln't get to bed at all. I have a dog just starting to have puppies, and she looks really full. She always takes an age as well !! I have a jab I can give to them to hurry them up, but can't give it until the first puppy is delivered, otherwise it just makes the dog have contractions when she isn't ready to. But, going on previous form this little dog will rip up bedding for hours before she actually gets down to the job. I would be surprised if she actually does anything before about 4 am.....5 long hours away !  


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe - I do not like mince meat pie either, but there are a lot of things that I don't like.  I am glad you did not trip.

    Isabella - sorry you have a long night ahead of you, but at least you got a few bits and bobs done. The day started out on a happy note.  Maybe the little girl won't wait so long this time.  Let us know how many pups she has.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600
    Marybe - I do not like mince pies either, however, when I was growing up a woman at our church made  pies with her own mince meat.  They were wonderful.  I still don't care for "mince pies".
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    DH and I just watched the fireworks from Washington on PBS.  Spectacular!  And now as I sit in my office I can hear some neighbors setting them off here.  You'd think they'd realize that it's raining! Hope it doesn't wake up GS, who we're keeping overnight.

    Darla, do contact Marybe and don't count yourself out yet either.  We're not!  Hugs to you, too.

    Isabella, seems like your midwifery duties are never done, cows to dogs!  Didn't know you had a pg dog, and hopefully her time will be short and not too bad.  I'm glad you had a good day and got out a bit.

    Marybe, when my DD was small and we took her to my maidenly aunts' (never married, and my friend and I called them that when I was a teenager!) house for lunch, they could never put beets on the table or that''s ALL DD would eat.  I make pickled beets every year now with the same type of brine I use for sweet pickles.  DH and I like them added to a salad. 

    I wish you all the best in dealing with your dad.  It's painful to see our parents changing, I know very well. My dad died at 93 but lived alone until he was 91.  Although he had memory issues later after he went to a nursing home, his main problem was near blindness from macular degeneration and also deafness (wouldn't wear his hearing aid.)  His sister Aunt Kate didn't ever wear glasses when she died at 98, but was almost totally deaf and wouldn't wear her hearing aid either.

    Lost Creek, hope your birthday celebration is wonderful and your new houseguest is amiable!  It sounds like you've really worked hard in your house---sounds the way I'd like mine to be!  Now, I'm seriously considerating having someone come in every couple of weeks to help with the heavy routine jobs, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

    AmyJo, there's so much I don't like that my family makes fun of me for it.  I'm a very plain eater, and of course, would not like mince meat!

    Hey to BarbA, Barbe, Chrissy, Lassie, Ducky, Lisa, Alyson, and everybody else!


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hey to you too, Chabba.  I hit submit and then saw your post.

  • I had a really nice 4th of July.  Went to the concert with my Dad....his former office girl (she's probably 80) and her daughter and SIL picked us up and had chairs for us to set up in the park....they brought their dog, Scarlet (Ohio State name...last dog was Buck) who is a Springer with them.  There were lots of dogs there since this was outside.  Chrissy, you should go to a small town USA event like this when you are in the State....I am sure you didn't watch Twilight Zone( there was a marathon all day and night yesterday), but there was this one show and I think it was called Willoughby and this guy got off the train and was back in the old days and there was a big gazebo in the park where the band was playing......well, that is what our park is like and I am always amazed at how many people come out for these things.  So lst person I run into is someone I went to highschool with and of course I get the how are you doing? I heard you were doing treatments again.....then ran into another person as we were getting our chairs together.  At intermission, the SIL told me Bob and Jeanne were there and I asked Where?  They came to that fondue party I had in Portsmouth I forget when Feb, maybe?  I used to spend a lot of time with them when I went with the other Tim because he and Bob were good friends and I think Jeanne is without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I have ever known....and she stays that way without much effort....of course she is probably only early 50s now, but still she looks great.  So I went over and visited with them and was talking about how my Dad wanted to go to the fireworks, but I did not, however last time he went without me and fell down so I almost would have to go and  Bob says Come to the office and I asked What office?  Well, it seems he bought this old house on 5th Street and since they were setting off the fireworks on a  hill right across the river in KY, there was a great view from there.  So we went and my Dad's Uncle Albert (Bob was singing about this) lived in the house and also his Uncle Rudolph lived across the street so they were talking town history and also go going on OSU football and I had a wonderful time visiting with Jeanne and my Dad had a glass off wine and I had my diet Pepsi ( reread that article and S. Ohio is the #1 consumer of Pepsi products in the country, not just OH) and a fun evening was had by all.  This AM I am to have coffee with my friend Kris and am meeting another friend, Donna, for lunch and maybe Jeanne will join us.  The main draw for me IF I ever did move back here is that I still have lots of friends here.  So I hope everyone else had a nice day and will also today.  My father remarked last night that it was a very nice fireworks display considering the town is broke. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    I dislike mince pie, too. And okra and egg plant and liver but that's about it. I'm game for anything else. So glad I had the opportunity to see the fireworks here. We watched from the rooftop pool deck and could see at least six cities' displays. Wow! And boy did we eat. Plus Patrice had this three piece navy crepe suit she bought pre-boob job and it fits me perfectly so I am bringing it home!

    Gotta get ready to hit the road. Everyone have a great day!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    If you don't like mincemeat pies it's probably because you haven't had a 'real' one. Try to get your hands on an original recipe one. They are AMAZING!!!!! A bit of real whipped cream and it's to die for!!!! Store bought, mass produced ones just don't cut it. There is NO meat in them!!!!  To me, they are a combination of raisins and spices with brown sugar in a flaky tartlet....mmm mmm good!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    NOT to be mistaken with a 'butter tart'!!!

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    barbe - That is the kind of pie I was talking about, best if you add a bit of brandy or rum.  I haven't made mincemeat in 30 years, wonder if I could still find the recipe?

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    BarbA, I'm not big on eggplant, either.  Grandmother's homemade mince pies were "famous" in their farm community, but I didn't much care for it.  Dad liked a raisin pie that was pretty good. 

    I like pies a lot, but am super fussy about crusts - I can't stand soggy crusts.  All this talk is making me think I need to food-splurge and bake a pie or two -- hubs LOVES my pies. I do have a couple of county fair ribbons for my baking. Innocent  Chabba, it looks like Google has a zillion scratch mince recipes, maybe there's one similar to what you used to make.

    Marybe, I have a lot of distant cousins and deep roots right across the Ohio River in Covington, Grant's Lick, and other communities in KY.  As we speak I'm trying to work up the re-enthusiasm to finish a pre-bc project to get a historical marker for an ancestress put up on the highway, I think it's 27, in Grant's Lick KY - I'm not sure if that highway goes north across the river into Cincinnati  -- most of what I know about the area is pre-1800 !!  Anyway, I have to finish that project...

    Saw the Onc today, no problems. Showed her the lump on my thumb, and when she said "probably arthritis" I said "that's great news".  DH didn't quite get it, but the Onc did.

    I must be picking up some of Marybe's habits -- when I passed a plant store with a buy 2/get 1 free offer, I couldn't resist.  So I'm off to put the 9 new flowering plants in the ground.Embarassed

     Have a good day, all.  I hope today's surgeries, dr visits, puppies, travels, jobs, families, and life in general goes well for each and all of you.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    L_C, I love to make pies as well. I make a great light flaky crust. I think my favorite is apple but I also make a killer cherry and peach. I usually don't make them until Thanksgiving or Christmas because there are only two of us and neither of us needs to eat a half a pie. Maybe I will make one and give it to Mom. There's an idea.

    Back home now. Here is a fireworks pic with a camera with no zoom. I NEED to get an SLR bad.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I like eggplant grilled. That's the only way. Aren't you supposed to drain it over cheescloth or something to get the bitter crap out of it?

  • You peel it and soak it in saltwater and that gets rid of the bitter taste.  The only time I have ever left the skin on is when I made moussaka ....Hey that is another thing I didn't like....moussaka.  Or maybe it was just my recipe for it, that I did not like.  I love french fried mother used to fix it all the time and we thought it was a real treat. 

    I used to make terrible pie crust until I got a recipe from my former boss's wife that is wonderful....problem with it however is that it is almost too flaky and when I am feeling lazy I just use Pillsbury.  I love apple pie.....ones piled really high with apples that dont cave in after they are baked....I also like apple pie with the streussel crust. I also love cherry and my friend Kathy's peach pie recipe (she uses almond extract in it) so I am with you all the way on pies, Barb.  However I also love pumpkin and coconut cream, and chocolate silk, Oh and almost forgot black bottom pie which my mother used to always make and  is delicious, but a real PIA to make because you have to use so many pans and bowls to do all the different phases, but it is worth it.Sounds like when it come to pie, I like them all, but still not mincemeat....I am also not really crazy about pecan because it is just too sweet for me.

    LostC, Good for plant away. I remember when I first was diagnosed I was reading some book and dont quote me on this title, but it was something like When they tell you You have the Big C....anyway, it said creative people are survivors and it gave examples of artists, gardeners, people who like to do things with their hands and I took it to heart, thought Ah Ha, I am a survivor.  As for KY...True Cincinnati is right across the bridge from KY..our airport is even there..Cincinnati International Airport is in KY...weird, huh?  But the fireworks I was talking about were in South Shore KY which is right across the river from Portsmouth, where my Dad lives.  I am not familiar with Grant's Lick, but do know Covington quite well....Covington and NewPort have a lot going on, restaurants, shops, places to eat on the river.  Want me to look Grant's Lick up? 

    I have treatment today at 10....not seeing even a PA and am not sure if this would be approved if Dr.Cody knew about it, but I don't think they know too much about what is going on at that place these's a mess.  I just called to reschedule my bone scan since they did it on a Wed. and they already know, or are supposed to know, that my Wednesdays are full.  Today I start work at 1:30 and Tammy said we will be there til after 8.  I need to start cutting down since my appt at the SS office for disability is on the 25th and they are going to question me working so much.  I am still torn, but think it is the way to go.

    Hope everyone has a good day....looks like it is going to be another hot one here. 

    Just talked to my friend Kathy who lives in KY....she knows where Grant's Lick is....said it is not far and she's been thru it, which means I probably have also.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Marybe - You will qualify for the SS Disability they want to know more about your treatments you are on and what test you have had and when your next Dr. appointment is and if you have any test scheduled.  The only thing they may question is why you waited so long to file.  You will still be able to work, if you want to, and still get your disability.  Take is easy with all the planting and transplanting.  I know what you mean about using gloves.  It is just not the same as playing in the dirt with your bare hands.  Just be sure to thourghly clean your nails and hands, good excuse for a manicure!  Sorry your  treatment center is a mess. Maybe it will get better soon, you need to tell Dr. Cody about what happened today.  Love you my friend.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all, just popping my head in the door so to speak before I head out for my mamo and BS visit.  I shall be back in a bit later.

    Hoping all are doing well.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm back and happy to report that everything is A1 and he doesn't want to see me for another six months!  YAY!!!

    Marybe that pastry recipe sounds great maybe you could email it to me....please?  As usual I can't believe what you are doing.....if I spend an hour in the garden it takes me three days to get over it!!!  Goodluck with your application SS Disability!  I know the rules for each country are different, but at Satge IV, I think they are similar everywhere and you should have  no trouble getting it.

    Did I tell you ladies that I love food and there is very little I won't eat.  In the vegetable line I eat everything in the meat line I eat all but what I call the offal......heart, brains, liver, kidney, get the idea, all the stuff on the inside.

    Got a true but sort of funny story for you.   I'm at my DD house in the city and my GS's have a cat named Boris.  He is a tabby and a beautiful beast but he is such a mischief it's unbelievable.  Last night I decided to lay in bed and watch a movie on my laptop and when I was done, I turned the computer off and put my glasses on top.  I can see diddly squat without them so if I loose them I am in real trouble.  So......I wake up this morning late after DD is at work and GS's are at school and put my hand out looking for my glasses.....not there!   I sit up and look some more thinking that maybe I have knocked them off the computer through the night so I check the floor.......not there!!!   Then I think about BORIS!!!    Yup, the little darling has sniched my glasses and they could be anywhere and I can't see to find them!!!!   I ended up ringing the school and asking if my GS2 could be sent home as there was a family situation and he was needed at home.........poor darling came in the door with the most worried look on his face but when I told him that his cat had stolen my glasses and I couldn't see enough to find them and I needed them to drive as I had a doc appointment this afternoon, the poor relieved lad just burt out laughting!!!!!    He set to and after a fifteen minute hunt, found my glasses and I am once again able to see!!!!!!

    Take care all!!!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • Chrissy,  So glad you got an thumbs up from the BS and had a good mammo.  I guess this means you are ready to roll in Sept. 

    I don't do anything compared to what I used to do, but always tell my husband when he is remarking on it that the day I stop doing or trying to do is the day everyone really has to strart worring about me.  Even though I never had an official diagnosis my friend who diagnoses learning disabilities on children in schools, once told me I was ADD and I think  fit the bill.....I get going on something, get sidetracked and by the end of the day have five unfinished projects going, including the original that means I have things to keep me busy for days.  Also getting the seroids in the premeds don't help.  I will send you Kitty's pie crust recipe....all I have to do is find it, but it should not be a problem since it's in the cookie and dessert recipe box and I do know where that is. 

    I do hope this SSdisability thing works out....I have put it off and put it off and as much as I like working, it really takes up way too much of my time.   I know I complain about Tim all the time and still think he's got a self-imposed eating disorder and is the laziest man alive and he drives me crazy, BUT he's got a good heart and he said when I was talking about this and how I was worried about money, "Well, I can take money out of my savings or the credit union and if you even need any extra money, just ask me and I will help out".   After all my bitching and crabbing he still is willing to do that and I find it absolutely amazing.  I married for insurance and I am not at all sure what he is getting out of this deal is not sex that's for sure,'s not my wonderful cooking since he often has already eaten, it's certainly not for my warm and bubbly presence since  we think from opposite ends of the spectrum, it's not like we do much together at all and I just don't get it.   Another one of life's little mysteries. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    CHrissy, I was ROFLMAO with the cat taking your glasses. How funny! Marybe, I think Tim just loves you. No explanation needed. Come on September!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Chrissy, Boris just wanted you to stay awhile longer. Wink  Next time, he'll steal your car keys!  Great news about your mammo.  So glad so many of you will be able to get together in Sept.

    All this food talk, and I added sour cherries and fresh nectarines to the grocery list.  2 pies.  One this week, one next.  DH's young trainee may be here at just the right moment for fresh pie... HAH! 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I used to wear hearing aids. Very expensive but I hated them. They were fitted for my ears exactly by doing a foam mold. They worked, but I heard TOO much. Anyway, I used to casually leave them on my night table so they were handy when I got up. One day they weren't there! I looked around at the 4 cats looking back at me and said 'Okay, where are they?' 3 of the cats smirked and left the room. The last one (the one still alive now) put his head down but didn't move. I said 'Bogie (one over par), where is Mommy's toy?' He went over to a chest in the room and put his paw underneath it. I went over and sure enough!!! There was the hearing aid, just out of paw reach!!! It blew our minds. We laugh about it to this day. He was too young at the time to know he could have just walked out of the room too! heheeheheheh

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals just cking in... so much happenning for me in my life; i simpley cannot cope. please pray for me, if ya pray; or cndles, or whatever... im in the middle of a family crisis, and very ill; as well. they did find nodes, in a wk or so we'll biopsy, hen discusss. its just too hard to deal with everythhing, so i;ll just hang out and see. know that i love you all; and thank you so much for your support... im just gotta go for now.....3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Cherie, I love you and am praying as hard as I can.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    oh, 3 jays sending so many hugs to you

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    oh, 3 jays sending so many hugs to you

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    3jays, I'm praying as hard as I've ever prayed!!
