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For Older People with Sense



  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31

    Good morning ladies,

    I have not been on BCO in a very long time but occasionally stop by just to check out what everyone is up to and say hi.

    This thread caught my eye because I am older,older than what I don't know,and because I have more sense than I've ever had in my life, I think. Mostly I am just looking for a calm place to take a breath in my otherwise crazy life.

    I am 46 married have 2 grown stepchildren 27 and 25 one son 21 this month 2 daughters aged 6 and 7 and a niece and nephew who live with me during the week aged 9 and 6. And am the proud Granny, Nana of 5 grandchildren who THANK GOD live with thier parents. And I also work full time.

    I live in deep South Texas about 30 minutes from the coast. It is HOT HOT HOT here and we are all praying for rain, or a cool breeze,either would do.

    Now I've messed around and it is already time to wake up kids and start the day. Thanks for the calm spot ladies.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Welcome, bkc. This is a nice spot to hang out. The gals are all great! Yes, I feel your pain about hot but since I am on the beach, we are at least 10 degrees cooler than Tampa. So instead of 100 we are 90. Still hot but at least we have a breeze, a hot one, but still it's a breeze.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Bkc and welcome to our calm little oasis.  Pop in whenever the mood takes you or you find five minutes in your busy schedule.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good Morning Ladies - this will probably be my only opportunity this week to stop & think awhile, and I just realized I'm on a page back and if I move we all know the post will disappear - sorry if I missed anyone.

    3Jays, you're in my prayers, too, all-ways. 

    Isabella, I was sorry about the pups, and hope the remaining litter is thriving.  The unfolding saga of your DD and her new house, oh my!  I do hope you can take time for yourself, take care of your Self...

    Barbe, I had been worried about you - hadn't seen your posts a few days and then your horrible experience! I do hope you're recovering and continue to improve.

    Chrissy, I'd already have the bags out ready to pack, and I'm excited for you for your trip.  If you make it to Northern Calif., let me know and if it's feasible, I'll come down the hill & buy your lunch...  You gals in the southern hemisphere sound cold! 

    We are having a week of Goldilocks weather just in time for my birthday. Highs 72-80 all week.

    Speaking of birthday,  it is turning out to be quite a "do" -- DH's phrase "no work for you" keeps echoing in my empty brain cavity... Every time I find something new to scrub, dust, or move or.... Yesterday just found out SIL is bringing her 10 yr old GS.  I love her, but the kid is a real pill.  They'll be here for a week.  My DD arrives Fri & will stay 4 days.  30+ are expected for lunch on Saturday.  I have a small refrigerator.  It will be an interesting week, to say the least.  

    Made it through DH's trainee here for the weekend.  Nice enough guy, and they mostly brainstormed, so didn't require too much from me.  

    Welcome to the new faces, sorry to meet in these circumstances.  

    BarbA, do you ever slow down?  You must know a million people on a first-name basis.... I'm about to need a name tag to remember my own...

    Lisa, your pix continue to amaze and delight me, bringing joy to my day each time...

     My best to all,

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    L_C, I will be leaving your fair country via Los Angeles that  southern California?   Sorry for my ignorance, I know it Califoria but that's it.  I can organise to stay for a couple of days before flying out if it could be organised for us to catch up.........I think that would be great!  Let me know and I'll do that.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    this is next door...

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Chrissy, L_C is a couple hours from San Francisco. A Beautiful city in northern CA. I plan to see her next time I am out that way. I will be in LA in three weeks for a couple days.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Well, today took the biscuit. I set out for a couple of hours round the shops, and ended up having to ring my G/son to come and fetch his old granny home !!

    Being oh so clever today, and having an 18th b/day present to buy, I decided to try and walk up and down the main drag without my walking stick....silly me. Parked up in multi story carpark, got down to street level, and remembered I had forgotten my walking stick. Couldn't be bothered to go all the way back up to the car, so pressed on. What a stupid decision I made.  I didn't really feel too bad on the outward trip around the shops, but suddenly I just had to lean on a wall, my back seemed to give. I had to go into the nearest shop and ask for a chair....then I had to ask someone to ring my G/son for me...seeing as I am so stupid to refuse to use a cell phone !!!

    G/sons turned up in duplicate, one to drive my car back, one to get me home !!! Now I really do feel like an old bird !!! I really hate to make a big fuss, and ask favours of anyone ( tho' have to say I am always at the front of the queue if anyone else needs's just me that doesn't like accepting help !! ) So won't be going shopping again without my stick.....probably won't be going shopping very far again 'til I get my back seen to.  I'm intending to make an appointment with my GPs practice, to see if they can push me up the list. I have been waiting now almost 22 months, and don't expect keeping on walking around is helping the state of my spine.

    My GP left the practice I am with last week, so I am in limbo now for a doctor who knows me. I very rarely saw any of the other doctors in the practice, even tho' I had the feeling my Dr didn't particularly like me. Her attitude was always dismissive, tho' anyone else you spoke to about her got on with her like a house on fire, she was the most popular doctor in the practice.  

    I have my 12 month onc visit tomorrow, am dreading reason...but I hate these visits. I think I am going to have to ring in the morning and try and cancel for a week or back is stiffening up nicely now, and its quite a hike from the carpark to the actual Oncology department, even with a disabled parking permit. Could do with driving right in the hospital main doors, taking the car up the lift, and along the corridors to the department. There's plenty of room to do this, but somehow I don't think I'd be very popular if I tried it !! 

    Off for a long soak in the bath now...praying I will be able to get myself out of that situation safely !!!!!! That's all I need, stuck in the bath 'til tomorrow morning. I will never live that one down !! I can just get the 'phone into the bathroom, just about enough cable to reach, daren't shut myself in there with no 'phone. I've had enough excitement for one day !


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ah Isabella!!!! Have you considered an electric scooter? I have one and am able to lift it in and out of the trunk (boot) of my car by myself as I didn't get the HUGE one. Mine is made by Pride and is the GoGo model. I just love it when I need it. I've had to call for help myself, you are not alone sister. I've even bought another cane just to get back to my car where my cane is always in the front seat!!!

    Isn't your surgery for the end of July this year????

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh dear!  Isabella, please take it easy.  You have never a dull moment, but this one was a doozie.  I do hope you find a dr. you like in the practice, and can get your back fixed. And take it a bit easier on yourself.  I'm sorry you need to carry a walking stick, but they can really make a difference in your mobility and indepencence. Sounds like you could use a few boring days!  

    Chrissy, LA is maybe 8 or 9 hr drive south of me, so it's unlikely I'll get down there - drat because I would love to meet you in person - but you never know what the next couple months might bring.  Don't make any plans on my account.  DH and I have discussed a possible trip south, to see nephew3, who's in the Navy stationed near LA. He's getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan with the Marines as a corpsman.  40 years in California, and I'm ashamed to admit that to date, my southern California experience is limited to a couple of airport stops & a drive-through. 

    BarbA, the Bay area isn't out of the question at all - it's about 3-4 hrs south of me - let me know when you're going to be out this way and maybe I can drive down. That would be fun.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    just checking in.. my eyesight has gone south, but they added that to the list of what the hypothyroid can do...dry eyes in the extreme...

       Oh, isabella, im so sorry you got yourself in that position.. God Bless your GS to the rescue...have you noone you trust to come stay with you, for times like this?.. i know how you feel. i do it myself...somehow, any way i can; unless Murs here, cause i just don't like anyone being up in my business. most days are fine, but , sometimes there does come a crunch!!!Rest up, dear girl am praying for you to get that surgery done..they've messed about quite long enough!!!!!

       will be doing "fly byes" till i can get the eyes a bit better.. i cant really type well, as it is...

       Good luck, Chrissy 1/2 of america is waiting for you to get her e on our soil!!hahaha3jays 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    happy anniversary: chrissy 3jays
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Happy anniversary!!!!

    Isabella, you really need some help until you get your back sorted. I know, I know but you still need to do it.

    L_C, I would love to meet you. SF is so fun, we could have a blast! And my company would pick up the hotel!

    Chrissy, we are anxiously awaiting you!

    3jays, I so hope they get your straightened out on meds. You have suffered too long.

    Barbe, I bought my mum one of those scooters and she loves the freedom she now has. She has COPD and can't walk far without gasping for breath. Not bad enough for oxygen yet, thank G-d.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The little GoGo scooter that I have doesn't look as 'serious' as the ones where people are incapacitated so I can still hang on to my dignity. That was a great gift to your mom Barbara!!!!

    3jays, it's good to see you!!!! We know you're a hurtin' unit, but love to see you fly-by....much love, sweetie.

  • Well, the orthopedic doc took an xray of the shoulder that has been bothering me yesterday and he showed me the mets.....gave me the films to take to Dr.Cody tomorrow.  He said he could do a cortisone shot, but wanted my onco to see it as rads might be in order.  I was not upset over this since they had told me before I had mets in both shoulders, but the question is, has it grown in size or number and for some reason they have not been sending him my bone scans as I asked the hospital to do so guess I will just have to find out tomorrow.   If it is worse then this is just one more reason for me to think the halaven in not working....wish my hair would just go because I now feel in limbo, but am still not wearing a wig.  Normally people don't look forward to scans, but I am wishing it was tomorrow because I hate this not knowing. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Crap Marybe!!! Amazing how our bodies know when something is wrong....  Call me stupid, but I didn't think Halaven was for bone mets. I thought it was liver or other organs. I am fascinated by x-rays and scans. I saw my DH's back tumour as an MRI or CT (can't remember which) and it was truly amazing!!! Beautiful in a sick and scary way.

    Maybe this is just something else to force your hand on working full-time. Is part-time an option or would you be too bored at home?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{{MARYBE}}} Sending prayers up for good scans and rads soon for pain.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    marybe; im prayinn gitl.. it seems Dr. Cody and the scans will give you some of the answers...

       Barbe; didn't realize your mum had COPD... my mum and sis had it. im just hopin to net develop that..bc and fear of copd got me to quit smoking finally.. my mum didn't smoke for 20 yrs and still it developed...

         Barbe; when i was 1st dx with MS i got a loaner, much like the go go... i now have a deluxe hoverround, but since the truck we had died, i can't use it outside the house... we've been looking for a cheap van; but, till my "little" problems get straightenend out, theres' no hurry...

       my little problem won't be settled with meds.. it looks like another surgery for me. will get more answers on the 19th.... 3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Awww 3jays, surgery sucks but at least it will solve the problem and you will feel better. HUgs, gal pal. Yes mum has COPD and do you think she will stop smoking? nope. Heck she's 81  so have at it.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, you're in my thoughts.  So sorry you are having pain.  Been away for a while in Bend Oregon going to a quilt show and camping with grandkids.  So glad to be back--it was beastly hot there.  We travel in an old Airstream and it can be a challenge but is so cute.  The kids love it and they had a great time.  Just finished the 5th or 6th load of laundry.  My poor washing machine!  It seees me coming and heaves a sigh--"Oh no, she's back!"  3 jays, praying for you too.  Love to all.  Dragon

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Isabella, I would have gotten up in his face and strangled him. Grrrrr.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I was feeling particularly sensible today, so I thought I'd stop in...

    Marybe, sorry to hear you are having shoulder trouble.  I'll be hoping it is separate from the mets and something that the cortisone shot will take care of.

    Also have been thinking of you, 3jaysmom, and wish the health issue would quit piling up on you.  That is so hard when it gets to be more that one or two things to take care of at the same time.  

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Eli, so good to see you here!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    L-_C.. is your nephew at Camp Pendleton ??

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    SoCalLisa, he was at Pendleton for awhile, but is now at 29 Palms.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi all!!!!

    Awe Marybe, gentle (((hugs)))).  I sure hope your onc can sort out your shoulder for you so you can get relief.......I think there is nothing worse than shoulder pain it seems to be way more debilitating than any other as you use your arms constantly.  I really think it's time you were seriously thinging of stopping work.....yes I know you love it but you also do way too much at home and at your dad's.   You can't do everything!  it's just not possible!

    Awe 3jays, more surgery?  Hopefully that will take care of a lot of the problems all be it a bit of a pain to actually have it.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be all done and you back on your feet (so to speak) before September.

    Howdy Eli, nice to see you pop in.

    Dragon great to hear you had a lovely time but I sure can relate to the groaning washer when you returned home!

    Isabella my tele is about 14yrs old but still going strong but because I am on a pension, the Gov. has provided what they call a set top box which hooks up to it and gives me the new signals without having to buy a new tele.  I always think if it ain't broke don't fix it so I'm hoping this tele will last a whole lot longer yet!  That doc sounds like a right jock!  I would have asked the question 'if Arimidex is only effective for 1/100 women why is it prescribed at all?' and see if he could answer satisfactually.  Some times these docs just like to big note themselves and they forget, we are just as bright as they and we also can do research.

    Hoping everyone has had a good day!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Marybe, I'll be hoping for good scans and answers for you tomorrow.  You're always in my thoughts, dear friend. Hoping for rads or the cortizone shot to help the pain.

    3jays, always thinking of you too.  I hate you have to wait until the 19th, but at least that's just a week away---I find that time passes so much quicker the older I get and I dont really like that.  

    Isabella, the onco you saw is an absolute jerk.  None of us take arimidex just for the hell of it because it's sure no walk in the park!  (If, with all the se's, one could even walk period!) Glad that visit is over for you.

    Hey Elimar, it's good to see  you.

    Dragon, DH has always wanted an airstream but we never got one.  Glad you had a good time with the grands!

    Hey Barb, Barbe, Lisa, L_C, and everyone else.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hi Chrissy!  Saw your post after I did mine, and hope all is well.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    Big hugs Marybe,3jays, Isabella and anyone I have missed. Marybe do hope the shoulder is OK and Isabella get that back sorted. 3Jays hope you can get things worked out.

    I have spent the day looking at bathrooms - I remember you doing it a while ago Marybe. The carpenter suddenly said he will be here next Wednesday or Thursday and can I please decide what shower, toilet and vanity I want. Went with DD1 to a big bathroom place which my plumber uses so have lots of catalogues and have to make decisions by Friday.

    Talking about visit to oncs. Had phone call from hospital this morning to see if I was OK as I had missed an appointment yesterday. I knew nothing about the appt and if you don't reply they usually ring to check. So don't know what happened and sp now can't get appt before the end of Sept. I am not pleased, I may ring and see if I can get something earlier. At least i know that if I need to I can see my BS at anytime.

    We are also going to digital TV this year. We are OK as we have Sky but we ahve to get some things sorted for MiL as her TV is older. Think we will probably get her a freeview box like yours Chrissy.