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For Older People with Sense



  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244
       Candle lit. This really sucks 3jays. Please take care. Right now, the most important person is YOU. Love, Maya
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Mon Cherie!!! I hand my God to you for as long as you need Him. He is a very powerful God, but has a pretty wicked sense of humour. He does that to everyone, so don't be offended.  God Bless, sweetie!!

    Much love, Barbe

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Cherie, big hugs and wish I could lend you my boots but I am sure God has given you steel capped ones. I hope they find solutions quickly. Look after yourself as Maya said you are the most important.

    I shouldn't complain but having bad pain day grrr and LE was so bad yesterday, bit better today. Saw pain specialist and even though he couldn't give solutions he gave me lots of explanations which has made me feel so much better in myself, he really listened and actually told me things before I had said anything. Is sure that as well as the RA I have severe fibromyalgia and is aggravated by Post polio syndrome it all makes sense.

    Must get back into other room where it is warm - the office doesn't have any heating.

    I'll have rest until DD brings GD around later while she and DH meet some folks from over seas.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awe Cherie....(((((((hugs))))))) you know I will pray for you.  Hoping you feel better soon!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Cherie - Lots of prayers being said for you and whatever the situation is.  Peace and comfort my friend.  If you need anything you know where we are.  Take care of yourself

    Alyson - Sorry you are having som many painful issues.  Hopefully the dr can get it under control soon. {{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}} 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    thanks so much to all MY ladies.... we are the old "pod" still, ehz? so the report says i have a 1.35 solid mass in one side of the thyroid... referring me to a surg endo. guess a biopsy is in my (not so ) near futeure... does anyone know.. is that a large mass? and, no one will answer, can BC met to thyroid? i've asked every dr. who says dunno (bet they do) and i googled everywhere, even mayo clinic, who couldn't corrolate.. i think it can go to every organ, bon e, why not thyroid. thats the only fear i have. if its just thyroid cancer, they radiate, and take pills forever. My FIL has had 2 bouts in his life,one at 85.. i can do thyroid cancer, if i need to, i just wanna get strong again...they can't see me for 2 wks., and im getting weaker w/the ms. next time i fall, im going to the luck, they;ll send me home and tell me wait for my appt!!!

       thanks for all the love,n care, ladies. prayers said ck candles lit, ck fingers crossed. you better believe Gods' hearing from me, too!!!         be well.        3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    3Jays - I'm so sorry to hear of the problems you are having. Both with the docs and your thyroid! A while back, I had bookmarked a thread about possible thyroid cancer.  Here is a link to it. I hope it can give you some answers. (((3Jays)))

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    If the 1.35 is in centimetres, then that's about 1/2 inch. I don't know if that is considered large or small as far as thyroid nodules go.

    This link states that thyroid nodules are usually NOT cancerous. I'm hopeful that this is one of those scary side trips that can be reconciled easily.

    Candle still burning brightly.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    (((((((((((((((((((((Cherie)))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Thinking about you, gently holding your hand whilst solutions are found. I think we are all here for you....sorry things are so bad. Try and keep us posted.

    Alyson, I didn't know you had fibro. See, you learn something new each day !! Fibro is what usually causes me the most trouble. Mine is termed 'severe' as well. It took me years to get to the correct consultant to get the eventual GP is very dismissive of all my pain, and isn't much help. I find nowadays it's easier to chill out with an afternoon in bed, and NOT keep trying to 'be brave and carry on ' !!!!! and anyway I have finally decided to become officially semi-retired, so new excuse to those who dare to come knocking at my door when I don't want them to !

    Amyjo, my little dog had 6 reduced to 5, and probably will be 4 by morning. That's life. She kept me up all night, didn't get started 'til just before 5 am...I was dog tired...and couldn't give her the hormone jab quick enough to get her moving, but it still took her another hour and a half to pop out the final 5, by which time it was no use going to bed. I would have fallen sound asleep and not been able to watch her I've been quite crabby for the last 2 days.

    I managed to go upstairs today, fully intending just to rest and listen to the radio. That was 1pm, and the next thing I knew it was 5pm. I really needed that sleep ! DD called in yesterday,and with her usual shock tactics announced that she's moving house. Apparently negotiations have been going on for 2-3 weeks, no-one thought to tell me. She's moving into the oldest house in her village. It is so old it is mentioned in the Doomsday Book...a very old book drawn up in 1038...sort of a very early census type book. Can't say whether the house is the ACTUAL bricks and mortar that was there in 1068 !!!!! but she tells me it is very old looking. very tiny windows and 18" thick walls. It has a Grade 1 listed status on it, which means she cannot change anything at all about the place without asking permission. Unfortunately this doesn't cover decorations internally, the ideas DD has about decorating have to be seen to be believed. She usually has bright orange, lime green, duckegg blue, and black covering everything. I shall have to go over and try and steer her off these garish colours in such an old place. I wasn't asked to go and look at it, so I invited myself, and am going tomorrow !! I don't know why on earth she has decided to move, but then I don't ever try and find answers for her strange behavior ! She tells me she wants a bigger place for more parking spaces !!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey gals..just stopping in for a bit. promised myself id stay in touch...thanks, HRT&SOUL: and MAYA2 for the links. thats' encouraging...

        DID get to talk to the n.p for the surgeon today; she was concerned enuff to ask us to hand deliver all the tests. of course, its' over fot the wkend, so she said mon or tus she'll call. she's concerned no endo will see me bf two months...ahh, me too!!!

       interesting, i got the results from my onco, and now see why she got the US so kidneys are all screwy..some #'s high, some low, none in range. after much googling, could be thyroid, could be unrelated, and my  kidneys are going wonky...

       Ive decided i won't worry (too much) cause its; way out of my league, and this dr. may help yet....

       Isabella; its' so good to "see" you!!!im so glad you've decided to semi retire.. that means you'll only be doing 4 ples jpbs right??hahaha  love ya all. back to bed.....3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    3jays, you are in my prayers. Thyroid issues are fairly easily handled, IF the bozos would get on the ball and see you!!!

    Isabella, never a dull moment with you, eh gal?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Isabella, what's the difference with a grade 2 listed, then? I thougt grade 2 had to have permission for outside, so I assumed grade1 would be inside. I'd LOVE to see that house!!!! I would KILL to be able to decorate it!! I watch ALL the BBC shows and know I've lived there in past lives...ehhehehehhee.

    Fantasy House in the Country/City, Home Show, Escape to the Country, etc, etc...just love them!!!

    Sad about the puppies dying, but that is life. Well, I guess not. What a stupid comment I just made. I could have back-spaced, but what the heck.

    I had a HUGE sub-sternal goiter removed (benign) and spent 3 days in ICU after bleeding out in my hospital bed. Tumour was the size AND thickness of the surgeons hand! They were blown away. I had trouble breathing and they kept checking my lungs until I started choking. Then they looked at my throat!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Wow, Barbe, that is some scary stuff! Glad you made it  OK.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It was very scary as it happened. The nurse came running down the hall and threw me onto the bed. Then she climbed up on me and straddled my throat with dressing as she desperately called for help!!! They paged the surgeon who came running in and had to put in extra stitches as I lay there. They had brought in a crash cart and had it right up to my bed!!

    They told me I'd have to go into ICU to get the care I needed and then back on to a regular ward for at least a day before they'd let me out. I told them I had to get back to my store by Tuesday (Thanksgiving weekend) so I'd go into the ICU on the understanding that I would be released from THERE ASAP.SOMEONE had to open my store!!

    In the ICU I woke at 9 pm desperately having to pee. I rang for the nurse and I will never forget this. As she entered my room, she turned her head and called out "prepare for an airway" to the other nurses. They thought I was ringing because my throat had closed off as expected!!!!

    I was in the exact same ICU that my Dad was in after his lung cancer surgery. Considering that his journey AND mine had flowed through about 8 different hospitals, the odds of being in the same one were very, very slim!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Barbe..whoa...what a commotion. I would have been jumping out of the hospital window !! It is a big fear of mine for something as heavy as that to happen, just don't know what I would do. I am told after my back op. I will be in ICU one, maybe two, days, so am having kittens already !!

    My DDs new house is a bit scruffy from the outside, livable in, but needs major sprucing up. It has been stood ages I am told. Listed status, as I understand it, and this is very basic, Grade1, which DDs is, is for any house before 1700. NOTHING can be altered without BIG consultation with English they are so strict they dish out generous grants so its done correctly. Grade 2 listed is a bit more relaxed, 80% of old properties fall into this catagory, whereas only about 10% fall into Grade 1. I do not think this house is for DD unless she has turned over a major leaf !!!!  A brand new kitchen has been fitted, plus a bath/shower room, but NO decorations anywhere. She never has had much interest in her surroundings...I might be being mean here, but to her its just a new house, the excitement of sorting out a VERY old house is just not there !! I went to look round the house she's sold, and my god, it's in a state. Goodness knows who would want to move in there after DD ! I walked into her 15 year old sons room, and OMG what a mess. I know teens are little pigs, but this was bad. He had stood against his bedroom wall ( painted lime green) and sprayed himself with fake tan, it was all over the wall. I would have given him a pot of paint and a brush and locked him up there 'til he got rid of the mess....but no no-one says a dickie bird to him !! He had also punched one of his wardrobe doors thru', in temper, and it was just still hanging there. Words failed me. What on earth those youngsters will pick up from living like this I dread to think. ( I remember about 12 years ago, DD was living in a large trailer, on another farm I had a few miles away, now sold, I went up one snowy day and there was DD, kids in tow, sledging away in the fields, on a door she'd pulled off the kitchen of the trailer she was living in!!! I had a major fallout with her on that one, but she just did not think she was doing anything wrong !!!!)

    I came away today quite sad, to think what could be made of this house, but never will...but then its not up to me to impose my ideas on DD. NO point in trying. Been there....done that ... for years !! The thing that's grabbing her attention most is the fact she will be able to park 7/8 cars in the garden...which DOES actually mean IN the garden. There is only hard standing for 2/3 cars, any more would just be run onto the lawn and flower bed at the side of the house !!! As she says  'I'm not a gardener like you' I fear English Heritage will be on her like a tone of bricks if they catch her flattening the garden !! Good Luck to them is all I can say !!!!

    Bed and a shower for me, I have had a bad day !!!!


  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Barbe - Wow, gald you are okay now. That was quite an ordeal to go through.

    Isabella - glad you are finally considering actually slowing down some.  Hope people will let you really retire from some of the jobs dealing with animals.  Sorry you had a bad day, but get as much rest as you can and take care of youself.  It is sad about the puppies, but that happens sometimes and you still have 4, or is it 5, to take care of.  As for you DD maybe her having to deal with the English Heritage people, maybe she will finally begin to wake-up and realize there are some things that you have to take care of and pay attention to the details.  And it won't be coming from her Mum.  Do take care of yourself and try not to let your family make you nuts. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hmmm, does England know what they are getting themselves into if they sell that house to your DD Isabella???? Maybe they'll make a reality show of her moving in and trying to buck the system!!hehehehehehehe Can you imagine??? Let's see...for a about "Failing Grade One?"

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh, ladies, its' so good to stop in and say hi... now, my eyesight has gone wonky... its' expected, with hypo, tho, so forgive the inevitible typos...

       Last night i wrote Marybe; and told her i found a super saver on am. airlines... and typed $20. instead of 200.00 she said she'd travel with me anyday at that price,,, im sttill cking it out. someone emailed me the info. id book it, but still don't know how i'll be by then. my luck, i won't book early enough!! im just praying my little heart out i'll feel up to snuff to go asnd meet all my "friends" here...funnym we;re frineds, bf we even meet!!!!    love ya'll   3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Girls I need to know exactly what flight you are all booking so I can book the same one and of course what airline.  I saw the travel agent yesterday but told her to leave that leg blank  as I wasn't sure what to do there....need info girls as it's coming down to the wire!!!   The weeks are just flying by for me now, hope it's the same for you.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i'll send yyou an email tommorrow, Chrissy.. i know Barbara A said she wanted to pick us up. and we'd fly with her... but, i don't know now if i can go, with all this mess with me... BUT: how lovely, i don't have to move MUCH, and you'll be HERE!!! FT.Laud easier, but Miami also works...

      ill pm you tommorrow. having trouble with my eyes tonight... miss hearin ya, girl,, glad everythings a ok with you....    3jays

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    3jays, no prob on changing to Ft Lauderdale that is why she is doing a tentative itinerary so I can make changes before she books.  Even if it had been done, there is no penalty for changes which is a good thing.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Little green eyed monster here but we are starting to discuss a trip next year but don't think we will get to the States this time; hopefully though will get to Canada.

    Have had a busy day and tomorrow is looking as if it will be the same.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Alyson, can you feel my excitement building?  I'm alreading thinking of what to

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Alyson, you can come and visit me!!!

    I will book my flight last as there is only one of me and it would be easier for me to accomodate everyone else coming from farther. Just let me know which town to fly into. Springfield is cheaper than any of the other ones, just in case no one had checked it out.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Barbe, for me Branson is cheaper as Air Tran flies there. I fly to ATL and will meet up with AmyJo there. Chrissy, I really would like to come visit 3jays with you. I will try to Skype you this evening.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Well, winter has certainly arrived here!  It is cold, cold, cold and I don't usually feel the cold but today, I'm wearing two sweaters, track pants and calf high Ugh boots, the fire is roaring and I'm still cold!!!!   My fingers feel like little icicles hanging off the end of blocks of ice that pass as hands........I daren't put them in warm water as I'll end up with chill blains and I don't want to do that!!!    Oh, I think I'll just go crawl into bed with the electric blanket and get warm that way...................Maybe tomorrow will be a degree or two think?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Really bad here too Chrissy. There is a storm hitting the whole country. We have had more thunder tonight.It is really cold in the south with snow down to low levels. Supposed to be like this all weak.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Same here Alyson and next week is only supposed to be a degree warmer which is not warm at all!!!!  BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    You are freezing and we are roasting. Hugs, gals!