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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Marybe that is GREAT news!!! That has given you such a good shot at a less SE-ive drug!!!!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Yay Marybe! Herceptin!  Big best wishes!

    Kathryn with a y

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195

    Great news Marybe!!!!!!!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marybe, so happy for you.  Hope this is a real turn-around. 

    I'm going today to get a perm--okay that's so 80's but my hair is long and when it's perned it doesn't look so thin.  I just wear a bun anyway so it's pretty low maintenance.

    Amyjo, it's true; people can think of a million ways to misspell a name.  You'd think Amy would be an easy one though.  My last name is Swedish (even though neither of us is a Swede--we're both Irish but there's a stepfather in there).  It's "Malm" just like the furniture at Ikea.  I've seen more spellings of that than you can count.  I guess it's really common in Sweden but Americans usually come up with Malin.

    I got in trouble with my PCP for taking too many NSAIDS so now the case manager is "reviewing my records."  What can it mean?  The insurance co. gave me a case manager as I was racking up too many bills.  I think she's there to make sure I don't get any services I don't need.  She doesn't have to worry about that--I'd do anything to avoid the doctor.  I also have to go in for a hip x-ray as hip pain is waking me up at night.  I think I have arthritis or something. 

    Oh well, enough kvetching.  This is the only place I can recite my medical woes.  I really have nothing to complain about but it's all a *^%@# anyway.  Phyllis, I hope you're on the couch today--watch some videos.  I got hooked on that show "Hoarders."  It's so bad it's good.


  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Good afternoon, ladies!

    I'm climbing out of the hole from #4/6. Typically around day 4 or 5, I hit the wall and have to just go to bed for about 24-36 hrs. Blech. I took my steriods for an extra day on Monday so I could babysit 3 of my grandsons overnight. I made it through, and so did they (a six year old and 2 year old twins)! But boy was I pooped when I got home Tuesday night. 

    Fortunately I have a boat-load of sick time at work, so yesterday and today have been all about recovery. Will probably work 1/2 tomorrow. 

    Iowa seems to have finally broken its heatwave, too. Yay! A little rain would be nice. Love the garden photos...keep 'em coming!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    {{MARTHA}} Hugs, pal, you are almost there!

    OK, pals, I think I killed it today in the demo. They seemed to like it but we will know next week if we make the final cut. Whew, what an ordeal. Heading to bed, as 4AM comes early (well, it is really 7AM to me).

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    L_C - my youngest daughter is named Kathryn too. 

    Marybe - so glad more treatment options have opened up for you with the herceptin. What lives we live to be glad someone is HER2+!! Can hardly wait until Sept. to see you again. Take care dear friend.

    Martha - take care of yourself and get the rest you need. How ever do you manage a 6 yr old and 2 yr old twins!  I know that is way more than I could handle even on steroids! 

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    so, to answer your question, chrissy..yesterday off to the "miracle " endo .. he agreed with others. they all think i have Hashimotos' disease, probably goes to taking neulasta when i have MS.. no choice there, tho. they think my thyroid will flucuate, and that i'll be on some sort of synthyroid from now on. i will put in a call to the docs i like, but won't see until oct. I'm hoping that they'll add 25mcgs to this one. i felt better on the higher dose, but , its cumulitive, so i might just have to wait a while, and see.  so, add yet ANOTHER "comorbidity " to my file!!!jeesh..they'll do a biopsy in oct., but since noones heard of bc met. to the thyroid, its' all good...

       i just have to be patient, and thats my worst trait!!so, we'll see..........3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh 3jays, I so hope the synthoid evens you out again. Hugs, pal. Up and getting ready to head to the airport. See you all later.

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    3jays -glad you have some answers and I hope the synthoid gets you back on an even keel again. I so want to see you at Mecca!

    Barb - hope you are home or almost home by now and getting some rest after a long flight.  We head out tomorrow evening (5:40 pm) to San Jose where SIL and DD will pick us up.  We will get there at 9:55 pm their time so it will be 12:55 am out time.  Tomorrow will be a loooooong day, but I am so anxious to see all of them.  Hopefully the baby will come soon.  DD said if she has not had the baby by Mon. they will induce her.  I'll try to post pictures at least to fb while I am gone. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    AJ...keep us posted!!

    Here is another of my favorite spots..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    You are back just in time Barbara, for the weekend and the green flash

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    That would be one of my favorite spots too!

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    SoCalLisa - what a fantastic picture!!!!  Is it one of your shots?  Where is it?


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    Lisa!!what a gorgeous pic..i love waterfalls...welcome home, Barbara: and trip; can't wait for the new Grand!!praying for you all......3jays

  • bengirl
    bengirl Member Posts: 1

    Love, love, love, this picture! I'm awaiting my results for yet another biopsy. I was diagnosed in 2008 with dcis and have had a lumpectomy and radiation. Since that time I have had several biopsies on the same breast. I was looking to put this behind me but can't seem to escape it. I have a family history of cancer - breast, and other "women's" cancers. My family was not open to discussing or even telling anyone what the cancers were. I only know that my mom had breast cancer (2x) because I was living with her. So I'm going thru this journey afraid. I do have a wonderful husband and friends but I find it so hard to just enjoy life without worry. I'm open to finding new things to have an interest in. Thank you for starting this thread.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Welcome bengirl - and of course sorry to meet you in these circumstances.  There are wonderful women on many threads who can help you find answers, and you won't be so alone. 

    AJ, wishing you a safe and wonderful trip. Anxiously awaiting your grand news, and pix if you can..

    Lisa, that's another great shot.

    BarbA, I hope you got some good sleep.

    Marybe, that you enjoyed your McCartney concert, and are getting along well

    Is it QCA on vacation? H&S are you melting in your temps? Isabella how are you getting on - that was some major surgery on your face, it sounded most traumatic.  To all, whether in or out of tx, dancing or toddling along, I send best wishes for a good day.  

    In a bit, I'm off to spend the day at our local summer fest, and if I'm lucky, will have Smokey Bear and a bunch of hunky firemen for companions.  At the least, the gal who mans the booth with me is a hoot with a wry and quick wit, so we enjoy our annual get-together.  Must get busy.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, is that a picture of Multnomah Falls in Portland?  Looks like it could be that or Yosemite.  Marybe, so glad you got to see Paul.  He is such a wonderful performer.  Lost Creek, did you say hunky firemen?  I love a man in uniform, unless it's scrubs!  Bengal, welcome.  I truly hope your biopsy is negative.  This is a disease that never seems to go away.  After you're diagnosed you always think anything at all is going to bring bad news. 

    I'm seeing the Dr. on the 18th and have to tell her about my hip pain at night.  I know it's sciatica and old-lady-hip-stuff but am dreading bringing it up anyway.  Today--I'm going to sew.  I quilt therefore I am!

    Dragon (Lynda) 

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Okay, this is Ozzy my dog!  He just got groomed so he smells good too.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Here's my black dhalia (which is actually red.)

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Dragon - Your little guy aooks sooooo much like my Poo.  He's been gone 11 years now but I still miss him.  We got him as an adult.  His registered name was Poo Ping Toy.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Chabba, was he a lhasa apso?  They look very much like shizues, almost the same.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    He was a shizu but at the top of the size range, about 18 lbs.  The most laid back dog I've ever known.  When we got him at six he had never been around kids.  Shortly after we got him some young friends came to visit with their two year old.  He was sound asleep in the middle of the living room.  When I opened the door she yelled "goggy", ran over and threw herself on top of him with her arms around his neck.  Nearly gave me a heart attack.  He just turned his head up and gave her a kiss! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Aww, chabba, we really miss them when they go to the rainbow bridge but they will be there waiting for us.

    Welcome bengirl, having to be here sucks but *here* is a pretty cool bunch of people.

    Marybe, how lucky to see Sir Paul. He still looks hot.

    Here is a pic from lunch today with some BCO pals. From left to right: specialK, me, sunnycoconut, leeh and kira. What fun. Then we went to the Dali Museum. Fun.

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    BarbA--you guys look so good!  Chabba, so sorry about your loss.  It is always sad, even years down the road.  I lost my Yorkie in 2009 and it was pretty awful to have to put her down.  When I got Ozzy I hoped I'd picked a breed that would outlive me, but you never know. 

    So frustrating--I sewed for a few hours, now my back is hurting.  I'm just going to keep on regardless.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Multnomah Falls

    Yes it is, on the Columbia River in Oregon, and I did take the photo..

    I just love it there and it is soooo close to the road I could even get

    there when I could hardly walk...

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Today I went to look around a new place.....but don't think I shall bother to move !

    I have always liked the look of this place, on the edge of a small village, about 3 miles from where I am now, and noticed today a 'For Sale' board had suddenly gone up. I rang the agent, and she arranged for me to view at 3 o'clock this off I trip, pulls into the yard only to see two doors ....TWO doors? I thought this was one house? Oh no, someone has made 2 smaller houses from one original farmhouse, so that set me off on the wrong foot to start with ! I nearly turned tail at this point, but someone came out, so I had to carry on the viewing.

    Quite a nice house, this 'half house'....but so small. From outside it looked like 4/5 bedrooms. On the inside it was 2 medium sized bedrooms, and a VERY small box room. The owner admitted it was impossible to get a bed into that room, 'but would be fine for a babys crib'   WHAT?? No intentions of adding to my family at my age !! Downstairs was a kitchen a quarter the size of mine, a small sized sitting room....well was  described as  14'x 14' LARGE sitting room, and NO dining room at all ! Someone had not put their specs on when they wrote this! Very claustrophobic indeed. The funniest bit was a half decent hallway. The staircase was a beautifully carved, intricate mahogany job, up against the side of the room, but something was not quite right at all. I asked about it, and the owner said they had split the house in two, and bricked up right down the centre of the staircase....the other half of the house had the other half of this lovely old staircase !!

    Then I was shown the garden, which was absolutely massive.The owner was a plant freak, and it was her pride and joy, and I got all the history of many of the very mature plants and trees. I would have given a lot for this garden a few years ago, but just would not be able to upkeep something like that now. There were also a lot of farm buildings, which had been one of the main things I wanted to see, but was told no buildings were included in the, I made my excuses and came away...that's the end of that, what I thought was a decent smallish farm, on the edge of a village turned out to be half a house with a neighbour in residence with a shared parking yard .  The neighbours husband was a night worker, so I don't think he would have appreciated my dogs barking and rushing around all day stopping him sleeping. Shall just have to stay where I am !! Which I suppose I wanted to do all along, but just push the whole place 2 miles nearer to civilisation.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Hey everyone, I'm back from the beach, albeit reluctantly!  Yep, LC, that was me on vacation and it was just not long enough.

    I've spent a while reading and there's so much to catch up on that I'll apologize beforehand if I miss someone.  Y'all have been busy gals!

    Welcome to Hauntie, Marthah, and Bengal.  I know this is a place all of us would rather not be, but we didn't get dealt those particular cards and this is a wonderful group of women whose support is priceless.  I look forward to getting to know you.

    Chrissy and everyone else who knows Junie, I'm so sorry.  Every time is a blow to us all, and we all hurt.

    Isabella!  So glad to see you back after all you've been through.  You were braver than you knew you could be, and I hope your pain and soreness are better now.  I missed you when you couldn't get on here and I'm so proud of you for getting through the dental work!!

    Oh Phyllis, hope you're resting now and laying low.  The spirit may be willing but sometimes the body just can't, so be the couch potato for a little longer and give yourself more time to recover.  

    Marybe, that's great news about your status.  Hope the herceptin will be a great success!  You're always in my prayers, friend.  And seeing Sir Paul, WOW!!  He was always my favorite, too.

    3jays, so glad you're finally getting some answers, and hope the synthroid will kick in and work some magic very soon!

    AmyJo, I was hoping you'd already have your new grandbaby by now, but it won't be much longer, at least on Monday if not before.  I'm excited for you.

    Barb, glad you knocked 'em dead at your presentation and have gotten back home and out of travel mode a bit.  Of course, we all knew you'd be the best!!

    Lynda, Ozzy is the cutest dog (love the name too).  And Chabba, I don't think it matters how long our pets are gone, we still miss them forever.  Each one has a unique personality that inscribes itself forever in our hearts.

    Lisa, I love all your photos but this one is incredible!  Thank you for sharing this.


  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Lisa, I love it there too.  I live very close to there.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    SoCalLisa - Great picture.The first thing I thought, when I saw it, was "WOW, I wonder what it's like to stand on that bridge?" Have you ever stood on it?