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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    yes, I did..wonderful..I think I need another visit

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Yet another fantastic picture Lisa.  BarbA, glad to see your gal's photos - what a nice time it looks like you had.

    Long day here - but the "fair" was a success.  After 15years of buying raffle tickets, we still didn't win the traditional grand prize - a load of road gravel. But a friend, who lives up a steep gravel drive, did win it, so it all works out. I won two bottles of wine tho.  Our booth was great, we gave away lots of kid's stuff, and managed to slip in some grownups' educational materials.  And we had hunkey firemen - about a dozen for most of the day. Eye candy.

    QCA, I hear you on too-short vacations.  

    Zonked.  It was a long three days.  Night night all

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    LC, sounds like fun for all!!

    there is always next year for the grand prize

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    glad to see everyone here, on the weekend. its' usually empty over the wkend!  just the usual here. the scheduale of sleeping gripes me, but nothing i can do.. i sleep late in the day, up all night, back to bed around 7-8 am.. i HATE it. just when i want to get back into life, i've been knocked out again..

       well, ya hafta play the hand you're dealt, eh? so, sat night Mur has to stay upo and help get order into this house. we're still "moving in" got dxed a week after moving a 4 bedrm house here, 3 years later, still sorting "save" donate" throw" boxes..grrrrr...

       tommorrow is my "off " day. Mur goes to see his parents, then, date night to Flanagans for the yummy hamburger night... hope your all well..want pics; AJ, of the new grand.. guess it looks like monday, and induced, eh? glad you're home safe from vacay; Kathy....see ya'll later......3jays

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Hello Everyone,

    It's been so long since I've posted that I don't know where to begin.  I think of all of you often but find it hard to write sometimes.

    Our second grandchild was born on 8/4 and my daughter gave me the greatest gift by letting me help her give birth.  The baby's name is Audrey Elizabeth and she weighed 8'10".  I'm going to try and get a picture on as soon as I can.

    Healthwise, I've had it a little rough these past 6-8 weeks.  I've had heart and ulcer problems and am now having issues with the tumor on my parotid gland.  I'm having a CT/PET done in a couple of weeks to get a better handle on what might be done.   I didn't expect it to get bigger since I had originally responded so well and my scan in March was so good. 

    I have been on to read some of the posts and am trying to keep up with everything but seem to keep getting into this funk.

    I've missed you all,


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Okay.  Not 8 ft 10 inches but 8lbs, 10 oz.  I have chemo brain most of the time and get confused.


  •  Oh, Dragon, I am the opposite in my thinking....I worry about the dogs outliving me since even though my husband loves them, he doesn't take very good care of them.  I have a friend who says she will gladly take the cat, but the dogs I worry about.  Am not being negative here, but like to plan ahead.   That Rainbow Bridge makes me cry every time I look at it Barb....even when my pets are here alive and healthy.  

    Chabba, I still miss my Sydney who lived to be 17 1/2, but Harley is the same breed and reminds me so much of him that I catch myself calling him Sydney....they always say not to get the same breed because you will compare them, but I found him on Craigslist and he seemed to need a new home.  Harley is much smaller, but they have the same face.

     Kathy, Glad you had a good vacation. 

     3jays, hoping that new pill kicks in soon. 

     Lisa, I have been sister lives in Portland so we have traveled around when I am out there and I think it is beautiful country....although when we went to the beach, I was expecting heat and about froze to death.  Talk about gardens.....she has the biggest butterfly bushes I have ever trees.  But this year she says all her flowers are behind because it took so long for summer to arrive and just stayed cool.   I am going out to work in my yard since we got rain last night and that should have perked everything up.  Maybe I will get some new pics. 

    Isabella, What's with posting and then deleting it?....I got all excited thinking Oh good a post from Isabella and poof, it was gone. 

    I have been using bag balm and gloves and socks, but just read a little more about Xeloda and it says the SEs occur about 12 days into treatment so I am being a bit premature on this I think.  Oh and I looked in the mirror yesterday and noticed that my eyebrows are just about gone....a month after my last halaven treatment!! how long does this stuff stay in my system?  I am just going to go without eyebrows as I don't want to look like Joan Crawford. 

    Hope you all have a good day.   Marybe

    I was typing and missed the post about your grandaughter.....I like the name Audrey. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Marianne, missed you! Marybe, here's hoping you don't get the HFS with xeloda. Everything crossed!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Audrey Elizabeth Dunn Aug4 2011

    I hope this doesn't come out too big.  This is my new grand daughter born on 8/4

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Awww, Marianne! Adorable!

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    She is ready for the world!!


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Glad to be back.  I start babysitting for Olivia in a couple of weeks and can't wait.  She's growing so rapidly.  I will get to babysit Audrey occasionally so I'm really hoping I can keep up my strength for them.

  • Marianne,  Noted something else in your post....the tumor on your parotid....I may be confused here,( seems like I am most of the time) but is that at the base of your brain?  If so my sister had that and oddly enough my cousin, although he is a step cousin so no blood relationship there.  Both had surgery to remove it, my sister through her nose and cousin through the palate.  In Diane's case they could not get it all so she gives herself injections to keep it from growing.  Is yours BC related or a separate issue?   

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Oh Marianne, great news about your granddaughter, what joy!  I'd been wondering about you and am sorry to hear about your health issues, and the accompanying funk. Just joining us by reading has helped me in the past, and here is a place I truly think "drawing strength from one another" is about as true as it gets.  I hope you can find something whether here or elsewhere to draw upon, to help you get through.  Little Audrey could help a lot!  Best wishes.

    Also, I was in a funk last year and wasn't sleeping and talked to the doc who gave me a mild sleep rx - it worked wonders for me to even get 4 hrs uninterrupted, and my mood improved considerably.

    Marybe, how was the concert?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow, a new blessed life for us old folk to dote on!!! How wonderful is that! Congrats Marianne!!

    Funk. Yep.

  • Lost,  The concert was wonderful!!   Paul sounds just a good as he used to and looks good too. There was a man in the audience with a sign, Please sign my wife and then the wife had a sign, I am the wife, Please sign me.  He commented on it and said at another concert someone  had a sign, Please sign my Butt and he said he asked Well, what does the butt look like.  When he did his 2nd encore ( he played for 3 hrs with no breaks) security brought some people up from the audience and this woman and her husband were two of them and he signed her said Let It Be, Paul McCartney.  They had made arrangements with a tattoo parlor in advance just in case this happened and immediately after the concert they went there and they tattooed it permanently on her shoulder....she said this was #1 on her bucket list and anything else is going to be difficult to top this.  She was young...maybe 30 at the most, but said she grew up with her parents listening to Beatle music and went to her lst Paul concert with her Dad when she was about 6. He was just so nice in the way he interacted with the audience.   Guess I posted the pics on the spirited thread so here he is again. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    VERY cool on the tattoo!!! What a GREAT who would I want to sign me.....?????????

  • Here he is.....lookin' pretty good for 69. 
  • Yes, Barbe, I just thought it was so nice that he actually took notice of people in the audience like that....I would have fainted on stage probably.  He was giving people hugs and everything.  They say his one true love was Linda and in the slides that were showing before the show and during onthe big screens there were pics of her mixed Heather Mills that's for sure and I don't even know who the new girlfriend is...did he marry her also?  He did mention watching the royal wedding with his 6 yr old daughter so I assume that is the child he had with Heather...he was talking about the song he wrote called I will and was saying how wouldn't it be cool if they said I will instead of I do and sure enough when it was Andrew's turn and they asked will you take this woman, he responded with I will.  Listen to me go on....I am 61 yrs old and still have a crush on Paul McCartney. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    OMG you just gave me goosebumps Marybe!!! I'm sitting here shivering....I will...I will!!!!!!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Marybe, as odd as it is, my breast cancer is in my Parotid gland.  Since at my scan in March it had gone down in intensity (SUV went from 8.2 to 5.1) I thought it was getting better.  Onc still isn't convnced it's getting worse but it feels to me that it is.  I will just have to wait until the end of this month to find out. 

    It's hard to remove since it's entangled with the gland and nerve. Until the last three weeks when it started looking bruised and a little swollen, I thought it was getting better since I could feel more of my jaw bone.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Maizie }}}}}}}}}}}}} that sucks!

  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Marianne, what a beautiful baby!  So sorry about your parotid tumor.  I've heard of mets to that area but it must be rare.  Why do so many of us have to be the exception to the norm?

    Going today to pick blueberries, our Oregon specialty.  It has been a rather cold summer so many things aren't growing well but the blueberries are dependable.  Taking the grandkids who will no doubt eat more than they pick.

    Happy Sunday to all, Dragon

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    As I posted on the other threads I follow:Hello everyone.   Welcome to the newbies.  I have been reading, but not posting.  As with other detours in my life's journey, I am back on the main road and will be concentrating on in person adventures.    A couple of adventures right now:   volunteer club I belong to has a big shake up over the head person's conduct and comments.   Two friends have BC and one has recurrence in less than 6 months and starts chemo Friday.   I will have hand surgery in a week and the other hand once this one is healed.  I am backing off from checking the threads each and every day, but I offer my best Hugs, Blessings, Good Vibes, and prayers for all of you.   Nancy 
  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    I'll catch up on all the reading later, headed to the hospital to see new baby.

    We have a new Grandson finally!!!! Micah James Meeker, 8 lbs. 11 ozs., 21 inches, born August 6th, 2011 at 1:53 p.m. PST.  He was born just as we were taking off from Raleigh to go to Monterey so we did not know until we landed in Las Vegas and could turn the cell phones back on.  Mother and baby are doing great.  Headed to the hospital in a few minutes.  I will be MIA for a while as there is a lot to do around here before they come home.  I'll post pictures as I have time. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Thank God for a safe delivery and a great birth weight!!! Can't wait to see the pics.

    Congrats Marianne, that's a super pic of her announcing her arrival!!

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Congratulations to the grandmas! How many of us have been fortunate enough to have new grandchildren born this summer?

    Grandchildren are THE BEST.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    congrats AJ,

  • Marianne, I missed the picture somehow really in left field she yawning or screaming.  Duh, when you said jaw I realized where the parotid sister's was on her least I knew it was a P. 

      And AmyJo congrats to you also....another name I like Micah.

    I have been out digging up the side of the driveway where I killed the grass and want to plant Irish was that really ugly crawling grass.  Even though the sun isn't out it is hotter than heck and I am sweating like a pig.  AmyJo and 3jays, you will be proud of me.  I was wearing garden gloves for the very lst time this year!!  Maybe there is hope for me yet! 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    So glad you are wearing gloves, count me in as one who wants all bc survivors to do