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For Older People with Sense



  • dragonflymary
    dragonflymary Member Posts: 325

    Isabella, so glad you got out of the potential car wreck!  Take it easy, girl--those things can really shatter your nerves.  Hope you took the rest of the day off.



  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Another week of appts.  Tomorrow I have a 6-month followup appt for abnormal cervical cells found in papsmear and biopsy -- before all the stuff started with the BC.  Not related to the BC, though.  Thursday with plastic surgeon.  I have only 1 drain elgible based on trainage to be removed.  this will be 21 days with those things.  Friday meet with a medical oncologist.  I praise God for my church family as my own family definitely puts their pets and church obligations before us.  The only ones to help has still been my SIL and brother who took time off from work to help.  The rest have other priorities/excuses.  It has always been that way, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I would understand if they were working, but my other brother's wife is retired and he doesn't work until Wednesday. My older sister is going to try to come, but she never feels very good, so we will see. I guess I know who my "real" family is. My kids don't understand because I have always been there for them.  They asked why I was the black sheep of the family, and I honestly don't know.

    I haven't been feeling well today -- sick to my stomach, headache and have the chills.  Taking a shower helped and am going to bed now.  Just so exhausted.

    I did listen to everyone's advise and have been much more of a couch potato!  This has definitely helped with the drain out put.

    I will check in this weekend after all the appts.

    Thanks everyone!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    mom of 2..DO take it easy till the darn drains come out! thy're a pain..

       ISABELLA: my Lord, girl...i'm glad you're allright.. is the car a mess? i know how you love it!!!we have ple here in So. Fla, that just pull out, then stiop, the same .. DH had a fender bender 2 weeks ago the same way. since im not feeling well, there's no driving for me. i can't remember my name for the fatigue, so i won't get behind the wheel.   glad your'e ok.. i hate phones, too. haven't been answering much lately, nothing to say... night, ladies. back to bed, while up from a hot flash...hahaha 3jays

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Phyllis, make sure you monitor your temperature every few hours. The chills, headache and sick-to-the-stomach feeling can be the signs of an infection. If it is you want to deal with it immediately.

    Isabella, I'm glad you're OK!  Some people drive like there's no one else there. I'm sometimes tempted to ask them for the receipt for the road they bought.

    If the seller of the house calls again, tell her the truth - you're not interested but were pressured into going by your DD and have no intention of buying ANYTHING now. Anything less will just lead to more phone calls.

    3jays, I hope the new regimen of synthroid does what it needs to & helps you get back some semblance of normal.

    All the best to everyone.


    edited for typos. Again.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Isabella,  that is one of the most scary close calls I've heard of in a long time.  So glad you're alright.

    Phyllis,  stay close to that couch and just take it easy.  Good luck with all your appointments.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, thank goodness you are a good driver. I lost ten years of my life when I had a close call similar to yours. Whew.

    Phyllis, take it very easy. Rest is important.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Isabella, we should both chalk today up as a "lucky" one.

    Hubby and I came eye to eye with death today, also, and it told us to keep on moving.  We were back in our home town looking at late model cars for my driving convenience when hubby said let's have a look at one on the other side of town.

    Now, we both know this town well but, we left it 20 years ago, and boy has it changed in that time!  We need a Sally Satnav to find our way around there these days and, of course, DH left her at home.  So I was sitting in the passenger seat with his LAPTOP in my lap, pretending to be Sally...........when all of a sudden, I pitched forward while madly trying to stop the LT from slamming into the windscreen and myself from following it out the other side. 

    We were in the right/inside lane with a huge gravel truck on our left and coming diagonally towards us on our right from the oncoming traffic side, was a very fast white car.  It plowed up over the median strip and then straight through a metal-fenced safety corral built on the strip for pedestrains.

    I'm pretty sure I sang something in tune with our screeching tyres about this time but, just when I thought it was all over for DH and I, he jerked the wheel over to the right and our 4WD responded so well, we didn't kiss the other car.  In fact, we were both stunned to see it careen on past us, right across the front of the gravel truck, then disappear through a hedge with a fence behind it and on into a retirement village.  Due to the fact that DH saw the car coming from that direction, he said that the driver had stolen fuel from the gas servo and was trying to get away before someone stopped him.

    We had to drive a fair way past the scene to find a place to turn around to go back.  Miraculously, the young 20 yr old driver wasn't seriously injured, but it seems that he had suffered a seizure of some sort before entering the servo.  His foot jammed on the accelerator and he could do nothing to stop the events from unfolding. 

    After we stopped shaking, we decided to buy the first car we saw this morning and get out of that town but, when we got back to the car yard, the salesman told us someone had just bought it by paying a deposit over the phone.  Even though I would have loved that car, I wasn't really all that upset somehow!

    Got another one to look at tomorrow a bit closer to home.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Geez Sheila!!! And Isabella!!! The adrenaline rush just kills the system!!!

    I do NOT have thyroid issues!! I can't believe it! I got bloodwork back that showed normal thyroid function but just high sugar. I was SO hoping that all my pills could have ended up just being ONE for thyroid. To say I'm bummed out is the least of it! I was really banking on Hashimotos as it is easily treated. DAMN!! 3jays, why do they 'think' you have it, and they aren't sure?

    My doc did give me a leter for another 8 weeks off. Next step would be LTD.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Barbe, sorry you didn't get the results you wanted - and hope you get some relief soon!

    Holy Cow! Isabella and Shiela - you both are traveling under a fortunate star right now. Thank goodness Isabella and Shiela's DH were good experienced drivers. Isabella it's a good thing you're such a race-car fan, that experience may have saved your life. Yikes! Like Barbe said, adrenaline rush - those can linger for days!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Great pics Lost!!! I loved the green painted little table that lady has for sale underneath your article!

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Cool pix L_C.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    i may have gotten firefox to let me copy and paste.


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150
  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Well, obviously I didn't!  But the picture was there, I swear it was!  It disappeared when I hit submit!

    Back to the drawing board.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Here is a nice place, warm at the bottom but nice view...

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I think Walgreens has taken over this site..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    I took this in England, Isabet. What a good place it was

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    I agree with Lisa that England was a great place to be. All that rain makes everything green. Here is one of the pictures from my UK trip - it's Warwick Castle beside the Avon River.  Sorry I don't know how to control the size of it.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    that looks like a fantastic place, it

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    This was a manor house of one of my relatives centuries ago

    we happened on it when we were visiting the Costwolds

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Change of subject - - - - pics of Micah James, born Aug. 6th, 8 lbs. 11 ozs., 21 inches long.  We got him home on Monday.  Here is a picture of him in his car seat. 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Oh, he is soooo beautiful.......

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Thanks Valjean.  He looks just like is big brother and big sister did when they were newborns. We think he is so precioius.  He is such a good baby so far.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Amyjo and Val congrats on your new grand babies!!!!!  Just gorgeous!!!!!

    Isabella and Aussie, your guardian angels were certainly sitting on your shoulders looking after you!!!   Oh my, what an experience!!!  I sure hope the adrenalin has settled a litte.

    Barbe I sure you find out what's going on!

    There are a couple of new faces on the thread.....I'd just like to say welcome and home you feel right at home here!

    Lisa and Lassie, great pics from both of you, thanks for sharing.

    Phyllis, I hope you are healing well and the final drain is removed soon.

    3jays, we are on countdown!!!!

    My passport arrived in the post the other day and I pick up my tickets and travel documents from the agent on Tuesday when I'm in the city.  I picked up my Singapore dollars, English pounds and American dollars yesterday and I have spent the last week going through all my clothes to find the ones that still fit........sad to say, not my trip to the city will include a little bit of shopping for clothes as well.......ho sad that I have to do that.....Not!!!!  The days are not only going quickly now they also seem to drag........remember when you were a kid and you were waiting for your birthday to arrive or for Santa to come?  Oh yeah, it's the same thing!  You feel it's not enough time to everything you want to but too much to have to wait...........It will be here sooner than I know.....countdown has begun!  20days!

    Love n hugs.   Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    barbe: they decided it by bloodwork, and by my symptoms. for me, its' not so easily fixed, apparently. i have a wonky immune system from the ms; and thats afoot; as well as the ultra sound found a mass on the right sie. now, im having allergic reactions to the synthyroid, but trying to ride it out, itill i get to my gp. the endo won't see me till oct!!! all he says is stay in bed, if you need to  grrr....3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    don't know what happened. i was on another page..boing onto this one, and a post i did earlier showed up/ oh well...

       Amyjo; micah is wonderful!!! Chrissy, i can't WAIT!!!  talked a little with mel today. she has lost ph #'s again, so call her, or email her your #'s!!! looking forward to having you here, Chrissy. im afraid if something doesn't break soon, it won't be Mecca for me this year. can't get ANY dr. to cooperate here....grrrr for this; we pay 600.00 a month!!!     3jays

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    AJ, How cute he is!

    3jays, awwww. Praying for you, pal.

    Hi Val!

    Great pix Lassie and Lisa!

    Chrissy, can't wait!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Beautiful baby skin!!! Look at that intense "I'm sucking on this to ignore the fact I'm not in Grandma's arms" look going on....hehehehehehe

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Lassie, your pic looks like a painting! EXCEPT, an artist wouldn't have a pine tree growing out of the building on the horizon!!! hehehehe

  • momoftwo526
    momoftwo526 Member Posts: 105

    Buggers, I did/do have an infection.  Monday night, my fever rose to 103 F.  I had called the BS when it was about 99.  He told me to double up on the pain meds, and take 200 mg of Motrin. If I didn't get any better over the next 2 hrs, to go to the emergency room.  I was vomiting and in a lot of pain too.  I was so dizzy, I couldn't go the bathroom with out assistance. I called BS and PS Tuesday morning.  PS told  me to get to his office as soon as I could,  By this time, fever was down to 99 again, but I was still so weak and nauseous.  The chills had gone away though.  The PS that saw me was not my PS, but his partner.  The right side had some redness and swelling and he prescribed a stronger  antibiotic for next 10 days, and still to taked the original.  He told me to go immediately to the ER if my fever went above 100 again. I cancelled the OB/GYN appt and rescheduled that for OCTOtherwise, I have an appt tomorrow morning. Only ONE drain was low enough to come out (not on the side with the infection), so the removed it.  That is the right side.  The left side is the one that has the infection.  This morning, I have a low-grade fever of 99.7 and the drainage has changed from a clear yellow to a cloudy orange. I have definite swelling and pain it the left breast and underarm area.  It looks like I have a small breast bump and they haven't put any saline in the expancer yet! Oh, and the 2 drains on the left have increased about 30% in output, One is up tp 170 and the other is 85 now. The other drain on the right side is getting lower, but still not below 30. So it doesn't look like I will have anymore drains removed for a while. Still 3 more. It have been 3 weeks now and I wish I could lose them!  Wink

     I am taking your advise and resting as much as I can. 

    Amy Jo and Valdean, congrats on the grand babies!  They are awesome!

     Lassie and Lisa, great "Castle" photos! 

    Isabella, glad to see you  back. 

    3jays, I cannot believe what you have had to deal with.  You are always in my prayers. 

    Well it is back to the couch to resume my potato position!
