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For Older People with Sense



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    But Marybe didn't I read something yesterday about meds and working in the heat??

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    I was fortunate to have 2 great-grandaughters (identical twins) born in Spring.......with spring comes everything new..............

    My grandaughter's usual Dr. was with her throughout entire pregnancy and labor.........she was to deliver vaginally.  When she wasn't dilating any further the Dr. said 1 more hr. and we do a C-section........Well a new Dr. came on (cause that is the stupid way they do things today), and he insisted she could go vaginally...............after a few hours, she delivered the first baby..........the second was coming feet first............and her placenta was breaking down..................well the fuc--ng hero decided he could deliver this baby feet first..............................her whole body was out except for her head................he literally pulled her out (both parents saw it happen)........She wasn't doing well, so they sent her to CHOP in Philly......................well now she has problems, and they suspect Cerebral Palsy................;She is very bright coos, talks to you (as babies do), but her limb usage is limited...............she stiffens her legs at times............her arms are in the bent up position most of the time,........and she has difficulty keeping her back secure..(only 5 mths, but her sister is quite a bit ahead of her.

    Not sure until she tries to sit up, crawl, push herself up whether she will be disabled.............all because a Dr. decided "he doesn't like C-sections.........................needless to say they have already secured a lawyer, this guy needs to be put out of business.before he harms another baby...................I am so sad for her...............she is so bright, and alert, but may have her limitations...............everytime I leave her I cry...........she is beautiful........................I just hope and pray this is just a bump in the road for her, and with all her physical therapy, and the neurologist, and CHOP (the best in [the countr;[).. she will be ok............pray for her...ladies.

  • Oh, Ducky.  That is so sad.  Of course we will all be praying for her. And for sure I would slap that doctor with a lawsuit.  Hopefully as you said, she will be OK, but she would not have to have PT and you and her parents would not have to be going through this worry if he had just done the C section.. 

    Barbe, You aren't expecting miracles from me now are you ?....I can't stay in just because it is hot and am doing good to be wearing the garden gloves.  I am taking a break now cuz the sun came out and it was really hot then. 

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Marybe for the prayers........................prayers to  you too.................and a few hugs

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Oh Ducky, prayers going up.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks first we were not sure if anything had gone wrong, but the more we watch the more aware we become..............

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Ducky I'm praying that she is just letting her older sister be in the limelight right now as she observes things, then comes roaring from behind and sits up and rolls over before her big sis!!!! No one needs the stress of the courts along with a special needs child.....

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352


  • Isabella!! So good to have an update on you.  I don't like your DD and I don't even know her. I think she and the others are thinking of themselves, not you. There were several reasons I was doing all that work on my Dad's I thought I wanted to live there one day ( go back and forth onthat one) 2. I did not like to think of someone else living there since that has been "our" house for 55 years, but the main reason was so my father could stay there because he is comfortable there and knows where everything is.  By adding a bathroom on the lst floor, putting the washer and dryer in the bathroom and fixing the DR so it could be a bedroom, he could live on one floor if need be....also we changed the back steps and put railing on the front and back steps so he won't break his neck..  The other day I was telling Tim how my Dad is running out of money...what little he had in his IRA which was in stocks, is now even less and SS is really not enough to live on. So Tim says, well he is just going to have to move down here with us to which I responded, (and this is funny cuz it's almost a direct quote from what my onco said when I said I wanted to get one of those machines to test my INR at home) Why in the H___ would he want to do that?  My father has his little routine there....goes to Rotary Club, goes to the life center and exercises three time/wk, goes to church, sings in the choir, plays the bugle at military funerals, has his little garden and pond with fish in the backyard.  He drives which he should not really be doing,but driving to the doctor or the grocery or any of these other places I mentioned takes at the most 5 mins you have to get on an expressway or busy road to get anywhere.  Plus his friends are there so I just think that would be downright mean to tell him he's moving here.  If he wants to move here, fine.  The same with you, If you want to move fine, but don't do it because your daughter thinks you should.

    You love your pets and they are a huge part of your life.  Would she want you to give them up?  I think leaving your estate for the care of them is an excellent idea.  I am not going to have a lot, but plan on leaving quite a bit of it to the humane society.  Oddly enough I don't donate to BC...I got turned off when that CEO for the Am Cancer society stole that money and I hate the way they stick pink ribbons on things just to sell a product....I give to the lupus foundation because of my friend, I give to the arthritis foundation because of another friend who has a daughter with rheumatoid arthritis, I give to the disabled vets because they actually send me stickers and cards that I like and I give to every animal organization that sends me a solicitation and belong to the  Humane Society of the United States, the ASPCA, Best Friends Animal Sanctuary ( or whatever it is called) the SPCA of Cincinnati, you name it.....But I quit one because I told them I agreed to give so much per month with the stipulation they stop sending me those terrible stories about cats with their eyes poked out and dogs who have had hot grease thrown on them and they didn't do it so I had it cancelled on my credit card. But to make a long story short I think there are a lot more deserving animals than people. Tim has enough money and says he doesn't want mine,  my sister spends money on stupid things and her daughters are bad news....I love the older one to death, but she actually stole from her mother's bank account and she only calls me when she want money or help with something....the other one I don't even hear from,never calls to say thank you for anything I send.  I would however leave my money to my father if I go lst....and my things go to my friends.  I know you wouldn't leave it all for the care of your would see that your grandson who helps you is taken care of, wouldn't you?  But so far as your daughter....has she broken off her affair with that guy?  You have that house fixed to your liking...have that nice new bedroom and new doors and that big kitchen.   I think if that is where you want to be, stay put. You do what is best for YOU, not what someone else wants you to do. 

          Didn't that dentist have you come back for a post-op visit a week later to see if  you were healing properly?  Did you have stitches?  I am proud of you for going ,Isabella as we all know how much you hate the dentist.

    Oh my, I must go.  My fingrs are doing some very strange things....sticking off in odd directions and wont go back in palce and They hurt.  I think  may have to go buy some tonic water.  It is probably from wearing gardn gloves. Does Xeloda do that?

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Thanks Barb..............oh I hope your wonderful that would be.........

    Isabella (the name of the first twin).........CHOP is The Children's Hospital of in the country..........they do amazing things there, and children come from around the world to be treated when everyone else has given up..............It is so sad considering a C-section would have been all it took,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and also that the Dr. on duty before "the man".............said C-section in 1 hr...........................but then again...........he is above her in the other words "her boss"............

    The amazing thing is.........I was telling my hairdresser (she is close to my family) said when I told her the story, and finally the Dr. name...................said..........oh my God he was in the same practice as my Dr....................and refused to do a C-section on me when I needed one, and I said "let me out of this bed right now"................he then told her "I can deliver this baby vaginally........................she got a nurse from the floor, and told her..............she did not want a vaginally delivery because the baby was in distress................and if he proceeded to do it, she would sue his entire practice, and the hospital........................and to get another OB immediately from the practice to do the section...........she did not want him..............they did everything she said..................and more..............he lost his priviliges at the hospital for good.....................

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    well, everyone seems to have had a good wkend..MARYBE, im proud of you wore th gloves, AND you got inside when it got too hot!!!ISABELLA: girl, you haven't done anything anyone elses way all these years, and certainly NOT DD's way..keep on truckin, girl.. it's YOUR life, and YOU get to live it YOUR way!!!

        i agree with Marybe; i don't like your DD much, either... you have your house finally (almost) where you want it, so Enjoy it!!!

        AJ, and Mazie ..congrats on the new grandbabies.. it s a wonderful thing!! my oldest keeps threatening another, and he probably will..soon. i worry about the cost of 3; but he continues to do well finacially, and the 2 grands are wonderfully healthy, so why not? he says he has to buy a new house first, though. this ones' only 3 bedroom. he'll do it, too, if he makes his mind to something, he does it...

        Ducky; im so sorry, and will pray for the baby. what a dreadful dr......... be well, ladies......3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    forgot..chermo brain..sorry about the mets, Marianne, you'll also be in my prayers. i hope they'll find something to do about it soon...

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    It's so good to see you back here Marianne, and I'll be praying too.  Congratulations on the beautiful new grandbaby!

    And congratulations to you, too, AmyJo.  Finally got a grandson and I know you're as delighted with him as you already are with those granddaughters!  Love the name Micah!  It's strange that  your and Marianne's grandbabies are almost the same weight.

    Ducky, that is a real horror story, and to think a c-section may have prevented it.  I'll be praying that she'll eventually catch up and have no limitations at all.

    Isabella, to me it sounds like the home you love is just about to be exactly what you want and need for your convenience and happiness.  Tell DD to butt out!  Hope your pain improves soon, too.

     Marybe, I too would leave what little estate I'll have to animal organizations if I didn't have children.  I agree with you about your dad--he's happy where he is now, and much more active and involved than he could be living with you.  I loved hearing you talk about Paul and I completely understand. I'd have walked across fire to see Peter, Paul and Mary and we used to see them every time they were within driving distance.  (Also flew to NYC and Virginia twice.)  Ah yes, they were my people!

    Hey to everybody and hope everybody has a good week.


  • Kathy, I love Leaving on a JetPlane and want to cry every time I hear Puff the Magic Dragon. 

  •   How do I make the type bigger?....don't know how it got so small.  There is nothing to change the font on here like there is on my email. 

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    is there a tool thingy on your web browser..

  • Mary-Lou
    Mary-Lou Member Posts: 630
    Hi miss Lisa Laughing
  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    Isabella - please don't doubt yourself - you are where you belong.  Your DD may think she's "helping" but don't let her browbeat you.  In your emails, it comes across so clearly how much you love your place, your dogs, and your home.  I love reading about your life and I envy your joy.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Isabella, don't let your DD push you into anything (as if). Good the 'see' you!

    Kathy, I am with Marybe, I cry at Puff the Magic Dragon.

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Marybe thanks for the concert review - you gave me good goosebumps.  Best I can do for a tattoo is stick-ons. Just the idea of a tattoo gives me the shivers...

    Ducky, so sorry to hear about your great-gd. Here's hoping she is just taking her own sweet time, and she will thrive and be well. A pox (or worse) on arrogant docs. 

    AJ, I love the name Micah too, and am so glad you are there for his first days.  Have a wonderful time with your new love.

    Isabella, my 2cents: you choose and don't let your DD push you or make you question yourself. You don't need more stress. Sure you are going to have to slow down, and ration your energies (at this age, aren't we all) - but I'm guessing that your livestock are more taxing on your energy than your dogs are.  You seem so well-settled in your situation, and can always adapt things as your needs change.  I hope you're taking good care of yourself after the teeth trauma. Clean sheets are one of my favorite things too - rejuvenating...

    To all, best wishes for a good week.

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    New Grandma's!!!!!

    Congratulations.  That's wonderful!  I'm hoping someday to be a grandma.  It's not looking too likely at this point; but, you never know.  Until then, I'll revel in your joy!  So nice to greet a brand new life.


  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    I'm late coming in on the red yeast rice discussion - can't keep up with you guys!  But, I buy mine at Vitamin Cottage.  I don't take it regularly.  But, through the years, when my cholesterol has gone up, I've taken 2 tabs/day for a few months, and last time within 6 weeks my cholesterol had dropped more than 20 points.  It does work for me.  "Now" brand is what I use.  I have a hard time swallowing pills, and these are large, but it is a natural statin and for me, it works.  I know I should take one daily for maintenance, but you know how it goes!  By the way, when I refused to go on Lipitor, my nurse pulled me aside and suggested I try it.  You do have to be concerned about long-term use and effects on the liver, same as on any statin.


  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Ducky, I was so sorry to read your post.  That baby will be in my prayers.  It's horrible what can happen so suddenly.

    AmyJo, congratulations to you on your grandson!  I love the name.

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Here it is after 11am my time and I still have to get washed up.  Made my latest baby blanket (just finished it this morning) for my niece who is expecting her little girl in September.  Believe it or not, my daughter Jenny who just had the baby wants me to take her to her pinning ceremony this afternoon at her college.  Her DH will stay home with the baby but I was told he's asked his mom to come help.  She didn't make the big graduation but this should be better since it's only her group who has been going through clinicals this past year with her.

    She is my one daughter who is actually as stubborn as I am and has to try and do everything.  Thankfully, my other daughters are more like their dad and not as crazy as me!

  • mazie1121
    mazie1121 Member Posts: 62

    Marybe, I was just reading your post about the concert and it brought back memories.  Believe it or not although Paul was the cutest I had a crush on Ringo. 

    I'm going to a concert next week to see the American Idol kids perform.  I'm looking forward to it since our friends are going with us and we chose what we are calling old people seats that even though are more expensive are supporsed to be comfortable and away from all the kids in the front.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Mazie - Ringo was my favorite too.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Bengirl, pleased to meet you, although I wish it were under better circumstances. You have come to a great place for warmth, support and information.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646 grandaughter graduated from Catholic University this past May...she got her degree in  nursing................she was a nervous wreck, but wanted to maintain a 4.0 gpa........since that is what her brothers did when they graduated (typical woman).......and she did.  God Bless her not sure where they got the brains from (not from Nana I'm sure) and now she is working at Children's Hospital in Phila. in the neo-natal intensive care unit..........congrats to your daughter, and doing all this with a baby.............hugs to you all

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195

    Congrats to all the new grandmas! There is nothing in the world like a grandchild, eh, ladies???

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
