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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299

    Hi Patriciahurtado....we were able to buy Living Proof from iTunes.  However, I know that you can buy the movie  from Amazon too (I just checked and it is available).  Good lulck with your search :)

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I used to post when I was in active treatment but nowadays I just lurk. I had my 3 month check up last week and things look good up to now. I am nearly 2 years out (did BMX, and chemo ACTH).

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299 good of you to drop in and better to know your nearly 2 years out. That will be me someday :) cannot wait!

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210

    Girlstrong - Our dx lines are very much alike - except I was dx in January of 2008. Doing well since then - this will be you some day!

    Wishing a blessed Thanksgiving to all. Sue

  • julieho
    julieho Member Posts: 164


    I am glad to find a thread for HER2+ and ER/PR-. I was diagnosed May 2012, had bi-lateral mastectomies July 2012 with reconstruction. Post surgical infection in left (cancer side) tissue expander, that was removed - had chemo Taxol and Carboplatim and Herceptin. After chemo finished (4 months) I had tissue expander replaced on left side. Had another infection after my third expander fill, waited until May 2013 and had both tissue expanders replaced with implants. So far, after 6 weeks on IV antibiotics I have had no more infections. Finished my year of herceptin Sept 2013.

    Had genetic screening done - already knew I was BRAC1 BRAC2 negative - but, had a more extensive panel done and they found a positive gene mutatioon for NBN gene. Not much info on that other than it is three times more likely you will get breast cancer - so I am glad I had the bi-lateral mastectomy. Waiting to have my daughter who is 31 tested. She just had her first child so hopefully she is negative for this mutation.

    Thanks for this thread. I actually haven't seen a lot of HER2+ ER/PR- cancers listed on the other threads I follow.

    Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving.


  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299

    HI Suemed8749:  thank you so much for your kind words; it gives me inspiration and hope.  As you know, this treatment phase seems to last forever but I keep tryiing to focus on the light at the end of the tunnell. 

    Julieho: I too just received my genetics testing results back.  Negative for BRCA 1, BRCA 2, BART. p53 gene, and a couple of syndromes they tested for.  In a nutshell, the geneticist told me that my cancer was a sporadic vs. genetics based cancer.  S*&%^t just happens I guess.  Still I am glad to know that it is not hereditary for my childrens' sake.  Like many of you, we never know why this happened and so I am not going to lament on it; but now I am more than ever focused on the future.  Happy eating to all of my BC sisters :)

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85

    Hello my ladies .. I hope everyone is doing great.... Well iI just had my hysterectomy done...and just relaxing ... Had to have it done since my results are positive BRCA2 so I wanted to start the year of right.....

    Suemed we will be there one day too...

  • battscave
    battscave Member Posts: 1

    I am/was HER+ breast cancer... I had chemo and 12 months of Herceptin.

    Sadly I couldn't tolerate the 5year medicines. Only lasted 4 months on them. I couldn't walk or move. Terrible bone pain and muscle aches.. Now I have had to do the ultimate sin and go back on hormone replacement therapy. I have tried everything my Oncologist can throw at me, and this was the last effort. I am starting back on a low dose, but know already that I will have to have it increased again. My hot flashes are so violent that I feel like I will black out. I am too scared to drive with them. My joints ache so badly, and we are hoping that being back on estrogen will make me feel like a human again. It is a huge risk, but it's come down to the quality of life being more important.. anyone else had to do this unthinkable thing?

  • CameraKim
    CameraKim Member Posts: 33

    Hello everyone...I was watching for information from the San Antonio Breast Cancer Syposium last week for us er-/pr- Her2+ ladies. This was an article I found particularly interesting: NeoALTTO Analysis Finds Significant Link Between pCR and Survival, especially for those of us in the er-/pr- Her2+ subgroup.

    I just finished active treatment...last Herceptin last week. Now I'm hoping to be accepted into a Her2+ vaccination trial. I should find out this week. Hopeful with all the new research coming out for those of us with this diagnosis!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    CameraKim: Thanks for posting.

  • Viji
    Viji Member Posts: 89

    CameraKim thank you for the link!

  • bluedasher
    bluedasher Member Posts: 350

    Hi, I'm just dropping in to say that I've passed the 5 year mark. Actually, I was 5 years past diagnosis in September and 5 years past the start of chemo in October, but I was waiting for the results from my annual mammogram before posting and then things got busy with business trips and getting ready for Thanksgiving-Hannukah.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Bluedasher - congratulations on your good results. You deserve to really celebrate!! Thanks for the encouragement as I ponder whether to cancel my last A/C chemo.

  • Viji
    Viji Member Posts: 89

    Bluedasher great news, keep it coming!!!

  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384

    congrats on your 5 yrs Bluedasher!  Thank you for posting.  wishing you many many more years.  :)

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Happy Holidays to all of us ER-, PR-, Her2+ gals!

    And wishing us all MANY holidays to come.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    ScienceGal - back at ya.  Hope all of us are posting for years to come.

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163

    I began my journey September 2011 and closed the door to that full book last night 😊

    2014 here I begin a new journey with a beautiful book called life, join in on the creating of this book and lets enjoy it all together 

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    I like it Marcie! I'm with you- embarking on our "new normal"- wiser and more appreciative of each new day and all of the loved ones in our lives- but HEALTHY in 2014.

    Cheers and happy new year to all!!!

  • imatthew
    imatthew Member Posts: 69

    Hi Everyone,

    Has anyone with the ER-/PR-/Her2+ diagnosis had bone mets years after completing treatment?  

    My wife finished her Herceptin treatments in November of 2011 (see signature for diagnosis/history).  Over the last two weeks she's developed severe lower back and right upper leg pain that is unbearable at night, but is OK during the day when she's moving around.  We're heading to the GP tomorrow to start the process of figuring out what is going on, but obviously I'm very worried.  She has had a history of lower back pain with debilitating bouts of lower back spasms in the past.  She was diagnosed about 4-5 years ago with a degenerative disk, so we're hoping it's just that condition getting worse but this is the first time she's had severe pain in leg as well.  But of course I'm reading a bunch of things on the Internet that I probably shouldn't be reading.   I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen bone metastasis over 3 years after surgery and nearly three years since completing chemo/2+ years after completing Herceptin. 

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Member Posts: 299

    Hi Imatthew: I can completely understand your worry about mets.  I am still in active treatment and so can't comment on personal experience but what I can say is that your wife's symptoms seem highly related to her past history if degenerative disc disease. Many times low back pain is referred to the leg/hip region and so this could explain her symptoms there. Also if nerves become impinged from her disc disease, a person can have neuro symptoms in their lower extremities too ( ie numbness, weakness, tingling etc) it is interesting that her symptoms are worse at night; her symptoms seem to be related to position vs. Constant symptoms and this is more consistent with a disc problem. Although she is presenting like an exacerbation (flare up) of degenerative disc disease, the only way to know for sure is to rule out other things. Hope this helps and good luck :) 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    Matthew:  Sorry, I too am still in active treatment so can't speak to long term issues.  What girlstrong says makes sense.  Good luck & keep us informed.

  • imatthew
    imatthew Member Posts: 69

    will do - thanks.

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Hi Matthew- my one remaining side effect, almost a year post-chemo, is horrible lower back pain, so bad that I can't move at times. There is something called "jelly joints" that can happen after taxol- the cartilage in joints and discs gets thin I guess. I have had scans and - knock on wood- no mets.

    It seems like your wife may have this problem too- especially since she had problems before. I used to be strong as an ox- no back pain ever, and it hit me hard, so can happen to anyone. It may be a combo of all of this and other changes going on in her discs over time for her, now allowing her vertebra to rub on nerves, as mine do. Hence the pain radiating down the leg.

    There is a great clinical trial out there using adult stem cells from the bone marrow to plump up the discs (Mesoblast company) but you have to be five years cancer-free. Still- beats surgery!

    Definitely get the scans to clear your minds but I sure hope it is nothing. For most of us it turns out to be chemo-induced arthritis or disc damage. Many such stories on these blogs. 

    GOOD luck!!

  • hopeful123
    hopeful123 Member Posts: 78

    Matthew- I have joint pain too (1 year post chemo) especially in the knee and shoulder. But I also agree with the rest, scans is the only way to put the mind to rest.

    Good luck. Do keep us posted. 

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925

    checking in as of December 24,2013 it's been 5 years since I heard the dreaded words you have cancer.  It's a good sign when your oncologist gives you a high 5. 

  • sciencegal
    sciencegal Member Posts: 546

    Jaimieh congratulations!!! Five years- whoop whoop!!!

    Time to celebrate.


  • soriya123
    soriya123 Member Posts: 384

    Jaimieh, congrats on your 5 yrs....and many many more!!!! :)

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 182

    Hi ladies.

    Just me ... wishing you all  a blessed 2014. NED, joy and peace!

  • imatthew
    imatthew Member Posts: 69

    Thanks for the feedback everyone.  My wife had an x-ray of her lower back on Friday, the results show moderate degenerative disk disease but no sign of cancer.  She's still having a great deal of pain in her upper right leg, but the doctor thinks it's nerve issues from the disk.  Next stop is an MRI.