INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours
chrissy yes we've been busy. After today it will be a come and seeif someones here thread. I just wanted to see if we could getoff to a go start. iwas tired of making conversation with imaginary chickens
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Thanks for being here for me from 2:30 to 6:00 in the morning! I appreciate your calm presence and help, SAS.
Nite Apple - writing a book sounds fun.
Nite all!
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windlass, great Please still do what I suggested about separate br's clorox the countertops sinks and toilest seats. have someone pick upseveral boxes of nonsterile gloves, one each for each bathroom and kitchen. Post neutropenic precautions in each br and the kitchen. Still have dh check in with his pcp if diarrhea persists beyond a few hours. Stay on clear liquids until 'd' stops
anyother questions i'll stay for a few more minutes
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Nite Windlass, sleep well.
Sas, I got a real giggle out of your 'chicken' would really have liked to be a fly on the wall listening to that!
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Well you've been there chrissy in the middle of the night and no one to talk too
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Okay, one last question - what are neutropenic precautions that I post in the bathroom and kitchen?
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where'd Apple go?
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you may have to google it . my onc center gave me a printed page with NEUTROPENIC percautions. It's the do's and don't related to post chemo
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Windlass were you able to find anything on google
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Apple went to bed or somewhere I think. Yes, I certainly have been there........sitting up all night with just the tele for company and if there is nothing good on, then it's just me and the dog!
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Not really, It;s all very technical. No "common sense" precautions.
I assume it's easy stuff like handwashing, and covering your mouth with your sleeve when you cough?
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well ares were more technical I'll see what I can find . I will pm you a hyperlink if I can find something . do you have a fax?
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Yes, I'll private message you the number.
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Well girls, I hope you have a good day! I'm off to have a shower and get ready for day is slowly coming to an end. I'll see you around!
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Bye Chrissy - have a great sleep.
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SAS - check your private messages
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Bye chrissy
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Gosh Chrissy has gone off early, its only 9 pm at her place. 11 pm here. Just thought I would see if any of you were still up and it seems it is Sas holding the fort.
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Okay, I give up. Going to try to get some sleep now.
Message me later SAS with your email address if you can.
Nite all. Thanks!
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Sas, great idea for a thread! I often go to bed at 9 then am up at midnight until 3-4. Hopping right in!
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SAS - Whew! This thread is so up and running. When I went to bed I was on page 3, woke and now on page 14. Way too much to catch up on. Turned out you had a great idea. Probably will see everyone tonight.
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God_is_good: you mentioned a heart attack around page 4...was that pre or post cancer treatment. ( question mark button is not working right now on my computer...I hit something and kamabm....french signs!)...anyhow, wondering what they are going to treat you with post chemo as I now have to go off of tamoxifen because of the potential for blood clots.
sorry I was only on for a few minutes last night- major hot flash at 4am...but it was good to know folks were up and running if I was not able to get back to sleep...
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HI LADIES...So glad you started this thread last night SAS.... iI am sure I wills ee you alllater tonight
Have a great day ladies!
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Sas, my little one just turned 4
My other 2 are 7 and 10.. All boys Ugh! Haha! I've sure got my work cut out for me! Windlass, please be extremely careful while DH is I'll. Hopefully you won't catch it but do everything you can to avoid being near him until its worked it's way out. Neutropenic precautions (meaning low white blood cells) means do everything you can to avoid infection exposure. Sanitize everything, don't cohort bathrooms, wear a mask when possible and when in the hospital, usually no fresh flowers or fruits or veggies either. It's anything to avoid bacteria which your body can't handle since chemo bottoms out your white blood cells which are your immune system.. Please keep us updated. Xoxo
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Duh I don't know why I didn't thnk of this this morning, brain fatigue? I can tell you what to look for on googgle. Looked at multiple articles and these gave good info. The diet one is awesome , never have seen anything as thorough as this. do's and don't in cleaning self and environment good stuff . I'm going to copy this and send it to myself and to Jals and put it on the insomniac board
back to bed
this is a copy of what I sent windlass on neutropenic precautions thought there might be somone else interested,
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Maybe see ya Tink maybe not ---that chocolate wine did a number on me. so, we will see. WELCOME anyone new jump in and keep it going so we have a place to talk with real people instead of imaginary chicken friends.........see you maybe tonite XOXO SAS
Jals the kids are great, nice age split. does it work okay. Only do over for me now would have been to eally try for more, but we were married 12 years before the one came along. Ah the jokes we had to put up with.
Barbara, Alyson welcome. Alyson it was after 6am when we crashed. Chrissy was here a couple of times. You southlanders help keep this active, counting on you
Need to find some pepto. SAS
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Where is 3jays? She's the one who originally made the insomniac comment and said that's why she is friends with so many of the Aussies... hope she is OK I didn't see her here last night. SAS you have got to have one hel_ of a hangover - Chocolate wine? What were you thinking? I used to bartend sometimes and I think you could use my services tonight LOL
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Sas, the age split works pretty good. I wanted to have that spread so that I could spend alot of time with each throughout their baby and toddler stages before introducing another baby
They are the best of friends but at times its literally WWIII at my house Haha! WAY too much testosterone going on! Thank God atleast my 2 dogs are female Lol!
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same here, used to bartend,
SAS, I will be drinking some raspberry wheat beer tonight. and i most definitely will be on here!! we could have fun with the drink recipe thing tonight!!
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I want to hear more about this chocolate wine? really? so red wine with a hint of chocolate or...really chocolate wine?
Hoping I do not wake up wih a hot flash tonight but if I do, I will join you again:).might even put on my glasses this time so I can see the keyboard!