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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Jals cluck and I think went back to bed

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Found it! the painting is called "Miranda - The Tempest" by John William Waterhouse. Here it is:


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Holy moses we did 359 posts isince about 11pm est

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    windlass it's a gorgeous painting --whats the origin----I'lll flip if it is Irish

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    The shipwreck is my pre-cancer life, going down in the storm. Miranda is me, with long red hair, clutching it, hoping not to lose it, too. The left hand is over my left breast, the one with the cancer, the one that I did lose.

    The fact that she is on the shore and off the ship means she will survive, and she has a purse at her waist with resources to carry on.

    The wind is blowing because things are changing and moving fast, but I also chose the nickname "Windlass" because there is nothing I love more than warm wind. It just all seemed to fit.

  • Jalsmama55
    Jalsmama55 Member Posts: 29

    Nope still here haha! CLUCK! Lying next to my little one and listening to him sleep. That's the closest I'm getting for now, apparently :) Yes, it's now 2:15 am here in socal

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Reposting the pic so you don't have to go back to the last screen:

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Wind-lass---beautifully thought out------i'm working on an avatar TINKERTUDE helped find it and G_I_G---Bonnie . Yours though won't leave my memory. each segment  Where is Waterhouse out of ---art hx is not a strong suit

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey sas, sorry i ran out so fass, and thanks for pmming me. im still here. left a message for older gals from Aust. to ck this out...    haven't heard of the Naltrexone, have an eval in a few weeks. will mention it to neuro.. thanks.3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    windlass, the picture, and the scripture are beautiful. i totally "snatched" the pic!    3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Jals --how old is your little one----i remember those days and miss them---in the blink of an eye he is now 26

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    3 jays the naltrexone was windlass's suggestion. it's not something in my frame of reference . Is the MS related tothe cancer tx or coincidence

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    I found that gorgeous painting at Art Renewal. They have hundreds of gorgeous romantic art paintings there that would make great avatars. They also sell blankets, bags, and other items with any artwork you choose printed on them.

    Click "Visit the ARC museum" to see all the artists and their work. John Waterhouse is amazing, and you'll recognize a lot of his work since it's seen a resurgence recently. He painted Miranda in 1916.

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Jay: Low dose naltrexone (LDN) is apparently a miracle drug for MS and other neurological problems. It is also being trialed for stage IV breast cancer - so you can't lose. I am taking it for PMS and BC.

    A good introductory website is

    and here's the page for LDN for MS:

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    still here but the dog has to go out

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Haha, I just had to let my dog out too!

    Now my feet are cold, not a good idea with possible infections going on! Gonna go get socks.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    winlass, i'll be off soon to ck that site out. thanks for the tip on the drug. will be googling soon.

       the MS is coincedence. i had it 20 yrs before the bc. Chemo def. kicked it into high gear, though. THE worst thing to do w/MS is to harvest white cells, so the Neulasta shot sent me to ICU 2out of 3 xs . i thought then, if i lived therough that, i can live thru anything.. but, lots have come up since. its a pain trying to juggle so many "comobidities" as the Drs. call them. like 3 life threatening diseases. in my book, though, cancer trumpred everything, so I went after the "BEAST" as hard as she went after me.

       almost 2 1/2 yrs., im not on a reg. al, couldn't tolerate them, but im NED for 3 PET scans, and real grateful

      the cost was.. hmm.. 2 breast, life threatening bacterial infections, panic disorder PTSD, and years to go looking over my shoulder.. she's a real BIATCH the BEAST...     3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Windlass --feeling better

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    oh yeah, i have the CRS.. can't remember Crap.. i wanted to tell tinkertude i'm right around the corner from her mom. i live in Hollywood, fla., and its a stone throw to Cooper City. that's where my beloveds, age 3 1/2 and 1 1/2 live...3jays

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    3Jays: LDN helps with PTSD too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    3 jays wowyou have been through the ringer . when was it met it was over some problem you were having to you recollect

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    SAS: Oh dear, my husband is up with terrible diarrhea. Really awful. Now what??

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    windlass; thanks for the links. i have them bookmarked. gonna talk to a few of the drs.. they tend to be opiate crazy, which i don't like, and it may be an answer.. thanks so much..

       DH is here, worried i gotta go get wunderkind in a few hours... gonna try toat least rest my legs for a bit.. so, later...    3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    windlass definitely call your doc write alist of your symptoms and then a list of his symptoms. you will need to be closely watched because you both could have been exposed to something prior to your chemo. Your immunity is already changing.

    Use separate bathrooms , clorox handwipes if possible, no physical contact until things are sorted out. Do not self treat, please.

    Dh shouldn't use anything to stop the diarrhea. diarrhea to a certain point is the way the body gets rid of something toxic. Tell him to go on clear liquids.. Have him check in with his pcp. I'm so glad it's morning you have work to do. if you were doing alternative treatment before, which the grapeseed extract tells me you were. Such treatment now could put your life at risk. hate to sound so ominous, but chemo is a dangerous admixture to anything that it hasn't been tested against. If you are sent to ER watch everyones hand washing. wear a mask. Ask to be put in reverse isolation .call ahead so they can have a room prepared.

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Uggh. Okay, thanks, SAS. Gonna start calling now, since it's now 6:00 AM here.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    I didn't mean for this to be an advice site. but i'm staying with you now until I know what your doc says to do So, it's 6am and i am having a beer ----very unusual, but i'm here

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466

    I get up earlier every day.. today at 4.30.  There are so many interesting things to do.  I should write a book.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, I'm back!  Dinner was yummy now I've got the burps...dang it!  Never mind they will soon pass...I hope.  What have I four pages of!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,879

    Apple sweetie good morning.Well been up all night. started the thread lastnightand ther are 389 posts. it was like a chat room . we were really buzzing. I finally went to get my glasses that were newly perscribed and think I mayhave gotten a bug from one of the test frames uggh

  • windlass
    windlass Member Posts: 1,813

    Paged my poor oncologist at 6 AM. She called right back and said to make sure my husband washes his hands, since diarrhea is fecal-oral. She also said that I may have caught a cold, but not to worry unless I get a fever. She approved the saline nasal wash. Thinks I don't have strep throat but just chemo side effect soreness. She is calling in a script for "magic mouthwash" to my pharmacy later today. Phew. Now I can sleep.