INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Surgery would only be indicated if he possibly had a deviated septum or something causing the snoring. No surgery necessary for cpap

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Posts: 412

    windlass, same here, my husband has a really bad knee. the veterans affairs will pay not only for the surgery to fix it, but, pay for him to take up to a year off !!! they will give him 2500 a month while he is out of work ( works at a retailer now), and he won't do it!! he is terrified!!!

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    Ack, I just blew my nose and my nasal passages/sinuses are filled with loose mucus. I may be getting sick... I was sneezing earlier today, too. I remarked that was odd since I haven't sneezed in ages.

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    There's nothing the docs can even do about a cold is there? It's a virus!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Jals you must be medical or already have CPAP in the house. The machine is better if you are trying to avoid surgery which ias we all know is a good thing to avoid. Doc's that do the surgery do not all have the same skill level.

  • Windlass, I'm sorry if I missed something, but does he have a condition requiring surgery. This thread moves so damn quick Lol!

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    I can pretty much guarantee there is no way my husband is going to sleep hooked up to some breathing machine. Especially since HE is not bothered by the snoring.

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    I've read ads in the airplane magazines for snoring institutes where they perform hundreds of these surgeries every year. I was thinking one of those places could do a simple surgery?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    True , but in the future when you aren't taking chemo that vinagar/red pepper and salt will kill whatevers trying to take hold or at least dampen the effect majorly. we thought it was grandmas recipe and I found it in a folkmedicine recipe book the recipe was from the 1700's

  • Sas, yes I'm a respiratory therapist so this is right up my alley :)

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    SAS: I have grapefriut seed extract (bitter as heck) that I normally dilute (1-2 drops in 4 oz of water) and flush through my sinuses to fend off a new cold. I wonder if I could use that, despite the sensitive tissues from the chemo...

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    I use a nasaline syringe and have the grapefruit seed go through my entire sinuses and out the other end. It's miserable, but it works. Just scared to try it with the chemo. Any thoughts?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Windlass---run off a few articles on what we've talked about. then see what he says. I tried for about 15 years to get dh to use the machine.he got everything except the alzheimers. said he'd rather be dead than wear the machine I said ok you will be

  • Well if u use sterile saline, there shouldn't be any issues. Do u have a neti pot?

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    JaisMama: Can oiur husbands be helped without some honking machine?

    And GodisGood, I feel much better after being awake and gargling that I think I can hold out 3 or 4 hours more to call my onc. I feel bad waking her up without a fever. But I think I will do the grapefruit seed extract, since it usually works for me if I catch a cold soon enough.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    I may talk about the gargle I described, but wouldn't go anywhere near what your talking aboutbecause your talking about putting a protein coated substance up your nose ---that could lead to anaphyllaxsis---so if your still concerned call your doc ----don't hesitate. please

    Jals could tell right away.

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    I dont have sterile saline, but I can boil water to make some. We have well water, and I have a reverse osmosis water filter. How much salt to water ratio?

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    SAS: Is grapefruit seed extract a protein coated substance? I've used it many times in the past, but I don't want to get anaphylaxis from it suddenly! Would chemo change my reaction to it?

  • Windlass: there are those breathe right strips that are sold in almost every drug store, maybe give that a try. It just depends on whether or not it's an obstructive issue.. Is he overweight? Any other medical issues? Don't know if I missed you saying whether or not he had any pre existing issues.

  • Also, you can buy sterile saline at the drug store.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    SH*^% my ent gave me a recipe don't have it now--------first thought you said throat, now you are saying sinuses. isit moving that fast if it is call doc. if your not willing to do that google nasal saline irrigation. First consider you are under the influence of chemo-----that changes all normal thoughts , responses and action.

    Jlas jump in

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Posts: 412

    windlass, just beware, grapefruit is known to interact with alot of medications. i will take a look and see if it interacts with chemotherapy. are you on AC?

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    Jaismama: My husband is underweight, if anything. His only health issues are a reversed cortisol cycle that makes him exhausted in the morning and awake in the evening. Whether or not he snored the night before. He used to have long spans of no snoring (weeks on end), til I got diagnosed.The only time he used to snore would be after an all-nighter.

    He is snoring right through a breathing strip now. His dad snores so badly I can barely sleep in the same HOUSE he's in, even down the hall, so I think it may be genetic.

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    Yes, I am on A/C. First dose Wednesday ended at 6 PM. It's now Saturday, 4:20 AM here.

  • windlass
    windlass Posts: 1,813

    And remember, it's grapefruit SEED extract, not grapefruit.

    I'll do saline instead, if ppl think it would help.  But I need a recipe to boil it on my stove.

  • #1: saline= 1 cup water and 1/4 tsp salt, boil about 15 minutes. Secondly, the snoring itself causes a whole set of issues. Snoring causes lowered oxygen levels throughout the night and plus he's not getting enough REM sleep. Just with those 2 things, this will cause sleepiness, neuro issues (bad memory), fatigue etc etc etc. Might be exacerbating his night owl issues. I would highly suggest a sleep study so that they can actually figure out what's going on when he sleeps. Could really change his world and yours :)

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    This is moving so fast answers are getting mixed up between her and her dh. Plain saline irrigation is safe enough because it's the same as body fluids. boil some up ---cool irrigate. evry 15 min to 1/2 hr. Any sign of worsening CALL your doc

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Posts: 412

    ok windlass, grapefruit can have a possible interaction with AC. honey, i would stop using that now. just gargle with salt water and sit in a hot steamy shower until you can go to the doc. it's so close to 8 am now (only 4 hours for you). and remember, alot of "natural" and "herbal' substances can interact with your chemo. it can change the way the chemo works in your body.

    a hot steamy shower usually helps wet the sinuses, then blow your nose ( while in the shower) usually what is "stuck up there" comes out

  • The snoring and effects from it are progressive and just keep adding up. The longer it continues, the worse it gets. The exhaustion is being exacerbated from low oxygen levels, also probably low melatonin levels and not enough "deep sleep". His natural body response is to keep him slightly awake because of the sleep apnea and/or snoring. Therefore he never really gets any good, restful sleep.

  • hdangelbaby
    hdangelbaby Posts: 412

    sas, how ya holding up? are you nice and buzzed?