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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Thanks Chrissy. I keep waiting to feel sick. Have my fingers crossed that it's just a lab error.

  • sandy115
    sandy115 Member Posts: 28

    Hi Chrissy I would love to meet up with you just to make sure you know its London ont canada not England.Just thought Id mention that cause it looks like your in Austraila which by the way I have family in Melbourne.But yes for suer if its london ont Id love to message me,Sandra

  • sandy115
    sandy115 Member Posts: 28

    Aw Hauntie I too hope you are fine I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you to.I know you said you are so looking foward to getting this surgery good luck keep us posted.Thinking of you.

    hugs sandra

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Sandy, ooops!  I will be in London England...............sorry.  Never mind, if ever I get to do another trip maybe I'll get to Canada.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey girls..just dropped in before i try to sleep..nope, Chrissy, not this time for canada; can't wait.. it'll be here anyday now... ck the older thread for my thyroid... Hashimotos disease caused by nuelasta.. Really? tthat shot was 2 yrs ago!!! anyway, they think it'll flucuate, even on synthroid, so yet another dr. to see often bleechhh.................3jays

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,515

    Hauntie, best wishes for your tests later today. And greetings to everyone - looks as though you might be getting a good sleep tonight!


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Judith ---------lovely thought about sleep, it didn't happen---------------it's 5;18 am ----duh never even made it to here till now. Too busy with Pm's . But did have a couple of nights of sleep. thanks

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I was up at 5:00 for my lab appointment 8:00. It's only 1/2 hour away. I'm not too anxious - yeah right. I just heard back from the NP. She had good news and bad news. Good news - no UTI, chest xray is clear. Bad news - white count is still elevated. Good news - It's come down a point since Wed. I have to stop by again Monday morning for another blood test. If the white count comes down another 1.5 points, I'm good to go for surgery on Wed. The NP can't figure out what's going on, but whatever it is seems to be resolving itself. Prayers and good thoughts, please, that it comes down enough.

    More good news - I got in a 2 mile walk on the beach, after my lab appointment. I don't know why anyone uses an ipod when walking the beach. Most of the joy in the walk is listening to the surf. It calms me and I get a lot of thinking done.

    Have good day everyone. I probably won't be around tonight. I have to get up way early tomorrow to catch a  charter day cruise to Provincetown. It's an annual cousin/friend thing.- nice cruise with plenty of time to chat, a great lunch, and a little shopping - doesn't get much better than that.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    OH that sounds nice Hauntie.  Have fun.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Bad news. PMX surgery has been delayed until August 17. One more delay and I will not be able to have this surgery, because I won't have enough time to heal before I'm expected back at work. The rescheduling has nothing to do with my white count. It's a scheduling error on the part of my BS's secretary. Evidently, because I am overweight, my surgery needs to be done in an OR in a building that has better facilities to deal with any anesthesia/heart issues than the building than the building my BS usually operates in. My BS only gets an OR in that building once a month and that date is the 17th.

    The secretary knew which building I needed to be booked in. Did she just find out today that my BSs date in that building was the 17th - I think not.I don't get it. The building she usually operates in is much newer. Why would you build new operating suites that didn't have the facilities to accommodate ALL patients - makes no sense.

    With all the delays and complications that have come up, evidently August 10th is not a good day for me to have surgery. Wish I had known that earlier, I would have had my left hand surgery when it was originally scheduled on July 28th. Now that surgery is scheduled for August 30th. That's 2 surgeries less than 2 weeks apart.

    This emotional roller coaster is killing me. I'm beginning to wonder if all these complications are signs that I shouldn't have the surgery at all.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604


  • Mouse6
    Mouse6 Member Posts: 68

    Hey Sandy...yes...tx was at LRCP. I see you joined in April...hope your tx are going well. Where are you at with tx?

    I've been sleeping better the last couple of nights, but in case I have another bout of insomnia, a good friend has offered up some of her atavan for me! Isn't it nice to have drug dealer friends?! I'll give that a go next time I feel anxious at night, and if it works for me, I'll make an appt with fam doc for rx.

    Bone scan is on tues to investigate this hip pain. Sounds wierd, but looking forward to it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Mouse----oh my "sharing" controlled substances is a felony. I suggest deleting that post. Every one in the world can see what we write. A good police tracker could find you in a few hours.

    ASk your doc for something--------insomnia/anxiety is a common problem for what we are going through.

  • Daydreamernh
    Daydreamernh Member Posts: 20

    I should be working, well! I am  here and on the clock. I  am just sitting at the comp reading my boards, enjoying my bowl of ricotta and picking at my anti-pasta.  I am getting paid for this.  LOL

  • Scilla
    Scilla Member Posts: 8

    Hi everyone,

    I've just found your awesome thread.

    It seems as though I haven't been able to sleep in weeks - ever since I was diagnosed with extensive DCIS and scheduled for a UMX with no reconstruction on Wed 10th August. When everyone else is asleep, I'm wide awake trying to come to terms with what is about to happen - it's not even as though I can blame any drugs!

    Chrissy, I see you are in England soon. It's a shame I'll still be recovering from surgery otherwise I would have offered to meet you for tea. I only live about 40 miles from London.


  • anumacha
    anumacha Member Posts: 61

    My insomnia has hit the old record sleep 45 min and up 2 hours - no wonder I am exhausted whe I need to get up for work.

    Chrissy have a great trip visiting and site seeing.

    Hauntie - I went to surgery with a UTI and I had no symptoms but it will all work out. Our breast center was good but my surgeon only did surgery after 1pm so it was difficult to wake up and get ou by 6 PM. I asked for regular recovery room much better, folks are much calmer. I t sounds like they have time to treat you if it is a uti.

    Ok I am off for that 45 min snooze

  • sandy115
    sandy115 Member Posts: 28

    Hi Mouse im on day 14 of 1st chemo treatment here in London i've been fine so far untill yesterday and today feel like I have a bad flu and emotional on top of that.Hav'nt eaten since breakfast not looking foward to 2nd treatment next Monday.Hey Chrissy yeh maybe you will get to Canada one day.Hauntie im sorry they are giving you such a hard time I hope it gets resolved and you can have your surgery thinking of you.Sandra

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hauntie-----the reason for the scheduling difference , is that Anesthesiologists have a scoring system. If you are a 1 or 2 you can be done in an outpatient building. Sometimes 3's are allowed----should't be, but sometimes it happens. 4-5's are always done in a hospital.

    The scoring system is based on a particular number given to each co- morbidity. The more things that could go wrong with you under anesthesia enter into the scoring system. 3 and above have to have ICU as a back up after surgery. That is not available in the outpatient setting. Your doc's facility is considered an outpatient facility.

  • edoyrest
    edoyrest Member Posts: 2

    Did anyone ever experience thrush on TC?

  • valgal
    valgal Member Posts: 187
    Hi everyone! I haven't been on line in soooo long. Still trying to deal with tons of issues. Tomorrow is my 1 year out mamogram and meeting with the radiologist. I'm just hoping all is clear. I still have pains all around the back of my ribcage. Does anyone else get those? Best of luck to all of the wonderful ladies here... and welcome to all the newbiesSmile.
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Hi VALGAL... good luck tomorrow.  I always have some kind of pain on my left side. Even though i had a bilat mx I am wondeering though if its because i had the node dissections on that side..

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Thanks Sas - I just found out today that the new building was outpatient only. My problem is that the secretary knew which building I needed to be in and I can't believe she didn't know earlier, than Friday, which day this month my BS had an OR in that building. There's nothing I can do about it, but I'm still having a hard time dealing with the delay. I had myself ready for surgery this Wednesday and it was a big let down when it was postponed. I know the anxiety will be building steadily until next Wednesday.

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    edoyrest, I suffered from taxotere induced thrush.  It was the worst SE I had from the chemo. It took 2 rounds of anti-fungals to get past it.  You have to be so careful what you eat. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Evening all.

    Valgal hate to tell you I stil have ribcage pain 4 years out from radiation(and cemo and mast) Do hope its nothing to worry about.

    Must start thinking about food for tonight.

    At least I can smile when I see my daffodils.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    EDO and FLP---------I had thrush for 6 months after last Keflex. Multiple treatments. ENT doc said I must be a carrier--------first case of thrush, but multiple vag problems ------all post Keflex.

    He said to take probiotics, Which I have, but apparently not enough. Within 24 hours of taking powder probiotics and putting it on the tongue. The thrush was 95% gone---------one week all gone. Still putting it on tongue every few days. Daily on cottage cheese, yogurt etc. Hope this helps.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi Sas

  • BlueCowgirl
    BlueCowgirl Member Posts: 132

    Awake again! Have been meaning to post on this thread. It's 1:15 here, anyone else still up? And I am hoping that if you are, you can tell me what to do about my skin...Had the softest, smoothest skin before chemo. Now it sucks. My face is not soft at all. Is this from chemo? From chemo-induced menopause? Who knows...It seems so petty compared to chemo, multiple surgeries, etc...And yet I am pissed about it as I lie awake tonight. Someone out there has a magical solution for this, right?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Valgal-----------good luck***************

  • FLwarrior
    FLwarrior Member Posts: 614

    Sas, What brand are you taking?  How much do you take?  I eat pro-biotic yogurt every morning, but I would like to try something stronger. Thanks for the info!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    FLpink--------bluebonnet acidophilus with FOS powder, must be refrigerated. Has L bifidius and L bulgaricus in it.  I put it on the first night and three x's the first day, by that night my tongue was 95% clear. Iused a teaspoonful each time. much more than the capsules I was taking. I swallowed the capsules. I believe the direct contact was the healing thing.