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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154

    Safe travels, Chrissy! I hope you have a wonderful time while you are here!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi girls, last night worked out fine. my thyroid is so screwed up, i act a  boat of oatmeal, like i've been told to do in emerg such as that: 2 hrs later,  my bs was still high...184 : not the 62 i expected..MRDRN: thats' exactly how it happened... i took my nova log; got distracted by the t.v; and took another shot; instead of my lantus.. tired all the time right now; and not clear; from the hypo thyroid... DH, Mur, woke uo every 2 hrs and we made sure....

        OK; so, the saga continues... have shown allergic reaction to both the generic brand and generic of synthyroid. found special comoound pharmacy. they were only supposed to compound the synthyroid and acidophillis; they thought the filler was making me react.

       the idiot pharmacist compounded cytomel in with it. i took it ( whinch i never do w/out googling; im tired....  it has warning for asthmatics, which of course, i am. cytomel robs your body of all theophyllline... so, two weeks, 3 arguments; and he didn't compound it how the dr. ordered it. i'll have to have it recompunded, and deal with the idiot pharm. later  today... i sure AM getting an education on thyroid meds... now, if the pharmacist would, we'd be all good... can nothing go right with this process?

       im jerked right now, but im also stubborn. we'll get the right mix yet.

       to answer the question about insomnia: i had MS for 20 yrs bf bc; and it causes ms all by itself.. add the hypothyroid, and although im exhausted, i also  can't sleep.   i sure appreciate that you girls are here at night. for a long while, it was just me and the aussieshahaha i did build some great friendships, with Chrissy, and Alyson, so its well worth it..

       Alyson; i so need someone in this houdse to be " awake and aware" unfortunately, neither of us are...we "stumble forward here">>>>>>>>>3jays

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Re Tamoxifen side effects - the good news is that you forget what they were like. I guess i'ts like what people say about child birth - although I can't speak from experience on that one. I was on Tamox for 5 years and stoped over 10 years ago. I can't remember anything about side effects - except weight gain. I'm still feeling the effects on that one. . I went on Femara a few years after. THOSE side efffects I remember - hot flashes, joint pain in my hands. I threatened to go off it because of the hand pain. I don't know if femara had anything to do with me developing arthritis in my thumb joints but it certainly exacerbated it. Periodic cortisone shots in my thumbs helped tremendously, allowing me to stay on it for the full 5 years.

    3 jays - so sorry you're having so much trouble with synthroid. I've been on it for years, but I don't have any allergies, so no issues. I hope a solution is found soon. Re the insulin - no personal experience with that drug - thank God. I do have empathy with your accidental mix though. I am using a bunch of eye meds right now and even with them numbered in red, a written timeline on when to use what and setting the alarm on my phone every 2 hours to take one, the other or the other - I'm still not sure I'm keeping them straight. You are keeping your sense of humor about things and I think that's invaluable in making it through these things.

    Tink - my eyes feel much, much better this am - Thank God. re the other, I'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for being there for me.

    MRDRN Member Posts: 177

    3jays glad to hear and sorry you had MS so long. everyday when I read posts here I am so strengthened by the fact that so many live with such challenges and still seem so strong.   Insulin overdoses can be scary and as someone said, we nurses have always had to double check our administration and both sign off because it does get busy and one can make a mistake, even the professionals!  Glad it worked out and yes this thread is great (i read more than I post)  I am always in pain now but trying different things besides meds and if I do not take meds, I am awake :(  Oh well, off to start my day!  Happy travels!

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    ERIN congratualations on the successful delivery-----sorry about the rest. How did they find the BC? If that's to personal just ignore the question.

    Chrissy. 3Jays and I have things almost worked out for Sat. 17th. I hope I have it right. Will keep on working on it.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    MDRN Hi------I use a fentanyl patch 25 mcg . I change it once a week. Fentanyl also has a prosertonergic affect. So, I get a benefit from that. Using it a week the pain starts to come back and may have to take somthing stronger on the sixth day. But it works.

    3jays-----I agree with MDRN. On two people watching insulin being drawn. Some people predraw insulins label them and label plastic container and then put them in separate places in the frig. Then when you go to use it. Check With DH as to label. 

    Chrissy------Singapore then London. Is Harry potter on the tour?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    GREAT idea.. never thought to pre fill them! that just may work.. the hypo has my blood sugar so whacked, the fast acting is on a scale, but lantis is at an all time high. 90 units. didn't even need that much on chemo!!! i take 3 shots of it, 30 each. easier than the 60 &30 with the big needle.

       the MS just acts everything else up; now, my thyroid.. if its not one thing its' your mother...used to have a good laugh about that with her. she's with the Lord now, and got the last laugh......yes, sas, we'll work it out, we both want dearly to meet you In real life.. the dates good for me, so if it works for you; we're on. if not; we'll adjust it. can't wait to meet you...

       Hauntie: love the picture for your avatar!!!!!!3jays

  • jbagley
    jbagley Member Posts: 5

    3jaysmom, I read that you are allergic to thyroid compounds? Have you been told anything about. Armour thyroid? It is 100% derived from pigs, but I have several patients on it. One patient had massive hairloss from synthroid. I put her on Armour thyroid and her hair started growing bck.

    Hi, I'm jennifer. I have stage 3 bc, MX left in june. Due foor #4 A/C on sept 6, then 4 taxol rpunds and then more node resection and rads.

    I just thought I could help you 3jaysmom, I am a family nurse practitoner in the state of maine. I am currently on medical leave because my boss will not let me come back to work until my treatments are done, including radiation. I think it is a crock of sh*t, theres a lot I could do, in the office and not in front of pts. Anyway, thinking of opening my own practice in my town anyway. We will see.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi Jennifer; first wlcome, and i think your boss is a horses patootie!!!

       no, i've not tried Armour yet, as i've had trouble with pig parts previously. they're only bad, when used daily; which of course, i have to. im seriously thinking of trying it, esp cause my hair NEVER quite came back from chemo, and i hae very little  now. i might try the armour bf another bioidentical; since it may help get hair back. i have no hair, no boobs, and have gained 20 lbs..= no self esteem.

       do you use the one from the states? everyone keeps telling me to get it from Canada...the pharm was SUPPOSSED to be giving me bioidentical porcine...boy, did he screw up!  whatcha think? canada, or us?

       good luck with the chemo. i di A/C and lots of taxotere, as they had to titrate the taxotere for me. the ms really didn't like chemo, at all. i won't even mention the hospital stays after neulasta! but, that was almost 2 yrs ago NOV; and i;ve had 3 pets' NED!!!so, with all the complications, if i could do it...anyone can.........3jays

  • jbagley
    jbagley Member Posts: 5

    3jaysmom, armour thyroid is not regulated by the FDA in the states. You might want to research canada. What is your TSH? T3, frffreeT4?

    My grandmother and my husbands mother both have MS. My grandmother was diagnosed when she was 18 yrs. She is now 78. My mother-in-law was dx in 1980, but still walking when I met my husband in 1993. She is now chair/bedbound. She needs someone to transfer her to chair to bed.

    How did your MS manifest itself? Are you still able to walk?


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi jennifer: thanks for all the concern..about hypo .. its' weird , like me. i have tremendous symptoms, and am bed bound. Dr. thinks its another way the ms is attacking my immune system. i had REAL problems with the ms in the beg; mostly bc of mis mangment of neuro. he told me i'd be crippled later, so go out and do everything now. im of a certain personality, so i did. way over did...water skiing, getting overheated, tiring myself out. i ended up stuck in a wheelchai for 2 yrs, pretty much like you saidyou MIL  is now. used transfer, etc. slowly built myself up thru pt; and was doing really ok till bc and chemo. Neulasta and building the white cells up really did a job on the ms.. now, i use a wheelchair for distances, walker, or a cane for shorter differences.

       right now, who knows? is it the ms, or is the thryoid?? im totally bed bound right now. it gets me so angry. i did better with mrsa, and chemo than i can do now.

       i've found a pharmacy in canada that my le therapist uses, and is real happy with. i can get an rx. if i need to. im leery, cause i've reacted to some meds w/ pork base as a wash over them, in the past.. but, the bio identicals haven't worked out weel, either, i think i need to try armour, and go by the symptoms...

     the history is bizarre: i was getting really tired, and falling. onco thought i got brain cancer; pet fine; then to the neuro; who didn't "think" it was ms related, but tried me on symetryl. it was a horror, and didn't add any break in the fatigue. i ended up getting staph for the 3rd time in 2 yrs. the cdc dr. saw my tsh went up from 2-5.something in a month. no dr. can see me till oct who spec. in it. and they said in a trip to the emerg. they wouldn't get concerned bc my tdsh is so little...

      its only the t4 they can work with. cytomel was robbing me of all theophyline, and my mom and sister died from copd. so i can't take it. the comopounder added lith??t3 on his own, and i was like a fish out of water for two days, on one dose..

       i think my last try will be armour from Canada. then , i don't know what we can do....after all the fight i've done for so many yrs. thyroid may stop my life as i knew it. im quite discouraged, at this point...

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    to begin  with, i had a major stroke, went to hosp' then rehab in a center, then at home. i didn't get better, so they did tests. it ended up ms. that was ocver 20 yrs ago.

      i never would take any of the inteferon drugs, and the yr they started tsbari; i had 1 dose, and they took it off the mkt. Now, of course, i won't take any of them. they will open me up for mets, cause they'd supress the immune system, which is really out of whack now... the 1st specialist i saw said low thyroid was common after chem, part a/c.. its all a crap shoot!!! i just cannnot believe id gotten back to notmal from all of it, and now, this has laid me low! and here, a dr. won't even see you for 3 months!!! the specialist, nor the endo. and i have Good ins!!! just so bummed...

     anyway, its off to bed for me. its 26 hrs since i've had a lick of sleep... thanks for caring....3jays

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    (((((((((((threejaysmom))))))))))) you have really been throu a lot. Wish I could do more than send virtual hugs. Thinking of you.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    3jaysmom - you are an amazing woman.  I so admire your courage, strength and humour.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    3jays.. you are an inspiration! hugs for you!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    oh - 3jays - i'm so sorry - ((((((3jays))))))) - hugs from me too. i hope the armour works. it not only sucks that you can't get in to see a specialist sooner - it's criminal

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    My goodness, what you have been through and are going through.  My heart goes out to you.  Hugs.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i woukld never had written all that. should have sent a pm... im no stronger than most of us here. we just do what we have to.. im amazed, with everything thats' hit me, my thyroid has knocked me out so much!!! its a tricky devil, i'll give ya that. and this was sso not the time.. i was just getting my breath from bc..

     nothing to do, just one foot forward.. anyway, thank you all for the encouragement.. i can't wait to see what will happen......3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey,, i didn't know, but chrissy has a new site; pics and all. i know hauntie found it out!!!! 3jays

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    3jaysmom - could you clue in someone dumb like me as to where I would find Chrissy's new site of her adventure?

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    It's called "The Journey Has Begun!!!!!" Go to Chrissy's profile page and roll down to the entry for her journey.

  • Maya2
    Maya2 Member Posts: 244

    Sorry, tried to provide the link, but it didn't work.

  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Maya2 - thank you!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Anybody up? I was so tired, I went to bed at 8:00. I'm staying at my DB in NY. He's away at a music festival. I was awakened at 11 by his friend, who went to the same festival,  picking up her car parked in his driveway. I though I left her enough room to get out, but there was so much commotion going on, I went down and moved my car. Now, I'm wide awake.

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    Good a.m. -  I have been wide awake for hours - I knew there had to be others who were awake. I just finished Taxol, so still hyped up from Decadron. I am also in deep thought concerning a big decision I plan to make tomorrow. I am scheduled for yet another mammogram. The results will be sent electronically to my surgeon who plans to sit with me and map out surgery strategies - The big decision will be left breast mastectomy or left breast lumpectomy. Here we go.....

    'Hope you get some rest


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,516

    To answer an earlier question, Chrissyb's awesome story of her travels is here:  The "Journey" has begun!!!!!! (just click the title)


  • justagirl
    justagirl Member Posts: 633

    Judith - I found Chrissyb's travels - thank you!

  • rohanna
    rohanna Member Posts: 154
    Hi, ladies! Just checking in to see how everyone is. I've been off for awhile because I finally got to the beach with my DH and DD! Spent my birthday with sand and a margarita!Cool Hope everyone is feeling better and you continue to heal. I've been thinking about Chrissyb. I'm going to check her travels site!
  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Well here I am at 3:33 a.m. EST. Took an 800 mg. motrin and when that didn't get rid of my tension headache took one of my vicodin. I'm getting just a little too attached to them. Maybe I'll watch the sun come up this morning and sleep the day away. I have no doctor's appts tomorrow so what the heck.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chilluver---Hi , I have learned to make late afternoon appts., just in case I have a "No Sleep Night". One thing I just learned in the last two months from my Saint PCP. When I told her , if I took a narcotic for pain, I was making a choice between sleep and no sleep. She told me that for some people taking their pain pills only occasionally, can cause insomnia for that night b/c the body has not got a steady threshold level. I was very appreciative of that info. I wasn't about to start taking them everyday, but at least I could understand what was keeping me up. Chill --this was a revelation for me b/c I'm a nurse and never,except for my twin, had I ever heard anyone complain that their pain pill was keeping them awake. It was always the opposite. Hope this helps in some way.