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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 Jays-----

     Saw Onc today and Little Bean is going to keep me doc hopping for the foreseeable future with possible surgery and or radiation. Just when I was jumping back into life. Well that sucks. Well I feel good , some headaches. but ain't going to give up on a day. Passed the don't want to get out of bed days, staring at the walls b/c I miss Greg so much. So, just going to have some fun. The friend that I talked with about moving in, I said well if you decide you don't want to just tell me and I won't be hurt, It's ok. But until then I just want to have fun talking about it. What we would move where etc to get her STUFF in and make her comfortable. She's easier to talk on the phone with than my own twin. In fact no one in the family knows about Little Bean yet except DS. They knew in the beginning , but they don't know that it's grown more than it shoulda.

    What do you mean the pain guy says X. I thought you were seeing a new endocrin guy Oct 5th.I hate Autoimmune diseases as I know you do. It's a what do you do situation. I have a friend who has had scleroderma for 30 some years. She was told she was going to die along time ago. She's still kicking at 66. She went meatless within the last decade and it helped with symptoms. It's a damn situation.  Did you read about the worms for IBD----UGH., but if it works hurrah.

    You are a day closer to seeing the new endocrin guy. On the thread I started a longgggg time ago called "JUST DIAGNOSED-GET PREPARED"  Rockym made a suggestion about an" I Scribe" device it might help.

    How come us three didn't get our pic's on the travelogue. Did we decide we didn't want too? Memory ---bummer.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Stanzie--------I was typing  will your post was being posted --------oh dear, I am so sorry you have gone through such a horrible experience and the loss of your ring from your mom.  I have no idea what to say regarding your loss and feeling of being violated.  AND from what you say it may be someone you know. That makes it worse. I have a friend who was robbed by her brother twice, he was into drugs. He knew what had value in the house and took it.

    What do we do-------I have a built in system for alarm . Never used it from the time we moved in 1992. But reconsidering trying to make the system work. These are bad times. Economy and rampant drug users that will do anything to get money. Such a worry.

    Get a big dog with a big bark. Or a small dog with a big bark.--------or multiple dogs . Lots of perimeter lights. or motion activated lights.

    This just sucks. We have enough to deal with without break-ins. I am so sorry you had to go through this Stanzie it is not something you needed to deal with. Cluck'em awh pattuties let them be hurt.  

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    SAS, thanks! I know ultimatly I should be very grateful as I wasn't hurt and that it wasn't a big man with a gun as it could have been. I guess the worse part is that the police said they had probably been in the house before and likely will come back once some time has passed now that they have seen everything in the house and know that I'm single.

    I'm sorry about little bean - can gamma knife surgery get to the tumor? I saw on another thread about Dr. Brawanski ??? If that is his name. He is in Houston, I believe who specializes in "organic non-poisonous" treatement for cancer. Have no idea really about him other than the link and the short video. If you want to know more I'll find the link for you. 

     As 3jays knows I too have MS but have not had the severness of the disease as 3jays. Hopeing the new doc can give you some answers and relief. 

    You know I'm wondering as this is BC site and women worry more and have all the issues with menopause but it makes one wonder on a prostrate cancer site they probably never have need for an insomniacs thread. Why is it men can sleep after anything.....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    SAS.. i don't think Chrissy has put many pics of ple on the thread.. i'm not adverse to mine being up. i have a pic, but won't put it up, unless she oks it. its' her trip, after all...

       Stanzie, i am Sooo sorry that happenned to you! i know the alarms cost $$; but i think its time to squeeze a little more $$ out of the budget. you NEED an alarm, esp if they think its' not the 1st time.. i so hope you "hid" the ring from your good, YOU can't find it! i do that all the time.. i put lists in my comouter now,  where i've put things.. i swear ; id be NAKED without them,, somedays.. I even put the phone in the freezer one day.. yep; hung it up, was getting ice,, then closed the door... ah well......

       SA.. i already take the fish.oil whats the other?\   im following your advise, stanzie.. hope they'll go the peds dose for me on the 5th.. they all think im exaggerating. they don't understand at all about ms..

     SAS: thats' why the pain spec told me the other day.. he's been here for 15 yrs; and knows me. was, and is my orthopedist. the main tx er for my ms problems..

       i just try to adjust to whatever the changes the MS makes me do. this one, however; i may not be able yo accomadate.. if this is the best i can do; my life is sure gonna change, thats for sure!!!

       i'm particularly worried ( i worry about everything, anyway) but my eyesight is troublesome, with the ms; and my sister, and mom died from copd.. and the synthroid and all, effects my eyes AND breathing.. im a bit scared, but not much you can do so you just deal...

     hope ya'll have a great weekend. im gonna try for the beach, for a little, tommorrow, if im not doing well, at least the pool// i would love the peace the beach always brings, tho. the closer the 5th comes, the more zanax i'll have to take!!!hahaha...... get the alarm system, stanzie. thats' really worrisome!!.....3jays

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    3jays- I do have an alarm and use it but I didn't use it when I was home with 3 kids going in and out but now I will! Looking into cameras and even a dog. I'm up cause I'm still to anxious to sleep, heard a noise and even with the alarm on still worried. Like you I too worry a lot.

    I know so many people on synthroid with no side effects but like you said in one post that the ms may be attacking your thyroid but then people who had thyroid cancer no longer have their thyroid and can take it so something is definately odd with all this - obviously something out of the ordinary is going on with you. I get so tired of other doctors backing off as soon as they hear you have MS. Why can't they just say ok let me confer with your neurologist and try and figure this out. I'm sorry you are scared on top of feeling so dreadful. Do you have a good eye doc who understands MS? 

    Of course you are not exaggerating - that is so hard when you feel like they are not taking you seriously. I have a friend who was born without most of her imune system and has several other diseases. In all right she shouldn't be alive with everything she goes through but she is and she keeps going. I know how much she worries and is fearful but she gives me inspiration as do you. Try and take care of yourself as best you can and I know what you mean about the calming and healing feel of being at the beach - hope you can go tomorrow and just take some time for yourself and maybe some zannax as well! Will be thinking of you as always! 

    oh, funny about putting the phone in the freezer!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope you got some sleep, stanzie. lack of sleep changes how much we worry, also. MS is a lousy disease, and its just affecting everything right now. time, and it may all calm down/ we'll have to wait and see. im hoping the "specialist" in thryroid will fig something out. with bad immune system, it can do anything, though...

       hang in there, dear, and always have the alarm on!! its' most imp when you're there!!!.......3jays

  • Rose6
    Rose6 Member Posts: 7
    FrownWOW for the last few nights i take sleep eds, sleep for a few hours then cant get back for 5 more, this is really going to cramp my style when I go back to work and need to leave @ there anyone else out there on arimidex, that has this.....I would really like some info, my brains getting fuzzy ad im afraid i will fall down.I HATE this drug
  • Rose6
    Rose6 Member Posts: 7
    FrownWOW for the last few nights i take sleep eds, sleep for a few hours then cant get back for 5 more, this is really going to cramp my style when I go back to work and need to leave @ there anyone else out there on arimidex, that has this.....I would really like some info, my brains getting fuzzy ad im afraid i will fall down.I HATE this drug
  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 Jays---almost there, thinking of you and success. On the fishoil it's 4 grams that I have been taking.Previously, was lower, !000 mg >>then 2000mg>>then 4000mg.  I can always tell if it's too much b/c my face gets oily. But for the last 2 + years that hasn't happened until just recently. So, no clue what message my body is sending me, but backing off on dose.

    Stanzie----------so sorry you had to go through this. I so understand. Been there done that kind of thing.

     Rose-----the damn drugs wreak havoc with us. Lowrider has started a thread on Arimidex, but says in the thread header that it was for talking about all the AI's. There was a recent new thread on Aromasin which I'm on, but haven't visited it yet. I have no idea how I would be able to work on these drugs. I try to make no morning appointments b/c I never know if it's going to be a no sleep night. Feel for you babe. It sucks.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    good to "see" you girls here... sas: the pic is on older but spirited thread. if ya wanna see us!!!3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 jays can you do a link? I thought you meant the one Chrissy started ----went there and it must be wrong thread. If you do a link I can put it in Favorites

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    sorry, sas, don't know how to do it.. i'll look it up; and give you the exact name of the thread.....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    its' spirited and lively women.. barbara a started it. same time chrissy started hers.. in Freindships part of furom.. let me know if you find it.

       you can save as picture into your computer, and then, print it on paper when you find out how to ...hahaha.. let me know if you find it...3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    sorrry i've been gone so long-But.......

  • motherofpatient
    motherofpatient Member Posts: 124

    What has worked for sleep? My daughter is exhausted and it isn't helping her concentrate at work.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi motherofpatient, if your daughter is having problems with sleep, and she doesn't want to take a prescription med I use Melatonin and find it works well for me.  It is available over the counter at Walmart and Walgreens and probably other Pharmacies in the suppliment aisle.  Good luck!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey Matey's _________--so Awake -------bummer ----------and no one here------

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm here, I'm here!!!!   How you doing SAS?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chrissy-------still up -----you there?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Hey you chickens---------where are you ? did we all learn how to sleep?

    Have had many nights of sleep --------tonight , not one of those.

    Learned good news today and of course -----------can't sleep

    But------sleep has come on other nights not here, with melatonin 5 mg and Ativan 2mg------sounds like a hefty dose-----may  be------also put up the storm shutters so room is totally dark--------previously NOT, b/c the street lamp light shown in.  So, between the three, I have finally gotten days of sleep. BUT after 3-4 days of restful sleep, I end up staying up all night----------explain this to me?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,516

    Staying up late because you miss your insomniac buddies? Smile


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    AH Judith-------------so happy to hear from you----------- you MODs are greaTTTTTTTTTTT. I miss the old days of insomnia in a way b/c I don't hear from the people That were here with me. BUT BUT BUT BUT--------------------a full night of sleep, followed by many others, oh so makes the brain work so much better........................trying to seek normal ---sooooo much. Actually should write a thread on it or add it to another thread already started.

    Separating from BCO-------There comes a time we should do it. But it's hard The friendships developed by words. In a time of need. Written when needed, knowing no one may respond right away, but it's okay----------b/c you can say the words that you need too.  Then someone "pops" in to offer a word of support----------just as you did. L&H&P's  sheila

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey Shiela!   I'm here!!!   How you doing?

    Hi Judith, hope you are having a good night.

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chrissy--------hope you come back soon , I'll wait a few minutes --------sheila

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chrissy did you get to see Gina  and Nancy?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I stayed with Cheryl in LA but couldn't contact Nancy so I missed her.  I did get to spend time with Gina in San Antonio and it was great! 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm sitting here waiting for a response like a newbie , and didn't realize the page turned

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Chrissy how are you , SAW THE PICS, YOU PUT ABOUT YOUR HOME.  Fab---------but I thought your area was dry?

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I've done the same thing at times so don't feel

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    It's the beginning of spring so this time of year is really pretty and very green.  Give it about six weeks and it will be dry, dry, dry except where we water.