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INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    But then I loose the guest bedroom, but the one bedroom has a double bed and a single bed in it. I wouldn't have to necessarilly give them two rooms, depending on the kids ages.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Do you think asking a mom to share her room with young children would be a bad thing. thanks for talking about this. b/c I haven't had anyone who would not think I was crazy to brainstorm with

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I would still like to have a room for DS to sleep in and visitors. The room could be made to double as there private family room. But we would all be able to be together if we wanted too.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I know it's doable, but the planning and executing. Catholic charities is a good start. The need certainly is there.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    All families have been hard hit, but a single mom who would not have to pay rent, Cath Charities may even pick up their share for utilities. Water isn't much, but ac/heat is a different story. This is sounding better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I wonder how schatzi would take to it?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    In a way it would almost be selfish on my part. The joy of having people here again likely would do wonders towards my own healing.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I think a single parent could share a bedroom with child(ren).  I am sure there is someone out there who would be a perfect fit for you.  There was a movie starring Richard Thomas (John Boy from the Waltons) about a family in financial problems who moved in with a woman who lived by herself.  It is a Christmas movie.  Worked out great in the movie.  Always does, LOL.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    In the thirties I remember stories of my grandparents taking people in all the time. All the kids that lived at home would bring people home that were homeless. My Dad said they never new who might be there in the morning.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    YES YES I want that kind of story. In a PM sometime remind me to tell you astory about my  mom taking someone in I have to do it by PM b/c it's still a secret 60 years later.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    I'm energised just thinking about it. DS the lawyer would be poo-pooing me. he's in the ultrconservative , be safe mode. The risk can be worked out. I'm not ready just this moment , but I could be ready by Jan.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Trees / driveway--------it'll be choas here for awhile, and then emptying the rooms of stuff I'd have to buy another storage shed, but with the trees gone that's workable.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    My mom and dad lived with us at the last house before he passed. It was wonderful, one of there 2 rooms was large enough for a couch and TV besides bedroom furniture. Then at 8 we'd meet in the big family room and all decide what we'd watch together. Great memories. Mom lived with us for 13 years--------she was a joy.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    We could do a thing like a couple of weekend trials or couple of weeks of trial with either party backing out without problems.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Kay I'm going to watch "BONES". So this is it for awhile . If you have any ideas keep them coming L&H&P's

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey SAS..3jays here... i know chrissy had a GREAT time with you, i hated stealing her away from you that night, but Mur was "on the road" to his parents in the am.. so sorry it hit you after we left...

     it was doubly hard for me yesterday.. chrissy left, and I was SUPPOSSED to go with her to shell knob. couldn't do it. no way. i paid dearly for the trips we took, but it was all worth it!

       i was so proud of you for making the trip by yourself!  now, you know you can do it!!(and well, ) i might add.. miami traffic is awful!!

       so, now, its' rest, rest... I reacted to the T4..kicked up on day 3. swollen eyes, swollen lips.. i may just be allergic to Levo itself. don't know WHAT they'll do with that one..i see the thyroid specialist oct. 5th. in the meantime, i'm gonna do one day on, one off, see if i can tolerate it. don't know how i'll EVER get to the working dose of 50 mcg.. we'll just keep switching it up...

       my girlfriend here , said she enjoyed meeting you, and enjoyed chatting with you, also, saturday.. FYI..............3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 Jays------the visit was as I said earlier The high-light of 2011 on so many levels. The only failing point was there just wasn't enough time. Interesting how fast the clock moves when you are enjoying yourself. It's okay about the wee bit of tears, I was sad knowing I might not ever physically see everyone again, but it makes here that much more enjoyable b/c we have the addition of the physical sense of the person. I keep repeating myself about you and Mur. The care and regard, I saw between the two of you, is very special. I love love love seeing this in couples versus seeing people at dinner in a restaurant and they never talk or interact in anyway. It makes me wonder what the rest of there life is like--------total absence. How empty is that.

    With you and Mur, it's as if you are one. It was the same with Greg and I.

     Tell your GF ditto. I meant to compliment her on her complexion. It is exquisite.

    This thyroid thing is such a mystery. Please let me know if you want anything researched. I used to be really good at it, now well not so good. I hope that your endocrinologist is the best in the world. I normally say when someone says the docs the best etc. it is just a overstatement etc., But in your case, you deserve right now for him to be the one that solves this. LET IT BE SO !

    I so understand about you saying you paid dearly for the trips. if you've caught up on the posts here. I've been back on pain meds since I got back LOL. But allot of that was from getting the house ready for my friend that stayed with schatz. So, lesson learned for me is don't Blitz activity. I could have spread it out over a few more days. AND my cousin had these step set of townhouse stairs. Sure glad stairstepping in the pool has been one of my exercises, otherwise I would have never made it LOL.

    If you are talking to anyone from Shell Knob see if they have Skype. Probably to late to get that set up. oh well.  I also thought yesterday That Chrissy should have gotten a prepaid disposable cell for her trip. Might still be a good thing for the rest of her trip. Not being knowledgeable at all, I believe they can be bought fairly cheap.

    Barbe suggested sending some of that overweight stuff she has gatheredby post, I thought that was a very good idea. I was so happy she took my warm-up jackets. So, nice they will get good use. They last forever.

    Your right about the trip thing , there was a part of me that fought to make excuses not to come and I knew it was fear of traveling. I fought that fear and won YEAH. It was uplifting to get by that fear. Frankly, I didn't know it was there until then. SO, another breakthrough to recovery YEAH.

    Well goodnight for tonight. L&H's SAS               Insomnia's going strong , but tomorrow can be a BED day, without guilt

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Sorry for leaving so abruptly last night, my battery in the computer went dead and for some reason the cord wasn't working.  Sounds like you gals had a wonderful time together.  I will try to think of things.  I'm on this "HOPE" team (or I was before BC) at church where we did some things like making meals for people int the parish going through illnesses and such.  I will e-mail the woman in charge and see if she has any info about the homeless program in the church.  I know it was a multi denominational thing, not only Catholic.  I'll pick her brain for advice as well.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    Kay still up never went to sleep. I posted some notes on the Cath thread about 9: 20. I have already talked with afriend. I couldn't get by the concept of implicit Trust issue.  With my friend I can. We already talked this evening so the door is open. We are compatible on all major issues. She has a cat and I have a dog.

    This damnable insomnia is going to do me in.

    I figured last night it was a technical issue. You can tell that when someone doesn't say goodbye. So, it was kind of funny I was brainstorming with myself. LOL

    Recovery continuing well? All drains out I have lost track?

    Re: checking with your HOPE team  Continue with that thought. I remember so many stories from my Dad and Moms generation about the thirties.  With so many people loosing their homes. Co-housing may be a viable solution for some. I have read about Communities that do a variation on it. It's communal, but each community had their own concept. Many people of our age may want to have a housemate. Reduces cost and oodles of things. 

    I'm going to check a couple of other threads and then try for sleep. Sometimes it gets to point it's to far. This afternoon I thought I was going to try after I stopped searching on my dx thing and someone needed help on the JUst dx'd- get prepared thread. I was spinning with C&P and trying to sequence logically .At one point I was dizzy from forward and back.and where was I  for which paste. I thought it was a hoot that I was C&P'ing the Mods new Just dx'd Thread three minutes after they posted it. Life can be a merry -go-round.-----Love & Hugs Enjoy your weekend with family. Cool SAS

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope you gals will get some sleep tonight. i'm probably NOT going to.. it looks like plain ole &4 ( which is free floating T3 SAS, is the culprit, not only the additives.. so, im just gonna cycle every 3 days.. we'll see. there's no way i can build to the helpful dosage, that way,, maybe dr. will know more on Oct. 5th.. im still bummed, i didn't make shell knob, but i never could have done it. i just wish they'd post some pictures...

    im gonna pm you, SAS.......3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3jays-------okay haven't seen a post yet, but may be it 's already come and I returned it. The worst part of this insomnia is, time is super distorted. It's 5 am.

    3Jays what if you took really small doses everyday? If you are say doing 25 mcg every three days, as your starting dose can you break it down to 12.5 or even 6.25.  for a few days say even a week then go up to 12.5 for a week then 18 then 25 ETC . Only go up by 6 mcg per week or x days. Overall that allows a really slow body adjustment. It's not as fast as your doc wants, but your body does not like being messed with. I missed what dose your taking every three days, but with a hormone the way you are doing it, it would be analogous to a roller coaster ride. Even if it's a small dose. It 's realtively high on dose day, then drops for two days then high on dose day. The Negative -Feedback (pituitary producing TSH) system would sense that as a problem and try to trigger the thyroid to produce more hormone. Whereas, if you went with the smallest dose possible for a few days and then kept moving up to the next level , the negative feedback sensing system in the pituitary wouldn't be triggered to increase TSH as much because you had a steady threshhold level.

    It makes sense to me , but did I write it so it makes sense to you?

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey SAS; maybe when i get to the specialist, HE'LL understand.. noone else will find a pediactric dose for me ( which I'm sure i need...) that'll be Oct. 5th.. its a huge PIA when they don't listen, thatd' for sure.....3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3 Jays , at least Oct 5th is getting closer. I hope he's a good Sherlock Holmes.

    I'm sure you saw Chrissy's post on Shell Knob-awesome. Badger got there from Wisconsin.

     Did you see what I posted about the brain MRI?  Remember I said I didn't pick up the results b/c I didn't want it to ruin our weekend. Well it's changed. I've given the brain tumor a name--- Little Bean. I got out the ruler to try to figure exact size---gave up trying to translate to inches from metric. Similar to Centigrade and Fahrenheit-----have to translate one to the other to be able to conceptualize what it means. Ugh.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    won't you be going to the dr. that ordered it to get the results?? everythings crossed.  the pics from shell knob are wonderful.. i hope i'll get to go next time  grrrrr    3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893

    3Jays. Doc appts are all scheduled, I just pick up my results at Medical records when they are hot off the presses.i.e either radiologist or pathology has signed them.  The doc's haven't even seen the results yet. I have already been able to search that if they send me for a bx this time, I already know that there is no one in the network that can do minimal based skull floor surgery. So, I can start the battle early for an out-of network doc. The neurosurgeon I originally went to is practicing just like he did in the 70's. There is "eyebrow and Keyhole sx now. I'm a candidate for the eyebrow sx b/c the Little bean is right there behind it. The doc's in net-work would all do a full blown crainiotomy to get to Little Bean. Lots of bad things can happen with a crani trying to get to the skull base. There are only 2 places in Florida. Orlando regional and Moffit near Tampa. The place with the most experience is in California in LA.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope all gets sorted out for yiu, /sas; its' a screy proposition, anyway you looknat it.. why do they feel yiou need the surgery? is it pressing on things it needs not prees on?

     i have a teeny tiny congenital tumor on one side of my brain.. but, they just "watch" it. as you might have noticed, i have challanges with cognitive stuff, its from the MS, and the strokes, tho. the tumor effects nothing, and grow sooo slowkly, i'll be long dead bf it even gets big enough to operate on, or cause problems.. at least, thats' the hope.. i sure hope you can have the least invasive, if you do have to have the surgery.......3jays

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope all gets sorted out for yiu, /sas; its' a screy proposition, anyway you looknat it.. why do they feel yiou need the surgery? is it pressing on things it needs not prees on?

     i have a teeny tiny congenital tumor on one side of my brain.. but, they just "watch" it. as you might have noticed, i have challanges with cognitive stuff, its from the MS, and the strokes, tho. the tumor effects nothing, and grow sooo slowkly, i'll be long dead bf it even gets big enough to operate on, or cause problems.. at least, thats' the hope.. i sure hope you can have the least invasive, if you do have to have the surgery.......3jays

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,893
    3 Jays----will see when all the docs get the reports. Mine were hot off the copier. If my doc refers me in network , it's going to be alot of work getting out of network approval. There are several new procedures available. The concern is the rate of growth.. Non- maliganant meningiomas grow at a rate of 1-2 mm per year . Mine was stable for 2 years. Then it grew from 9.4 mm to 15 mm since Jan. 2010, then a report 9/2010 that a previous meningioma was sclerosis(Scarred and gone), Now it says it's grown. So, I have to shake the rafters to get a third opinion as to whats going on on the scans. Someone may have screwed up. We will see. At least I have all the reports and can say that there is inconsistencies here that need to be explained beyond a shadow of a doubt. I also have all the CD disc's, so, whomever is going to have the final say about activity(growth) will have the exact MRI's and PETs to look at not just the written reports. Thanks for asking my bird friend. Your cognitive difficuties are hidden very well. Mine too. People look at us as if we are normal. They don't get what the tests show.
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    well, SAS; you certainly have all the ammunition!!! getting out of network approval IS hard, but you know how to stick to your guns, girl... what a scary situation. mine doesn't grow hardly at all; cognitive problems all from prev. strokes, or missing mylein.. the dr. looked at me strangely today; we had a appt with pain guy.. i told him my new MRI showed i had "swiss cheese " for a brain, lots of holes.. hahaha too bad its' true, huh?

       he finally gave me the valadation i was right. he says the MS has progressed so much, its' now attacking the thryroid hormone system, and it won't just stop there.. lots of new fun will happen,, as time goes on...hey; i've beat all the odds already..all i care about now is QOL; which will be going down, as the dirty little ms progresses. but, i got my kids raised, married my love, and still can get around, as you saw. i just pay WAY more than i used to. so, trying to learn to  "pace"  myself better.

        by the way; we had one of our friends move in as a roomate, for 5 years, till he remarried, and it was the coolest time we all had.. hope it works out as good  for you, as it did us.......3jays

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Oh 3 jays- I'm so sorry to hear about your thyroid problems and how the meds make you sick. I had never heard of those meds having bad side effects but then most people don't have the MS and other symptoms. You sure could use a break. I'm sorry but it does sound like you do amazingly well considering everything.

    Sas- I'm also sorry to hear of your issues with scans and such. I do hope it is just a technical mistake. Hope you are able to get it sorted out soon.

    Well, I'm up and my anxious and my mind is churning... I walked in on a robbery at my home on Tuesday and little by little I am now finding more and more things that have been taken.... I can't sleep as I keep thinking of what I should have done or what I could have done differently. Yes I was lucky not to have gotten hurt but I think I found I don't have the best panic responce such as get out of the house and call police first.... Anyway, one thing that was stolen was a ring my Mom gave to me that meant the world to me as she designed it for me. It wasn't fancy but it always made me feel safe and made me feel she was still with me. She passed away in 2004. Anyway, the police think they have been in the house before again probably with me home as it didn't seem to matter to them. So I'm thinking all the things I can't find might not be me not remembering but someone stealing them.... it is all awfully upsetting. The neighborhood patrol has seen the car in my driveway at least 2 other times...

    So, it seems like for about the last 15 years there is something big or out of the ordinary or just awful that happens every year sometimes more than one thing in a year and I keep thinking what am I doing wrong or when is it going to stop. I know I shouldn't really complain especially here as I do strangly enough still feel very lucky and very blessed just tired of getting "hit over the head" with stuff. Just want to have some time, even just a while where everything goes OK. I know many of you can relate to this.. just can be overwhelming at times.