INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours
This insomnia is really starting to drive me crazy! I'm always tired when I go to bed but just can't turn the brain off. UGH! I even did extra runs up and down the stairs at work today to get some extra exercise. Didn't work. So now I have taken some Tylenol PM and hope that works soon. So frustrating!
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Kitty please locate the Journal of Hypertension Aug 2005. It correlates the use of tyelenol and/or NSAIDS in creating permanent hypertension >>high blood pressure. This study was on women. After making this connection, a study was done on men , Findings were the same It was published in 2007. These studies were retrospesctive metanalysis type. I will try and locate where I put the hyperlinks and nring them here. If I forget remind me.
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There is a new topic, "Help, Daughter in need of support" on the stage iv thread. I responded just to tell her others would be along soon. Perhaps someone with more info than me can take a look see and maybe be some help.
Thanks Ginger
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Hey Sas, I'm here! Doing better today as the rash is starting to heal and fade in the fine areas and I've had two good reads on the INR in a row so that is looking promising. Just keeping the fingers crossed that all is as it should be tomorrow and then I may be allowed to go home................YAY!!!!! Almost three weeks in hospital is no
Love n hugs girl. Chrissy
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I hope that all is well for you and you are sound asleep right now.
Nothing is new here and boring is very good.
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Notself, Chrissy like me will be wide awake, its only 7.15 where she lives and 9.15 here. Boring is good as you say.
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Alyson, Chrissy
It's almost 5am here. I've been up most of the night. I recently switched from Arimidex to Aromasin to get away from SE's. The SE's are still here and now I have wicked indigestion and insomnia. The good news is I only have 5 months to go and I am done.
My onc says there is a spike in recurrences around year 7. That might be true, but I intend to take at least one year off from this stuff.
Right now I am drinking Chamomile tea and am starting to get a bit sleepy. I'm going to go back to bed when I finish the tea. One of my favorite programs on Hulu is "The Cook and the Chef". Great stuff.
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Anyone out there? Having a couple tough days just dealing w/life (just vented on Fuzzy's Romp Room for those who don't know abouti it). Would be nice to chat w/someone////////////////
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I am around, its getting on to dinner time. Will go over to fuzz's and read but chat away. Dinner is on.
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We will be starting a novena Tuesday Aug.14th . I have asked Frank to pick the novena. Please, keep him in your prayers daily as he is being chemo challenged at present. The herceptin has stopped working. We have many members that are having condition changes on the Catholic thread and throughout BCO right now. Please , join us on the 14th.
A Novena is prayers said daily for 9 days with stating the intention of your prayer. An intention can be for a person , group, or a thought. This will be posted on threads also. You don't need to be Catholic. Prayer is Prayer. If something in the prayer doesn't fit your belief system, substitute or omit that portion. We are an Ecumenical group which means inclusive of all.
Send your intentions to me by Pm or post on Catholic thread on sunday (preferrably) or monday and I will combine them into a one list. It takes awhile to do the composite list, thats why I ask that intentions be sent on Sunday, Pax Sheila(sassy)
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yoo-- hooo any one there
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This was the only place that the mods didn't wipe out the notice about the novena. I at first was , pissed at myself b/c it seemed that it was just for Frank. Later I realised that was important to all and me. He took life with gusto. We have no knowledge how he survived it. Since his change of condition report, we have heard nothing. So much prayer. So many rosaries. So much belief by him. He loved his princesses DD1 and DD2.. He was so proud of their accomplihments.I don't remember him talking of the wife. So, that is an unknown.
I ranted one night about war and killing and maiming on a different thread. The leader of the thread jumped in and said what dose this have to do with us. Frank came back and said everything, I said was true b/c he had lived his life in North Ireland and had experienced everything, I was ranting about. He had seen the horribleness of terrosism that took the name of a religion. He also saw the healing and the change.
It sucks we have no idea what happened to Frank-----if Frank is gone----let it be known that he loved his princesses That he had an abiding faith in God. He loved his sports. Lived life to the fullest. God bless you Frank.
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Sas--wouldn't someone let u know about Frank--it's been a while now.
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Hi camilleknow one knows how to contact him
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he didn't seem to being going down hill that fast, but no contact?
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Geeze I only talked with him one time he didn't sound well, but sometimes a family member comes on and tells us what'soing on, cuz they know they posted here. Or maybe he never mentioned it to anyone,?
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Camille ,that;s aproblem---if he bdidn't tell anyone to keep us up todate--and he gave no memeber MIA instructions we are at a loss.
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Yea u'r right, but since it'seen a while u can't help but think he is one--or maybe he;s in a hospital? I don't know
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camille still there?
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Yep I'm here
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feeling lost over Frank----if Frank succumbed and his family didn't know about us. They have no knowledge that thousands are praying for him.
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camille why are you still up?
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Well thst's what I think, but usually u tell someone close that u go to the boards for so many things, but men can be different.
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it's tough-----have know idea , bad part of screen names unless you share if you go MIA --no one knows
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Aheila u r involved in so much--which I so admire but u need rest too--it's to hard on u. Do u take somerhing to sleep?
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Yes, but Fridays are particularly hard for me, it was our night to go out to dinner and thendo a movie at home or out
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The first night I did this thread it was a hoot. We did 14 pages the fisrt night.
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I'm up most nites, but I just have me--so I can sleep anytime, I try not to sleep during the day, but it seems like I sleep only a couple of hrs. at a time ugh
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I felt a need to talk about Frank. felt comfortable here.
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Well u certainly knew hime better, but I felt like he was leaving us soon when I talked to him and I was so hoping I was wrong. and maybe I am