INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours
Took a much needed break. Made some resolutions for this year that I am sticking too and to heck with those that get mad at me for it.
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Taco #2 on Friday, been up since 2 or 3 am. The IV Benadryl has finally worn off and now I can't sleep. Did some Amazon shopping (but will review again later before pressing that "order now"), caught up on all my fav boards, snuggled w the puppers, lint rollered my pillow, drank 2 bottles of water, ate some chocolate covered hazel nuts..... Now staring at the ceiling fan wondering which pillow case I'm going to sacrifice to clean the dust off those fan blades and how much mess I'm going to need to clean off the bed after I clean those blades. Considering watching some YouTube videos but don't want to disturb the sleeping pup w the sounds.... Too late to take a pill form of benadryl and the coffee pot will be brewing for the hubs in another half hour.
My smart phones so smart it autocorrects Taxol to taco. I like that much better..... MB1
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Ha that is so funny about the Taco, yes it would be much nicer!
Now what can you cover your bed with? And do you really have to sacrifice a pillow case? We don't have ceiling fans in Ireland, but we do have dust, and plenty of it!
Pup sounds nice! XXX
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Put a shower curtain or plastic tablecloth over the bed. They make a long-handled brush that cleans both sides of the fan at once. You could add one to your Amazon order.
I grew up in Okla which is called the dust bowl for a reason. I hated dusting as a kid. Mom had dark Duncan Phyfe dining table, chairs and sideboard. It could be dusted twice a day. Mom complained that DD wasn't dusting the tops of the picture frames. It never occurred to me to dust those. I couldn't see them so it never crossed my mind.
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You know that bad thing when the sun shines through the house ...when you can suddenly SEE all the dust?
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Dust makes me anxious.
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Yep to the dust. my house seems to collect it Big Time! Was folding laundry this morning and my hubby was commenting on the dust that was coming off the laundry! Said it looked like the snow that we usually have had here by now! lol
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We have very active spiders so I not only see the dust in sun beams, I see many creepy spiderwebs that bloom overnight....
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We get daddy long-legs webs. They are harmless and most of the webs are at the ceiling or just below. Occasionally I vacuum the ceiling and corners and that gets rid of them. You can't really see them until they get dirty.
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I gotta remember to bring tissues or a handkerchief or something when I see La Boheme. My eyes started leaking around about the second half of the third act. Must be allergic to something in the theater. (This was the Lyric's production, in Chicago.)
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Good call on the shower curtain or plastic table cloth to cover the bed while doing the fan blades - I hadn't thought of either of those!
Not insomnia tonight, the Tylenol and benadryl just haven't kicked in yet..... My back and neck are killing me from shoveling snow - we had about a foot here in MD since Saturday.... I didn't even do that much of it - maybe 50 min total with about a 6 htr break in between. Also my L arm is heated and warm and I'm really really hoping it isn't the first sign of lymphedema.....
Best rest and dreams! MB1
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Queenmoncat (obviously allergic to having a heart)
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I did a bit of housecleaning yesterday. It tired me out so much that I went to bed at 6:30 PM. I think I will go back to bed so I can have enough energy to do some more. A messy house can be depressing. I am on the list to get some volunteer housecleaning help, maybe once a month, but for now I can keep it just above the depressing level. Then I have a quilt-binding to finish for the club meeting on Wednesday.
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FeelingFeline: yes, that scene. So tease me as a Grinch already. (Yes, I was crying. And I noticed more than a few sniffles and gulps around me.)
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Anyone remember the scene in Moonstruck, where Cher's eyes are overflowing with tears while watching La Boheme at the Met? It is my favorite opera!
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Preparing to get slapped hard with that winter storm coming east. Watching the news to see if anything has changed.
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Hope everyone is staying warm!
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hi all, I forgot that I posted while waiting at Honolulu. So...... we got delayed 2 hours. Got into Sydney about 9;30, 1 am Hawaii time. We had fun, dh spent 3 days with a friend In Brisbane but came back with a cold, which he gave to our son. I got a tooth infection while we were there. I now have a dentist in Australia! I got bit by something almost every night while there. Mosquitoes or something. Don’t think it was ever spiders. Always had to check for them ever night when going to bed. Only had 2 this time.
So went to a new dentist today (mine is on vacation for 3 weeks). I need a root canal on the bad tooth. So that will happen the end of the month.
Anybody know if Sas is a grandma now
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OOOH Smaarty, spiders and root canals
Nice to see you back
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Well all the snow and ice we got from that winter storm is gone.
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Logged on today and see no entries for 3 weeks. Is everyone tired of how is going these days or what? Too sad we’ve lost too many of our ladies keeping us away?
I’m pretty much a mixture of both of the above. It saddens me because this has always been so helpful
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Beatmom - I read this thread on occasion, but don't post. Thee is one thread that I am active on, but I will always come visit co. Stay well.
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Beatmon, for me it's also a mixture of both.
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I'm mostly on the older woman thread.
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I always check-in but I don't post often.
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I’m like Wren mostly on the radiation and older women threads but the fact is a lot of my BC sisterson those threads don’t post as often either.