INSOMNIACS place to talk in the wee hours



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Thanks gals!

  • linnyg
    linnyg Posts: 21

    well, here I am wide awake again. Pn anastrozole. I fall asleep around 10, then up by midnight. There's a cycle to it: 2 or 3 hrs of sleep for 4 or 5 nights. Then, I guess I'm exhausted and I get whole 5 or 6hrs., interrupted by hot flashes. Then the cycle starts over. I take Benadryl, melatonin, essential oil, Sleepytime tea every night. I exercise about 8 or 9 hrs/wk, always in morning. Never nap. This is torture! Will call onc tomorrow. Maybe trazadone. Do not want Ambien. We are on 'vacation' and with adult son and grandson. Trying to keep upbeat. But holy cow. I want sleep! Thanks for listening.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Posts: 617

    It seems that most of us are searching desperately for sleep, myself included. Misery

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Sleep  Oh Glorious Sleep. Hi Linny You are doing all the right things. If you try trazadone, would you let me know what you think. I have to change what I'm doing.
    Ya know that info about benzo's messing with short term memory. I will attest to the fact that it does. I take Ativan to sleep need to get off it

    Smarrty she looks so good. Love the name. So strong. 

    Loverly very funny.

    Queenie. STATS class is AWFUL. I never even attempted. Kudois to you for even attempting. A definite celebration is in the future when you are done.

    Mommy congrats YAYYAYYAY 6years.

    Cataract #1 doing good. 

    Only I could get a sore from facial waxing, on a drug. No more waxing.
     New cancer, Basal cell on my nose, MOHs surgery Tues.  Little bitty thing. Hope the base is itty bitty.

    hearing aids are coming along. Going to get the bell.s and whistles Starkey. But the revelation is I need to get a CELL PHONE. I've resisted so long. I -phone 6 or better. I will have son work on the phone part. They have this app that allows for all kinds of things. I figure I've waited 50 years, I'm going for the lambourghini of hearing aids.

    Family gathering to see Sawyer today. I' will try for some pictures with my kindle.

    Donnie got a haircut. Looks so handsome when he does. Anyone who has read Harry Potter knows his hair is suppose to be in disarray all the time. That's my Donnie.


  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Was having a pretty good day until I got news that a cousin of mine passed away. Didn’t even know she had been sick. I am shattered

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020

    Sassy: I'll let you know when I'm done with stats. It better be this semester! 'cause I'm not doing this bleep class again. If all goes right, I'm going to 'walk' with a Business-IT track degree in May and double back for a Computer Science applications development class from Local Community College

    MommyOf2: I'm so sorry to hear this. Shattered doesn't begin to cover my reaction if this happened to me.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Thanks qmc. Still trying to process it.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884


  • celiac
    celiac Posts: 1,260

    Wild Peep here - hahaha! Hello to all and happy spring!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Getting so sick of all the rain we have been getting. I need ☀️!

  • mnsotamom74
    mnsotamom74 Posts: 28

    Does anyone else not sleep in the bed with their spouse/significant other anymore? I had my ovaries removed April 3rd and instant menopause on top of starting anastrozole two weeks ago has my already life long issues with insomnia to be that much worse. I have found that when I do fall asleep, I'm easily awoken by light, sounds, etc.(even when using a sleep mask and ear plugs) and my husband wakes me up and then he's sound asleep happily while I'm wide awake. Two weeks ago I began sleeping in a different room and it's not perfect sleep but it's much better than it was. On top of this my depression/anxiety (also life long issues) have been beyond bad, seeing a psychiatrist to work on the best anti depressants, although she has said, I'm going to have to also fight like hell since there is no magic pill that is going to completely take all this away. I feel so bad. I've been married 26 years and cancer was bad enough but now all this other crap. I finally understand why after my mom's bc diagnosis and being put on Aromisin 8 years ago, she and my dad have separate bedrooms (same issue for her with sleep). I never wanted this for my marriage and we're still intimate, but I feel beyond guilty for not being able to share a bed at night with my husband, but so desperate for some sleep. I just wanted to know if it's just me. Thanks for letting me vent.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Posts: 3,644

    Hello! New to this thread.

    My hubby and I started sleeping in different rooms when I had my BMX. He was afraid of bumping into me in the night and hurting me so he started sleeping in the spare room. Then as I started having insomnia it just made it easier for me to have my own space. If he got up or even turned over it would wake me up. He gets up for work around 4:00 in the morning and that wasn't helpful with my insomnia either. So it just made sense to continue our current sleeping arrangement. We've been married 36 years, we are still totally in love and completely committed to each other. So much so that we choose to sleep in different rooms.

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Posts: 617

    We also are in separate bedrooms due to terrible sleep problems. I hate it

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    To all the moms out there including Pet Moms and for the moms in Heaven, a very Happy Mother's Day!

  • gailmary
    gailmary Posts: 552

    I thought we'd end up in separate bedrooms soon but then i stopped the aromatase inhibitor. I was very sad about the prospect. I think my chances were good of starting the night together but after waking, often cause I'm hot, I'd switch to the vacant cooler bed. Who would have thought that the cancer could affect even that aspect of our lives.

    I will admit here some of my sleep interruptions are due to a noisy cat wanting attention. He will be leaving us in another week or so.

    A lifeling insomniac,


  • mnsotamom74
    mnsotamom74 Posts: 28

    thank you ladies, feeling less alone about all of this. My husband and I had a heart to heart and he misses me next to him at night but he also feels so bad if he’s causing me to wake just as I feel bad when all my tossing and turning and in and out of bed wake him. He reassured me that where we sleep in the house at night is not as important as just continuing to be supportive and there for each other in our day to day living. It’s so frustrating, I knew cancer would change my life in so many ways, this definitely wasn’t one area I was prepared for

  • Freebee
    Freebee Posts: 58

    Just finished rads and my boob is a complete mess. The discomfort and stress is keeping me awake. When I do finally doze off, I get woken by a night terror (nocturnal panic attack). This is hell. Ran out of my sleep meds so drinking neo citron nighttime. I’m thatdesperate.

  • mnsotamom74
    mnsotamom74 Posts: 28

    oh Freebee I’m so sorry, that sounds so terrible. Sending you (((hugs))

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Posts: 617

    Someone needs to study why our sleep has gone to crap with treatment.

  • betrayal
    betrayal Posts: 4,015


    I had night terrors related to flashbacks from treatment. I woke up having panic attacks and then no sleep for hours. I mentioned it to one of my non-cancer physicians and was offered a drug named prazosin. It is a low dose antihypertensive, not used much anymore, but it worked. I take one 1 mg tablet at bedtime and can take up to 2 if needed. There are no hangover effects so that is the plus. Still have an occasional night terror but nothing like before.

    I still have sleepless nights due to other BC side effects and wish I could get someone to offer a solution for them. So, yes we do need a study on why our quality of sleep is so poor especially when it is so critical to physical and psychological well-being.

  • jmouse
    jmouse Posts: 51

    Freebee, that sounds just awful. I hope you find a solution soon. Sending healing thoughts your way.

    mnsotamom74, I'm glad you have a loving and understanding partner to travel with you on this road, but I totally get your frustration. Beatmon is so right: someone should study us all to try to improve our sleep.

    Someone asked me earlier tonight if I liked to sleep in late. I almost laughed like a Bond villain watching his secret lair complete with shark pool go up in flames. Pre-diagnosis and treatment, I liked my night owl self, cozily sleeping in late when life allowed. Now it's 4 or 5 hours sleep, changing sweat-soaked pajamas, and struggling to quiet my mind. Every night. It's so disheartening.

    We all could use a frickin' break.

  • rljes
    rljes Posts: 499

    Jmouse - I too was soaked to the bone several times at night, mind racing, no sleep / panic attacks during the day when I would have a hot flash in public and couldn't cool down.  My OBGYN prescribed Gabapentin - I was VERY skeptical - but taking just 100mg at night has improved my life.  I actually sleep for 4-5 hours straight, and hot flashes are not as severe.  

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Had a pretty low key week here. Only thing exciting that happened was that hubby and l celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary two days ago

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660

    Mommy - happy anniversary - wishing you many more years of happiness together

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    Thanks Karen

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Posts: 378

    Mommy - Happy Anniversary! Hoping you enjoy your day.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884

    It was a very nice day on Wednesday for our wedding anniversary. Still hard to believe it’s been 15 years.

  • Loveroflife
    Loveroflife Posts: 4,243


    Happy Anniversary, Mommmy.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884


  • Hello Ladies, I can go to sleep easy and usually early...but I find myself waking up anywhere between midnight to 1:30am and most of the time there is no going back to sleep for me.

    So I pray, read, listen to music, etc. thru my headphones (so I won't disturb my Honey), play and do research on the computer, etc. This has been going on for so long now that I just do my best to "make the best of it"...I am blessed that I am retired and can pretty much rest during the day if I have no energy for other things after being up half the night.

    I had this problem even before my diagnosis of I've been learning ways to adapt for a long time now.